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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Carolina Thu 30 Sep - 16:59

I believe that the McCanns do not really want to see the inside of a courthouse again since the hearings in January and February on the injunction were a total PR disaster even if the verdict upheld the injunction. That is why they have based their strategy on continually harrassing Gonçalo Amaral and his wife with lawsuits (such as the ridiculous one for breach of the secrecy of justice law) and seizures of salaries, etc. I am sure they realise that some of these cases will be eventually thrown out but, in the meantime, they are trying to wear the man down and drive him crazy. They are desperately hoping that he will give in and decide to settle out of court, thus avoiding any adverse publicity or any other information getting out to the general public in the UK.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Panda Thu 30 Sep - 17:01

I think if the McCanns had ignored the Publication of Amaral"s book and the Video, a few thousand copies would have been sold then interest faded. They could have wrapped up the Fund while there was still a healthy
balance, Paid all the Directors and any outstanding debts and handed what was left to a reputable Missing
Children"s Charity and faded quietly into the background and donated all the stock of T shirts to the Pakistan
Relief Fund.

Now, they are paying 2 Portugese Lawyers, a Portugese PR Man, presumably Clarence, Carter Ruck and
these Fees alone will wipe out the Fund, it"s not so much Kate, it is Gerry who thinks no one is entitled to an
opinion and if he thinks he will get E 1.2 million , I"d love to be in the Courtroom when even if he wins the Case, the award is a pittance. McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 294124
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Guest Thu 30 Sep - 17:02

The McCanns will NEVER enter any Courtroom voluntarily.

They assumed / hoped that Goncalo Amaral would have rolled over long befiore this.

They put up a bluff and he called it. IMHO.

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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Angelique Thu 30 Sep - 17:06

T4two wrote:
Angelique wrote:T4two

Yes, I agree it would be easier - but imagine if you will, you have to prove beyond anyones doubt, that you had no hand in the disappearance of your daughter. It will have become an obsession that they must silence anyone who says otherwise. I think others have said they must carry this burden, if it be true, for the rest of their lives, and in doing so, have to go on pursuing anyone who could gain ground with a different version of events. They don't bear the cost - the fraternity will - forever and a day.

I don't want them to disappear into the background - I want the strain of this burden out in the public for all to see - they will want to disappear and this is what I have said on another site. But in disappearing they get away with it.


I agree with your assessment that it has become an obsession for the McCanns to prove that they had no hand in Madelein's disappearance, however I was thinking about those people who did the deal, if indeed a deal has been done. I don't think that whoever 'they' are that 'they' are pleased to allow the McCanns to go on with their mission and constantly cause bigger and bigger problems. It seems to me that the McCanns have become the biggest problem or danger for whoever it is. Either the McCanns know something about somebody and have lodged this information with their lawyers as insurance, or they are pushing things too far and will ultimately have to be dealt with. The only other thing that I can think of as a possibility is that the civil action is being delayed so as not to prejudice a criminal case, but based on the experience of the past 3 years, I don't really believe it.

Yes, I understand what your saying - I get the distinct impression they do want them to go away and be quiet as you say. I agree they are certainly causing problems but only for the likes of us here on this forum and other like-minded forums, but I see no ripples of concern within the government in the UK. Indeed, every-time anyone contacts the Home Office they get shuffled off with some lame excuse - and it works. But it's also whether I/you/we/Mr/Mrs General Public can stomach the McCanns disappearing with 2 million and leave Madeleine as an unsolved crime. As regards the "insurance" which is being held on "they". I imagine it involves some pretty powerful names, powerful enough not to let the McCanns worry them.

The only alternative to your scenario is - we will have is Amaral destitute - no further forward in solving the disappearance of Madeleine and a nasty taste in everyone's mouth.

I think we have to give up thinking that our Government in the UK have any intention of doing anything about the McCanns. Not much of a choice either way.


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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Guest Thu 30 Sep - 17:11

Well, the sycopantic David Miliband has gone. The Curse Of The McCann Strikes Again. McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 371436

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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Carolina Thu 30 Sep - 17:14

Panda wrote:I think if the McCanns had ignored the Publication of Amaral"s book and the Video, a few thousand copies would have been sold then interest faded. They could have wrapped up the Fund while there was still a healthy
balance, Paid all the Directors and any outstanding debts and handed what was left to a reputable Missing
Children"s Charity and faded quietly into the background and donated all the stock of T shirts to the Pakistan
Relief Fund.

Now, they are paying 2 Portugese Lawyers, a Portugese PR Man, presumably Clarence, Carter Ruck and
these Fees alone will wipe out the Fund, it"s not so much Kate, it is Gerry who thinks no one is entitled to an
opinion and if he thinks he will get E 1.2 million , I"d love to be in the Courtroom when even if he wins the Case, the award is a pittance. McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 294124

The McCanns are desperate and this not the behaviour of innocent people. But Gerry thinks that he is far superior to anyone else on this planet and maybe in the universe and that no one has the right to stand up to him even if he has committed a crime. He is vindictive and will not hesitate to destroy anyone if need be. He suffers from a complete lack of empathy like a sociopath.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  MaryB Thu 30 Sep - 17:15

I was wondering what is due to happen next in this case. Did Mr Amaral have to pay the money or has that not been decided yet. also it puzzles me that a couple of witnesses for Mr Amaral could not give evidence because of secrecy. Can that really be fair? He may be telling the truth but because of secrecy it cannot be proved. But surely then it cannot be disproved if witnesses aren't allowed to give information.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Carolina Thu 30 Sep - 17:20

MaryB wrote:I was wondering what is due to happen next in this case. Did Mr Amaral have to pay the money or has that not been decided yet. also it puzzles me that a couple of witnesses for Mr Amaral could not give evidence because of secrecy. Can that really be fair? He may be telling the truth but because of secrecy it cannot be proved. But surely then it cannot be disproved if witnesses aren't allowed to give information.

It has not been decided that Gonçalo Amaral will have to pay the money and I sincerely doubt that the court will award these greedy bastards 1.2M Euros. In a case such as this one, it is normal to seize a part of the accused assets but the way the McCanns are going about it amounts to harrassment. The only witness who do not give testimony at the hearing was the British policeman José Freitas due to pressure from the authorities. However, GA's other colleagues on the PJ confirmed that everything in his book was true.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  T4two Thu 30 Sep - 17:28

The injunction against Dr. Amaral has prohibited Dr. Amaral from earning a living for the best part of a year. His appeal against the injunction was way back in February. We are now starting October and nobody can tell me when the case is to be heard. As far as I know, a date for the case to be heard has not been announced. I wonder how long it will take until Dr. Amaral is no longer able to exist without any income? Does anyone on this forum know whether this time frame is normal for Portugal or whether Portugal is in effect in violation of Dr. Amaral's basic human rights in stopping him from earning a living to support himself and his family without bringing the main case against him to trial?
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Angelique Thu 30 Sep - 17:35

Panda wrote:I think if the McCanns had ignored the Publication of Amaral"s book and the Video, a few thousand copies would have been sold then interest faded. They could have wrapped up the Fund while there was still a healthy
balance, Paid all the Directors and any outstanding debts and handed what was left to a reputable Missing
Children"s Charity and faded quietly into the background and donated all the stock of T shirts to the Pakistan
Relief Fund.

Now, they are paying 2 Portugese Lawyers, a Portugese PR Man, presumably Clarence, Carter Ruck and
these Fees alone will wipe out the Fund, it"s not so much Kate, it is Gerry who thinks no one is entitled to an
opinion and if he thinks he will get E 1.2 million , I"d love to be in the Courtroom when even if he wins the Case, the award is a pittance. McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 294124


Yes, I was looking at the award, if they get it, and not realising that it's Euro's not pounds Sterling, so they in truth won't be getting as much as I thought.

But they will be getting POWER - that's what they are after. It's - Look how powerful we are - we can do this to anyone who is foolish enough to gainsay us. In fact, I would rather they lost than let them have the luxury of being able to look at all of us with a smirk on their faces knowing that we know they got away with it.

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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  pennylane Thu 30 Sep - 18:09

In the past the McCanns pink pimp has announced all upcoming events with great pomp and circumstance, twisting and distorting the truth in his own uniquely sleazy way. Nowadays he has other fishy fish to fry.

We have seen how vulnerable the gruesome twosome are without him. Recently they have been bombarded with a slew of awkward questions...... forcing them to dodge and dive awkwardly to avoid answering them. If there is to be an upcoming court case against Goncalo Amaral, I believe TM will attempt to keep it quiet this time for as long as possible.........
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Panda Thu 30 Sep - 18:30

T4two wrote:The injunction against Dr. Amaral has prohibited Dr. Amaral from earning a living for the best part of a year. His appeal against the injunction was way back in February. We are now starting October and nobody can tell me when the case is to be heard. As far as I know, a date for the case to be heard has not been announced. I wonder how long it will take until Dr. Amaral is no longer able to exist without any income? Does anyone on this forum know whether this time frame is normal for Portugal or whether Portugal is in effect in violation of Dr. Amaral's basic human rights in stopping him from earning a living to support himself and his family without bringing the main case against him to trial?

McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 306321 T4two

The wheels of Justice grind very slowly in Portugal and I really don"t understand the delay. The thing is,
it"s not just Amaral who is losing money, it"s the Book Publisher as well and apparently thousands of the Books
were seized when the Injunction was granted, not forgetting the DVD produced I understand by TV 1.

No mention of Amaral"s other Book "The English Gag" which was launched while the Hearing was going on,
sounds as if this also has been banned, otherwise we would have had a translation on Joanna Morais
Blog by now. Unless of course the Publisher and Booksellers have decided to hang fire until the result of the
Libel case is known.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  T4two Thu 30 Sep - 18:39

Panda wrote:
T4two wrote:The injunction against Dr. Amaral has prohibited Dr. Amaral from earning a living for the best part of a year. His appeal against the injunction was way back in February. We are now starting October and nobody can tell me when the case is to be heard. As far as I know, a date for the case to be heard has not been announced. I wonder how long it will take until Dr. Amaral is no longer able to exist without any income? Does anyone on this forum know whether this time frame is normal for Portugal or whether Portugal is in effect in violation of Dr. Amaral's basic human rights in stopping him from earning a living to support himself and his family without bringing the main case against him to trial?

McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 306321 T4two

The wheels of Justice grind very slowly in Portugal and I really don"t understand the delay. The thing is,
it"s not just Amaral who is losing money, it"s the Book Publisher as well and apparently thousands of the Books
were seized when the Injunction was granted, not forgetting the DVD produced I understand by TV 1.

No mention of Amaral"s other Book "The English Gag" which was launched while the Hearing was going on,
sounds as if this also has been banned, otherwise we would have had a translation on Joanna Morais
Blog by now. Unless of course the Publisher and Booksellers have decided to hang fire until the result of the
Libel case is known.

Hi Panda

Thanks for at least addressing the question. I just don't see the point of going on and on about the McCanns not wanting to appear in court, when it's becoming perfectly clear that the authorities don't want them in court either. Whatever the reason for this 'delay' is, Dr. Amaral is just one person and therefore not as able as his publishing house to keep going with nothing coming in. Unfortunately people on forums repeating their mantra about the McCanns won't pay his bills. I don't see any movement across the internet to query the time this business is taking and put at least some pressure on the Portuguese, so I'm afraid the future doesn't look too bright for Dr. Amaral.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  jimuck Thu 30 Sep - 18:42

The reason the injuction on the book is being sought by the MaCanns ,is because the book contains the Gasper statement, its not about Goncalo Amaral saying Madeleines probably dead, it just cant be , because this is where the Portuguese investigation lead to, Madeleines probable death.

Payne instructed Mr Gerry to stop this book coming out in Britain, if Mr Gerry failed in this , then there is no pact, all in my opinion of course.

The MaCanns are hanging on by their finger-tips.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  T4two Thu 30 Sep - 18:55

jimuck wrote:The reason the injuction on the book is being sought by the MaCanns ,is because the book contains the Gasper statement, its not about Goncalo Amaral saying Madeleines probably dead, it just cant be , because this is where the Portuguese investigation lead to, Madeleines probable death.

Payne instructed Mr Gerry to stop this book coming out in Britain, if Mr Gerry failed in this , then there is no pact, all in my opinion of course.

The MaCanns are hanging on by their finger-tips.

One of the best explanations for the motive behind the McCanns' action against Dr. Amaral that I've read although I would query just who is hanging on by the fingertips since this 'delay' indicates that McCanns still have the establishment behind them both in the UK and Portugal.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Colonel Fabien Thu 30 Sep - 18:58

Panda wrote:
T4two wrote:The injunction against Dr. Amaral has prohibited Dr. Amaral from earning a living for the best part of a year. His appeal against the injunction was way back in February. We are now starting October and nobody can tell me when the case is to be heard. As far as I know, a date for the case to be heard has not been announced. I wonder how long it will take until Dr. Amaral is no longer able to exist without any income? Does anyone on this forum know whether this time frame is normal for Portugal or whether Portugal is in effect in violation of Dr. Amaral's basic human rights in stopping him from earning a living to support himself and his family without bringing the main case against him to trial?

McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 306321 T4two

The wheels of Justice grind very slowly in Portugal and I really don"t understand the delay. The thing is,
it"s not just Amaral who is losing money, it"s the Book Publisher as well and apparently thousands of the Books
were seized when the Injunction was granted, not forgetting the DVD produced I understand by TV 1.

No mention of Amaral"s other Book "The English Gag" which was launched while the Hearing was going on,
sounds as if this also has been banned, otherwise we would have had a translation on Joanna Morais
Blog by now. Unless of course the Publisher and Booksellers have decided to hang fire until the result of the
Libel case is known.

Don't worry, Gonçalo Amaral is not entirely without an income. As is often done, only a percentage of his income is frozen. He does not have a lot coming in but it does not equal zero.

"the English Gag" has not been banned. It sold very well, but like a lot of books it has stopped selling. No mystery there.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  deborah Thu 30 Sep - 19:03

How about giving away the book ?
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  deborah Thu 30 Sep - 19:04

I may have some funds available shortly
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  malena stool Thu 30 Sep - 19:23

The chicanery and long drawn out lead up to the court cases(s) goes beyond decisions taken by either the British or Portigiese judiciary or Government. I think, (although I have no evidence I could cite, or reason why this should be) that the whole fiasco is being managed from within the EU.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  deborah Thu 30 Sep - 19:47

Interesting !
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  malena stool Thu 30 Sep - 19:55

Why not?
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  jimuck Thu 30 Sep - 20:11

jimuck wrote:The reason the injuction on the book is being sought by the MaCanns ,is because the book contains the Gasper statement, its not about Goncalo Amaral saying Madeleines probably dead, it just cant be , because this is where the Portuguese investigation lead to, Madeleines probable death.

Payne instructed Mr Gerry to stop this book coming out in Britain, if Mr Gerry failed in this , then there is no pact, all in my opinion of course.

The MaCanns are hanging on by their finger-tips.

Any legs on the above senario,,,marky,angelique, panda, this is why they wanted the book injunction hearing all done in private , did they use the Gasper statement to get the book banned at their second attempt, because at the first attempt they failed for whatever reason, i believe they used the Gasper statement in their second attempt, they probably would have a case using that as the reason for the banning of the book.

They just dont want the Gasper statement out there, they really do fear the Gasper statement.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  deborah Thu 30 Sep - 20:19

Big up the Gaspars statement !!
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  Panda Thu 30 Sep - 20:49

Colonel Fabien wrote:
Panda wrote:
T4two wrote:The injunction against Dr. Amaral has prohibited Dr. Amaral from earning a living for the best part of a year. His appeal against the injunction was way back in February. We are now starting October and nobody can tell me when the case is to be heard. As far as I know, a date for the case to be heard has not been announced. I wonder how long it will take until Dr. Amaral is no longer able to exist without any income? Does anyone on this forum know whether this time frame is normal for Portugal or whether Portugal is in effect in violation of Dr. Amaral's basic human rights in stopping him from earning a living to support himself and his family without bringing the main case against him to trial?

McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 306321 T4two

The wheels of Justice grind very slowly in Portugal and I really don"t understand the delay. The thing is,
it"s not just Amaral who is losing money, it"s the Book Publisher as well and apparently thousands of the Books
were seized when the Injunction was granted, not forgetting the DVD produced I understand by TV 1.

No mention of Amaral"s other Book "The English Gag" which was launched while the Hearing was going on,
sounds as if this also has been banned, otherwise we would have had a translation on Joanna Morais
Blog by now. Unless of course the Publisher and Booksellers have decided to hang fire until the result of the
Libel case is known.

Don't worry, Gonçalo Amaral is not entirely without an income. As is often done, only a percentage of his income is frozen. He does not have a lot coming in but it does not equal zero.

"the English Gag" has not been banned. It sold very well, but like a lot of books it has stopped selling. No mystery there.

I"m surprised The English Gag has been on sale without one of the Forums, maybe, maddiecasefiles,
translating, to my mind it would have been very interesting. I know Ines on mcf did a lot of translating from the
Files. I"m pleased it sold well, I think the McCanns couldn"t bear to see their arch rival making money from
Madeleine"s disappearance.
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McCanns/Amaral - Page 15 Empty Re: McCanns/Amaral

Post  deborah Thu 30 Sep - 21:03

Google Gaspars statements
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