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Former Auditor-General of Wales Admits Child Porn Offences

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Former Auditor-General of Wales Admits Child Porn Offences Empty Former Auditor-General of Wales Admits Child Porn Offences

Post  Guest Mon 1 Nov - 14:17

Former Wales auditor general admits child porn offences

The former auditor general for Wales has pleaded guilty to possessing more than 100 pornographic images of children.

Jeremy Colman, aged 62, was arrested in February on indecent images charges.

He was remanded in custody after admitting 14 separate offences connected with possessing and making pornographic images of children.

His admissions came as he was due for trial at Cardiff Crown Court, having previously denied all allegations.

The charges originally related to possessing and making 429 indecent images of children between October 2008 and January 2010.

His guilty pleas came after the prosecution agreed to reduce the overall number of images to 182.

Colman also admitted a charge of failing to disclose a password to allow police to access information on a USB memory stick.

Colman has a home in Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan, but had been living at Orton Longueville, near Peterborough in Cambridgeshire.

His barrister Wendy Hewitt asked for Colman to be granted bail as the judge adjourned proceedings to 19 November for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.

But Cardiff Recorder Nicholas Cooke QC refused bail because he had concerns that sentencing could he held up.

In a statement issued after the hearing Colman's former employer, the Wales Audit Office, thanked South Wales Police for its assistance and said: "This has been a difficult period.

"Thanks to our new auditor general and the professionalism and hard work of staff, we have been able to move forward as an organisation.

"We remain committed to providing a first class audit and review service for citizens in Wales."


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Former Auditor-General of Wales Admits Child Porn Offences Empty Re: Former Auditor-General of Wales Admits Child Porn Offences

Post  kitti Mon 1 Nov - 14:27

Their EVERYWHERE.....is NO place safe from paedophiles!
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Registration date : 2009-06-21

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Post  Angelique Mon 1 Nov - 14:30

I get the feeling we are literally bumping into them walking down the street.

Surely not!

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Registration date : 2010-08-28

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Post  kitti Mon 1 Nov - 14:35

A police officer did once remark...'their is a paedophile in every street'..

We had two in ours and one who worked in the library lol...all the kids knew what he was like and they used to go their to wind him up and watch him....what a creep he was.

I just used to go to the library to get my TOPSY and TIM books....i was oblivious as to why the boys used to spend so much time in the library..
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Number of posts : 13400
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Registration date : 2009-06-21

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Post  Babylistener Mon 1 Nov - 15:20

You are right Kitti, paedophiles, rapists and low life lurk in every corner of the world, regardless of which country you live in. That is why it beggers belief that the McScums have the nerve to sit on national TV and tell us that thought it was safe to leave their three children in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country, and it was within the bounds of responsible parenting. I wouldn't leave my passport in an unlocked apartment. If my child went missing, I would trust no one. How well do you know your friends really. This Jeremy Colman's friends probably would swear on a bible that he was the salt of the earth before he admitted to child porn. If I was Gerry, after the Gasper statements I would have David Payne thoroughly investigated and not let him within a mile of me and my family. But they all have a "Pact" don't they.

Number of posts : 118
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Registration date : 2010-01-28

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Post  malena stool Mon 1 Nov - 15:53

The investigations into the Haut de la Garenne abuse had no real chance to bring any real justice with such a huge number of paedos apparently in high places protecting each others backs.
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malena stool
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Registration date : 2009-10-04

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