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Swedish t.v. interview

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Swedish t.v. interview

Post  fred Sat 24 Mar - 15:42


Same old, same old...
Forward on to 39 to miss the rest
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  wjk Sat 24 Mar - 16:15

OMG! I actually can't stand looking at them any more!!
That fake 'feel sorry for us' she does drives me mad!
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  fred Sat 24 Mar - 16:26

wjk wrote:OMG! I actually can't stand looking at them any more!!
That fake 'feel sorry for us' she does drives me mad!

Why don't any of these presenters ask them questions, like... Why didn't you answer the 48 question, why did you refuse to do a reconstruction? It is always an effing love in with the Mccanns
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  AnnaEsse Sat 24 Mar - 16:28

I got as far as Kate with her letter box mouth and hair in pre-celeb state and gave up!

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Guest Sat 24 Mar - 16:29

It's Madeleine and the Twins I feel sorry for - Madeleine was not the only victim of the unwise parenting to which she was (we are told) subjected: The Twins have to bear not just the absence of their elder sibling, but also growing awareness that the situation in which she found herself was wholly avoidable.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Wintabells Sat 24 Mar - 16:36

Still reprising the same script.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Panda Sat 24 Mar - 16:40

fred wrote:http://svtplay.se/v/2752582/skavlan/del_11_av_12

Same old, same old...
Forward on to 39 to miss the rest

Thanks fred......this must be a fairly recent interview, another publicity stunt to sell the Book I presume. I don't think the Presenter was taken in though and Gerry saying the Portugese tried to force a confession out of him is "Ludicrous". I'm just waiting for some intrepid Presenter to ask them point blank uestions, like why they need to sue so many people, spending so much on Legal Fees that very little of the Fund is actually spent on searching. Actually, I think Kate looks to have aged more since the Netherlands interview.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Guest Sat 24 Mar - 16:44

You can tell by the interviewer's face that he doesn't believe a word of it.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  kitti Sat 24 Mar - 16:49

GM looks like he's pissing himself under that a smirk...pissing himself because they believe his lies....
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Wintabells Sat 24 Mar - 16:50

fred wrote:
wjk wrote:OMG! I actually can't stand looking at them any more!!
That fake 'feel sorry for us' she does drives me mad!

Why don't any of these presenters ask them questions, like... Why didn't you answer the 48 question, why did you refuse to do a reconstruction? It is always an effing love in with the Mccanns

But, we know what the answers would be.

'Erm.... I think, you know, well.... my lawyer advised me that once you're made arguido, you're not required to answer questions, and by that point I was angry, like a tigress defending her young, because I now realised they weren't looking for Madeleine any more, but wanting to frame us and I didn't see any point in answering any of their questions'.

'Erm... I think, you know, well... we wanted assurance that a reconstruction would be of value in the search for the person Madeleine and we couldn't see how it would be, unless it was going to be broadcast to the public, which it wasn't. Our friends had already told the police everything they knew and would have happily attended a reconstruction had they also felt it would increase public awareness'.

Gerry would then take over:

'I think, you know, the key thing is that we need to influence the search and we're here in Sweden to raise awareness of our campaign. One of the key objectives is to put pressure on governments all over Europe to follow the US Amber alert system to make sure that when a child is abducted - and thousands of children are abducted on a daily basis - measures are in place to make sure that these children are found and their abductors are brought to justice'.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  kitti Sat 24 Mar - 16:58

When she opened the door after mat had left it wider, why didn't she notice how cold it was instead off going to her bedroom to look for Madeleine.

Why doesn't she think it odd that when leaving a child alone that they wonder all over the apt, doesn't she think a child could fall over and hurt themselves or does she think that a child would get bored and get up, make themself a milky drink, turn the tv on and sit on the settee sipping there drink.

She acts like madeleine was a teenager she left alone.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Panda Sat 24 Mar - 17:01

Iris wrote:You can tell by the interviewer's face that he doesn't believe a word of it.

Hi Iris......especially the part where Kate says she has written the Book for the children. Swedish t.v. interview 294124
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Wintabells Sat 24 Mar - 17:02

Interesting and unusual to see them separated for once and sitting opposite each other. She seemed very nervous with her quakey voice and trembling jaw. They seem to have a bit of new material - that they are capable of experiencing joy, just not unbridled joy, that they laugh to prevent people from thinking of them as cold and that they believe that Madeleine was taken by the man that Jane Tanner spotted.

Still a great deal of the focus is on dispelling any notions the public may have that they are in any way guilty of anything, other than of making it possible for an abductor to take the risky risk of stealing their child. Oh well - that guilt appears to be referred to in the past tense, so they've moved on, it seems.

What's their last memory of Madeleine? Well, the rehearsed versions, of course. The 'Last photo' and the touching thoughts of pride and gratitude at 9.05pm in 5a as he gazed upon his beautiful daughter for the last time.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  marxman Sat 24 Mar - 17:12

Iris wrote:You can tell by the interviewer's face that he doesn't believe a word of it.

I agree, at one stage I thought the
presenter was going to burst out
laughing. He covers his mouth with
his hand.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  fred Sat 24 Mar - 17:12

Wintabells wrote:Interesting and unusual to see them separated for once and sitting opposite each other. She seemed very nervous with her quakey voice and trembling jaw. They seem to have a bit of new material - that they are capable of experiencing joy, just not unbridled joy, that they laugh to prevent people from thinking of them as cold and that they believe that Madeleine was taken by the man that Jane Tanner spotted.

Still a great deal of the focus is on dispelling any notions the public may have that they are in any way guilty of anything, other than of making it possible for an abductor to take the risky risk of stealing their child. Oh well - that guilt appears to be referred to in the past tense, so they've moved on, it seems.

What's their last memory of Madeleine? Well, the rehearsed versions, of course. The 'Last photo' and the touching thoughts of pride and gratitude at 9.05pm in 5a as he gazed upon his beautiful daughter for the last time.

Most parents, think, well thank Christ she has nodded off at last. But there again most parents don't leave 3 babies alone do they?
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Panda Sat 24 Mar - 17:15

Wintabells wrote:Interesting and unusual to see them separated for once and sitting opposite each other. She seemed very nervous with her quakey voice and trembling jaw. They seem to have a bit of new material - that they are capable of experiencing joy, just not unbridled joy, that they laugh to prevent people from thinking of them as cold and that they believe that Madeleine was taken by the man that Jane Tanner spotted.

Still a great deal of the focus is on dispelling any notions the public may have that they are in any way guilty of anything, other than of making it possible for an abductor to take the risky risk of stealing their child. Oh well - that guilt appears to be referred to in the past tense, so they've moved on, it seems.

What's their last memory of Madeleine? Well, the rehearsed versions, of course. The 'Last photo' and the touching thoughts of pride and gratitude at 9.05pm in 5a as he gazed upon his beautiful daughter for the last time.

They slipped up on the timelines though, Kate saying 'a few minutes' when in fact it was almost an hour since Gerry had checked, Matt Oldfield said he didn't go into the apartment. Another slip up, the Door, since Gerry had gione into the Bedroom , how could Kate claim the Door was open further than when they went out?
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  almostgothic Sat 24 Mar - 18:22

wjk wrote:OMG! I actually can't stand looking at them any more!!
That fake 'feel sorry for us' she does drives me mad!

I had exactly the same reaction.
That 'Pity Me' expression sends my blood pressure way up.
And it's like watching the same episode of a cruddy soap opera over and over again.
With players from The Walking Sideboard School of Acting.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  kitti Sat 24 Mar - 18:24

Dont forget she was in the recovery position.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  SteveT Sat 24 Mar - 18:55

First that I have heard that they asked for a helicopter. Don't think the Swedes will be impressed with their parenting skills!

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Guest Sat 24 Mar - 18:57

And what is all this crap about "the Spanish border", there are no borders in the EU anymore and the Swedes know that.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Roasted Arizona Sat 24 Mar - 19:09

That interviewer doesn't believe a single word they said!!!
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  margaret Sat 24 Mar - 19:43

I don't think the interviewer believed them either! When asked about what the twins remember Kate tries to brush him off with 'well they were very young' Yes they were very young when they were left alone weren't they Kate and Gerry? Swedish t.v. interview 816281 and the twins say yoou shouldn't take something that doesn't belong to you. Amarals books Kate, amarals books..... Swedish t.v. interview 192282

And why is the abductor a male?? always a man abductor yet we had the Victoria Beckham lookalike who was a supposed strong lead.
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Roasted Arizona Sat 24 Mar - 19:56

They're obviously panicking a bit about the twins getting older and doing a bit of googling Swedish t.v. interview 25346
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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  Guest Sat 24 Mar - 20:07

It was also a "collective mistake". That sounds like a threat to me. Gerry's warning the Tapas crew that he's going to take them all down with him.

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Swedish t.v. interview Empty Re: Swedish t.v. interview

Post  mossman Sat 24 Mar - 20:27

Iris wrote:It was also a "collective mistake". That sounds like a threat to me. Gerry's warning the Tapas crew that he's going to take them all down with him.

totally agree. "collective" jumped out at me immediately. it is rare to hear gerry saying they made a mistake, collective is without a doubt changing the course of the sinking ship.
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