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Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt

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Post  Annabel Sat 22 Jun - 19:32


Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."

Sightings are good, sightings are proof, sightings are the highlights of the Madeleine story, fuelling the hope as well as the donations. But with the unedifying end of Metodo 3 and its main protagonists, especially Antonio Jimenez, the question about the veracity of some of the sightings arises again. And with the question about the sightings those that vouched for them, will have to look at them again with some humbleness. Ok.. joking...!!! I am talking about Tony Parsons who wrote such xenophobic marbles as "Oh, Up Yours Senor" and other trash. Either a mouthpiece for the McCanns or a perfect compass needle pointing exactly in the opposite direction of Truth and where to find it. I am sure there won't be any humbleness from Mr. Parsehole.

Tony used one sighting by an alleged Doctor - the majic word to grant you Tony's trust without any trivial credibility checks - as an example for more than 400 calls about alleged sightings that had to be true simply due to their excessive number.

"Dr."Naoual Malhi, who was ever so close with Metodo 3 and especially with Antonio Jimenez, travelled with him to the Morroccan outlaws, despite the risks for her personal wellbeing just because she had a pure and great heart. This is how Tony described her in one of his diatribes against Portuguese Police:

Clearly an intelligent, compassionate woman, she is so positive that she saw Madeleine being bundled into a taxi in Fnidk, in northern Morocco, that she has returned to the country with investigators from Metodo 3, the Spanish private detectives hired by the McCanns. It is worth noting that Dr Malhi neither wants nor expects any payment for her efforts. I believe her.

Perhaps I am an idiot
, or merely one of the millions who wants this terrible story to have a happy ending, but I still think there is a chance to get Madeleine back. Link

But look what one observant follower of the Maddy saga unearthed while trawling through the backwaters of the Leveson inquiry. An expense claim by Padraic Flanagan from the Express Group:

 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt Padraicflanagan
Padraic Flanagan, Employee No 510424 for €500, Cash paid to Naoual Malhi, Urbanacion Calahonda Royale, Mijas Costa, for exclusive buyup on Madeleine eyewitness. Link

So Naoual Malhi DID receive payment for her efforts. And if she charged the Express who else might she have charged for this sighting that never was?

So Tony, yes, you are an idiot.

A tiny coincidence should be mentioned for future reference: Naoual Malhi lived in the same estate as Amy Fitzpatrick, the girl that "disappeared" in 2008 and whose mother had also contracted the infamous Metodo 3.

With many thanks to bestbefore who found the snippet in the Leveson files

Eingestellt von Johanna um 17:46
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Post  Lillyofthevalley Sat 22 Jun - 20:28

TONY PARSONS = First class T**T of the first order! If they're was an award he would be first in the Que. Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 25346
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Post  tanszi Sat 22 Jun - 20:39

Oh how fab is that... well done best before.... talk about egg on face, and thank you Unterdenteppichgekehrt.  oh and a slice of humble pie for Mr. Parsons. imo.
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Post  wjk Sat 22 Jun - 21:20

 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 best before!
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Post  pennylane Sat 22 Jun - 22:14

Tony Parsons believes Naoual Malhi and Kate and Gerry McCann.  Nuff said methinks   Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 25346 

'Up yours' too Senor Parsons!   Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 678246

Nice work, bestbefore.    Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691
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Post  margaret Sat 22 Jun - 23:05

Wonder if he'll have the balls to admit his mistake, without any xenophobic comments.....
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Registration date : 2009-08-25

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Post  dutchclogs Sun 23 Jun - 7:00

 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 best before .To Tony Parsons  Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 738116
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Registration date : 2009-08-22

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Post  weissnicht Sun 23 Jun - 7:42

dutchclogs wrote: Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 best before .To Tony Parsons  Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 738116
Yep, same from me too  Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 294124 Brilliant  Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691
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Registration date : 2009-09-10

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Post  wantthetruth Sun 23 Jun - 9:21

 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 294124 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 294124 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 294124

 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 well done!
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Registration date : 2009-08-26

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Post  AnnaEsse Sun 23 Jun - 9:40

Brilliant Johanna!  Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691 Tony Parsons: "Perhaps I am an idiot..."/Unterdenteppichgekehrt 307691

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Registration date : 2009-09-23


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