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EU out question.

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EU out question. Empty EU out question.

Post  BelEddie Fri 22 Nov - 8:54

Could anyone tell me what happens to the EU population living in UK if the UK leaves the EU?

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EU out question. Empty Re: EU out question.

Post  katertaif Tue 3 Jun - 16:38

I would imagine that they would forfeit the automatic right to stay in Britain whether working or on benefits. The only reason they can come here without let or hindrance is that they are members of the 28 nations which are destined to become the United States of Europe.

I think though it will be some time before there can be a referendum on this, if ever. Cameron didn't actually promise a referendum come what may, he chose his words carefully and said there would be a referendum AFTER successful renegotiating of our position within the EU. Only the next week, Angela Merkel gave an uncompromising speech in which she said here would be no movement of any sort on Britain from the other 27. If you also take into account the countries that have joined for what they can get out of it; and bearing in mind we are a big contributor. Those countries who all have a vote equal to ours will automatically vote us down. So the success Cameron was hoping to trumpet just will not happen.

Then we have the European elections held just a few days ago the European Commission is more or less claiming that it never happened. Already they are busy telling is what to do about building houses and taxation just as if UKIP didn't exist, and the LIB Dems very nearly don't. It seems the EU has outgrown it's electorate, that came only a day after Cameron threatened to bring a referendum forward, so they took no notice of that either.

In any run up to any referendum, those same foreign workers will be touted as keeping Britain going, just as they claim our NHS would cease to be without immigrants from outside the EU.

How far UKIP will get I don't know before Britain and the EU are overtaken by that other looming disaster Islam
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