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Duke and Duchess in Malaysia

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Duke and Duchess in Malaysia Empty Duke and Duchess in Malaysia

Post  Panda Sat 8 Mar - 16:38


There was a bit of sniping about this because they had a week's holiday but I think this time they are going as the Queens'representatives.
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Duke and Duchess in Malaysia Empty Re: Duke and Duchess in Malaysia

Post  malena stool Sat 8 Mar - 19:25

No surprise that there's been a bit of moaning about the amount of time our 'betters' have spent out of the country. They are richer than God, own half of the country, with houses in every county, yet still sponge on the poor.

We, as a nation are 7 years into a fiscal depression, the pound is virtually worthless, we are still being flooded with immigrants who are encouraged to go straight onto benefits to which they have absolutely no right of entitlement, they are moving into what few houses are available for free and taking what few jobs come onto the market.

Our recent winter while never being really cold has dragged on, many been flooded for weeks, the South West has been isolated, prices rise daily in the shops, people are going into debt to have a break from SAD and our 'betters' nip off, time and again between hunting trips and polo matches, at our expense to dodge the faecal mess called the British weather.

I think we have a right to moan....
malena stool
malena stool
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