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The Latest From Joana Morais

malena stool
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  kitti Fri 6 Jun - 6:08

Phone calls frame Maddie 'kidnappers'

English Police say that Maddie McCann assassins are Portuguese and are involved in drug trafficking

by Tânia Laranjo/Rui Pando Gomes

They are Portuguese and have a criminal record for drug trafficking. The English police states that they assaulted the apartment at the Ocean Club resort, in Lagos, and killed Madeleine McCann on 3 May 2007.

The phone calls made before and after the crime were used as evidence to support the searches that have been ongoing since Monday.

Scotland Yard also ensures that there is a British witness who saw one of the men carrying a child in his arms up to the wasteland, situated less than 500 meters from the resort. The British say that he fled, but before he was able to bury the girl's cadaver.

They want to hear the three suspects, but they still lack the evidence to support the claim.

“Those who are going to commit a robbery do not travel on foot and they will not abandon a body so close to the crime scene. Moreover, there were no signs of forced entry at the apartment”, said Gonçalo Amaral, the former PJ inspector who investigated the case and considers that this new theory is not credible.

This version is, incidentally, one among others contained in the letter rogatory which determined that the searches would take place. Though it is the strongest, the British open the door to other possibilities. Other five suspects are listed, they also have a criminal record for theft.

Seven years after the disappearance, the British police now guarantees to the Public Prosecutor's Office that their claim was well founded. The description given by a British holidaymaker coincides with one of the suspects who lives nearby. The woman saw him speaking in English on the phone, as he passed, carrying the child in his arms.

in Correio da Manhã, June 6, 2014
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Post  wantthetruth Fri 6 Jun - 6:26

So, that's confirmed then. They're looking everywhere except to the parents.

The next 'Final Report' will have the aim of firmly placing the blame at the door of the burglars/drug smugglers/ocean club workers/take your pick, and the McCann's will be exonerated. The next 'final report' will be the one that counts. History will be re-written.

Job done Redwood.

I wish I was wrong.
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Post  weissnicht Fri 6 Jun - 7:08

chrissie wrote:If my memory is correct, John Geraghty looked after the car for them.  It was said to be because they wanted to have independent tests done but I don't recall ever hearing any more about whether the tests were carried out or any results.
I remember that too.
And mccanns own 'test'........... surely all the evidence was removed by PJ, and not left in the car when forwarded. And therefore..there was nothing to find, PJ has it all. Logically.
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  kitti Fri 6 Jun - 7:19

The car  was  taken  back  on  24th september as the  lease  ran  out.

Supposedly   tests  were  also  done  on  the  hair  on  the  twins  too
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  kitti Fri 6 Jun - 7:22

SY  end report doesnt count.

The  PJ dont believe  burglars did it..end off.
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  kathybelle Fri 6 Jun - 8:14

wantthetruth wrote:So, that's confirmed then.  They're looking everywhere except to the parents.

The next 'Final Report' will have the aim of firmly placing the blame at the door of the burglars/drug smugglers/ocean club workers/take your pick, and the McCann's will be exonerated.  The next 'final report' will be the one that counts.  History will be re-written.

Job done Redwood.

I wish I was wrong.

Good morning Wantthetruth

I completely share your views.

How can you be wrong?  Redwood has stated more than once, that the McCanns along with their friends are not persons of interest to him.  How can Redwood state without a shred of evidence, that burglars/drug smugglers/dead paedophiles/ cleaners etc., be persons of interest to him? Why is he letting the McCanns, who are the root cause of Madeleine's disappearance and their mates who lied for them, off the hook?

Is Redwood being ordered by a higher authority to find ways and means of exonerating the McCanns? If so who is ordering Redwood to flout the law and why?

It has been suggested that Redwood is setting a 'honey trap' for the McCanns, I don't believe that suggestion for one minute. If Redwood was not following orders and was serious about solving this case, the first people he would be investigating would be the McCanns, then their mates. The reason they would be investigating them is because for the millionth time the McCanns are the perpetrators of Madeleine's disappearance and their mates covered for them.

In the early days of the investigation, Redwood, stated that Madeleine was either alive or dead, he made himself look like a complete numpty, when he stated the obvious. He then he stated that he believed Madeleine was  alive, then he went on to say, how the PJ files had been studied and vital clues were missed. Redwood stated that he believed Madeleine was alive, he was in fact, dismissing the evidence that Eddie and Keela found in the McCanns apartment, which meant only one thing Madeleine died in the apartment.

Redwood has now gone from stating Madeleine is alive, to believing she died in the McCanns apartment. This can only mean one thing and that is, Redwood now believes that Eddie and Keela was right. So why isn't he asking permission for the McCanns to be taken over to PDL and questioned about this fact? After all cadaver scent was found on the clothing of Kate McCann and Madeleine.

When I suggested this is what should happen, in another post, I was told that the McCanns lawyers would not allow this to happen. This is complete rubbish.

A lawyer cannot prevent his client from being questioned about a crime they quite clearly played a part in, just as he can't prevent his client from being taken to the country where they committed the crime. If lawyers had that power, no one would be questioned, about a crime they had committed. If this was possible, the best thing that could happen is the McCanns are taken to PDL and questioned as witnesses. This way their lawyers could not be present when they were questioned.

The McCanns have never been cleared of this crime, the PJ were prevented from using the evidence that was found in their apartment, their car and in other places, thanks to the intervention of members of the British and Portuguese Governments.

If the McCanns were speaking the truth, when they said they left their children unattended, on the night Madeleine disappeared, then while that in itself is a serious crime, they would want the persons who took her, to be brought to justice and they would be willing to return to Portugal to give as much help as they could to solve this crime.

The fact that the McCanns never searched for Madeleine, did everything they could to hinder the case, tried and failed to permanently ban Goncalo Amaral's truthful book, 'The Truth of the Lie' and have now taken out a lawsuit saying his book has damaged the investigation, when it is they themselves, who requested the investigation was closed, shows to me that the McCanns story of events which they say happened on the night she disappeared, was nothing but a pack of lies.

Although this link has been put on this forum before, I'm putting it on here again, in case there are posters who haven't seen it. The article, where Goncalo Amaral states the McCanns wanted the case closed, is on the right hand side of the page.


Kate McCann also states in her book, that in some ways, they were glad when the investigation was shelved. I wonder what made her demand that the investigation reopened, when she and her husband demanded the investigation was closed, back in 2008.

Re Redwood's change of mind regarding Madeleine being alive or dead. In my opinion, Redwood's belief that Madeleine died in the McCanns apartment, has made a mockery of the lawsuit and the Judge should throw out the case. By letting this case linger on, she is causing more stress to Snr Amaral and his family. He may be confident that the Judge will find in his favour and in favour of the other defendants, but he can't be sure this will happen.

How can the McCanns be pleased with Redwood's efforts, when they know he believes Madeleine died in their apartment, then sue Goncalo Amaral along with the other defendants, for stating whatever is in the PJ files? Once again the McCanns have not taken out a lawsuit against the former PJ Chief Inspector, Tavares de Almeida, for writing his report, which is available for anyone to read in the PJ files.

In my opinion, the  reason they've taken out a lawsuit against Goncalo Amaral, is because he was not prepared to back down on his theory. Which is although he doesn't believe they killed Madeleine, he believes that they were responsible for whatever happened to Madeleine.

In my opinion,  the McCanns are pretty angry, that they lost 3 cases against Snr Amaral and they are out for revenge. The first two cases they lost, were regarding his book and the 3rd case was when via their lawyer, Isabel Duarte, they made a complaint, stating that Snr Amaral had made a false statement, to gain financial aid. The complaint was thrown out.


We'll see what today brings.
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  wantthetruth Fri 6 Jun - 8:26

kitti wrote:SY  end report doesnt count.

The  PJ dont believe  burglars did it..end off.

The PJ re-opened this case, and the PJ will either archive or close it. The first 'final report' will no longer count, it will be superseded by the final report from THIS investigation.

Kathybelle, exactly.......

My only hope now is that Spudgun is correct. But even if Tanner folded as he appears to believe, Redwood already gave her a way out via CW. History re-written.
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Post  almostgothic Fri 6 Jun - 8:50

Yes, if that is what has happened, it can result in frustration and understandably so.

It has been known for governments to give dyed-in-the-wool terrorists a get-out-of-jail card to further a peace process. It is, they reason, for the greater good.

It may be that a similar situation is at play here, to finally crack an as yet immovable and unsolvable case.
And it would certainly plummet TM's already fragile morale to new depths, knowing that 'one of their own' had informed against them.

As the song says:
Throw back the little ones
And pan-fry the big ones
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Post  wjk Fri 6 Jun - 8:57

"The woman saw him speaking in English on the phone, as he passed, carrying the child in his arms."

So who is this woman? I've never heard this before.
This isn't in the files as far as I know.

And this bit

"The British say that he fled, but before he was able to bury the girl's cadaver."

So, according to this evidence, her body was just left there? And never found in 7 years??!!
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Post  malena stool Fri 6 Jun - 9:09

wjk wrote:"The woman saw him speaking in English on the phone, as he passed, carrying the child in his arms."

So who is this woman? I've never heard this before.
This isn't in the files as far as I know.
I do vaguely remember this wjk, although I can't remember when or which forum it was a topic on. I'm sure it was mocked by lots of comments of "How can you see someone speaking English."
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Post  chrissie Fri 6 Jun - 10:00

I don't remember this at all.
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The Latest From Joana Morais - Page 2 Empty Re: The Latest From Joana Morais

Post  kitti Fri 6 Jun - 10:27

Without evidence to support that three burglars did it the The pj can't rewrite history .

The first report had the dog evidence and cadaver scent linking the mccanns.

The second report will have what?
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Post  jassi Fri 6 Jun - 10:30

wjk wrote:"The woman saw him speaking in English on the phone, as he passed, carrying the child in his arms."

So who is this woman? I've never heard this before.
This isn't in the files as far as I know.

And this bit

"The British say that he fled, but before he was able to bury the girl's cadaver."

So, according to this evidence, her body was just left there? And never found in 7 years??!!

Perhaps she overheard him saying " It's a disaaaster "
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Post  tanszi Fri 6 Jun - 13:57

it really is a fairy story with a very bad ending!imo
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