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Scarlett Keeling

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Susan Sun 12 Oct - 8:56

6:36am UK, Sunday October 12, 2008

The mother of British teenager found raped and murdered on a Goa beach has been summoned to India to answer allegations of child neglect.

Fiona MacKeown has been campaigning for justice following the death of her 15-year-old daughter Scarlet Keeling in February.

She believes authorities have made a number of attempts to cover up Scarlett's killing as an accident.

Now Goa's Directorate of Women and Child Development has ordered Mrs MacKeown, 43, to appear before the courts on October 15.

Her lawyer, Vikram Varma, said she would not attend the hearing and the allegations had "no substance".

Mr Varma said powerful forces in Goa wanted to cover up Scarlett's death.

He said: "They have prejudged her.

"They will try to ensure that Fiona does not come to India to give her testimony about Scarlett.

"They want what happened to Scarlett to be an accident."

The body of the 15-year-old was found on Anjuna beach in Goa on February 19.

She had been left in the care of a 25-year-old tour guide while Mrs MacKeown, from Bradworthy, Devon, went travelling with her six other children.

Police said initially that her death was an accidental drowning but, after a sustained campaign by Mrs MacKeown, the results were re-examined and a second post-mortem examination held.

The results revealed Scarlett was killed and a murder investigation was launched.

The tests also showed that Scarlett was given Ecstasy, cocaine and LSD on the night she died.

Nerlon Albuquerque, the police officer who first investigated the death, was dismissed in April.

Two men were arrested, Samson D'Souza, 29, and Placido Carvalho, aged between 30 and 35, who have appeared in court on suspicion of drugging Scarlett and assisting in the murder by that act.

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Registration date : 2008-07-21


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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 12 Oct - 21:48

I dont suppose she has anyone high up on her side fighting her case

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Mon 13 Oct - 9:23

lincs wrote:I dont suppose she has anyone high up on her side fighting her case

But why not lincs ?

If the level of support provided to the McCanns was the norm for the parents of British children abducted and/or murdered abroad, why have we not seen the British Ambassador for India standing beside Scarletts mother ? As a single mother with no powerful friends or media contacts, Fiona MacKeown needs more support than Kate and Gerry Mccann, IMO.

I would just like to add that had Scarlett lived in Scotland she would have been deemed to be an adult on her 16th birthday. She could have got married without parental consent, and if she had been in care, she would have been discharged and expected to stand on her own two feet.
If she had been resident on the Isle of Man she could have been issued with a full driving licence,(subject to passing the necessary test) once she was 16 years old, so to charge her mother with neglect is beyong belief and the UK Government should be taking action against this injustice.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Mon 13 Oct - 15:08

Actually Clarence Mitchell is acting for her, he is her spokesman and I have to say that I do think this woman should answer charges of neglect..I would not have left a child of mine at 15 years old with anyone that I hadn't known for a very long time.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 19 Oct - 21:18

This is ABSURD!! How can she be charged with neglect and not the Mccanns nor the tapas lot??

They should ALL be charged with neglect!! The world has gone mad.

edit: in fact i am going to post this on Sky to see what the pro's have to say....

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Mon 20 Oct - 7:14

I could be wrong but it looks to me as though different countries have different laws on what constitutes neglect. Weren't the McCanns not charged because, in Portugal, the neglect issue has to be associated with KNOWING that the neglect could result in harm? The McCanns insisted that this had never occured to them, in the back garden etc., despite leaving the patio door open in case of fire. In the UK no such intention is necessary. Ignorance is no defence etc., so they would certainly have had the children placed into care while an assessment of the whole family circumstances was made. Legal action would also be considered by the local authority solicitors department.
I don't know what the law is in India, but I bet the McCanns are glad they didn't go there for their holidays.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Mon 20 Oct - 14:05

Well i posted this on sky last night and i think it has been deleted anyhow.....?

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 11:41

Inhaling deeply from a hash pipe: Scarlett Keeling's mother just days before Goa murderer struck

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-03A795AF000005DC-40_468x350

The acceptance of drug use within 44-year-old Mrs MacKeown’s family seems clear in a second photograph – this time of Scarlett sitting on a beach, hashish joint in hand and a detached expression on her face.

Beside her, a younger brother and sister sit apparently oblivious to their sibling’s habit. The photographs were taken by Mr Clarke during the family’s fateful holiday to Goa between October 2007 and February last year.

He approached The Mail on Sunday with the pictures after a Channel 4 documentary, Who Killed Scarlett?, was screened two weeks ago.

He has also asked India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take his statement. And detectives are due to fly to Britain later this month to interview Mrs MacKeown again about the events surrounding Scarlett’s murder.

‘That Channel 4 film was the final straw,’ said Mr Clarke, a divorcee who brought up two sons as a single parent. ‘I feel desperately sorry for Fiona. I know that she loves her children and that she is still grieving. But she has portrayed a totally false image of herself.

‘She is in denial about her role in Scarlett’s death. She could and should have prevented it. Every time I tried to intervene, to keep Scarlett with the family and away from the drugs and party scene, Fiona would tell me, “They’re not your kids – mind your own business.” ’

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Victim: 15-year-old Scarlett rolling a joint

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 11:42

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-03A7977A000005DC-869_468x352

Mr Clarke, 48, claimed that Mrs MacKeown was warned about Scarlett’s drug dealing by one of her older sons.

‘She knew Scarlett was living with Julio Lobo and not, as she tries to suggest, his devout aunts,’ he said. ‘She also knew that Lobo was familiar with the drugs scene and that Scarlett was planning a mysterious trip with him to Finland.

‘Yet still she allowed her daughter to spend six weeks with him while the rest of us were 100 miles away. The Indian police arrested two people for rape and murder.

'They may have raped Scarlett but I don’t think they killed her. From Lobo’s behaviour, the account he gave to us of her death, the unexplained scratches on his neck and arms the day after ... I would say he has many questions still to answer.’

'She was only 15 and sharing a bed with him'

Twelve days before she died, Scarlett pleaded with her mother for Lobo to be kept away, said Mr Clarke. Within hours he had turned up on the pretext of escorting her to a funeral and she was allowed to go off with him.

Mr Clarke, from Launceston in Cornwall, said that apart from Scarlett, Fiona was looking after seven of her other children in Goa – Silas, then 16, Merlin, 13, Kis, 12, Isis, ten, Kincaid, nine, Trinity, six, and Aurora, five. Her children are the progeny of five different fathers.

Silas returned to their home in a caravan compound near Bradworthy, North Devon, in November 2007 to attend college. Hal, her eldest son, took no part in the trip.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Tragedy awaits: Scarlett, centre, smokes a joint on Om Beach beside two of her eight siblings

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 11:43

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-03A796B6000005DC-556_468x307

Mr Clarke revealed a number of key incidents that increased stress within the family before the murder. These included a vicious fight between Scarlett and her mother in the early weeks of the trip after Scarlett refused to spend an evening in.

‘They were swinging each other round by their hair,’ said Mr Clarke. ‘Scarlett had to be restrained and was locked in a room. Afterwards she had a quick chat with her mother. Then she got her own way and went out.

‘She was seeing Lobo from November 2007 and we began getting complaints from Kis that the two of them were sharing her bed. But Fiona didn’t see a problem with that. She told Kis, “That’s what they do round here".’

By January 2008, the family had virtually no money left. Fiona had arranged for her £500-a-week UK social security benefits to be paid into her bank account, but when she checked cash machines in Goa, the balance remained low.

A friend back home was using the money to settle unpaid bills at the family’s caravan compound. And Mr Clarke’s cash card stopped working, denying him access to his £43 weekly benefits. So for three weeks the family could scrape together enough for only fruit and a daily bowl of rice.

The tragic events that engulfed the holiday were centred on Anjuna in northern Goa, and Om Beach some 110 miles to the south.

Both Mrs MacKeown and Mr Clarke knew Anjuna well – particularly Curlies Bar, where they had been based during a trip early in 2007.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Scarlett's boyfriend Julios Lobo has a 'great deal to explain'

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 11:45

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-03A9CF2F000005DC-958_468x348

It was around here that Scarlett would spend her last night alive, lost in a haze of cocaine, LSD and Ecstasy, before being raped and murdered on February 18 last year.

Mr Clarke’s relationship with Mrs MacKeown began two years earlier when she walked into his hydroponics equipment shop, Grow World, in Launceston.

They saw each other regularly although he remained in the modest semi he shares with sons Kieran, 22, and Dominic, 18.

‘When I met Fiona, I thought she was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen,’ said Mr Clarke. ‘Our first months in Goa were fantastic.

‘Fiona called it a pikey’s paradise. You could buy good hashish for a few rupees – around £2.50 per gram. We would spend our days lounging on the beach and our nights in the bars – particularly Curlies, where Scarlett met Lobo. The drink was cheap and we drank a lot of it.

‘Fiona smoked hashish whenever it was available. She attracted crowds of Indian men because she refused to cover her body on the beach. I told her it would cause trouble but she said she wasn’t going to “bow down to no Indian”.’

By December 2007, they used the last of their savings to buy a second-hand Jeep and moped. Leaving Scarlett with Lobo, they headed south to Om Beach.

Apart from a fleeting visit from Scarlett, during which she crashed the moped, Mr Clarke said she was only occasionally in contact by mobile phone. Her mother has claimed they spoke regularly.

‘Sometimes we’d hear nothing for a week,’ said Mr Clarke. ‘That’s partly because mobile phone signals were unreliable but also because Lobo wanted it that way. Scarlett depended on him for everything – phone, money, food, digs and transport. She told both me and Fiona that she was using ketamine.

‘During this period the kids got very hungry. We bought a bit of fruit for breakfast and ate one meal a day, usually garlic rice. Occasionally we could buy fish cheaply from boats landing on the beach.

‘We even tried spear-fishing, standing in the shallows with a home-made spear. I later found out it was illegal.

‘We couldn’t afford proper accommodation so we strung hammocks between palm trees on the beach. This was the one time we had no drink or drugs – there was no money.’

Mr Clarke admits that they had a lot of rows. ‘I found out that my son Kieran, who was looking after Fiona’s place in Devon for £70 per week, was having a nightmare experience,’ he said.

‘He had no money to buy feed for the horses – hay alone was £200 per month – and he couldn’t pay vets’ bills or even purchase diesel for the generator. No one would supply him until Fiona’s friend had paid the bills.

‘As a result, at least six of the dogs Fiona breeds died. She blamed Kieran for all these problems, which was so unfair. He could do nothing without money.’

Eventually, Mrs MacKeown’s benefit money began to arrive in her bank account and Kieran sold some of her Staffordshire bull terrier puppies.

In Goa, the family’s financial crisis began to ease.

Mr Clarke said the atmosphere improved further when Scarlett announced she would spend a week with her family at Om Beach. She arrived with Lobo, but on February 5 he returned to Anjuna without her.

Mr Clarke was despatched north on the same day to pick up her clothes from Lobo’s flat. He believed she had made up her mind to cool the relationship.

Scarlett’s own diary bears this out. In one extract, seen by The Mail on Sunday, she drew a simple sketch, apparently of herself crying, and wrote: ‘Julio came along and is taking me to Finland and has done so much for me and my family.

'UK benefits paid for our drink and drugs'

‘But sometimes I just think he’s using me, he says he loves me but I don’t think so. Then he treats me like I’m only with him 4 his money or sex and tries bribing me with parties and stuff and it’s so messed up.’

Mr Clarke said: ‘At Julio’s flat in Anjuna, he told me he was returning to Om Beach to get Scarlett. I said that couldn’t be right – she was spending a few weeks with us.

‘He got very agitated and said he wanted to hear it from Scarlett herself. He kept saying he’d got a free train ticket for her to travel to Mumbai. It sounded suspicious in itself. You get nothing free in India.

‘He’d already told me he planned to work the clubs in Finland, like the Ministry of Sound, handing out fliers. It was a bit mysterious, to say the least. I believe Scarlett was going to Finland as a drug mule. White Europeans rarely get stopped by the Indians for drug searches.’

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 11:45

Mr Clarke rang Mrs MacKeown from Anjuna to say Lobo was returning to Om. ‘I could hear Scarlett shouting and screaming in the background,’ said Mr Clarke. ‘She was screaming, “I don’t want to see him. Don’t bring him back to Om Beach. Just bring my stuff.”

‘To me it was clear that she’d had enough of Lobo, enough of the partying. He was also getting very possessive. Despite what Fiona later claimed, Lobo did not have a current girlfriend.

‘I arrived back at Om Beach on February 6 to find Lobo had beaten me to it. He’d arrived at 5.30am and convinced Scarlett to return with him to Anjuna. He told her the mother of Edward Nunes, who owns Curlies Bar, had died and they needed to go to the funeral.

‘I have since been told that this was rubbish. There was no funeral. Fiona just let it happen. When I asked her why she didn’t intervene I was told, yet again, that it was nothing to do with me.’

Twelve days later Fiona received a phone call from Lobo saying that Scarlett had been found dead.

Initially, Lobo feared he could be prosecuted under the Goa Children’s Act for unlawful sex with a minor. He took advantage of an Indian law allowing him to apply for bail in anticipation of being charged. But the only allegation against him so far involves his failure to declare that he was living with a foreigner – Scarlett.

Two men were initially arrested in connection with her rape and murder – Placido Carvalho, a businessman linked to illegal gambling, and barman Samson D’Souza. Both have since been released on bail and police appear no closer to finding the killer.

However, a child neglect inquiry remains active. On February 19, Mrs MacKeown received an email from the CBI in Mumbai advising that officers were ‘eagerly waiting for your examination and recording of further statements’.

They said a formal request had been made from the Children’s Court in Panaji, Goa, to the ‘competent authority in UK’.

Mr Clarke believes that the Indian officers will also question Mrs MacKeown about Lobo. ‘When Julio first told us that Scarlett was dead, he spoke of murder,’ said Mr Clarke. ‘Yet the police at that time were still talking of an accidental drowning.

‘At the police station later he had deep scratches down his arm and neck. And his alibi seems to be that he was out searching for Scarlett when she went missing.

‘In the aftermath of her death he stopped me in the street on three occasions. He didn’t act like he was in love with a 15-year-old girl. All he cared about was how much he’d invested in Scarlett. He has a great deal to explain.

‘I hope that Scarlett’s killer is brought to justice for the sake of Fiona and all her children. But when Fiona meets the Indian police she also needs to face the truth. She should never have let Scarlett go.’

Mrs MacKeown yesterday admitted she had smoked ‘charis’ (hashish resin) in Goa and that she had seen Scarlett smoking joints.

‘I used to occasionally smoke the charis that he [Mr Clarke] used to buy but I don’t smoke anything now,’ she said. ‘I was aware Scarlett would smoke a joint but she was very sensible with it.’

Mrs MacKeown said Lobo had ‘behaved really sketchily’ when, 12 days before the murder, he took Scarlett away from Om Beach and back to Anjuna.

‘I said no to her initially,’ she said. ‘I wanted her to stay with us. But she pestered and pestered and I ended up letting her go, which I obviously regret very much.’


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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 13:48

Jennifer wrote:Scarlett Keeling Article-0-03A7977A000005DC-869_468x352

Mr Clarke, 48, claimed that Mrs MacKeown was warned about Scarlett’s drug dealing by one of her older sons.

‘She knew Scarlett was living with Julio Lobo and not, as she tries to suggest, his devout aunts,’ he said. ‘She also knew that Lobo was familiar with the drugs scene and that Scarlett was planning a mysterious trip with him to Finland.

‘Yet still she allowed her daughter to spend six weeks with him while the rest of us were 100 miles away. The Indian police arrested two people for rape and murder.

'They may have raped Scarlett but I don’t think they killed her. From Lobo’s behaviour, the account he gave to us of her death, the unexplained scratches on his neck and arms the day after ... I would say he has many questions still to answer.’

'She was only 15 and sharing a bed with him'

Twelve days before she died, Scarlett pleaded with her mother for Lobo to be kept away, said Mr Clarke. Within hours he had turned up on the pretext of escorting her to a funeral and she was allowed to go off with him.

Mr Clarke, from Launceston in Cornwall, said that apart from Scarlett, Fiona was looking after seven of her other children in Goa – Silas, then 16, Merlin, 13, Kis, 12, Isis, ten, Kincaid, nine, Trinity, six, and Aurora, five. Her children are the progeny of five different fathers.

Silas returned to their home in a caravan compound near Bradworthy, North Devon, in November 2007 to attend college. Hal, her eldest son, took no part in the trip.

She's sitting there at 15 with a joint and a beer and her mother knew she was sleeping with this guy too?

What is this world coming to?

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Guest Sun 1 Mar - 15:42

She looked stoned right there in that picture.

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Susan Sun 1 Mar - 18:48

eddie wrote:Unvbelievable. I don't know why a mother would go off and leave her 15 year old alone in a strange country anyway....

I just dont believe I'm reading that!

If she allowed this with Scarlett then she'll allow it with the other children when they get to that age....if not sooner...

I think she should be prosecuted for neglect before its too late for the others!

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Registration date : 2008-07-21


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Scarlett Keeling Empty Scarlett Keeling Trial Begins

Post  Guest Mon 5 Apr - 19:38

Goa policeman: My shock at finding naked body of Scarlett Keeling, 15, face down on beach

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 5:40 PM on 05th April 2010
Comments (2) Add to My Stories

An Indian policeman told today how he found the body of British teenager Scarlett Keeling lying half-submerged on a tourist beach.
Police Constable Gurunath Naik was the first of more than 70 witnesses who will be called in the trial of two men accused of killing 15-year-old Scarlett.
He told the Goa Children's Court in Panaji that he was on duty at Anjuna police station when he responded to a call stating that a person had been found lying on the seashore.

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-0902A2D3000005DC-362_224x423Scarlett Keeling Article-0-0901FE6B000005DC-29_224x423
Witness: PC Gurunath Naik arriving at court today (left) and victim Scarlett Keeling

The bruised body of Scarlett, from Bideford, Devon, was found on Goa's Anjuna beach in February 2008.
The 29-year-old constable said he was asked to visit the beach after an unknown caller informed the police station of the presence of a body.
Mr Naik added that he found the naked body of a girl lying face down on Anjuna beach with the waves lapping at it.
'The eyes were partly open, the mouth was partly open too with froth, while orange-coloured slippers were lying two to three metres away from the body,' he told BP Deshpande, the president of the court.
The constable said he dragged the body out of the water and covered it with a sheet. Having informed his superiors, Mr Naik waited near the body until other officers arrived.

Scarlett Keeling Article-0-0902A2BB000005DC-216_224x423Scarlett Keeling Article-0-0902D67B000005DC-814_224x423
Accused: Samson D'Souza (left) and Placido Carvalho, and his wife, at court today

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Anjuna beach: Where Scarlett's body was found with waves lapping around her

During cross-examination, the defence counsel found that several statements from Mr Naik today did not correspond to earlier ones made to the Anjuna police, the Goa police and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
The constable also said he improved statements to the Goa police and the CBI on instruction of the investigating officer.
CBI counsel SR Rivonkar told reporters after the hearing: 'These are minor contradictions and are bound to happen.'

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Fiona Mackeown: Scarlett's mother

Another witness, Vishant Chopdekar, who drove the police vehicle and went down to the beach with Mr Naik, was also summoned to court today.
But his examination has been delayed until Wednesday, when he will appear along with two others.
Mr Rivonkar said statements from more than 70 witnesses, including Scarlett's boyfriend, Julio Lobo, are to be heard.
The teenager's mother, Fiona MacKeown, and Ruby Caso, a Spanish friend who was with her hours before she died, are expected to testify through video conferencing.
Post-mortem examinations have revealed that Scarlett was intoxicated by a cocktail of drink and drugs on the night she died, was attacked and raped, and may have drowned.
Ms MacKeown fought for a full investigation into her death after police initially suggested she had accidentally drowned.
The trial of accused Samson D'Souza, 30, and Placido Carvalho, 42, has faced constant delays, but Mr Rivonkar said he expected it to be completed by 'the end of the year'.
The pair, charged with culpable homicide, sexual assault, outraging modesty and destroying evidence, were arrested a month after Scarlett's death, but are currently on bail.
Meanwhile, Ms MacKeown herself has faced allegations of negligence for leaving her teenage daughter alone while travelling to the neighbouring state of Karnataka.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1263705/Indian-policeman-How-I-naked-body-Scarlett-Keeling-lying-face-Goa-beach.html#ixzz0kFh0EF5G

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1263705/Indian-policeman-How-I-naked-body-Scarlett-Keeling-lying-face-Goa-beach.html#ixzz0kFh1kaAU

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Scarlett Keeling Empty Re: Scarlett Keeling

Post  Susan Mon 12 Apr - 20:46

Meanwhile, Ms MacKeown herself has faced allegations of negligence for leaving her teenage daughter alone while travelling to the neighbouring state of Karnataka.
Wasnt Clarry going to help her? It seems to be a trend with him....negligence and murder cases hmmmm

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Registration date : 2008-07-21


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