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The payne's questionaire

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The payne's questionaire Empty The payne's questionaire

Post  Badboy Wed 12 Oct - 17:06

I understand that the paynes completed a questionaire, this doesn't appear in the pj files,but is mentioned,methinks in the pj files.
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  Autumn Wed 12 Oct - 18:34

Badboy wrote:I understand that the paynes completed a questionaire, this doesn't appear in the pj files,but is mentioned,methinks in the pj files.

From Mccanfiles
Intriguingly, the letter from LP mentions the completion of a written questionnaire - by David and Fiona Payne - but it is unclear whether that questionairre was supllied by the PJ or whether it was instigated by LP themselves. There appears to be no copy of the questionnaire anywhere in the PJ files.

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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  Autumn Wed 12 Oct - 18:40

Leicestershire Police: Follow up to Gaspar statements PJ Files

Processos Vol. XIII
Pages 3909-3915

To: Ricardo Paiva - Polícia Judiciária
From: DC 1756 Mike MARSHALL - Leicester Police Constabulary
Ref: David Payne
Date: October 24, 2007


As requested, appended are the statements of Arul and Katherina Gaspar.

I read carefully the written statements given by David Payne but was not able to extract any other information besides what is already known.

He declares that he saw Madeleine, for the last time, at 17H00 on 3/5/07 in the McCann's apartment. Also present there were Kate and Gerry. He did not indicate the motive for being there or what he was doing. Similarly he does not indicate for how long he stayed.

When asked with whom he was on the afternoon of May 3rd, he declares that this information was already offered to the police and he cannot remember if anyone else was there.

He does not remember what he was wearing that afternoon.

He took part in the searches, having carried out most of them alone. He was at times accompanied by Matthew Oldfield.

He did not partake in the searches realised on the 4th of May, because, on this day, he spent to majority of time in the police headquarters.

For many of the questions, he does not give a complete answer, affirming simply that he has already given this information/declaration to the Portuguese police.

I examined again the declarations of Fiona Payne. In her depositions, she states that she went to the McCann apartment, around 19H00, on the 3rd of May, together with Kate. She states that 10 minutes later, the husband arrived; it is not clear which husband she refers to, if to Gerry or her own husband.

Her responses to the written questionnaire are vague, given that, she continues to answer to the questions with "they conform to my earlier deposition" or some similar statement.


Last edited by Autumn on Wed 12 Oct - 22:02; edited 1 time in total
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  Bobsy Wed 12 Oct - 20:26

Hi Autumn. Re the statement of DP you posted here, he says he was at 5A at 17.00 hours and that Kate AND Gerry were both there. I was under the impression that Gerry was playing tennis and asked DP to go check Kate was ok and whether she was taking the children. Am I having a bit of a turn here The payne's questionaire 29204 ?
If he was there at that time and both Gerry and Kate were there why did he go.
Blooming hummer Autumn, you have given me something to have a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment.
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  cass Wed 12 Oct - 20:38

Bobsy wrote:Hi Autumn. Re the statement of DP you posted here, he says he was at 5A at 17.00 hours and that Kate AND Gerry were both there. I was under the impression that Gerry was playing tennis and asked DP to go check Kate was ok and whether she was taking the children. Am I having a bit of a turn here The payne's questionaire 29204 ?
If he was there at that time and both Gerry and Kate were there why did he go.
Blooming hummer Autumn, you have given me something to have a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment.
yep im having a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment too , the sooner sy look into stuff the better
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  Bobsy Wed 12 Oct - 20:46

cass wrote:
Bobsy wrote:Hi Autumn. Re the statement of DP you posted here, he says he was at 5A at 17.00 hours and that Kate AND Gerry were both there. I was under the impression that Gerry was playing tennis and asked DP to go check Kate was ok and whether she was taking the children. Am I having a bit of a turn here The payne's questionaire 29204 ?
If he was there at that time and both Gerry and Kate were there why did he go.
Blooming hummer Autumn, you have given me something to have a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment.
yep im having a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment too , the sooner sy look into stuff the better

Hello Cass, mmmmmm we can see it and so they should, but will they? I am trying very hard to credit SY with the utmost professional integrity. But I keep getting flashes of the DULUX dog, know what I mean?
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  mumbles Wed 12 Oct - 21:06

Bobsy wrote:
cass wrote:
Bobsy wrote:Hi Autumn. Re the statement of DP you posted here, he says he was at 5A at 17.00 hours and that Kate AND Gerry were both there. I was under the impression that Gerry was playing tennis and asked DP to go check Kate was ok and whether she was taking the children. Am I having a bit of a turn here The payne's questionaire 29204 ?
If he was there at that time and both Gerry and Kate were there why did he go.
Blooming hummer Autumn, you have given me something to have a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment.
yep im having a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment too , the sooner sy look into stuff the better

Hello Cass, mmmmmm we can see it and so they should, but will they? I am trying very hard to credit SY with the utmost professional integrity. But I keep getting flashes of the DULUX dog, know what I mean?

You're not the only one who sees that white paint Bobsy!
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  mara thon Wed 12 Oct - 21:50

mumbles wrote:
Bobsy wrote:
cass wrote:
Bobsy wrote:Hi Autumn. Re the statement of DP you posted here, he says he was at 5A at 17.00 hours and that Kate AND Gerry were both there. I was under the impression that Gerry was playing tennis and asked DP to go check Kate was ok and whether she was taking the children. Am I having a bit of a turn here The payne's questionaire 29204 ?
If he was there at that time and both Gerry and Kate were there why did he go.
Blooming hummer Autumn, you have given me something to have a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment.
yep im having a The payne's questionaire 87849 moment too , the sooner sy look into stuff the better

Hello Cass, mmmmmm we can see it and so they should, but will they? I am trying very hard to credit SY with the utmost professional integrity. But I keep getting flashes of the DULUX dog, know what I mean?

You're not the only one who sees that white paint Bobsy!

So much white stuff in fact I'm surprised there isn't a world shortage !
mara thon
mara thon
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  gillyspot Wed 12 Oct - 21:59

Having written to my MP around 20th July (just after Stephenson & Yates resigned) regarding my concerns over SY carrying out the "review" and despite my sending a reminder letter (with revised concerns) last month I still have no response from them only a letter back from an aides saying they thought they had responded and would AGAIN soon.

Still nothing! The payne's questionaire 645452
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  HiDeHo Wed 12 Oct - 22:59

The payne's questionaire CCTV-8

At 5.47pm David Payne appears at the table in the Paraiso

The payne's questionaire Paraiso1747dp

At 5.52pm David Payne sits at table

The payne's questionaire Paraisocctv1752dp

At 6.13pm David Payne stands next to table before leaving

The payne's questionaire Paraisocctv1813dp

By 6.36pm all the men appear to have left the Paraiso
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The payne's questionaire Empty Re: The payne's questionaire

Post  Angelique Wed 12 Oct - 23:09

Badboy wrote:I understand that the paynes completed a questionaire, this doesn't appear in the pj files,but is mentioned,methinks in the pj files.


I may be entirely wrong - but I think it's possible that they were all (T9) asked questions given to the Leicestershire Police which they (PJ) wanted to be answered. So no special "questionnaire" for the Payne's. They all had questions which were specifically put to them.
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