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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  Carolina Sun 16 Oct - 13:02

Yesterday, I saw a programme called "The Killing of Sophie Elliot", which is a true story of a young brilliant economics student in NZ who was stabbed 216 times by her tutor because she did not want to have anything more to do with him. During the programme, a psychiatrist discussed the man's narcissism and stated that the narcissist can never accept rejection and will most likely revert to revenge and retaliation. It was chilling to watch this man on the stand during his trial, he was totally unable to see how his behaviour in court shocked people. He was so arrogant and belittled and insulted his victim, implying that it was her fault that he killed her. But this all brought me back to the narcissism of both Kate and Gerry and their attitude towards Gonçalo Amaral. They did not want just a libel trial, their goal was to destroy Gonçalo and his entire family simply because he stood up to them and their PR machine. Narcissists do not take kindly to being contradicted and as Gerry once said: "It's not enought to apologise, someone has to pay". I'm sure that he did not just mean monetarily, he is the type who wants blood. I certainly hope that GA's lawyer brings up that facet of the despicable duo's personalities. He should ask Kate what she meant when she wrote that she wanted GA to feel fear!
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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty The Killing of Sophie Elliott

Post  AnnaEsse Sun 16 Oct - 13:10


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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  AnnaEsse Sun 16 Oct - 13:11


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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  AnnaEsse Sun 16 Oct - 13:12


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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  AnnaEsse Sun 16 Oct - 13:14


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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty How very true

Post  tigger Sun 16 Oct - 14:44

Carolina wrote:Yesterday, I saw a programme called "The Killing of Sophie Elliot", which is a true story of a young brilliant economics student in NZ who was stabbed 216 times by her tutor because she did not want to have anything more to do with him. During the programme, a psychiatrist discussed the man's narcissism and stated that the narcissist can never accept rejection and will most likely revert to revenge and retaliation. It was chilling to watch this man on the stand during his trial, he was totally unable to see how his behaviour in court shocked people. He was so arrogant and belittled and insulted his victim, implying that it was her fault that he killed her. But this all brought me back to the narcissism of both Kate and Gerry and their attitude towards Gonçalo Amaral. They did not want just a libel trial, their goal was to destroy Gonçalo and his entire family simply because he stood up to them and their PR machine. Narcissists do not take kindly to being contradicted and as Gerry once said: "It's not enough to apologise, someone has to pay". I'm sure that he did not just mean monetarily, he is the type who wants blood. I certainly hope that GA's lawyer brings up that facet of the despicable duo's personalities. He should ask Kate what she meant when she wrote that she wanted GA to feel fear!

I agree with every word! It has always bothered me, the hounding of Amaral in particular, but Mrs. Fenn, Yvonne Martin and anyone who has inconvenienced them, seem to have to suffer for their presumption. It is sheer vindictiveness on their part. Childish as well, a child will take another child's toy and in revenge the other child will destroy, burn all that belongs to the 'thief'.
There's a new website on Gonzalo Amaral.
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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  AnnaEsse Sun 16 Oct - 15:29

tigger wrote:
Carolina wrote:Yesterday, I saw a programme called "The Killing of Sophie Elliot", which is a true story of a young brilliant economics student in NZ who was stabbed 216 times by her tutor because she did not want to have anything more to do with him. During the programme, a psychiatrist discussed the man's narcissism and stated that the narcissist can never accept rejection and will most likely revert to revenge and retaliation. It was chilling to watch this man on the stand during his trial, he was totally unable to see how his behaviour in court shocked people. He was so arrogant and belittled and insulted his victim, implying that it was her fault that he killed her. But this all brought me back to the narcissism of both Kate and Gerry and their attitude towards Gonçalo Amaral. They did not want just a libel trial, their goal was to destroy Gonçalo and his entire family simply because he stood up to them and their PR machine. Narcissists do not take kindly to being contradicted and as Gerry once said: "It's not enough to apologise, someone has to pay". I'm sure that he did not just mean monetarily, he is the type who wants blood. I certainly hope that GA's lawyer brings up that facet of the despicable duo's personalities. He should ask Kate what she meant when she wrote that she wanted GA to feel fear!

I agree with every word! It has always bothered me, the hounding of Amaral in particular, but Mrs. Fenn, Yvonne Martin and anyone who has inconvenienced them, seem to have to suffer for their presumption. It is sheer vindictiveness on their part. Childish as well, a child will take another child's toy and in revenge the other child will destroy, burn all that belongs to the 'thief'.
There's a new website on Gonzalo Amaral.

Yes, Dr Amaral has been hounded by them because he and his teams of Portuguese and English police officers had the audacity to question what they said. And then, to add to the McCanns sense of narcissistic outrage, Amaral wrote and published a book about the investigation and the conclusions of those two police teams.

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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  Sunflower27 Sun 16 Oct - 19:33

I imagine even if the McCann's were innocent they would still go after ANYONE writing a book saying they were guilty.

I'm not saying they aren't narcissists, just that their reaction isn't that surprising.

Last thing they want is that book getting out and about for all to read!

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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  platinum Sun 16 Oct - 20:07

tigger wrote:
Carolina wrote:Yesterday, I saw a programme called "The Killing of Sophie Elliot", which is a true story of a young brilliant economics student in NZ who was stabbed 216 times by her tutor because she did not want to have anything more to do with him. During the programme, a psychiatrist discussed the man's narcissism and stated that the narcissist can never accept rejection and will most likely revert to revenge and retaliation. It was chilling to watch this man on the stand during his trial, he was totally unable to see how his behaviour in court shocked people. He was so arrogant and belittled and insulted his victim, implying that it was her fault that he killed her. But this all brought me back to the narcissism of both Kate and Gerry and their attitude towards Gonçalo Amaral. They did not want just a libel trial, their goal was to destroy Gonçalo and his entire family simply because he stood up to them and their PR machine. Narcissists do not take kindly to being contradicted and as Gerry once said: "It's not enough to apologise, someone has to pay". I'm sure that he did not just mean monetarily, he is the type who wants blood. I certainly hope that GA's lawyer brings up that facet of the despicable duo's personalities. He should ask Kate what she meant when she wrote that she wanted GA to feel fear!

I agree with every word! It has always bothered me, the hounding of Amaral in particular, but Mrs. Fenn, Yvonne Martin and anyone who has inconvenienced them, seem to have to suffer for their presumption. It is sheer vindictiveness on their part. Childish as well, a child will take another child's toy and in revenge the other child will destroy, burn all that belongs to the 'thief'.
There's a new website on Gonzalo Amaral.

Do you have a link to the new site, please?

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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  Badboy Sun 16 Oct - 21:13

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The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation Empty Re: The Narcissist: Revenge and Retaliation

Post  Dimsie Mon 17 Oct - 11:07

Their attitude to Dr Amaral is truly chilling, IMO. But which would anyone rather be? - a fearless cop who could lose everything in his determination to fight for justice for one little girl, or an arrogant vengeful person who failed their child in her most basic needs and is petrified that everyone will eventually read the true facts of the case. Only one person stands head and shoulders above the others in this case, only one person has courage and decency, while the others appear to have a never-ending need to demand and complain and look for money wherever they can find it and blame other people for everything. Quite disgusting.
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