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Hugh Grant has become a Father

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Hugh Grant has become a Father Empty Hugh Grant has become a Father

Post  Panda Wed 2 Nov - 10:47

About A Girl: Hugh Grant Becomes a Father

Hugh Grant has become a Father 16101440
Hugh Grant previously had high-profile relationships with
Elizabeth Hurley and Jemima Khan

9:57am UK, Wednesday November 02, 2011

British actor Hugh Grant has become a father for the first time at the age
of 51, although he is giving little away about the birth of his baby girl.

The Bridget Jones's Diary and About A Boy star said the birth followed a
brief relationship.

The mother was named in reports as Chinese actress Tinglan Hong.

Last month Miss Hong was pictured heavily pregnant as she strolled around
London in a baggy pink and white top and cream cardigan.

She is reported to have given birth by Caesarean section at London's Portland
Hospital on September 26.

He and the mother had a fleeting affair and while this was not planned, Hugh
could not be happier or more supportive.
Statement from
Hugh Grant's publicist

A statement from his publicist said: "I can confirm that Hugh Grant is the
delighted father of a baby girl.

"He and the mother had a fleeting affair and while this was not planned, Hugh
could not be happier or more supportive.

"He and the mother have discussed everything and are on very friendly

This is the first child for the actor, who has had previous high-profile
relationships with model Elizabeth Hurley and British socialite Jemima Khan.

He recently became a champion for the Hacked Off campaign launched in the
wake of the phone hacking scandal.

The actor will next voice the role of a captain in an animated pirate movie
and is due to appear alongside Hollywood stars Tom Hanks and Halle Berry in a
big-screen adaptation of David Mitchell's novel Cloud Atlas next year.
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Hugh Grant has become a Father Empty Re: Hugh Grant has become a Father

Post  Panda Wed 2 Nov - 10:49

I used to think he was a closet Gay. Hugh Grant has become a Father 25346
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Number of posts : 30555
Age : 67
Location : Wales
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Hugh Grant has become a Father Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Hugh Grant has become a Father Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2010-03-27

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