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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  quickfingers Sun 1 Jul - 0:22

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Guest Sun 1 Jul - 0:38

In other words, the Express asked NSY to see the files, and they were told to foxtrot off. Good. Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 307691 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 613255 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 23324

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  jd16 Sun 1 Jul - 0:39


THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal. The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.

Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released. It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials.

A Met review of the case was ordered last year after pressure from the Home Office and David Cameron. Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction.

Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, are convinced she is still alive. She was taken in May 2007 from a holiday apartment on the Algarve.


I thought the pressure came from rebekah brooks for the review....or should I say she 'persuaded' cameron to order it. I am sure the Portuguese are fully aware of what these documents may say
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  kathybelle Sun 1 Jul - 1:03

Iris wrote:In other words, the Express asked NSY to see the files, and they were told to foxtrot off. Good. Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 307691 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 613255 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 23324

Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 306321 Iris Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 23324 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 294124
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  malena stool Sun 1 Jul - 8:57

As ever the repugnant Murdoch's Media Empire is seen to be involved in controversy.
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  malena stool Sun 1 Jul - 9:02

But the question is raised yet again, as to just how the 'disappearance' of a 3 year old child can affect the relationship between two 'friendly' states.......
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  kathybelle Sun 1 Jul - 9:25


THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal. The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.

Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released. It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials.

A Met review of the case was ordered last year after pressure from the Home Office and David Cameron. Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction.

Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, are convinced she is still alive. She was taken in May 2007 from a holiday apartment on the Algarve.


I thought the pressure came from rebekah brooks for the review....or should I say she 'persuaded' cameron to order it. I am sure the Portuguese are fully aware of what these documents may say

Good morning jd16

When I found and still find Iris's 'fox trot post' funny, I hadn't read the link. Now I have read the link, I'm beginning to smell a rat, because Scotland knew that they had no jurisdicion over this case when they agreed to assist the PJ. This was why they were assisting and not conducting the review.

I remember Tony Bennett, asking someone within the Government questions about this case. I can't remember exactly what Mr Bennett asked, but I remember him saying that he was told that the Government couldn't intervene, because the case happened in Portugal. According to Goncalo Amaral and the former Portuguese police officer, it's because the British Government intervened that charges the PJ were preparing against the McCanns, never went ahead.

Anyway I'm going off my story. I said I'm beginning to smell a rat, because I think that S.Y. are going to pull out of the review, for the reasons stated in the Express. I know I might be wrong in thinking this way, after all the Express might be 'stirring' it, because they were denied access to those files.

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Lillyofthevalley Sun 1 Jul - 9:26

Iris wrote:In other words, the Express asked NSY to see the files, and they were told to foxtrot off. Good. Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 307691 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 613255 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 23324

Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 294124 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 23324 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 613255 Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 294124

Why do we have this little piece all of a sudden, what use is it, whats the media upto??......times are a changing folks!!!!
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Lillyofthevalley Sun 1 Jul - 9:47

kathybelle wrote:

THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal. The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.

Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released. It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials.

A Met review of the case was ordered last year after pressure from the Home Office and David Cameron. Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction.

Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, are convinced she is still alive. She was taken in May 2007 from a holiday apartment on the Algarve.


I thought the pressure came from rebekah brooks for the review....or should I say she 'persuaded' cameron to order it. I am sure the Portuguese are fully aware of what these documents may say

Good morning jd16

When I found and still find Iris's 'fox trot post' funny, I hadn't read the link. Now I have read the link, I'm beginning to smell a rat, because Scotland knew that they had no jurisdicion over this case when they agreed to assist the PJ. This was why they were assisting and not conducting the review.

I remember Tony Bennett, asking someone within the Government questions about this case. I can't remember exactly what Mr Bennett asked, but I remember him saying that he was told that the Government couldn't intervene, because the case happened in Portugal. According to Goncalo Amaral and the former Portuguese police officer, it's because the British Government intervened that charges the PJ were preparing against the McCanns, never went ahead.

Anyway I'm going off my story. I said I'm beginning to smell a rat, because I think that S.Y. are going to pull out of the review, for the reasons stated in the Express. I know I might be wrong in thinking this way, after all the Express might be 'stirring' it, because they were denied access to those files.

Morning all Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 306321
If SY are going to pull out Kathybelle, then that imo would show SY for what they are, week and inept.....after the NOTW/NI fiasco and now the Leveson Enquiry this is the last thing NSY would want to be seen as, why would they risk such alot for 8 Doctors??.
Why has this piece been printed in the first place, it is of no use at all, apart from getting it out to the UK public that the case was somewhat messed with BACK IN 2007, but all is deifferent now.
Remember if the McCanns are/where protected imo we wouldn't be reading this.....or about a Review, everything would have been put in place, put to bed so to say back in 2007, and you and I wouldn't be having this or any other discussions about, Madeleine McCann, Madeleine who?????

I believe (probably only me) that Redwood is treating the McCanns with respect hense that gushy interview on TV which upset alot of posters, but there was more to that then we all relised, that was part of a plan put in place by Redwood and his team (there wider agenda Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 25346 ) , so when this goes to court they can't say they haven't been treated fairly, which from the start of this "Review" they have been by SY.....aimo!!!
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Fern Sun 1 Jul - 14:22

malena stool wrote:But the question is raised yet again, as to just how the 'disappearance' of a 3 year old child can affect the relationship between two 'friendly' states.......

Strange isn't it and also very frustrating at the same time.

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  mara thon Sun 1 Jul - 15:36

quote..........Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released. It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials."..unquote.

I would personally think that the above sentence alone would be detriment to the UK's relationship with Portugal, it implies that the incorruptable and oh so clever British cops have found things the Portuguese missed. If the Home Office really did say that then I think it is a very insulting remark against the Portuguese.
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  marxman Sun 1 Jul - 19:04

mara thon wrote:quote..........Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released. It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials."..unquote.

I would personally think that the above sentence alone would be detriment to the UK's relationship with Portugal, it implies that the incorruptable and oh so clever British cops have found things the Portuguese missed. If the Home Office really did say that then I think it is a very insulting remark against the Portuguese.

Just a thought and no more. What if SY have
discovered that certain MPs, police and media
figures have actively perverted the course of
justice? This would have major implications
for the long standing relationship between two
of Europe's oldest allies would it not?
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Ang Sun 1 Jul - 19:43

Marxman, I suspect there's been a lot of perverting the course of justice going on. TB, GB, DC, all tabloids and the ones not described as tabloids, Sky, BBC, Brunt, I could go on but if I were a real policeman I would be wondering about this lot for starters. They're probably all innocent of course, just food for thought Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 857143
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Why have the Express Pulled this article?

Post  Loopdaloop Sun 1 Jul - 21:17

Here's a question... Why has the Daily Express pulled this article?

Its only available now via Googles Web Cache. There is more to this....


HOME > NEWS / SHOWBIZ > UK NEWS > Madeleine McCann file kept secret


Madeleine McCann

Sunday July 1,2012
By James Murray
THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal.
The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.
Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released.
It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials.
A Met review of the case was ordered last year after pressure from the Home Office and David Cameron.
Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction.
Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, are convinced she is still alive. She was taken in May 2007 from a holiday apartment on the Algarve.
Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  susible Sun 1 Jul - 21:32

[quote="Loopdaloop"]Here's a question... Why has the Daily Express pulled this article?

Its only available now via Googles Web Cache. There is more to this....


HOME > NEWS / SHOWBIZ > UK NEWS > Madeleine McCann file kept secret


Madeleine McCann

Sunday July 1,2012
By James Murray
THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal.
The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.
Rejecting attempts by a newspaper to see the files, the Home Office said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if they were released.
It also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” between officials.
A Met review of the case was ordered last year after pressure from the Home Office and David Cameron.
Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction.
Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, are convinced she is still alive. She was taken in May 2007 from a holiday apartment on the Algarve.
Sources said there were “serious concerns” within the Met that they were investigating a “foreign” case over which they had no jurisdiction

Nope..still available for me from the original link http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/329977/Madeleine-McCann-file-kept-secret

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  steve1295 Sun 1 Jul - 22:02

My reading regarding the detriment of the uk with portugal is that maybe the uk athorities have something to hide,,maybe the Gordon Browne /Amaral removal off the case.in my opinion that situation is not widely known to the general public.If Portugal was withholding anything it would read that the relationship between Portigal and the UK would be detrimental.Thats my take on it.
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  tigger Mon 2 Jul - 7:53

steve1295 wrote:My reading regarding the detriment of the uk with portugal is that maybe the uk athorities have something to hide,,maybe the Gordon Browne /Amaral removal off the case.in my opinion that situation is not widely known to the general public.If Portugal was withholding anything it would read that the relationship between Portigal and the UK would be detrimental.Thats my take on it.

I recall reading somewhere that GB exerted pressure on Socrates, because Socrates had skimmed off money on some or other British/Portuguese deal.
The removal of Amaral from the case - he wasn't sacked but transferred - would certainly be part of the closed files. But maybe there is more and the Algarve is home to some top level financiers - there may also be the need to keep Portugal happy in case Gibraltar would ever become a problem and so on.

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  marxman Mon 2 Jul - 9:10

Here is a fasinating link to a FOI request
You will need to download it, but very worth
the long read. It may be an idea to devote
a thread just on this item.

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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  almostgothic Mon 2 Jul - 11:59

Brown + Socrates ---> mutual back-scratching ---> Lisbon Treaty + Freeport Scandal + McCann Case.


Regarding the HO and their secret file - the Daily Star speaks thus:

"But we understand the papers may show a difference of opinion between the Home Office and Met officers, who are reviewing the files on Madeleine’s 2007 disappearance in Praia da Luz."


How does the Daily Star 'understand' this?
Why, by way of 'sources', they tell us.
Now they do have a quote from Lord Toby Harris who, whilst being Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Policing, is not exactly at the sharp end of the McCann review.
So who are the other 'sources'?
And my cui bono question - who benefits by putting it about that there's a bit of a dust-up between the Met and the HO and that something lurking in the in the files would damage UK/Portuguese relations?
I'll leave that one hanging in the air ......

Oh, looky there - a comment from Clarrie right at the bottom ...... Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 192282
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  malena stool Mon 2 Jul - 12:17

almostgothic wrote:Brown + Socrates ---> mutual back-scratching ---> Lisbon Treaty + Freeport Scandal + McCann Case.


Regarding the HO and their secret file - the Daily Star speaks thus:

"But we understand the papers may show a difference of opinion between the Home Office and Met officers, who are reviewing the files on Madeleine’s 2007 disappearance in Praia da Luz."


How does the Daily Star 'understand' this?
Why, by way of 'sources', they tell us.
Now they do have a quote from Lord Toby Harris who, whilst being Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Policing, is not exactly at the sharp end of the McCann review.
So who are the other 'sources'?
And my cui bono question - who benefits by putting it about that there's a bit of a dust-up between the Met and the HO and that something lurking in the in the files would damage UK/Portuguese relations?
I'll leave that one hanging in the air ......

Oh, looky there - a comment from Clarrie right at the bottom ......
Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 192282
The breakthrough they are optimistic for, could perhaps bite their bum.. Although we mustn't build our hopes up that decency really is alive and well in UK politics.
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  almostgothic Mon 2 Jul - 12:34

Hi malena stool - yes, I think for us, cautious optimism is the way to go for the time being. I wonder how optimistic the McCanns really are, despite CM's assertions.

I mentioned Clarrie's comment at the bottom of the article because, interestingly, it is the only one in the whole piece which has been attributed to him.

If you get my drift ... Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 192282
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Fern Mon 2 Jul - 13:54

Just read through this again and what doesn't quite add up is that if these HO docs were secret then how did the Express become aware of their existence in the first place Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 303636
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  margaret Mon 2 Jul - 14:48

THE Home Office is refusing to release secret files on the Madeleine McCann case to avoid diplomatic ructions with Portugal. The documents are believed to record discussions with the Metropolitan Police about sensitive details of the baffling case.

If you think about it the only way releasing these files would cause trouble with Portugual would be if the Met police were rubbishing the investigation by the PJ, which in itself is GOOD news, because it shows the Met know where things could have been handled better. Let's hope they are applying it now. Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express 25346
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  Oldartform Mon 2 Jul - 14:54

marxman wrote:Here is a fasinating link to a FOI request
You will need to download it, but very worth
the long read. It may be an idea to devote
a thread just on this item.

Marxman - I can`t tell who made this request (the Complainant), can you? It`s obviously only just been received 12.6.12.
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Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express Empty Re: Madeleine McCann File Kept Secret - Express

Post  marxman Mon 2 Jul - 15:05

Oldartform wrote:
marxman wrote:Here is a fasinating link to a FOI request
You will need to download it, but very worth
the long read. It may be an idea to devote
a thread just on this item.

Marxman - I can`t tell who made this request (the Complainant), can you? It`s obviously only just been received 12.6.12.

Hi Oldartform, no sorry I don't know who was
the complainant and as you say it has just
come to light. Very interesting.
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