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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Annabel Tue 28 Aug - 6:22

Doctoring the Results

EXCLUSIVE to mccannfiles.com

By Dr Martin Roberts
27 August 2012


Talk about a good deed coming back to bite you. Our David's got a dilemma on his hands and no mistake. The family friendly PM who scored on everyone's card with his instant decision to support the Metropolitan Police review of the McCann case is faced, almost eighteen months later, with the need for another politically significant decision regarding this very same process, now that Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe has given the game away.

So what's it to be: Appear a skinflint by terminating the review, or ignite protest in these times of recession by giving the Met. the 'green light' to go over-budget, leave no stone unturned, and identify enough 'investigative opportunities' to keep Portugal's police in work for the foreseeable future?

Well it's not quite as simple as that, is it? It never is.

Immersed in the Commissioner's recent comment is the clue that the Met. already know where the train is going, and that the branch lines are closed. If his political masters would rather the police did not announce any such conclusion at this point in time, then they will have to fund the drudgery at Scotland Yard into an as yet unspecifiable future. 'Just paint the sides of the ship a different colour until we work out whether we should actually float it,' sort of thing. The stark alternative is simply to 'tell it like it is.' But that carries a major down side. What's worse, the slope of this escarpment could actually get steeper with time, so the cost of doing nothing would become incremental.

That's enough euphemism. The issue now bouncing around like a ping-pong ball in a squash court is the NHS.

UK limited is in dire financial straits. We may have spawned the Industrial Revolution, but we're no longer a manufacturing hub by any stretch of the imagination. Our financial services sector has propped up the balance-of-trade account for decades. Like selling off the family silver, we have survived by exporting 'unseens,' and must continue to do so if we are to survive at all. Even at a parochial level, that of the street-corner shop, say, no business transaction is an overnight affair. Major proposals therefore will take a long time to prepare, a long time to consider, and a long time to enact. So the idea of internationalising the NHS brand is not something that popped into a Civil Servant's head in a dream one night last week. It took four years to prepare for the London Olympics and there, centre stage, before the athletes had even entered the arena, we saw the message written in CAPITAL LETTERS: A proud industrial heritage, the solid foundation of reliability and progress; qualities manifest in post-war Britain and, in particular, the NHS.

For the McCanns to be exposed now would be like letting an amateur artist loose on a renaissance fresco. The problem is that she's prepared to camp out with brushes in hand until the barriers are removed.

How is the government's own PR machine, while extolling the virtues of an internationally recognisable UK brand, to camouflage the likely involvement of NHS doctors in the disappearance of a young child overseas? If that's the degree of trust on offer, then future clients, who are likely to see things a lot clearer than the average mis-spelling resident of these shores, might think the NHS capable of issuing hospital care bills for a patient who died on the operating table months beforehand, like Monty Python's parrot.

And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones.

So, David. What's it to be? Do we launch the brand on a choppy sea now, or push the boat out into calmer water, whilst ignoring the storm force warning of conditions ahead?
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  malena stool Tue 28 Aug - 8:09

The poisoned chalice is indeed overflowing. Throwing the McCanns to the Lions 18 months ago instead of playing their pass the parcel game would have been so much easier on reflection...
The curse of the McCanns has struck again it seems, adding another prime ministers name to their coup stick.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  T4two Tue 28 Aug - 13:16

An interesting 'take' on the situation various people find themselves in and yet judging by international media reporting and published opinion, the majority and most vociferous of the McCann disbelievers/critics are located in the very international markets in which the NHS sees potential opportunities. In other words, the damage done to the NHS by the behaviour of the parents and their accomplices is already incalculable. Are those who see salvation for the UK economy in exporting NHS services or those who see the chance to make millions out of it, really so naive or thick-skinned as to believe that an NHS with GM as one of the best-known or notorious faces of the brand could still be an attractive proposition? Well yes, sadly they probably are, if the same mentality that enabled KM to become an ambassador for missing children kicks in here as well.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 13:51

I don't think the McCanns arrest for negligence would harm the NHS.....did Shipman???? What about the cases of Nurses

killing patients? Also, cases of negligence towards Patients admitted by the NHS?

Unless Madeleine's body is found the McCanns cannot be charged , their negligence already apparent.

Cameron would have much more Kudos if he agreed to stop the Review NOW, it is obvious after 15 months of review

that no real evidence will be found and the McCanns certainly have enough money to hire bona fide Detectives if they

want to continue the search.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  T4two Tue 28 Aug - 14:38

Let's be clear here. Dr. Roberts is talking about the NHS brand, it's prospective international launch and the possible damage that could be caused to it by the McCann - for want of a better word - affair. We are not talking about the case of Dr. Shipman or indeed other isolated cases of patient murder, which as far as their international media impact is concerned, cannot possibly be compared, and neither are we talking about the possibility of the McCanns being prosecuted 'simply' for negligence. If by supporting the McCanns to protect the NHS brand at a critical time, the British government of the day has been guilty of what is tantamount to perverting the course of justice in an attempt to divert the damage away from the NHS brand which would undoubtedly be caused if a group of its doctors were found to have caused the death of a 4-year-old child through, at the best, negligence or at the worst, something far more sinister and subsequently covered up their guilt by disposing of the body - what are the chances that the government that succeeded them would bite the bullet and do the right thing, given the fact that if the worst-case scenario came to light at this stage i.e. after 5 years, the damage caused would be even greater? If I'm reading Dr. Roberts correctly, that is the situation that Dave and Co. find themselves in. As Dr. Roberts points out, the wheels may have come off a certain train, but there are millions if not billions of pounds worth of business to be had, which is perhaps why nobody is about to risk the derailment of the NHS project by pursuing the McCann affair to its logical conclusion.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Lillyofthevalley Tue 28 Aug - 14:55

Dr Martin has hit the nail, firmly on the head.....

Its all about protecting the NHS
From two "NHS inadequate Doctors"who even from their own mouths admitting they left their child night after night!!!! I remember a few years ago saying this cover up is all about the Great British Policital arrogance, they just couldn't have a load of NHS Docs going on a "getting in to each other" holiday and due to their negligence one of them dies......

IMO it dosen't matter what the PM says or does or whether Scot Yard try to white wash it....THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT!!
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 15:20

I think after 5 years the faces of Madeleine and her parents are known around the world , and without any more evidence

about Madeleine's disappearance, I doubt any Foreign investment abroad would fail because of this , nor the image of the

NHS be tarnished , not when the Paralympics has shown the World how one NHS Doctor (albeit German) had the vision

to treat Patients with such respect and prove they could achieve anything.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  T4two Tue 28 Aug - 15:33

How is the government's own PR machine, while extolling the virtues of an internationally recognisable UK brand, to camouflage the likely involvement of NHS doctors in the disappearance of a young child overseas? If that's the degree of trust on offer, then future clients, who are likely to see things a lot clearer than the average mis-spelling resident of these shores, might think the NHS capable of issuing hospital care bills for a patient who died on the operating table months beforehand, like Monty Python's parrot.

And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones.

Dr. Roberts is an extremely intelligent and perceptive commentator and IMO his arguments in this case are both.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 16:23

I too think Dr roberts a highly intelligent Man , but in this instance doubt that the McCann case would deter any

prospective interest in the sale of the NHS abroad.....not sure what the plan is there how can you sell the NHS abroad when so may Hospitals in the U.K,. have been closed down and finances in a parlous state?

"And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones."

Is he talking about Branson? If so, he has been actively involved with the McCanns .
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Oldartform Tue 28 Aug - 16:29

Sorry but I still don`t get it. I can`t see how exposing TM would damage the NHS brand. Surely the NHS would gain more credibility and respect by exposing a rotten apple in their barrel. Surely all nations must realise that all medical professions have rotten apples in them as do all professions. I would have thought it beneficial for the NHS brand to show it doesn`t tolerate cheats. The only thing they may be wary of exposing is if the rot is not just confined to a few doctors but is actually a massively widespread disease which has infiltrated all branches of the so called establishment - then, yes, that`s a totally different worry for dear Dave,

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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  T4two Tue 28 Aug - 16:54


Health Minister Anne Milton said: "This is good news for NHS patients who will get better services at their local hospital as a result of the work the NHS is doing abroad and the extra investment that will generate.

"This is also good news for the economy, which will benefit from the extra jobs and revenue created by our highly successful life sciences industries as they trade more across the globe.

"The NHS has a world-class reputation, and this exciting development will make the most of that to deliver real benefits for both patients and taxpayers."

Hmmmm... Every marketing (wo)man's nightmare - The two ugly mugs + friends as the faces of the NHS - better to keep things under raps?

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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  T4two Tue 28 Aug - 17:00

Panda wrote:I too think Dr roberts a highly intelligent Man , but in this instance doubt that the McCann case would deter any

prospective interest in the sale of the NHS abroad.....not sure what the plan is there how can you sell the NHS abroad when so may Hospitals in the U.K,. have been closed down and finances in a parlous state?

"And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones."

Is he talking about Branson? If so, he has been actively involved with the McCanns .

Who else just lost a lucrative rail contract and is involved in healthcare?

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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 17:08

What exactly is the NHS doing abroad? All I know is 7 Hospitals are to close in Wales , to be replaced by "Clinics of

Excellence". There has been widespread protest marches about this, with some Patients having to travel miles for treatment. When they say the NHS is free, it isn't .....a deduction is made from Employees Wages. Having worked part time in the NHS I can attest to the waste and bad Management, this is what needs addressing , not closing Hospitals.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 17:11

T4two wrote:
Panda wrote:I too think Dr roberts a highly intelligent Man , but in this instance doubt that the McCann case would deter any

prospective interest in the sale of the NHS abroad.....not sure what the plan is there how can you sell the NHS abroad when so may Hospitals in the U.K,. have been closed down and finances in a parlous state?

"And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones."

Is he talking about Branson? If so, he has been actively involved with the McCanns .

Who else just lost a lucrative rail contract and is involved in healthcare?


Thanks, I knew about the train contract being given to Firstgroup (which Branson is contesting) but not that he is now involved in healthcare.......hasn't he got enough millions? Why not do something for charity for a change?
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Wallflower Tue 28 Aug - 17:13

Oldartform wrote:Sorry but I still don`t get it. I can`t see how exposing TM would damage the NHS brand. Surely the NHS would gain more credibility and respect by exposing a rotten apple in their barrel. Surely all nations must realise that all medical professions have rotten apples in them as do all professions. I would have thought it beneficial for the NHS brand to show it doesn`t tolerate cheats. The only thing they may be wary of exposing is if the rot is not just confined to a few doctors but is actually a massively widespread disease which has infiltrated all branches of the so called establishment - then, yes, that`s a totally different worry for dear Dave,

This is a great post Oldartform. That's EXCATLY how I feel. I have never, to be honest, heard the word NHS bandied about much, in connection to the McCanns.

It is one thing to say that doctors - the whole medical establishment all stick together and protech their own against allegations of incompetence. This has happened in the past, and everyone knows it happens. Anything which will show that a doctor has made a mistake x-ray, blood test result etc will "disappear." Although, they say that there is a very different climate of openness now


Back in 2007, Gordon Brown, Jacqui Smith, interfering in a new and ongoing investigation - and sending them advisers SIMPLY BECAUSE the parents are NHS doctors, is quite another matter, IMO. Doctors (and the nurses and admin staff and everyone else who works with them) protecting other doctors who have screwed up is just a matter of self preservation. If you cover another doctor's mistakes, it's good to know that if you make a mistake yourself down the line, you too will have someone watching your back. Govt, intervening into a criminal investigation going on abroad, is still so strange to me, that I believe there MUST be something else to this strange business.

Anyway, the NHS is hardly beloved of the Tories as it might be for the Labour party. I'm sure that there are LOADS of Tory MP's who would jump at the chance to put a negative spin on the irresponsible, nay murderous way that NHS doctors behave.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  kathybelle Tue 28 Aug - 17:25

Panda wrote:
T4two wrote:
Panda wrote:I too think Dr roberts a highly intelligent Man , but in this instance doubt that the McCann case would deter any

prospective interest in the sale of the NHS abroad.....not sure what the plan is there how can you sell the NHS abroad when so may Hospitals in the U.K,. have been closed down and finances in a parlous state?

"And let us not overlook significant others present at the negotiating table; a certain entrepreneur whose investment interest in healthcare will not have been affected by the recent derailment of his train, but who would, one suspects, rather not see the McCanns in the news for reasons other than promotional ones."

Is he talking about Branson? If so, he has been actively involved with the McCanns .

Who else just lost a lucrative rail contract and is involved in healthcare?


Thanks, I knew about the train contract being given to Firstgroup (which Branson is contesting) but not that he is now involved in healthcare.......hasn't he got enough millions? Why not do something for charity for a change?

Hi Panda

I wonder if Branson has ever invited the McCanns to his island of Necker. I had a look on his website to see if there was a mention of the McCanns, but there was nothing. Branson does mention strolling through Marrakech, with as he puts it "The Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice." along with his daughter Holly. Holly is a doctor of medicine but after 12 months she put her career on hold, to join her father in his health care business.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 17:45

Hi kathybelle......Branson was the first to offer £100,000 towards the McCanns legal Fees when they were made aguidos, but only if they were tried in Court, so he didn't have to pay. The McCanns chose his Restaurant to host the joint charity venture and you can imagine how much the dinner cost each person.

Believe me Branson does nothing for nothing he charges $3,000 per person for a week-end on Necker Island , I have no time for him at all and I know from experience he had a Trust Fund in Jersey many years ago, another tax dodger.!!!
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  kathybelle Tue 28 Aug - 18:05

Panda wrote:Hi kathybelle......Branson was the first to offer £100,000 towards the McCanns legal Fees when they were made aguidos, but only if they were tried in Court, so he didn't have to pay. The McCanns chose his Restaurant to host the joint charity venture and you can imagine how much the dinner cost each person.

Believe me Branson does nothing for nothing he charges $3,000 per person for a week-end on Necker Island , I have no time for him at all and I know from experience he had a Trust Fund in Jersey many years ago, another tax dodger.!!!

Hi Panda

I remember the joint charity venture which was held at Richard Branson's restaurant. I'm almost sure that 4 charities stood to receive money from that fund raising night. Madeleine's fund received 50% of the money, the rest was split between the other charities. Fiona Phillips was one of the guests, but I'm not sure if Lorraine Kelly was there.

Regarding Branson and the £100k I got mixed up I thought he had placed 100K into the fund. He probably knew that if he put the money into the fund, the money would quickly find its way into the pockets of the McCanns. I am sure this is why Brian Kennedy the owner of the doubleglazing business, stopped funding the McCanns and paying Clarence Mitchell's wages.

It must have stuck in Kennedy's throat, to know that he was was putting money into the fund and paying Mitchell's wages, while the McCanns were living the high life out of the fund and Mitchell was doing nothing but spout drivel and lies, on behalf of the McCanns. I wouldn't be surprised if Kennedy's wife, was the driving force behind Kennedy's decision. I read that the McCanns went back to Kennedy with a begging bowl, when the fund had almost dried up and his refusal to give them anymore money, was one of the reasons why Kate decided to publish her book of sex and lies. I don't know how true this was, because I read the article on an AOL forum.

By the way Panda, If I am to be honest, I am glad Branson lost the West Coast Mainline franchise. The only way I could go to from Manchester to London by train, was by using Virgin. I always vowed I would never buy any products belonging to companies owned by Richard Branson, after I saw him fawning over the McCanns and I heard him say that if they were to be prosecuted, he would pay for the best lawyers in the land to defend them. However I had no choice where his trains were concerned.

I know it is selfish of me but that is how I feel. Anyway I use First Transpennine Express on a regular basis, to go to York, the Lake District or Scotland and I have not had any problems with them. Hopefully they'll continue to provide a good service, when they take over from Virgin.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 18:38

As I say Kathybelle, Branson does nothing for nothing and my first dealing with him was when he floated Virgin on the

Stock exchange. I bought some shares and persuaded my Son who was not long out of School and had a good job to invest. We didn't buy loads, but the dividend was a pittance and after 2 years he bought the shares back on the grounds he was getting too much interference from Government and Pension Fund Managers. Again we made a pittance but Branson had effectively "borrowed" £ millions for next to nothing.!!!!
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Chris Tue 28 Aug - 19:55

"Immersed in the Commissioner's recent comment is the clue that the Met. already know where the train is going, and that the branch lines are closed. "

Have I missed something in the Met's recent pronouncements?
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Lillyofthevalley Tue 28 Aug - 20:46

T4two wrote:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9489018/NHS-brand-Profit-making-hospitals-abroad-will-help-the-economy.html

Health Minister Anne Milton said: "This is good news for NHS patients who will get better services at their local hospital as a result of the work the NHS is doing abroad and the extra investment that will generate.

"This is also good news for the economy, which will benefit from the extra jobs and revenue created by our highly successful life sciences industries as they trade more across the globe.

"The NHS has a world-class reputation, and this exciting development will make the most of that to deliver real benefits for both patients and taxpayers."

Hmmmm... Every marketing (wo)man's nightmare - The two ugly mugs + friends as the faces of the NHS - better to keep things under raps?

Exactly T4two Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts 307691
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Tue 28 Aug - 21:18

Chris wrote:
"Immersed in the Commissioner's recent comment is the clue that the Met. already know where the train is going, and that the branch lines are closed. "

Have I missed something in the Met's recent pronouncements?

Hi chris, I have re-read the Commissioner's report and there is no reference to trains and I think Roberts was merely trying to suggest that the Commissioner knows the investigation is going nowhere , all avenues being checked and nothing found.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Loopdaloop Tue 28 Aug - 23:10

Panda wrote:I don't think the McCanns arrest for negligence would harm the NHS.....did Shipman???? What about the cases of Nurses

killing patients? Also, cases of negligence towards Patients admitted by the NHS?

Unless Madeleine's body is found the McCanns cannot be charged , their negligence already apparent.

Cameron would have much more Kudos if he agreed to stop the Review NOW, it is obvious after 15 months of review

that no real evidence will be found and the McCanns certainly have enough money to hire bona fide Detectives if they

want to continue the search.

I agree with point 1> I don't think the Mccann's arrest will harm the 'NHS Brand'. The NHS happily releases regular newsletters detailing bad practice / fraud and criminals which have been caught, naming and shaming them to deter others.

However, I fail to see what information you or anyone has that makes any aspect of the review - 'obvious'.
Also inference's that 'no real evidence' will be found is nonsensical as we as members of this forum are astutely aware of the evidence,
as are the detectives involved in analysing this case. The problem with this case is that it is so political, the UK gov went above and beyond for the Mccann's and interfered in the workings of another sovereign country; around a time when Portugal needed a favour from the UK gov with regard to the Lisbon Treaty. We are also aware of the tentacles of Team Mccann and how they have permeated through our nations establishment. Moreover, a lot of people have placed their reputations on the line and will look utterly ridiculous when the truth comes out. Scotland Yard are riding a high at the moment when it comes to their integrity and independence and I would give them the benefit of the doubt until we hear anything at all from them which can lead us to any other conclusions.

As a side point, we all know that Cameron does not care one jot about the reputation of the NHS as his mates are lining themselves up and itching to get their grubby little hands on our taxpayers money and divert it into taxhavens whilst reducing the quality of care... but that's another issue! ;)

I do always enjoy Martin Roberts articles though!


Panda wrote:
Chris wrote:
"Immersed in the Commissioner's recent comment is the clue that the Met. already know where the train is going, and that the branch lines are closed. "

Have I missed something in the Met's recent pronouncements?

Hi chris, I have re-read the Commissioner's report and there is no reference to trains and I think Roberts was merely trying to suggest that the Commissioner knows the investigation is going nowhere , all avenues being checked and nothing found.

That Panda would not be the the most common interpretation of Dr Martin's reference... No train line goes nowhere.. the destination is always obvious.
The train is going to Penzance.

And with regard to the denigration of Branson doing 'nothing for nothing' I fail to see the relevance in him charging people to stay at Necker Island.
As a member of the public If you can afford tenerife you go to tenerife, but if you afford somewhere like Necker Island you would go there.
Branson supports many charities as well as his charitable trust. I respect him as a self made man, i think its a a bit fashionable for certain quarters of society to dislike him currently. They would prefer the assets of britain to be stripped and sold to foreign interests.
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Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts Empty Re: Doctoring the Results/Dr Roberts

Post  Panda Wed 29 Aug - 0:46

I think we will have to agree to differ on this one Loopdaloop.

To my mind if the Chief of Police makes public his concern about the money already spent on the review and asks the

Prime Minister how much more he is prepared to allocate, there is nothing found so far which would incriminate the

McCanns or persuade the Portugese to re-open the case.

The Portugese Prosecutor asked a Judge if there was enough evidence to go to Trial, the Judge replied "show me the body".
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Post  MaryB Wed 29 Aug - 1:01

I must say I would have reservations being cared for by somebody who couldn't make a sensible decision about what is adequate care for a three year old child.
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