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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Fri 17 Oct - 16:31


Goodness knows what those girls have endured over the last few months.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  chrissie Fri 17 Oct - 16:52

I really hope this happens. Those poor girls
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  fuzeta Fri 17 Oct - 16:57

The poor things will never be the same again Chrissie. I dread to think what they have gone through.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Fri 17 Oct - 17:07

They will all need counselling and will find it hard to adjust to their community again, poor Souls. What if some of them are pregnant and this is why Boko Haram wants to do a deal.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  joyce1938 Sat 18 Oct - 10:43

Its so strange ,I amcertain I read sometime ago that some of those girls turned up back home gradually ? joyce1937
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sat 18 Oct - 11:29

joyce1938 wrote:Its so strange ,I amcertain I read sometime ago that some of those girls turned up back home gradually ? joyce1937

Hi Joyce 1938 , yes , a few girls escaped in the beginning , it wasn't part of a deal to release them. Earlier this morning there was a report that one of the girls is pregnant and others have been abused.....that was to be expected wasn't it, that picture of them all is probably nothing like they look now.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  joyce1938 Sat 18 Oct - 23:15

Yes panda ,I had thought some got back. I would not think the experiences that these girls have had to experience ,will ever leave them ,yes I did read one is pregnant , I wonder if there have already been births and some may already have kid or two .poor parents too ,we cant believe that its been so long since they went eh ? Joyce1938
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sat 18 Oct - 23:47

joyce1938 wrote:Yes panda ,I had thought some got back. I would not think the experiences that these girls have had to experience ,will ever leave them ,yes I did read one is pregnant , I wonder if there have already been births and some may already have kid or two .poor parents too ,we cant believe that its been so long since they went eh ?  Joyce1938

The girls will surely need counselling and their Parents will be shocked at the way they will look after all this time. At least they are alive and time and help will hopefully enable them to put their ordeal behind them.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty "Bring Back our Girls"campaign has lost urgency., except for the Parents of the children

Post  Panda Tue 21 Oct - 17:09

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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Forget the return of the Nigerian girls

Post  Panda Thu 23 Oct - 16:44

Breaking news ........Boko Haram has just kidnapped at least 25 girls for another town in Nigeria.......the B*****d. Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls 371436
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Mon 27 Oct - 10:46

One of the girls who escaped from the kidnap has been interviewed and said the girls were made to carry the bullets for the "Soldiers" and sometimes beaten. There was no reference to other reports that the Girls were forced to have sex and one is pregnant although I am sure it is true.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Details of Boko Haram abuse

Post  Panda Mon 27 Oct - 11:34


The Girls are not yet released, this report will probably lead to repercussions for them.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sun 2 Nov - 5:16


It is being said the Nigerian President knew but deleberately withheld the information until after the Election.

Can we really believe these poor girls have been married off????
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Another Report

Post  Panda Sun 2 Nov - 8:43


Boko Haram is a madman and I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt. I bet those poor girls have been sex slaves to his "soldiers" from Day one. Why hasn't the UN intervened?
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  fuzeta Sun 2 Nov - 11:55

That is a horrible video Panda, they look and sound so frightening. Those poor girls must be terrified of them. They make me shiver just looking at the video
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sun 2 Nov - 14:10

fuzeta wrote:That is a horrible video Panda, they look and sound so frightening.  Those poor girls must be terrified of them. They make me shiver just looking at the video

Fuzeta, he is power crazy and for the President to pretend that he was negotiating a settlement was just to make sure he got re-elected.Those girls have been missing months, wouldn't be surprised if his followers have had their way with them in the camp , it was reported a few weeks ago that one of the girls was pregnant and some had been raped.

My question is , why hasn't the UN or some other organisation done something about it.?????It is more than likely they have base camp and couldn't take the children everywhere they went , so given the will, surely the U.S, Britain and some Nigerians can use their skills to track them down.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  fuzeta Sun 2 Nov - 15:32

I think it is more the fear that they will be killed if any move is made to rescue them. They need to be very very careful. Mind you they must be living in hell already
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sun 2 Nov - 16:11

fuzeta wrote:I think it is more the fear that they will be killed if any move is made to rescue them. They need to be very very careful.  Mind you they must be living in hell already

Yes fuzeta and because there are so many, a base camp must be set up to guard them while the Boss and his henchmen are out and about , leaving skeleton staff. The Nigerians know the area so surely some effort should have been made to find the girls. There is also the problem of feeding over 200 mouths so it's possible they have been killed and he is lying about them being married.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  fuzeta Sun 2 Nov - 18:14

You are right Panda there is always that possibility. They have not put out any recent videos with them on, not that I have seen.
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Re: Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls

Post  Panda Sun 2 Nov - 18:44

fuzeta wrote:You are right Panda there is always that possibility.  They have not put out any recent videos with them on, not that I have seen.

No, nor me fuzeta. It appears the Nigerian Government has done little to find them, in fact it is said The President lied about talks according to Bora..
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty School is bombed Boko Haram likely to be blamed

Post  Panda Mon 10 Nov - 8:55


How can any human think it is O.K. to bomb a school ????
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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Boko Haram takes over town where the children were kidnapped

Post  Panda Fri 14 Nov - 17:24

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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Boko Haram suspected of deadly Nigerian raid

Post  Panda Sat 22 Nov - 20:00

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Nigerian deal agreed to return kidnapped girls Empty Twin blasts kills dozens in Nigeria

Post  Panda Tue 25 Nov - 15:01

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