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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back

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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Empty Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back

Post  quickfingers Wed 17 Feb - 18:35

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Registration date : 2009-09-06

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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Empty Re: Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back

Post  interested Wed 17 Feb - 19:09

I've today read the similar accounts of telling the twins "everything" in the Sun and Daily Mail. Compelling that the papers are stressing "everything" (in quotes no less). Interesting comments too in the Sun. The Daily Mail comments are obviously being heavily moderated; I submitted two which have not been printed (the second one was less critical than the first).

I hope she does a follow-up interview stating what the twins' reaction was when she told them (among other things) why she left them alone with their three year old sister when their parents went out to dine night after night. What did they say when she told them she refused to answer the 48 questions? What did they think about the British dog alerts?

I do feel sorry for the twins. Eleven year olds have access to the internet and in time they will have questions about "everything" they've been told.

In the meantime their parents must be happy the twins are doing well and raising money at school for the fund.
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Registration date : 2011-10-22

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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Empty Re: Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back

Post  Wintabells Wed 17 Feb - 20:21

Boy, that son of theirs is the image of his father.
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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2011-02-28

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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Empty Re: Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back

Post  AnnaEsse Sat 20 Feb - 9:34

Well well, there's a novelty. Siblings of a missing child want her back.

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Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Madeleine McCann's mum says her twins know all about their missing sister and want her back Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-09-23


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