Steel Industry
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Steel Industry
We have a rump left of the once booming steel industry in this country, and even that is now in danger. Port Talbot we ae told is losing a million £ a day, but what of the other plants? Are they losing money as well. As seems to be normal now, whenever our politicians are involved, There are a host of conflicting tales. Crippling energy costs are doing it, no it's cheap Chinese steel. Strangely all of our senior politicians, although apparently knowing of the meeting by TATA to discuss the fate of thousands, found it more convenient to be elsewhere when the meeting was held. In my personal opinion, the steel workers and service jobs dependant on them are paying the price of not voting conservative. They are being offered platitudes but no help. We are in fact being told that Britain is blocking the EU from levying taxes on Chinese steel, for fear of upsetting the Chinese. All this on top of the age at which one can draw a state pension is going up. Proof positive if we ever needed it that too many people are taking out, and not enough putting in. with thousands more shortly to stop putting in if the government does nothing. One thing they will not do is admit that since at least a percentage of our laws come from the European parliament, the same percentage of our MP's and the well overstuffed other house, are in truth redundant themselves. Last in first out is it?
katertaif- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 1296
Age : 80
Location : West Midlands
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Registration date : 2014-02-24
Re: Steel Industry
Why are we not allowed to insult the Chinese....look at their human rights..what human rights you may be asking.....statistics ...they murder dogs, steal them off the streets, skin them and boil them alive ...and Cameron aka...pigs head..let them have the monopoly...second to making the UK citizens pot less, homeless and our children in no hope off getting a job when they leave school...perhaps the ones with 'A' levels and degrees may get a job that's if they can be bothered to get out of Corbyns arse and stop demonstrating in Trafalgar Square cos they just realised the Earth is Round and not actually Flat.
Big businesses love being 'abroad', it's cheaper , the cheaper for them the more profit they make and they can employ people in china and India for 2p an hour.
Why do you think big businesses don't want to come our off the EU...dosh and cheap labour ...from Europe
Big businesses love being 'abroad', it's cheaper , the cheaper for them the more profit they make and they can employ people in china and India for 2p an hour.
Why do you think big businesses don't want to come our off the EU...dosh and cheap labour ...from Europe
kitti- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 13400
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Registration date : 2009-06-21
Buy British
We are now being urged to buy British Steel in order to save the industry. Some of us have been advocating that for donkey's years, but as kitti says, Big business wants big profits. It is not only steel.Look for example at Dyson. His appliances are not made here; he made no secret of relocating to the far east because labour was cheaper.. Going back to steel. The loss of our shipbuilding industry had a serious knock on effect on the steel industry.
Wherever possible we should buy British goods. Other countries do it, why can't we? I don't man paying over the odds for shoddy goods, wherever possible are the operative words
Wherever possible we should buy British goods. Other countries do it, why can't we? I don't man paying over the odds for shoddy goods, wherever possible are the operative words
katertaif- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 1296
Age : 80
Location : West Midlands
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Registration date : 2014-02-24
Re: Steel Industry
That right, buy British.
If we do that then the prices will go down as they will be competing against each other.
Look at dairy's not worth running or owning a farm as the British government won't pay them enough for their milk and also if they over produce they have to bloody tip the over quota down the drain!
Why are we importing such meat, it's bloody rubbish, not that I eat meat but British meat is far better than the meat from brazil and Europe, it's disgusting and vile and look at the way they treat their animals, not that we treat them well but they treat them worse.
Alot and I mean ALOT off employers are not paying the 7.20ph either and I know that for a FACT and if you say something what do they say ...'well If you don't like your 6.00ph you can lump it or leave as I can get 2 Romanians or Bulgarians for that'..vile people.
If we do that then the prices will go down as they will be competing against each other.
Look at dairy's not worth running or owning a farm as the British government won't pay them enough for their milk and also if they over produce they have to bloody tip the over quota down the drain!
Why are we importing such meat, it's bloody rubbish, not that I eat meat but British meat is far better than the meat from brazil and Europe, it's disgusting and vile and look at the way they treat their animals, not that we treat them well but they treat them worse.
Alot and I mean ALOT off employers are not paying the 7.20ph either and I know that for a FACT and if you say something what do they say ...'well If you don't like your 6.00ph you can lump it or leave as I can get 2 Romanians or Bulgarians for that'..vile people.
kitti- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 13400
Age : 114
Location : London
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Registration date : 2009-06-21
Re: Steel Industry
Hello kitti
I unfortunately have to agree with much of what you say. In the name of greater profits, foreign workers are coming in, doing the jobs our own people should have the skills to do. Why have they not got the skills? What bloody genius in parliament tore the bottom out of the old apprenticeship system? It wasn't perfect, but by and large it worked. Now as you say, foreign workers can come in freely, undercut us, send the money back to their home countries, even claiming for children who live abroad, and may or may not exist. and in time go home.
That brings it's own hidden pitfall. When I worked in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Nigeria, and yes even China, thousands like me were sending most of our money back home (no benefits, all our own money) This would normally be unsustainable were it not for the fact that our governments were in turn, sending it back to them, and more in the form of oil revenues. The books didn't balance, but were not totally one sided when technology and arms sales are taken into account. That does not apply in this case. They come here, and assuming they get a job, live as cheaply as possible, sometimes in what we would describe as squalor, with their spare cash going abroad, and nothing coming back except more, and ever more workers. That is unsustainable, and the greedy bosses and landlords must be brought to book, by draconian methods if necessary.
Of course we face an even greater mountain to limb, when we realise our lawmakers, and elected representatives, are themselves almost completely self serving, and I suspect more than a few have fingers in the cheap immigrant pie. If they don't get a job, well.............................
I unfortunately have to agree with much of what you say. In the name of greater profits, foreign workers are coming in, doing the jobs our own people should have the skills to do. Why have they not got the skills? What bloody genius in parliament tore the bottom out of the old apprenticeship system? It wasn't perfect, but by and large it worked. Now as you say, foreign workers can come in freely, undercut us, send the money back to their home countries, even claiming for children who live abroad, and may or may not exist. and in time go home.
That brings it's own hidden pitfall. When I worked in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Nigeria, and yes even China, thousands like me were sending most of our money back home (no benefits, all our own money) This would normally be unsustainable were it not for the fact that our governments were in turn, sending it back to them, and more in the form of oil revenues. The books didn't balance, but were not totally one sided when technology and arms sales are taken into account. That does not apply in this case. They come here, and assuming they get a job, live as cheaply as possible, sometimes in what we would describe as squalor, with their spare cash going abroad, and nothing coming back except more, and ever more workers. That is unsustainable, and the greedy bosses and landlords must be brought to book, by draconian methods if necessary.
Of course we face an even greater mountain to limb, when we realise our lawmakers, and elected representatives, are themselves almost completely self serving, and I suspect more than a few have fingers in the cheap immigrant pie. If they don't get a job, well.............................
katertaif- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 1296
Age : 80
Location : West Midlands
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Registration date : 2014-02-24
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