chipping away
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chipping away
An article this morning says MI5 predict that there will be an attack on a church in Britain. priests are advised not to wear dog collars etc, so as not to be so easily identifiable. This in the wake of members of our armed forces being advised not to wear uniform when off base.
Contrast this when a little while ago Universities and other public places banned the niqab, the screams of outrage could have been heard in the Middle East. The ban was reversed of course, the truth is while these events are seemingly unimportant in themselves, we are becoming hardened to their atrocities, while our culture is steadily being Islamised.
The uproar over what they are calling the burkini demonstrates this. Try going to the beach in Jeddah wearing a bikini, or even a one piece swimsuit, and see what happens.
Demonstrations waving placards claiming Islam will dominate the world are unfortunately more than likely correct. The numbers flooding into Europe will- in fact already have; changed the demographic make up in Sweden, and we are next. This morning a car bomb was exploded in Baghdad. When they have fulfilled their dream of taking over the world, they will fight each other.
Contrast this when a little while ago Universities and other public places banned the niqab, the screams of outrage could have been heard in the Middle East. The ban was reversed of course, the truth is while these events are seemingly unimportant in themselves, we are becoming hardened to their atrocities, while our culture is steadily being Islamised.
The uproar over what they are calling the burkini demonstrates this. Try going to the beach in Jeddah wearing a bikini, or even a one piece swimsuit, and see what happens.
Demonstrations waving placards claiming Islam will dominate the world are unfortunately more than likely correct. The numbers flooding into Europe will- in fact already have; changed the demographic make up in Sweden, and we are next. This morning a car bomb was exploded in Baghdad. When they have fulfilled their dream of taking over the world, they will fight each other.
katertaif- Platinum Poster
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Re: chipping away
katertaif wrote:An article this morning says MI5 predict that there will be an attack on a church in Britain. priests are advised not to wear dog collars etc, so as not to be so easily identifiable. This in the wake of members of our armed forces being advised not to wear uniform when off base.
Contrast this when a little while ago Universities and other public places banned the niqab, the screams of outrage could have been heard in the Middle East. The ban was reversed of course, the truth is while these events are seemingly unimportant in themselves, we are becoming hardened to their atrocities, while our culture is steadily being Islamised.
The uproar over what they are calling the burkini demonstrates this. Try going to the beach in Jeddah wearing a bikini, or even a one piece swimsuit, and see what happens.
Demonstrations waving placards claiming Islam will dominate the world are unfortunately more than likely correct. The numbers flooding into Europe will- in fact already have; changed the demographic make up in Sweden, and we are next. This morning a car bomb was exploded in Baghdad. When they have fulfilled their dream of taking over the world, they will fight each other.
Good afternoon katertaif.
Another view of our culture becoming hardened to the atrocities these people commit is the youth of Europe are developing an anti Islam attitude which is steadily becoming as violent as that of Isis towards anyone other than their own followers. Germany apparently already has clashes on their streets as doubtlessly other nations, which are not reported. Merkel has recently been reported as stating she was surprised by the attitude of the 'refugees' she had allowed into Europe. What chance does Europe have with an inept and blinkered leader at the helm
One great step forward was the recent incarceration of Choudry, may he be only the first of many.
But until the Arabs take control of the Middle East debacle, I doubt we will have any real chance of peace being brought about by Western arms or diplomacy.
malena stool- Platinum Poster
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Re: chipping away
Good morning old son
Demonstrations and clashes in the streets are all very well, and I agree with you that there is an anti Islamic feeling that is growing, but street clashes do not solve the problem of the hordes flooding in from all over the Middle East and Africa. Most of them young men.
Our authorities don't seem to have any answer to it, and when you add bleeding hearts such as Merkel into the mix. It becomes almost farcical. Recently, a young Muslim arraigned for rape, got away with it on the grounds that he didn't know it was wrong in this country. Almost beyond belief the Judge believed him!!! It is the judge who should have been jailed.
That is just one example from the hundreds recorded. Sweden; more liberal even that Merkel's Germany is now the rape capital of the world, and still little/nothing is done.
Sheer numbers alone will do it. By the time our esteemed leaders take their noses out of their expense account sheets, it will be too late.
Demonstrations and clashes in the streets are all very well, and I agree with you that there is an anti Islamic feeling that is growing, but street clashes do not solve the problem of the hordes flooding in from all over the Middle East and Africa. Most of them young men.
Our authorities don't seem to have any answer to it, and when you add bleeding hearts such as Merkel into the mix. It becomes almost farcical. Recently, a young Muslim arraigned for rape, got away with it on the grounds that he didn't know it was wrong in this country. Almost beyond belief the Judge believed him!!! It is the judge who should have been jailed.
That is just one example from the hundreds recorded. Sweden; more liberal even that Merkel's Germany is now the rape capital of the world, and still little/nothing is done.
Sheer numbers alone will do it. By the time our esteemed leaders take their noses out of their expense account sheets, it will be too late.
Last edited by katertaif on Thu 8 Sep - 11:09; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : missed sentence)
katertaif- Platinum Poster
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Registration date : 2014-02-24
Re: chipping away
Good evening katertaif.
The instant communication channels such as facebook and twitter which circumvent the accepted biased and government controlled national tv, radio and printed media are giving the public a realistic insight into what is actually happening as a result of unchecked migration policies across not only Europe but the US also.
No one truly denies that the events taking place in Syria are tragic but thanks to the shortsighted, unbalanced policies of Merkel and those in the EU who support her flawed and pointless ideas. Europe itself is I believe quite likely to become a scene of conflict.
The sentences handed out by our judiciary are ludicrous, in reality both this problem and its solution besides many others, lie at the door of our law makers/political masters. The sentences of the courts should apply equally to all who inhabit our, 'green and pleasant land' both to the indigenous population, be they celebrities or plebs or our immigrants, who should be vetted before entering, as they are/were anywhere else in Europe/the world.
The instant communication channels such as facebook and twitter which circumvent the accepted biased and government controlled national tv, radio and printed media are giving the public a realistic insight into what is actually happening as a result of unchecked migration policies across not only Europe but the US also.
No one truly denies that the events taking place in Syria are tragic but thanks to the shortsighted, unbalanced policies of Merkel and those in the EU who support her flawed and pointless ideas. Europe itself is I believe quite likely to become a scene of conflict.
The sentences handed out by our judiciary are ludicrous, in reality both this problem and its solution besides many others, lie at the door of our law makers/political masters. The sentences of the courts should apply equally to all who inhabit our, 'green and pleasant land' both to the indigenous population, be they celebrities or plebs or our immigrants, who should be vetted before entering, as they are/were anywhere else in Europe/the world.
malena stool- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 13924
Location : Spare room above the kitchen
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