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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Guest Thu 13 Aug - 20:23

Mods can you please put this somewhere it seems to have slipped under our radar....Trials taking place where DAVID PAYNE works...

'The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK.'
Published on 08-09-2009 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: Sunday Express

PARENTS’ fears were growing last night over plans to use Britain’s 8.5million schoolchildren as guinea pigs for swine flu vaccinations.

The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK.

In the biggest mass vaccination since the 1964 operation against smallpox, school nurses, health visitors and GPs would deliver the injections to five to 16-year-olds at all 33,700 schools.

The programme could start at the beginning of the new school term in a major effort to minimise the harm caused by a second wave of the pandemic this autumn.

But there are serious concerns as little or no data exists on the safety or effectiveness of flu vaccines on young children.

However, the Department of Health stressed that no decision had been made on delivering the vaccination programme.

Jackie Fletcher, who runs Jabs, a support group for parents whose children have been affected by vaccines, said the Government could end up with unnecessary deaths on their hands if proper tests are not carried out.

She said: “We have got major concerns about the safety of these vaccines.

“No children or anyone else for that matter should be used as guinea pigs for something like this. There are too many unknowns.

“With millions of people vaccinated the chances of serious side effects, possibly fatal, are very real indeed.”

She pointed to America in 1976 when the government vaccinated 45 million people for a swine flu outbreak that never materialised.

A total of 500 people developed a rare neurological condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome and 25 died.

Ms Fletcher said: “We simply cannot run that risk in Britain. Any vaccinations in September or October are too early. This is a knee-jerk reaction by the Government.”

Peter Smith, professor of tropical epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: “What happened in America has never really been understood.

“It’s not really been observed with subsequent influenza vaccines,” said Professor Smith, who is chairman of the global advisory committee on vaccine safety at the World Health Organisation.

Parents would need to give permission for a child to be vaccinated. But there are questions over whether there will be enough health professionals to carry out the vaccinations – there are just 1,447 nurses covering 25,000 schools in England.

Government figures showed the number being diagnosed dropped from 110,000 to 30,000 over the past seven days. But there have been nine new deaths related to the virus in the last week, and 36 people have now died.

Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has predicted a “second wave” when schools reopen.

Meanwhile, the country’s first swine flu vaccine trial is being held at Leicester Royal Infirmary.

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Susan Thu 13 Aug - 21:53

Good heavens! And David Payne was trying so hard to remain incognito! The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK 23324

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Registration date : 2008-07-21


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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Angelina Thu 13 Aug - 22:20


Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals and "we do not know if there could be an allergic reaction".

But more importantly, some people fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.
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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Guest Fri 14 Aug - 7:32

More worrying reports on Tamiflu...Spanish News this morning 36.000 are now effected in Europe.....


This from the Blog The Bastards....

Will the swine flu jab kill more than swine flu itself?

Political Bastards
Dr Suusi Watson 18/07/2009 11:37

Swine flu
UK - Government ministers have been promising that a swine flu antiviral injection will be available within the next month. The WHO has contradicted the government by saying that it will take 3 months for sufficient stocks of swine flu antivirals to become available.

Who should we believe? and should we trust the new antivirals when they arrive after being rushed into production and mass vaccination programs, without any of the normal safety checks.

We have also seen the resignation of the health minister, Lord Darzi of Denham, who is also a practising surgeon, after two years in the post.

Friends of Lord Darzi said he was exhausted from holding two jobs and had done what he had set out to do and put the NHS on the path to reform. "He was trying to be a minister and an innovative surgeon at the same time - it's knackering," said one friend.

But as a Doctor, was he being asked to do something that he knew conflicted with the hippocratic oath. To lie to the public about the availability and safety of the antivirals when and if they arrive.

We at the Bastard are pretty sure that we can trust the WHO rather than the Government, over the timing of the availability of the new antivirals that will be rushed into production when an effective or partially effective vaccine is found.

Contaminated Vaccines

The problem as we at the Bastard See's it is that the antivirals are being rushed into production, and that one of the pharmaceutical companies, Baxter Pharmaceuticals, was recently (04/03/2009) caught sending out flu antivirals contaminated with live avian flu virus, to 18 different countries.

Thankfully the contaminated batches were intercepted before, any of the antivirals were used on human subjects.

But given that this 'mistake' happened when there was no pressure on the Pharmaceutical industry.

Now we have a world wide pandemic of swine flu, with some 29 deaths and 70,000 infected so far in the United Kingdom. The more deaths that occur, the greater the political pressure on the Government to be seen as doing something about the Pandemic. This pressure will be passed on to the pharmacutical companies, and at that point all sort of risks will be taken to save the politicians faces, regardless of the eventual cost.

The last time there were mass vaccinations for flu in 1976 the vaccine killed more people than the flu itself.

Tamiflu to the rescue

But do not worry we have great stocks of tamiflu, and the less talked-about Relenza, they will save us...

No. Who told you that load of rubbish. Tamiflu is a plant derived product that can make flu last one day less if and onluy if taken in the first 24 hours. It's extracted from the Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called Star Anise. It's one of hundreds of different anti-viral herbs found in Chinese Medicine

Tamiflu does not contain live, weakened or dead virus material so it is useless in helping build a resistance to swine flu. It does however slow the rate that the virus infects cells if taken in the first 24 hours.

Tamiflu is not side effect free and is know to cause delirium and self harm. There have been no reported deaths from Tamiflu in the United States, but in Japan, where the drug is much more widely used, at least 14 deaths have been reported. Five children under the age of 17 died after "falling from windows or balconies or running into traffic," according to the FDA. According to Roche, two people under the age of 21 died from a brain infection, and seven deaths from neuropsychiatric symptoms have also been attributed to use of the drug by adults.

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Guest Fri 14 Aug - 7:45

UK government predicts 100 000 new A/H1N1 flu cases a day by September (Friday 03 July 2009)
The UK government is planning for a rapid rise in the number of cases of A/H1N1 flu and is limiting provision of antiviral drugs to people with symptoms, while excluding asymptomatic contacts of infected people. The move comes after the revelation that up to 100 000 new cases of the infection could emerge each day by the end of August.

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Post  Guest Fri 14 Aug - 7:58

Odd Dr Stephenson...who has already been involved in trials himself states that two doses are required....No mention of side effects...But then he would'nt would he.


Britain's first swine flu vaccine trials, led by the University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, are taking place at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.

Dr Iain Stephenson, a consultant in infectious diseases at the hospital and clinical senior lecturer at the University, has been carrying out research into swine flu and has published academic papers on the subject.

Now he is working with 175 volunteers, aged 18-50, as part of research to develop a vaccine against the virus.

The volunteers were recruited in the last week of July ago and blood samples are now being taken to detect how much immunity the drug gives. Earlier research by Dr Stephenson and colleagues already established that two doses of the vaccine would be needed to build up immunity.

Results from the trials are expected in September.

Dr Stephenson, of the Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Leicester, said: "The aim is to find out how many doses and what type of vaccine is needed to give protection. This will help with planning the vaccine campaign across the country.

"It is almost certain two doses of vaccine will be needed. Unlike seasonal flu, where people's bodies are partly primed to fight the virus, swine flu is a new infection none of us has met before. The vaccinations during the trails are being given between one-three weeks apart.

"Because of this your body needs a priming dose and then a boosting dose. The lower the dose the more of the vaccine can be shared among the population. The trial will also help determine how far apart the injections need to be given."

Earlier this year, in his paper published in PNAS- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA- Dr Stephenson made the first case for a pre-pandemic vaccine to mitigate the worst effects of pandemic flu.

He said: "This study is the first to show an effective pre-pandemic vaccine approach. This means that we could vaccinate people potentially many years before a pandemic, to generate memory cells that are long lasting and can be rapidly boosted by a single dose of vaccine when needed."

University of Leicester

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Post  Guest Fri 14 Aug - 8:35

I'll bet they wont use their own kids as guinea pigs will they

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Guest Fri 14 Aug - 10:41


I remember Mitchel saying he hated the Express because he had no control. ..maybe we had better keep an eye on the Express...from what I am reading Leicestershire hospital where drug trials are taking place are NOT reporting any side effects....Now that is worrying.

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty swine flu vaccinations

Post  Guest Fri 21 Aug - 15:14

for those worried about swine flu vaccine,then check out this new site that been put together to warn people against taken the vaccine.[url=http://www.vaccinationeducation.com.please take a look.

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  wjk Fri 21 Aug - 23:07

As a diabetic I usually get the seasonal flu vaccine and believe we're one of the first to be offered the Swine Flu vaccine, but I really don't know whether to take up the offer or not?? It doesn't sound so great, TBH The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK 303636
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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty swine flu vaccination

Post  Guest Sat 22 Aug - 11:57

hi folks every parent should be warned about the dangers of vaccination ,so please take some time out and view the trailer for a new doccumentary for vaccination awareness,at www.youtube.com/watch?=6VqKaHN3vRc.thank you

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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Guest Sat 22 Aug - 12:13

I posted on the other thread, the WHO are advising against it! No one will be forced to have a vaccine. School children will be able to opt out just as with the cervical cancer vaccine


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The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK Empty Re: The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK

Post  Angelina Sat 22 Aug - 13:22

wjk wrote:As a diabetic I usually get the seasonal flu vaccine and believe we're one of the first to be offered the Swine Flu vaccine, but I really don't know whether to take up the offer or not?? It doesn't sound so great, TBH The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immunise every schoolchild in the UK 303636

I understand exactly how you feel. I have one son who is diabetic and one who is asthmatic and they will be among the first to be offered the vaccine. They are both adult and will make their own decisions but I am worried for them both. I am so thankful I don't have to make the decision for them but if I had to I think I would say no to it. It's so worrying....the vaccine -v- the possible effects of swine flu with diabetes/asthma.

I'm sorry for everyone who has to make this decision.
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Post  pipstar1 Mon 24 Aug - 23:35

Check out my reply on the Swine flu thread re Gulf War Syndrome and Squalene.

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