“I don’t have any quarrel with the couple”
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Gonçalo Amaral short interview in Tiempo
Gonçalo Amaral: "The McCanns are guilty, they abandoned their children"
12 September 2008
Is this book a necessity or revenge for having been withdrawn from the case?
It is simply a necessity, to defend the attacks I received during the time that the investigation lasted until they removed me from the case. I wanted to talk then, but I was refused that option.
Are Gerry and Kate McCann guilty?
Yes, because nobody can deny that they abandoned their children, and that also has a punishment.
It takes a lot of coldness to hide the corpse of a child, right?
It is not coldness, it is the need to decide. The father is a surgeon and is accustomed to making decisions in times of stress. That's what he did that night, deciding to remove the body of Madeleine.
Where is Madeleine?
We may never know what. Most likely, thrown out to sea.
12 September 2008
Is this book a necessity or revenge for having been withdrawn from the case?
It is simply a necessity, to defend the attacks I received during the time that the investigation lasted until they removed me from the case. I wanted to talk then, but I was refused that option.
Are Gerry and Kate McCann guilty?
Yes, because nobody can deny that they abandoned their children, and that also has a punishment.
It takes a lot of coldness to hide the corpse of a child, right?
It is not coldness, it is the need to decide. The father is a surgeon and is accustomed to making decisions in times of stress. That's what he did that night, deciding to remove the body of Madeleine.
Where is Madeleine?
We may never know what. Most likely, thrown out to sea.
Gonçalo Amaral: “I don’t have any quarrel with the couple”
The former inspector would have liked Oprah Winfrey to ask direct questions to the couple and speaks about the “provocation” that was Gerry’s visit to Luz
by Alexandra Serôdio
Kate and Gerry McCann were on Oprah’s show, one of the most watched worldwide.
The invitation had been made in 2007, but the couple only accepted now. Gonçalo Amaral was not invited and denies that he showed any interest in participating. But he knows by heart the questions that he would ask them if he was there and regrets that they weren’t asked, because they could help to discover the truth. Which, in his understanding, points to Madeleine’s death.
The McCann couple participated in Oprah Winfrey’s programme, which will be broadcast in the United States. Have you shown interest in participating in this programme, or not?
I manifested no will to go there, and there was no obligation for me to be invited. The only thing that I’d like is for some very direct questions to be asked, namely about the lack of cooperation with the police; the need to archive the process, and about the couple limiting the purpose of the process, when they stated that their daughter had been abducted for a paedophile network.
Did you want the couple to talk, something that didn’t happen during the investigation?
I have no quarrel with the couple. It would be important to try to understand what happened. I don’t understand why people are satisfied with the archiving of the case. The criminal investigation was suddenly interrupted, it was not even half way.
Do you remain without doubts about what happened?
I have no doubts that Madeleine died in that apartment, and that it may have been an accidental death. This was the base of the suspicion that had to be worked upon and investigated, but we were not allowed to.
Has this case definitely marked the investigators that were connected to it?
Why are the persons that were connected to the Maddie case, burned? There should be courage and someone should say why. People worked with their heart and soul, as professionals. And now we see our career cut short? What is this if not pressure? And pressure affects the career.
In what terms?
Dr Luís Neves [PJ’s head of heavy crime combat unit] could be the national director. It was said or ordered to say that he could not be chosen because he had been connected to the Maddie case. What are this ministry or this government afraid of? Why can’t competent people, who were connected to the case, who did an excellent job one way or another, within the scope that was determined, continue to progress in their career and occupy leading posts?
What comment do you have for the recent presence of Gerry in Praia da Luz?
Apart from a major lack of judgement, it’s almost a provocation. To go somewhere where one knows that unemployment exists, where the difficulties of the shop owners are related to that non reality, that invention that they came up with, which is to say that there was an abduction. Maybe it’s time for the couple to think about those that they hurt. There are people who were made redundant and who are thinking about asking the McCanns for compensation. They should use the fund to subsidise all of those people. That would be interesting. It would show good will. Instead of being used only to pay for other things.
source: Jornal de Notícias, 03.05.2009
By Astro
by Alexandra Serôdio
Kate and Gerry McCann were on Oprah’s show, one of the most watched worldwide.
The invitation had been made in 2007, but the couple only accepted now. Gonçalo Amaral was not invited and denies that he showed any interest in participating. But he knows by heart the questions that he would ask them if he was there and regrets that they weren’t asked, because they could help to discover the truth. Which, in his understanding, points to Madeleine’s death.
The McCann couple participated in Oprah Winfrey’s programme, which will be broadcast in the United States. Have you shown interest in participating in this programme, or not?
I manifested no will to go there, and there was no obligation for me to be invited. The only thing that I’d like is for some very direct questions to be asked, namely about the lack of cooperation with the police; the need to archive the process, and about the couple limiting the purpose of the process, when they stated that their daughter had been abducted for a paedophile network.
Did you want the couple to talk, something that didn’t happen during the investigation?
I have no quarrel with the couple. It would be important to try to understand what happened. I don’t understand why people are satisfied with the archiving of the case. The criminal investigation was suddenly interrupted, it was not even half way.
Do you remain without doubts about what happened?
I have no doubts that Madeleine died in that apartment, and that it may have been an accidental death. This was the base of the suspicion that had to be worked upon and investigated, but we were not allowed to.
Has this case definitely marked the investigators that were connected to it?
Why are the persons that were connected to the Maddie case, burned? There should be courage and someone should say why. People worked with their heart and soul, as professionals. And now we see our career cut short? What is this if not pressure? And pressure affects the career.
In what terms?
Dr Luís Neves [PJ’s head of heavy crime combat unit] could be the national director. It was said or ordered to say that he could not be chosen because he had been connected to the Maddie case. What are this ministry or this government afraid of? Why can’t competent people, who were connected to the case, who did an excellent job one way or another, within the scope that was determined, continue to progress in their career and occupy leading posts?
What comment do you have for the recent presence of Gerry in Praia da Luz?
Apart from a major lack of judgement, it’s almost a provocation. To go somewhere where one knows that unemployment exists, where the difficulties of the shop owners are related to that non reality, that invention that they came up with, which is to say that there was an abduction. Maybe it’s time for the couple to think about those that they hurt. There are people who were made redundant and who are thinking about asking the McCanns for compensation. They should use the fund to subsidise all of those people. That would be interesting. It would show good will. Instead of being used only to pay for other things.
source: Jornal de Notícias, 03.05.2009
By Astro
pm- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 4300
Age : 53
Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Registration date : 2008-07-21
Gonçalo Amaral : Maddie, l'Enquête Interdite
Maddie, l'Enquête interdite : Les révélations du commissaire portugais chargé de l'enquête
« Maddie n’a pas été enlevée. Elle est décédée dans l’appartement où la famille passait ses vacances, dans le sud du Portugal, et ses parents sont impliqués. »
C’est l'inspecteur de la police judiciaire, Gonçalo Amaral, responsable de l’enquête qui l’affirme.
Comme si nous, lecteurs, étions penchés par-dessus son épaule, nous suivons pas à pas la reconstitution de l’enquête, la recherche d’indices, de preuves, examinons les diverses hypothèses, révélant des contradictions, interrogeons les suspects, établissons des recoupements révélateurs.
Grâce à ce récit, à ses démonstrations étayées par des exemples, des schémas et des photos, nous parcourons le chemin d’une enquête qui a fasciné l’opinion publique et au cours de laquelle la police portugaise a subi toutes sortes de pressions.
Finalement les investigations seront officiellement closes pour « manque de preuves concluantes » Et pourtant…
Gonçalo Amaral ne peut accepter. Il donne aussitôt sa démission et se met à écrire ce livre afin de révéler les dessous de cette dramatique affaire.
Acheter en ligne sur Fnac.com
220 pages
19.00 € -5%
Code sodis: 724523.5
ISBN-10: 2849411256
ISBN-13: 978-2849411254
By Joana Morais
« Maddie n’a pas été enlevée. Elle est décédée dans l’appartement où la famille passait ses vacances, dans le sud du Portugal, et ses parents sont impliqués. »
C’est l'inspecteur de la police judiciaire, Gonçalo Amaral, responsable de l’enquête qui l’affirme.
Comme si nous, lecteurs, étions penchés par-dessus son épaule, nous suivons pas à pas la reconstitution de l’enquête, la recherche d’indices, de preuves, examinons les diverses hypothèses, révélant des contradictions, interrogeons les suspects, établissons des recoupements révélateurs.
Grâce à ce récit, à ses démonstrations étayées par des exemples, des schémas et des photos, nous parcourons le chemin d’une enquête qui a fasciné l’opinion publique et au cours de laquelle la police portugaise a subi toutes sortes de pressions.
Finalement les investigations seront officiellement closes pour « manque de preuves concluantes » Et pourtant…
Gonçalo Amaral ne peut accepter. Il donne aussitôt sa démission et se met à écrire ce livre afin de révéler les dessous de cette dramatique affaire.
Acheter en ligne sur Fnac.com
220 pages
19.00 € -5%
Code sodis: 724523.5
ISBN-10: 2849411256
ISBN-13: 978-2849411254
By Joana Morais
pm- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 4300
Age : 53
Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
Warning :
Registration date : 2008-07-21
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