GA press release
the one and only big_l
Roasted Arizona
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Justiceforallkids- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
What state secrecy?
kitti- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
4. It is of essence that the English Police also clarify what conclusions they reached.
He is also asking for the English archives to be opened.
He is also asking for the English archives to be opened.
welshy- Elite Member
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Re: GA press release
Way to go. Oh dear! Kate and Gerry you threw the first snowball and it has led to an avalanche. Well done GA
fred- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
BRING IT ON........... THE GLOVES ARE ON........
kitti- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
There can be no ruling without the UK police input. If say the police had evidence/indications which say that Madeleine was abducted then it would be right they should release them. I'm sure the McCanns and their supporters would be the first to agree with that. And if they have evidence/indications that she wasn't abducted then they should release them. Otherwise surely no action can be taken by anybody. That's my opinion.
MaryB- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
Amaral said there was political interference in the case. Let's hope there's no more of that with regard to this hearing.
sybilsleaves- Rookie
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Re: GA press release
Well mr amaral did say he knows MORE....i wonder if that is what the mccanns are on about when referring about the files and them not knowing what it is.
kitti- Platinum Poster
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HOW is he going to explain to the british/portugese public/british/portugese police and his high rolling backers branson/rowling /kennedy etc WHY he has immediatly ran to his extradtion lawyers (paid by the secret fund, he skimmed from the main one).?
the one and only big_l- Golden Poster
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GA press release
sybilsleaves wrote:Amaral said there was political interference in the case. Let's hope there's no more of that with regard to this hearing.
We hope so too sybilsleaves but wouldn't like to put money on it!
anvi- Newbie
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Where can I see Gerry saying he'd welcome the re-opening of case?
Sorry to start a new topic, but is there any video of this please?
Last edited by Roasted Arizona on Wed 10 Feb - 20:01; edited 1 time in total
Roasted Arizona- Golden Poster
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Re: GA press release
Think it was the usual BS said by the Sky news reporter. I've been watching all day and haven't seen a video
fred- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
Thanks - I can't find it anywhere - ok
Roasted Arizona- Golden Poster
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Re: GA press release
he chooses his world carefully , he said he wants people to look , bla bla bla
but not we would like the whole case reopening right from the start and this time we will fully co operate .
no i dont remember him saying that
but not we would like the whole case reopening right from the start and this time we will fully co operate .
no i dont remember him saying that
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Re: GA press release
Its on the sky news website on the link i started, not video just a quote.
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what Amaral said
Gonçalo Amaral defende reabertura do processo do desaparecimento de Maddie
O ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral defendeu hoje a reabertura do processo do desaparecimento da criança inglesa Madeleine McCann, em 2007, no Algarve, por entender que «centenas de diligências ficaram por realizar»
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Gonçalo Amaral, que assistiu hoje às alegações finais do julgamento da proibição de comercialização do livro da sua autoria Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira, observou que o processo «foi mal arquivado», ilibando Kate e Gerry McCann, indiciados de envolvimento no desaparecimento da filha.
«Sinto-me legitimado para pedir a reabertura», disse, à saída do Palácio da Justiça, após a última audiência do processo interposto pelos pais de Madelenie, que tem como acção principal a reclamação por parte da família inglesa de protecção de direitos liberdades e garantias.
Sem revelar quais os dados novos que julga serem consistentes para que o Ministério Público reabra o processo, Gonçalo Amaral, que integrou a equipa de investigadores da PJ que tentou apurar o que aconteceu à menina inglesa, realçou que «deviam ter sido feitas diligências que não foram feitas».
Também os pais da criança desaparecida na Praia da Luz, a 3 de Maio de 2007, expressaram o desejo de reabertura do processo, arquivado após despacho de 1 de Julho de 2008 pelo procurador da República de Portimão, Magalhães Menezes, por falta de provas.
«Ficávamos muito satisfeitos se o caso fosse reaberto. O que é necessário é uma investigação verdadeira. Obviamente que queremos que as autoridades portuguesas e britânicas cooperem para rever o caso», disse Gerry, reiterando que «não há qualquer prova de que Madeleine esteja morta».
O pai da criança britânica desaparecida de um aldeamento turístico da Praia da Luz, onde se encontrava a passar férias com os pais e os irmãos, voltou a frisar que a filha se encontra viva, pelo que apelou «aos portugueses que tiverem informações» para que comuniquem.
No entender de Gerry, que não se mostrou contrariado com a ideia de uma participação do casal numa reconstituição, «o importante é que existe uma criança desaparecida», pelo que defendeu ser necessário «todos os esforços e todas as informações».
Em declarações aos jornalistas, Gerry McCann voltou a negar que o casal tenha estado em julgamento nas audiências na 7.ª Vara do Tribunal Cível de Lisboa, realizadas de 12 a 14 de janeiro e hoje.
«O caso não é sobre nós. É sobre Maddie. Ela tem de ser encontrada e nós estamos a fazer todos os possíveis para que isso seja uma realidade», disse.
Por seu lado, Kate McCann confessou que foi «muito difícil ouvir as alegações finais» do advogado de Gonçalo Amaral e dos representantes da editora Guerra & Paz, da TVI e da produtora Valentim de Carvalho, também visadas no processo da medida cautelar.
No entanto, a mãe da menina inglesa afirmou que «é reconfortante que não há qualquer prova de dano que tenha sido feito a Madeleine».
As alegações finais preencheram grande parte do julgamento da proibição de comercialização do livro e de vídeo lançado no mercado após a exibição de documentário na TVI.
Neste processo, o casal inglês alega que o livro e o vídeo difundem a tese de Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento de Kate e Gerry no desaparecimento da filha e que os pais da menina simularam o rapto e ocultaram o cadáver.
A juíza do processo, Gabriela Rodrigues, marcou para 18 de Fevereiro a leitura dos quesitos e da sentença.
Lusa / SOL
Gonçalo Amaral advocates reopening the case of the disappearance of Maddie
The former Inspector of Judicial Police (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral defended today the reopening of the case of the disappearance of British child Madeleine McCann, in 2007, in the Algarve on the ground that "hundreds of steps were to be done '
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Gonçalo Amaral, who attended today's closing argument at the trial of the marketing ban of the book is the author Maddie - The Truth Lies, noted that the case "was filed evil 'cleared Kate and Gerry McCann, suspects of involvement in the disappearance of their daughter .
"I am standing to seek the reopening," he said, outside the courthouse after the last hearing of the case brought by the parents of Madelenie, whose main action complaint by the English family of protection of rights and freedoms guarantees.
Without revealing what the new data that are thought to be consistent so that the public prosecutor to reopen the case, Gonçalo Amaral, who joined the team at the PJ who tried to find out what happened to the English girl, stressed that "should have been made representations that were made. "
Also the parents of missing child in Praia da Luz on 3 May 2007, expressed the desire to reopen the case, filed after the order of 1 July 2008 by the prosecutor of Portimão, Magalhaes Menezes, for lack of evidence.
"We were very pleased that the case be reopened. What is needed is a real investigation. Obviously we want the British and Portuguese authorities to cooperate to review the case, "said Gerry, reiterating that" there is no evidence that Madeleine is dead '.
The father of a missing British tourist village of Praia da Luz, where he was vacationing with her parents and siblings, again stressed that her daughter is alive, so called 'the Portuguese who have information' to communicate.
According to Gerry, who was not upset with the idea of a couple's participation in rebuilding, "the important thing is that there is a missing child ', so that must be defended" every effort and all the information. "
Speaking to journalists, Gerry McCann again denied that the couple has been on trial at the hearings on 7. Vara Civil Court of Lisbon, held from 12 to 14 January and today.
'The case is not about us. It's about Maddie. She must be found and we are doing everything possible to make it a reality, "he said.
For its part, Kate McCann confessed he was "very difficult to hear closing argument" of Gonçalo Amaral's lawyer and representatives of the publisher War & Peace, TVI and the producer Valentim de Carvalho, also referred to the process of injunction.
However, the British girl's mother said that "it is reassuring that there is no evidence of damage that has been done to Madeleine."
The closing arguments filled much of the trial of the ban on marketing of the book and video released on the market after the showing of a documentary on TVI.
In this case, the English couple claims that the book and video broadcast the thesis Gonçalo Amaral involvement of Kate and Gerry in the disappearance of her daughter and the girl's parents simulated the abduction and hid the corpse.
Judge of the process, Gabriela Rodrigues, marked on 18 February reading of the questions and the sentence.
Lusa / SOL
O ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral defendeu hoje a reabertura do processo do desaparecimento da criança inglesa Madeleine McCann, em 2007, no Algarve, por entender que «centenas de diligências ficaram por realizar»
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Gonçalo Amaral, que assistiu hoje às alegações finais do julgamento da proibição de comercialização do livro da sua autoria Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira, observou que o processo «foi mal arquivado», ilibando Kate e Gerry McCann, indiciados de envolvimento no desaparecimento da filha.
«Sinto-me legitimado para pedir a reabertura», disse, à saída do Palácio da Justiça, após a última audiência do processo interposto pelos pais de Madelenie, que tem como acção principal a reclamação por parte da família inglesa de protecção de direitos liberdades e garantias.
Sem revelar quais os dados novos que julga serem consistentes para que o Ministério Público reabra o processo, Gonçalo Amaral, que integrou a equipa de investigadores da PJ que tentou apurar o que aconteceu à menina inglesa, realçou que «deviam ter sido feitas diligências que não foram feitas».
Também os pais da criança desaparecida na Praia da Luz, a 3 de Maio de 2007, expressaram o desejo de reabertura do processo, arquivado após despacho de 1 de Julho de 2008 pelo procurador da República de Portimão, Magalhães Menezes, por falta de provas.
«Ficávamos muito satisfeitos se o caso fosse reaberto. O que é necessário é uma investigação verdadeira. Obviamente que queremos que as autoridades portuguesas e britânicas cooperem para rever o caso», disse Gerry, reiterando que «não há qualquer prova de que Madeleine esteja morta».
O pai da criança britânica desaparecida de um aldeamento turístico da Praia da Luz, onde se encontrava a passar férias com os pais e os irmãos, voltou a frisar que a filha se encontra viva, pelo que apelou «aos portugueses que tiverem informações» para que comuniquem.
No entender de Gerry, que não se mostrou contrariado com a ideia de uma participação do casal numa reconstituição, «o importante é que existe uma criança desaparecida», pelo que defendeu ser necessário «todos os esforços e todas as informações».
Em declarações aos jornalistas, Gerry McCann voltou a negar que o casal tenha estado em julgamento nas audiências na 7.ª Vara do Tribunal Cível de Lisboa, realizadas de 12 a 14 de janeiro e hoje.
«O caso não é sobre nós. É sobre Maddie. Ela tem de ser encontrada e nós estamos a fazer todos os possíveis para que isso seja uma realidade», disse.
Por seu lado, Kate McCann confessou que foi «muito difícil ouvir as alegações finais» do advogado de Gonçalo Amaral e dos representantes da editora Guerra & Paz, da TVI e da produtora Valentim de Carvalho, também visadas no processo da medida cautelar.
No entanto, a mãe da menina inglesa afirmou que «é reconfortante que não há qualquer prova de dano que tenha sido feito a Madeleine».
As alegações finais preencheram grande parte do julgamento da proibição de comercialização do livro e de vídeo lançado no mercado após a exibição de documentário na TVI.
Neste processo, o casal inglês alega que o livro e o vídeo difundem a tese de Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento de Kate e Gerry no desaparecimento da filha e que os pais da menina simularam o rapto e ocultaram o cadáver.
A juíza do processo, Gabriela Rodrigues, marcou para 18 de Fevereiro a leitura dos quesitos e da sentença.
Lusa / SOL
Gonçalo Amaral advocates reopening the case of the disappearance of Maddie
The former Inspector of Judicial Police (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral defended today the reopening of the case of the disappearance of British child Madeleine McCann, in 2007, in the Algarve on the ground that "hundreds of steps were to be done '
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Gonçalo Amaral, who attended today's closing argument at the trial of the marketing ban of the book is the author Maddie - The Truth Lies, noted that the case "was filed evil 'cleared Kate and Gerry McCann, suspects of involvement in the disappearance of their daughter .
"I am standing to seek the reopening," he said, outside the courthouse after the last hearing of the case brought by the parents of Madelenie, whose main action complaint by the English family of protection of rights and freedoms guarantees.
Without revealing what the new data that are thought to be consistent so that the public prosecutor to reopen the case, Gonçalo Amaral, who joined the team at the PJ who tried to find out what happened to the English girl, stressed that "should have been made representations that were made. "
Also the parents of missing child in Praia da Luz on 3 May 2007, expressed the desire to reopen the case, filed after the order of 1 July 2008 by the prosecutor of Portimão, Magalhaes Menezes, for lack of evidence.
"We were very pleased that the case be reopened. What is needed is a real investigation. Obviously we want the British and Portuguese authorities to cooperate to review the case, "said Gerry, reiterating that" there is no evidence that Madeleine is dead '.
The father of a missing British tourist village of Praia da Luz, where he was vacationing with her parents and siblings, again stressed that her daughter is alive, so called 'the Portuguese who have information' to communicate.
According to Gerry, who was not upset with the idea of a couple's participation in rebuilding, "the important thing is that there is a missing child ', so that must be defended" every effort and all the information. "
Speaking to journalists, Gerry McCann again denied that the couple has been on trial at the hearings on 7. Vara Civil Court of Lisbon, held from 12 to 14 January and today.
'The case is not about us. It's about Maddie. She must be found and we are doing everything possible to make it a reality, "he said.
For its part, Kate McCann confessed he was "very difficult to hear closing argument" of Gonçalo Amaral's lawyer and representatives of the publisher War & Peace, TVI and the producer Valentim de Carvalho, also referred to the process of injunction.
However, the British girl's mother said that "it is reassuring that there is no evidence of damage that has been done to Madeleine."
The closing arguments filled much of the trial of the ban on marketing of the book and video released on the market after the showing of a documentary on TVI.
In this case, the English couple claims that the book and video broadcast the thesis Gonçalo Amaral involvement of Kate and Gerry in the disappearance of her daughter and the girl's parents simulated the abduction and hid the corpse.
Judge of the process, Gabriela Rodrigues, marked on 18 February reading of the questions and the sentence.
Lusa / SOL
pm- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
Ah, right, now the penny is dropping!
The McScum are afraid that the case is about to be reopened, so they are speaking to the press to make it look like it was their idea.
They must be bricking it. Hopefully this is the crack appearing in the dam.
The McScum are afraid that the case is about to be reopened, so they are speaking to the press to make it look like it was their idea.
They must be bricking it. Hopefully this is the crack appearing in the dam.
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Re: GA press release
I saw him with Alexander O'Neal at the Indig0 in December....He aged a little bit now
Re: GA press release
Maybe......just maybe, things are moving forward!
wjk- Platinum Poster
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Re: GA press release
The Famous Grouse wrote:Ah, right, now the penny is dropping!
The McScum are afraid that the case is about to be reopened, so they are speaking to the press to make it look like it was their idea.
They must be bricking it. Hopefully this is the crack appearing in the dam......
.........And the waters shall come and cleanse them of their stinky lies!
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Re: GA press release
The Famous Grouse wrote:Ah, right, now the penny is dropping!
The McScum are afraid that the case is about to be reopened, so they are speaking to the press to make it look like it was their idea.
They must be bricking it. Hopefully this is the crack appearing in the dam.
Yes Mr McCann, of course you want the case re-opened.
4:58 jondipaolo: "I think it's particularly disappointing that the police officers who considered us responsible for Madeleine's disappearance...
4:59 jondipaolo: "...are the same officers that we are depending on to carry on the search for Madeleine."
4:59 jondipaolo: "The search for Madeleine is ongoing. We don't have any leads and we need to keep searching."
welshy- Elite Member
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Re: GA press release
I think they are probably thinking that they should never have started this. It's certainly snowballing now. I can't for the life of me understand why they decided to file criminal charges against TV1 though, I think it's like eddie said in the other thread, they are trying every which way now to avoid the inevitable.
MissGivings- Elite Member
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welshy- Elite Member
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Re: GA press release
"Ignored" evidence may lead to re-opening of Madeleine case
Updated: 11-Feb-2010
Special Report by CHRIS GRAEME at Lisbon Civil Court
Lawyers acting on behalf of Kate and Gerry McCann and Gonçalo Amaral admitted in Lisbon on Wednesday (February 10) that evidence ignored by police investigators could pave the way for the Madeleine Case to be reopened.
The lawyers were speaking outside the Lisbon Civil Court, Tribunal Civel de Lisboa, on the last day of an injunction case which the McCanns hope will permanently ban publication of Madeleine – the Secret of the Lie, the book which purports that the three-year-old toddler died in a tragic accident in their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007, and that the parents tried to conceal the body.
Isabel Duarte, representing the McCanns, who were in Lisbon at the hearing, said that there was “evidence that could compromise the Polícia Judiciária investigation” in Portimão and pave the way for “the reopening of the Madeleine Case”.
The firebrand lawyer, who caused a sensation in the highly-charged court room in her passionate summing up deliberations by using emotive words against the book, the author, its publishers and a television channel, such as vultures, crows and vampires attracted to the “smell of fresh meat” said that she had attempted to show that the PJ had “undervalued successive sightings of a child” which the British police had given credence too.
“What I saw was various relevant pieces of information, photographs, some of them shocking, similar to the girl, places and car number plates,” she said, which the McCanns had not been called in to identify, but which could show that a girl like Madeleine could have been in Spain or Italy.
When pressed further, Isabel Duarte said that Inspector Ricardo Paiva, the Chief Investigator in the case after Gonçalo Amaral’s removal for allegedly criticising British police, “had been reported as having received sightings of Madeleine” but then later, in court, changed his story.
“What I heard, and this is taped (in court), is that Inspector Paiva said he believed the girl was dead and so, straight off, that means no one is going to investigate a girl that’s alive, don’t you think?” she said.
Isabel Duarte said that French, Spanish and British investigators had confirmed that the leads “were promising” but that the Portuguese investigators “didn’t take them seriously and follow them up”.
In a statement outside the court house, Gerry McCann said that the couple would be delighted if the case were reopened.
“We have no problem with that but what we need is real investigation not dismissal,” he said as both issued a fresh plea for the Portuguese to come forward with any information about Madeleine.
Kate McCann said that listening to the allegations had been difficult but that nothing could be as bad as losing her daughter.
In the fourth day of what has proved a sensational and media-driven case, two last witnesses were called in defence of Gonçalo Amaral, Eduardo Damaso, Editor-in-Chief of daily Portuguese tabloid Correio da Manhã, and Luís Frões, the General Managing Director of Valentim Carvalho Films, the company that produced the TVI documentary based on the thesis put forward by Gonçalo Amaral in his book.
Both told the court about the distribution arrangements for 75,000 copies of the DVD of the film, which first was aired on TVI and subsequently ended up being illegally posted on the internet.
The court heard how 10,000 copies of the DVD were produced and given away in a special edition of Correio da Manhã for a limited period of time before many copies were recalled for destruction but that many could have been sold at newspaper outlets and kiosks well beyond that period in breach of an injunction.
It also emerged in the court that the McCanns are launching fresh criminal proceedings at the Oeiras Criminal Court against TVI over the allegations broadcast about Madeleine’s death.
Isabel Duarte told the court that by airing the documentary and producing its DVD copies, both the TV station, TVI, the film company Valentim Carvalho Films and the newspaper were in “material breach” of the court injunction issued to prevent repeating allegations made in the book as well as Gonçalo Amaral’s famous statement in the film that during the course of the documentary he would “prove that Madeleine McCann was not kidnapped but died in the apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007”.
Defending Gonçalo Amaral, António Cabrita, asked what was so special about the book, when several other journalists and writers had written about the Madeleine Case.
“Maybe there is a problem with the book because it is too close to the truth,” he said.
The Guerra e Paz publisher’s lawyer also criticised the McCanns for using the media when it suited their ends but then trying to gag the media when their interest and investigations didn’t suit their line of argument.
“The company has published another book called the McCann’s Guilt but that has not been banned,” he said.
“Citizens should be concerned that a court may forbid Gonçalo Amaral to talk about the case. After all he has the authority to speak about it because he was the Chief Investigator,” he said.
Live in freedom
“I refute the idea that any Portuguese citizen is forbidden to talk about this case and I hope that you (the judge) will give me back the pride of being Portuguese and to live in freedom,” said António Cabrita.
Isabel Duarte said that freedom of expression didn’t mean that any doorman or taxi driver in Portugal should be able to act as judge and jury on the McCanns on the strength of unfounded and unproven allegations.
The McCanns’ team added that the couple had been put through a “Kafkaesque” process where on the one hand the parents were attacked for showing “lack of initiative” and then attacked for being proactive in “going to the media” to help them find their daughter.
Isabel Duarte and her team then suggested that Gonçalo Amaral had published his book out of revenge for being removed from the case and “to make profits.”
She labelled him, the publisher and the TV station as “vampires” by trying to cash in on the parents’ suffering and called them “vultures drawn by the smell of fresh meat.”
The judge, Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues, is to make a ruling on the book at 10.30am on Thursday, February 18.
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