Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
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Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
I have just received this email from The Madeleine Foundation, good news.
Mon, 25 July, 2011 22:25:52News from The Madeleine Foundation: SCOTLAND YARD REVIEW
From: ANTHONY BENNETT To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear all
We have today had a formal reply from the Madeleine McCann Scotland Yard Review Team to our letter asking for clarification of their terms of reference - and asking specifically if they are prepared to look at evidence which does NOT support the abduction claim of the McCanns.
And it's good news.
You can read our letter to Scotland Yard dated 11 July 2011 here:
and Scotland Yard's reply from Detective Chief Inspector Redwood here:
The crucial bits of the letter are the statements that, and I quote:
"The investigative review will encompass ALL INVESTIGATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED..."
and "Please BY ALL MEANS forward 'evidence' which you believe will assist this process..."
"Any material submitted will be subject to assessment and review".
In the light of those comments I would suggest that ANYONE who considers they have evidence of any kind, even circumstantial evidence, that Madeleine McCann was NOT abducted, then they should write to DCI Andy Redwood at:
Homicide and Serious Crime Command
Room 3.30
1st Floor
Belgravia Police Station
202-206 Buckingham Palace Road
Please be specific about what your evidence is, give sources if you can, suggest possible new lines of enquiry if possible, and always make any lettters polite, courteous and to the point.
From The Madeleine Foundation Committee
Monday 25 July 2011
Mon, 25 July, 2011 22:25:52News from The Madeleine Foundation: SCOTLAND YARD REVIEW
Dear all
We have today had a formal reply from the Madeleine McCann Scotland Yard Review Team to our letter asking for clarification of their terms of reference - and asking specifically if they are prepared to look at evidence which does NOT support the abduction claim of the McCanns.
And it's good news.
You can read our letter to Scotland Yard dated 11 July 2011 here:
and Scotland Yard's reply from Detective Chief Inspector Redwood here:
The crucial bits of the letter are the statements that, and I quote:
"The investigative review will encompass ALL INVESTIGATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED..."
and "Please BY ALL MEANS forward 'evidence' which you believe will assist this process..."
"Any material submitted will be subject to assessment and review".
In the light of those comments I would suggest that ANYONE who considers they have evidence of any kind, even circumstantial evidence, that Madeleine McCann was NOT abducted, then they should write to DCI Andy Redwood at:
Homicide and Serious Crime Command
Room 3.30
1st Floor
Belgravia Police Station
202-206 Buckingham Palace Road
Please be specific about what your evidence is, give sources if you can, suggest possible new lines of enquiry if possible, and always make any lettters polite, courteous and to the point.
From The Madeleine Foundation Committee
Monday 25 July 2011
Last edited by Bobsy on Mon 25 Jul - 22:28; edited 1 time in total
Bobsy- Golden Poster
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Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
I'll move this to the 'Scotland Yard Investigation,' section in a few minutes!
thanks will try again to get someone to check out my concerns relating to the alledged last video of MMC boarding the plane to Portugal, in my opinion it looks totaly wrong.
pooh- Reg Member
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Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
Bobsy, I'm editing your title slightly. Hope you don't mind.
ETA: Can't edit it. I suggest that you do to include a reference to the Madeleine Foundation.
ETA: Can't edit it. I suggest that you do to include a reference to the Madeleine Foundation.
Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
AnnaEsse wrote:Bobsy, I'm editing your title slightly. Hope you don't mind.
ETA: Can't edit it. I suggest that you do to include a reference to the Madeleine Foundation.
AnnaEsse, not at all. Just pleased to bring what I hope is news of a thorough investigation and also invitation to people who feel they have some research they can offer to SY.
Bobsy- Golden Poster
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Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
That email looks like a very positive response. SY could easily have responded by saying they couldn't comment. So, perhaps they want it to be known that their review will be very thorough and not a whitewash.
We must be sure to be heard!
AnnaEsse wrote:I'll move this to the 'Scotland Yard Investigation,' section in a few minutes!
Hello AnnaEsse,
Do you think it would be a good idea to urge all of us to keep the letters short? To pick out three or four points and list them and counter arguments clearly?
We can be as wordy as we like here, but I know from experience that anything over one page is put aside. SY are going to get an awful lot of mail and we want to be read!
Perhaps you could post a few hints here?
e.g. for myself, I would go for the coloboma scam, which was in place (according to the PJ) the same night. Event, statement, proof. And add a few more like that. So it would go: opening paragraph. points 1, 2,3,4,. Closing paragraph saying there is a good deal more of this. Close down fund as priority.
Thank you for your attention, etc.
I think the night of the 3rd is the least of our worries, it's easy to go into too much detail of what might have happened. IMO evening of amateur dramatics isn't that important in the scale of things.
Getting the news out on BBC website at the same time as the PJ got the message is relevant.
O yes, and at the end of each letter we should urge the police to take steps to close down the fraudulent 'company'.
Hope I don't sound bossy, but we are a literary lot and sending in five page letters isn't going to make us popular. I'm sure we can run to thousands of shorter ones.
tigger- Platinum Poster
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Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
tigger wrote:AnnaEsse wrote:I'll move this to the 'Scotland Yard Investigation,' section in a few minutes!
Hello AnnaEsse,
Do you think it would be a good idea to urge all of us to keep the letters short? To pick out three or four points and list them and counter arguments clearly?
We can be as wordy as we like here, but I know from experience that anything over one page is put aside. SY are going to get an awful lot of mail and we want to be read!
Perhaps you could post a few hints here?
e.g. for myself, I would go for the coloboma scam, which was in place (according to the PJ) the same night. Event, statement, proof. And add a few more like that. So it would go: opening paragraph. points 1, 2,3,4,. Closing paragraph saying there is a good deal more of this. Close down fund as priority.
Thank you for your attention, etc.
I think the night of the 3rd is the least of our worries, it's easy to go into too much detail of what might have happened. IMO evening of amateur dramatics isn't that important in the scale of things.
Getting the news out on BBC website at the same time as the PJ got the message is relevant.
O yes, and at the end of each letter we should urge the police to take steps to close down the fraudulent 'company'.
Hope I don't sound bossy, but we are a literary lot and sending in five page letters isn't going to make us popular. I'm sure we can run to thousands of shorter ones.
Good morning Tigger.
I agree with you that any contact should be short and to the point. We shouldn't appear to be amateur detectives I fear that could put their backs up and prevent them from reading what we had researched, so offer what you have found and let them judge it. However they will know if you have done work that you have very likely come to a conclusion.
There has been a lot of work done on the phone calls and the creche records I know and this is vital that SYsee this work.
So here is a golden opportunity at long last to actually do something so go to it
Bobsy- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 913
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Re: Contact to The Madeleine Foundation re The Scotland Yard Investigation
AnnaEsse wrote:I'll move this to the 'Scotland Yard Investigation,' section in a few minutes!
Good thinking Anna-Esse, I don"t think the Homicide Division will want to be inundated .
Panda- Platinum Poster
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