Missing Madeleine
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Missing Madeleine
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Missing Madeleine
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What's with the Madeleine pose!

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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  Guest Wed 21 Dec - 13:20

I thought at first glance this was a photo of Madeleine but it's Tom Cruise's daughter.


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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  Guest Wed 21 Dec - 13:29

Quick, grab that child, it's Maddie! Arrest the people who are with her! What's with the Madeleine pose! 23324

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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  AnnaEsse Wed 21 Dec - 15:53

Not Born Yesterday wrote:I thought at first glance this was a photo of Madeleine but it's Tom Cruise's daughter.


I wonder when that was taken. The left hand looks identical to Madeleine's in the similar photo.

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Registration date : 2009-09-23


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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  Lillyofthevalley Wed 21 Dec - 20:21

That child has the same look in those sad eyes as Maddy had, It actually makes me shudder whats going on behind those sad eyes.
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Registration date : 2009-08-20

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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  Lioned Wed 21 Dec - 20:26

Oh come on fgs,we'll have the photoshoppers in here next !
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What's with the Madeleine pose! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100What's with the Madeleine pose! Right_bar_bleue

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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

Post  AnnaEsse Wed 21 Dec - 20:27

Lillyofthevalley wrote:That child has the same look in those sad eyes as Maddy had, It actually makes me shudder whats going on behind those sad eyes.
What's with the Madeleine pose! MadelineMcCannPA_468x417

Number of posts : 18693
Age : 112
Location : Casa Nostra
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Registration date : 2009-09-23


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What's with the Madeleine pose! Empty Re: What's with the Madeleine pose!

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