To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
mara thon
11 posters
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To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
We are the ones which are awake and we are the one's that are merely seeking the truth.
We are realists and are aware that corruption is available to certain sections of our society should they need it.
There is a culture of 'favours' that is pervasive.
A prime example of a cover up and corruption following an accident is the Hillsborough accident.
The prime minister reported the results of the report in parliament today which included
Widespread changing and tampering of statements, The development of a false narrative, People covering each other's back for the purpose of political ends. It also included attempts to smear the reputation of people that had died in order to cover their own backs.
Sound familiar?
It is quite evident from everything we all know on this forum that there has been similar cover-up and corruption following a tragic accident in the case of Maddie Mccann.
This is not being 'nutters' or whatever else the dinosaur media likes to sling at people who inhabit forums like this, but it is theory based on evidence, the lack of evidence and inconsistency in statements.
To our visitors from social media monitoring collectives, one day all these lies will be outed.
The Nuremberg defense of 'I was only following orders' does not apply. You will be part of the fabric which is disclosed to the nation, in being part of the 'wider agenda', that is the conspiracy to distort the path of justice you are aiding and abetting the Mccann's. You may be paid a reasonable sum, this may be your first job in 'PR', however this will be your reputation and your career in tatters. The only way to protect yourself is to slide your management of the case of this and leak to the digital media your companies involvement in this. This will embaress them and they will move on, let the world know what you're up to, shame them and then you can get to work on something else. This will ensure that its not you, as part of the wicked web that has been woven which will also be taken down.
What follows is a link to David Cameron's Statement on Hillsborough,
Anyone who thinks that this sort of thing is a 'one off' needs to really sit back and think.
Conspiracys do happen, and often... we all just want the truth.
The truth on Hillsborough is out.
I have faith the Truth on the Mccann's will also one day be out and they will be behind bars.
What is evident is that corruption permeates every edifice of the UK State.
The MP's (expenses + receiving bungs from their private sector friends wanting to funnel public sector money into their offshore companies)
CQC: 'Dame' Jo Williams ringing up Andrew Langsley to try and sack a fellow boardmember for whistleblowing, and also getting a psychiatrist to write a report about someone that they had never met calling them a 'paranoid schizophrenic' to aid her goal of discrediting Ms Sheldon. (
Police: - We have seen this through the Hillsborough case above and also the Stephen Lawrence investigation (
Coroners: - We have seen this above, doing alcohol tests on all the victims of the Hillsborough disaster, also Dr Freddy Patel the go to man for a cover up of any death by the state. (
this is why, a situation like the Mccann's can still happen and we know from that case even the foreign office got involved!!
We are the ones which are awake and we are the one's that are merely seeking the truth.
We are realists and are aware that corruption is available to certain sections of our society should they need it.
There is a culture of 'favours' that is pervasive.
A prime example of a cover up and corruption following an accident is the Hillsborough accident.
The prime minister reported the results of the report in parliament today which included
Widespread changing and tampering of statements, The development of a false narrative, People covering each other's back for the purpose of political ends. It also included attempts to smear the reputation of people that had died in order to cover their own backs.
Sound familiar?
It is quite evident from everything we all know on this forum that there has been similar cover-up and corruption following a tragic accident in the case of Maddie Mccann.
This is not being 'nutters' or whatever else the dinosaur media likes to sling at people who inhabit forums like this, but it is theory based on evidence, the lack of evidence and inconsistency in statements.
To our visitors from social media monitoring collectives, one day all these lies will be outed.
The Nuremberg defense of 'I was only following orders' does not apply. You will be part of the fabric which is disclosed to the nation, in being part of the 'wider agenda', that is the conspiracy to distort the path of justice you are aiding and abetting the Mccann's. You may be paid a reasonable sum, this may be your first job in 'PR', however this will be your reputation and your career in tatters. The only way to protect yourself is to slide your management of the case of this and leak to the digital media your companies involvement in this. This will embaress them and they will move on, let the world know what you're up to, shame them and then you can get to work on something else. This will ensure that its not you, as part of the wicked web that has been woven which will also be taken down.
What follows is a link to David Cameron's Statement on Hillsborough,
Anyone who thinks that this sort of thing is a 'one off' needs to really sit back and think.
Conspiracys do happen, and often... we all just want the truth.
The truth on Hillsborough is out.
I have faith the Truth on the Mccann's will also one day be out and they will be behind bars.
"Today the Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Reverend James Jones, is publishing the report of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.
The disaster at the Hillsborough football stadium on 15th April 1989 was one of the greatest peacetime tragedies of the last century.
96 people died as a result of a crush in the Leppings Lane Terrace at the FA Cup Semi-Final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.
There was a public Inquiry at the time by Lord Justice Taylor which found - and I quote - that the main cause of the disaster was "a failure of police control".
But the Inquiry didn't have access to all the documents that have since become available, it didn't properly examine the response of the emergency services, it was followed by a deeply controversial inquest, and by a media version of events that sought to blame the fans.
As a result, the families have not heard the truth and have not found justice.
That is why the previous government - and in particular - the Rt Hon Member for Leigh was right to set up this Panel.
And it is why this government insisted that no stone should be left unturned and that all papers should be made available to the Bishop of Liverpool and his team.
Mr Speaker, in total over 450,000 pages of evidence have been reviewed.
It was right that the families should see the Report first.
As a result the government has only had a very limited amount of time to study the evidence so far.
But it is already very clear that many of the report's findings are deeply distressing.
There are three areas in particular.
The failure of the authorities to help protect people.
The attempt to blame the fans.
And the doubt cast on the original Coroner's Inquest.
Let me take each in turn.
First, there is new evidence about how the authorities failed.
There is a trail of new documents which show the extent to which the safety of the crowd at Hillsborough was "compromised at every level".
The ground failed to meet minimum standards and the "deficiencies were well known".
The turnstiles were inadequate.
The ground capacity had been significantly over-calculated.
The crush barriers failed to meet safety standards.
There had been a crush at exactly the same match the year before.
And today's report shows clearly that lessons had not been learnt.
The report backs up again the key finding of the Taylor Report on police failure.
But it goes further by revealing for the first time the shortcomings of the ambulance and emergency services response.
The major incident plan was not fully implemented.
Rescue attempts were held back by failures of leadership and co-ordination.
And, significantly, new documents today show there was a delay from the emergency services when people were being crushed and killed.
Second, the families have long believed that some of the authorities attempted to create a completely unjust account of events that sought to blame the fans for what happened.
Mr Speaker, the families were right.
The evidence in today's report includes briefings to the media, and attempts by the Police to change the record of events.
On the media. Several newspapers reported false allegations that fans were drunk and violent and stole from the dead.
The Sun's report sensationalised these allegations under a banner headline "The Truth."
This was clearly wrong and caused huge offence, distress and hurt.
News International has co-operated with the Panel and, for the first time, today's report reveals that the source for these despicable untruths was a Sheffield news agency reporting conversations with South Yorkshire Police and Irvine Patnick, the then MP for Sheffield Hallam.
The Report finds that this was part of police efforts - and I quote - "to develop and publicise a version of events that focused on - allegations of drunkenness, ticketlessness and violence."
In terms of changing the record of events, we already know that police reports were significantly altered but the full extent was not drawn to Lord Justice Taylor's attention.
Today's Report finds that 164 statements were significantly amended - and 116 explicitly removed negative comments about the policing operation - including its lack of leadership.
The report also makes important findings about particular actions taken by the police and coroner while investigating the deaths.
There is new evidence which shows that police officers carried out police national computer checks on those who had died in an attempt - and I quote from the report - "to impugn the reputations of the deceased".
The Coroner took blood alcohol levels from all of the deceased including children.
The Panel finds no rationale whatsoever for what it regards as an "exceptional" decision.
The report states clearly that the attempt of the inquest to draw a link between blood alcohol and late arrival was "fundamentally flawed".
And that alcohol consumption was "unremarkable and not exceptional for a social or leisure occasion".
Mr Speaker, over all these years questions have been raised about the role of the government - including whether it did enough to uncover the truth.
It is certainly true that some of the language in the government papers published today was insensitive.
But having been through every document - and every government document including Cabinet Minutes will be published - the Panel found no evidence of any government trying to conceal the truth.
At the time of the Taylor Report the then Prime Minister was briefed by her private secretary that the defensive and - I quote - "close to deceitful" behaviour of senior South Yorkshire officers was "depressingly familiar."
And it is clear that the then government thought it right that the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire should resign.
But as the Rt Hon Member for Leigh has rightly highlighted, governments then and since have simply not done enough to challenge publicly the unjust and untrue narrative that sought to blame the fans.
Third, and perhaps most significantly of all, the Bishop of Liverpool's report presents new evidence which casts significant doubt over the adequacy of the original Inquest.
The Coroner - on the advice of pathologists - believed that victims suffered traumatic asphyxia leading to unconsciousness within seconds and death within a few minutes.
As a result he asserted that beyond 3.15pm there were no actions that could have changed the fate of the victims and he limited the scope of the Inquest accordingly.
But by analysing post mortem reports the Panel have found that 28 did not have obstruction of blood circulation and 31 had evidence of heart and lungs continuing to function after the crush.
This means that individuals in those groups could have had potentially reversible asphyxia beyond 3.15pm in contrast to the findings of the Coroner and a subsequent Judicial Review.
And the Panel states clearly that "it is highly likely that what happened to those individuals after 3.15pm was significant" in determining whether they died.
Mr Speaker, the conclusions of this report will be harrowing for many of the families affected.
Anyone who has lost a child knows the pain never leaves you.
But to read a report years afterwards that says - and I quote, "a swifter, more appropriate, better focused and properly equipped response had the potential to save more lives", can only add to the pain
It is for the Attorney General to decide whether to apply to the High Court to quash the original inquest and seek a new one.
In this capacity he acts independently of government. And he will need to examine the evidence himself.
But it is clear to me that the new evidence in today's report raises vital questions which must be examined.
And the Attorney General has assured me that he will examine this new evidence immediately and reach a decision as fast as possible.
But ultimately it is for the High Court to decide.
It is also right that the House should have an opportunity to debate the issues raised in this report fully.
My Rt Hon Friend the Home Secretary will be taking forward a debate in Government time. And this will happen when the House returns in October.
Mr Speaker, I want to be very clear about the view the government takes about these findings and why after 23 years this matters so much, not just for the families but for Liverpool and for our country as a whole.
Mr Speaker what happened that day - and since - was wrong.
It was wrong that the responsible authorities knew Hillsborough did not meet minimum safety standards and yet still allowed the match to go ahead.
It was wrong that the families have had to wait for so long - and fight so hard - just to get to the truth.
And it was wrong that the police changed the records of what happened and tried to blame the fans.
We ask the police to do difficult and often very dangerous things on our behalf.
And South Yorkshire Police is a very different organisation today from what it was then.
But we do the many, many honourable police men and women a great disservice if we try to defend the indefensible.
It was also wrong that neither Lord Justice Taylor nor the Coroner looked properly at the response of the other emergency services.
Again, these are dedicated people who do extraordinary things to serve the public.
But the evidence from today's report makes very difficult reading.
Mr Speaker, with the weight of the new evidence in this Report, it is right for me today as Prime Minister to make a proper apology to the families of the 96 for all they have suffered over the past 23 years.
Indeed, the new evidence that we are presented with today makes clear that these families have suffered a double injustice.
The injustice of the appalling events - the failure of the state to protect their loved ones and the indefensible wait to get to the truth.
And the injustice of the denigration of the deceased - that they were somehow at fault for their own deaths.
On behalf of the Government - and indeed our country - I am profoundly sorry for this double injustice that has been left uncorrected for so long.
Mr Speaker, because of what I have described as the second injustice - the false version of events - not enough people in this country understand what the people of Merseyside have been through.
This appalling death toll of so many loved ones lost was compounded by an attempt to blame the victims.
A narrative about hooliganism on that day was created which led many in the country to accept that it was somehow a grey area.
Today's report is black and white.
The Liverpool fans "were not the cause of the disaster".
The Panel has quite simply found "no evidence" in support of allegations of "exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans", "no evidence that fans had conspired to arrive late at the stadium" and "no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying."
Mr Speaker, I'm sure the whole House will want to thank the Bishop of Liverpool and his Panel for all the work they have done.
And I am sure that all sides will join with me in paying tribute to the incredible strength and dignity of the Hillsborough families and the community which has backed them in their long search for justice.
While nothing can ever bring back those who have been lost with all the documents revealed and nothing held back the families, at last, have access to the truth.
And I commend this Statement to the House."
What is evident is that corruption permeates every edifice of the UK State.
The MP's (expenses + receiving bungs from their private sector friends wanting to funnel public sector money into their offshore companies)
CQC: 'Dame' Jo Williams ringing up Andrew Langsley to try and sack a fellow boardmember for whistleblowing, and also getting a psychiatrist to write a report about someone that they had never met calling them a 'paranoid schizophrenic' to aid her goal of discrediting Ms Sheldon. (
Police: - We have seen this through the Hillsborough case above and also the Stephen Lawrence investigation (
Coroners: - We have seen this above, doing alcohol tests on all the victims of the Hillsborough disaster, also Dr Freddy Patel the go to man for a cover up of any death by the state. (
this is why, a situation like the Mccann's can still happen and we know from that case even the foreign office got involved!!
Loopdaloop- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 815
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Registration date : 2010-02-11
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
well said dispite threats etc we will not give up!!!
Justiceforallkids- Platinum Poster
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Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
From twitter earlier:
Steven Nott @StevenNott
Doesn't matter what gets buried, someone, somewhere will find a way to unearth the truth.
chrissie- Platinum Poster
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Registration date : 2009-08-28
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
An excellent post. Uk is no longer a country where justice can be seen to be upheld, hasn't been for a long time. Events in the past few years have shown however just how corruption has taken over in UK, the country is every bit as bad as the countries they often condemn for corruption.
mara thon- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 7076
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Registration date : 2009-08-21
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Dont be fooled by the news on Hillsborough today, it is significant that the findings revealed no government involvement in the cover up,would this have come out if there had been ?
Not sure we will have the same outcome with the MM case,no matter howong we chase the truth
Not sure we will have the same outcome with the MM case,no matter howong we chase the truth
duncanmac- Forum Addict
- Number of posts : 594
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Registration date : 2009-10-16
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
It's sickening that it's taken 23 years for this report to show how much was covered up. The lies and smears that were published show how low this country sunk and we've been going downhill ever since. Going to many matches in the 70's I was often caught up in crowds even though I would wait till most fans had gone, sometimes it was unavoidable. The tragic events of that day will haunt those involved for ever and no report can erase that. Nothing will bring those 96 people back.
It should not have taken 23 years for the truth to be told and I pray we don't have to wait that long for justice for Madeleine. This whole sad affair just proves that governments, media and police do exactly what they want and truth, justice and accountability are sadly lacking. There have been people campaigning for truth over Hillsborough and at long last they've been heard. This contrasts to people wanting truth for Madeleine because they're either sued or facing superinjunctions IMO.
Duncanmac - do you think Maggie and Rupert colluded in the cover up? I think they did.
It should not have taken 23 years for the truth to be told and I pray we don't have to wait that long for justice for Madeleine. This whole sad affair just proves that governments, media and police do exactly what they want and truth, justice and accountability are sadly lacking. There have been people campaigning for truth over Hillsborough and at long last they've been heard. This contrasts to people wanting truth for Madeleine because they're either sued or facing superinjunctions IMO.
Duncanmac - do you think Maggie and Rupert colluded in the cover up? I think they did.
jay2001- Elite Member
- Number of posts : 403
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Registration date : 2009-09-06
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Duncanmac - do you think Maggie and Rupert colluded in the cover up? I think they did.
Not sure Jay,the independant panel have said the government were not involved in any cover up, maybe there were documents witheld, who knows.
But if prosecutions follow, expect someone to sing like a canary
duncanmac- Forum Addict
- Number of posts : 594
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Registration date : 2009-10-16
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
In the days after the disaster the media, particularly the press, published allegations and counter-allegations apportioning blame. This came to a head on 19 April when a number of newspapers, The Sun being the most prominent, reported serious allegations about the behaviour of Liverpool fans before and during the unfolding tragedy.
The documents disclosed to the Panel show that the origin of these serious allegations was a local Sheffield press agency informed by several SYP officers, an SYP Police Federation spokeperson and a local MP.
They also demonstrate how the SYP Police Federation, supported informally by the SYP Chief Constable, sought to develop and publicise a version of events that focused on several police officers' allegations of drunkenness, ticketlessness and violence among a large number of Liverpool fans. This extended beyond the media to Parliament.
Yet, from the mass of documents, television and CCTV coverage disclosed to the Panel there is no evidence to support these allegations other than a few isolated examples of aggressive or verbally abusive behaviour clearly reflecting frustration and desperation.
140. As the severity of the disaster was becoming apparent, SYP Match Commander, Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, told a falsehood to senior officials that Liverpool fans had broken into the stadium and caused an inrush into the central pens thus causing the fatal crush. While later discredited, this unfounded allegation was broadcast internationally and was the first explanation of the cause of the disaster to enter the public domain.
141. Within days, further serious allegations emerged from unnamed sources, a Police Federation spokesperson and a local Conservative MP, Irvine Patnick. These were that Liverpool fans had conspired to arrive late, many were without tickets, were exceptionally drunk and aggressive and determined to force entry into the stadium.
142. On 19 April, four days after the disaster, The Sun newspaper published a front-page story under the banner headline, 'THE TRUTH', alleging that Liverpool fans had assaulted and urinated on police officers resuscitating the dying, stolen from the dead and verbally sexually abused an unconscious young woman. Although less prominently, and often with a lesser degree of certainty, other regional and national newspapers published similar allegations.
143. In a letter revealed to the Panel, within days of The Sun's article its Managing Editor wrote to people, including bereaved families, who had complained about the allegations. While regretting the presentation of the article, he refused to apologise for its 'substance', claiming it was factually accurate. Subsequently the coverage was condemned by the Press Council.
144. Given the broader press reporting of the allegations, the Panel sought to establish their origins. Documents disclosed to the Panel show that the allegations were filed by White's News Agency, a Sheffield-based company. They were based on meetings over three days between agency staff and several police officers, together with interviews with Irvine Patnick MP and the South Yorkshire Police Federation Secretary, Paul Middup.
145. From the documents, it is clear that Mr Patnick based his comments on a conversation with police officers on the evening of the disaster while the officers were in considerable distress. Mr Patnick submitted a detailed account of this meeting and his overall involvement that evening to the Taylor Inquiry.
146. Months after the disaster White's News Agency confirmed to the London Evening Standard that its filed stories originated from 'unsolicited' allegations made by 'high ranking' SYP officers to agency 'partners'. There were four separate police sources plus the interview with Mr Patnick. Together these sources were considered sufficient verification for the story to be considered factually accurate and it was distributed accordingly.
147. A document disclosed to the Panel shows that while the Taylor Inquiry was in session White's News Agency received copies of several SYP officers' sworn statements alleging drunken and violent behaviour by Liverpool fans. The agency forwarded the statements to Mr Patnick.
148. A further document records a meeting in Sheffield of Police Federation members on the morning of the publication of the controversial story in The Sun. The Police Federation Secretary, Mr Middup, confirmed that 'putting our side of the story over to the press and media' had been his priority. He told the meeting that the Chief Constable had stated that 'the truth could not come from him' but he had given the Police Federation a 'free hand' and his support.
149. At the meeting police officers repeated many of the allegations published in the media. The Chief Constable joined the meeting and advised that the SYP case had to be pulled together and given to the Inquiry. A 'defence' had to be prepared and a 'rock solid story' presented. He believed that the Force would be 'exonerated' by the Taylor Inquiry and considered that 'blame' should be directed towards 'drunken ticketless individuals'.
150. Lord Justice Taylor's Interim Report condemned the evidence and testimony of senior police officers and rejected as exaggerated the allegations made against Liverpool fans. He stated categorically that fans' behaviour played no part in the disaster. The South Yorkshire Police Federation held a meeting in Sheffield attended by its Parliamentary representative, Michael Shersby MP. Records of the meeting disclosed to the Panel show that the Police Federation considered the Interim Report was unfair and unbalanced. Mr Shersby was invited to assist in the development of a 'counter attack' to 'repudiate' Lord Justice Taylor's findings.
151. The meeting's afternoon session heard from unnamed police officers who repeated the allegations of exceptional levels of abuse, drunkenness and violence. The Interim Report was dismissed as a 'whitewash' and the meeting would provide the basis for promoting the police version of events through 'public channels'. The meeting's content, particularly the allegations, directly informed an article published subsequently in the Police Federation magazine. It was written by its editor who attended and contributed to the meetings.
152. In a press interview the South Yorkshire Chief Constable, Peter Wright, also criticised the findings of the Interim Report and expressed confidence that a 'different picture' would emerge at the inquests. His comments drew many complaints and were investigated by WMP. It was decided that no breach of discipline had occurred.
153. Consistent with Lord Justice Taylor's findings, the Panel found no evidence among the vast number of disclosed documents and many hours of video material to verify the serious allegations of exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans. There was no evidence that fans had conspired to arrive late at the stadium and force entry and no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying. Documents show that fans became frustrated by the inadequate response to the unfolding tragedy. The vast majority of fans on the pitch assisted in rescuing and evacuating the injured and the dead.
In the days after the disaster the media, particularly the press, published allegations and counter-allegations apportioning blame. This came to a head on 19 April when a number of newspapers, The Sun being the most prominent, reported serious allegations about the behaviour of Liverpool fans before and during the unfolding tragedy.
The documents disclosed to the Panel show that the origin of these serious allegations was a local Sheffield press agency informed by several SYP officers, an SYP Police Federation spokeperson and a local MP.
They also demonstrate how the SYP Police Federation, supported informally by the SYP Chief Constable, sought to develop and publicise a version of events that focused on several police officers' allegations of drunkenness, ticketlessness and violence among a large number of Liverpool fans. This extended beyond the media to Parliament.
Yet, from the mass of documents, television and CCTV coverage disclosed to the Panel there is no evidence to support these allegations other than a few isolated examples of aggressive or verbally abusive behaviour clearly reflecting frustration and desperation.
140. As the severity of the disaster was becoming apparent, SYP Match Commander, Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, told a falsehood to senior officials that Liverpool fans had broken into the stadium and caused an inrush into the central pens thus causing the fatal crush. While later discredited, this unfounded allegation was broadcast internationally and was the first explanation of the cause of the disaster to enter the public domain.
141. Within days, further serious allegations emerged from unnamed sources, a Police Federation spokesperson and a local Conservative MP, Irvine Patnick. These were that Liverpool fans had conspired to arrive late, many were without tickets, were exceptionally drunk and aggressive and determined to force entry into the stadium.
142. On 19 April, four days after the disaster, The Sun newspaper published a front-page story under the banner headline, 'THE TRUTH', alleging that Liverpool fans had assaulted and urinated on police officers resuscitating the dying, stolen from the dead and verbally sexually abused an unconscious young woman. Although less prominently, and often with a lesser degree of certainty, other regional and national newspapers published similar allegations.
143. In a letter revealed to the Panel, within days of The Sun's article its Managing Editor wrote to people, including bereaved families, who had complained about the allegations. While regretting the presentation of the article, he refused to apologise for its 'substance', claiming it was factually accurate. Subsequently the coverage was condemned by the Press Council.
144. Given the broader press reporting of the allegations, the Panel sought to establish their origins. Documents disclosed to the Panel show that the allegations were filed by White's News Agency, a Sheffield-based company. They were based on meetings over three days between agency staff and several police officers, together with interviews with Irvine Patnick MP and the South Yorkshire Police Federation Secretary, Paul Middup.
145. From the documents, it is clear that Mr Patnick based his comments on a conversation with police officers on the evening of the disaster while the officers were in considerable distress. Mr Patnick submitted a detailed account of this meeting and his overall involvement that evening to the Taylor Inquiry.
146. Months after the disaster White's News Agency confirmed to the London Evening Standard that its filed stories originated from 'unsolicited' allegations made by 'high ranking' SYP officers to agency 'partners'. There were four separate police sources plus the interview with Mr Patnick. Together these sources were considered sufficient verification for the story to be considered factually accurate and it was distributed accordingly.
147. A document disclosed to the Panel shows that while the Taylor Inquiry was in session White's News Agency received copies of several SYP officers' sworn statements alleging drunken and violent behaviour by Liverpool fans. The agency forwarded the statements to Mr Patnick.
148. A further document records a meeting in Sheffield of Police Federation members on the morning of the publication of the controversial story in The Sun. The Police Federation Secretary, Mr Middup, confirmed that 'putting our side of the story over to the press and media' had been his priority. He told the meeting that the Chief Constable had stated that 'the truth could not come from him' but he had given the Police Federation a 'free hand' and his support.
149. At the meeting police officers repeated many of the allegations published in the media. The Chief Constable joined the meeting and advised that the SYP case had to be pulled together and given to the Inquiry. A 'defence' had to be prepared and a 'rock solid story' presented. He believed that the Force would be 'exonerated' by the Taylor Inquiry and considered that 'blame' should be directed towards 'drunken ticketless individuals'.
150. Lord Justice Taylor's Interim Report condemned the evidence and testimony of senior police officers and rejected as exaggerated the allegations made against Liverpool fans. He stated categorically that fans' behaviour played no part in the disaster. The South Yorkshire Police Federation held a meeting in Sheffield attended by its Parliamentary representative, Michael Shersby MP. Records of the meeting disclosed to the Panel show that the Police Federation considered the Interim Report was unfair and unbalanced. Mr Shersby was invited to assist in the development of a 'counter attack' to 'repudiate' Lord Justice Taylor's findings.
151. The meeting's afternoon session heard from unnamed police officers who repeated the allegations of exceptional levels of abuse, drunkenness and violence. The Interim Report was dismissed as a 'whitewash' and the meeting would provide the basis for promoting the police version of events through 'public channels'. The meeting's content, particularly the allegations, directly informed an article published subsequently in the Police Federation magazine. It was written by its editor who attended and contributed to the meetings.
152. In a press interview the South Yorkshire Chief Constable, Peter Wright, also criticised the findings of the Interim Report and expressed confidence that a 'different picture' would emerge at the inquests. His comments drew many complaints and were investigated by WMP. It was decided that no breach of discipline had occurred.
153. Consistent with Lord Justice Taylor's findings, the Panel found no evidence among the vast number of disclosed documents and many hours of video material to verify the serious allegations of exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans. There was no evidence that fans had conspired to arrive late at the stadium and force entry and no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying. Documents show that fans became frustrated by the inadequate response to the unfolding tragedy. The vast majority of fans on the pitch assisted in rescuing and evacuating the injured and the dead.
- Number of posts : 40
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Registration date : 2011-03-30
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
23 years
23 years to find the truth ( or admit it)
in which time most of the people responsible have either been pensioned off or are dead
a disgrace
they blamed the people who died, the people who only went to watch a footie match and paid with their lives
they tested the blood alcohol levels from the bodies of dead CHILDREN
One would hope those still around face justice for this but they wont
let us all hope it does not take 23 years for Maddie to get justice
23 years to find the truth ( or admit it)
in which time most of the people responsible have either been pensioned off or are dead
a disgrace
they blamed the people who died, the people who only went to watch a footie match and paid with their lives
they tested the blood alcohol levels from the bodies of dead CHILDREN
One would hope those still around face justice for this but they wont
let us all hope it does not take 23 years for Maddie to get justice
tabs- Reg Member
- Number of posts : 258
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Registration date : 2009-08-31
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
and may I just add it makes Kate McCann ( a scouser should we forget) choosing the sun or the news of the world to serialize her 'book' all the more shocking
no-one in Liverpool with any morals would touch those 'papers' with a barge pole
who remembers the headline 'Hillsborough - the truth'
if they had any shame tomorrow's sun headline would read ' the truth - WE LIED and disgraced the memories of decent people'
and don't tell me Kate wasn't old enough to remember
she was and we do
no-one in Liverpool with any morals would touch those 'papers' with a barge pole
who remembers the headline 'Hillsborough - the truth'
if they had any shame tomorrow's sun headline would read ' the truth - WE LIED and disgraced the memories of decent people'
and don't tell me Kate wasn't old enough to remember
she was and we do
tabs- Reg Member
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Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
tabs wrote:and may I just add it makes Kate McCann ( a scouser should we forget) choosing the sun or the news of the world to serialize her 'book' all the more shocking
no-one in Liverpool with any morals would touch those 'papers' with a barge pole
who remembers the headline 'Hillsborough - the truth'
if they had any shame tomorrow's sun headline would read ' the truth - WE LIED and disgraced the memories of decent people'
and don't tell me Kate wasn't old enough to remember
she was and we do
Kelvin MacKenzie actually had the chutzpah to phone up Kenny Dalgleish the day afterwards, asking for help. Kenny said, you see that headline in your paper, The Truth? Well you need to print another one, just as big, saying We Lied.
MacKenzie said he couldn't do that. Kenny Dalgleish replied that he couldn't help him then. And hung up.
It's all in Kenny's biography.
When the Sun came out with the story about Liverpool fans being drunk and unruly, underneath a headline 'The Truth,' the reaction on Merseyside was one of complete outrage. Newsagents stopped stocking the Sun. People wouldn't mention its name. They were burning copies of it. Anyone representing the Sun was abused. Sun reporters and photographers would lie, telling people they worked for the Liverpool Post and Echo. There was a lot of harassment of them because of what had been written. The Star had gone a bit strong as well but they apologised the next day. They knew the story had no foundation. Kelvin MacKenzie, the Sun's editor, even called me up.
"How can we correct the situation?" he said.
"You know that big headline – 'The Truth',"; I replied. "All you have to do is put 'We lied' in the same size. Then you might be all right."
Mackenzie said: "I cannot do that."
"Well," I replied, "I cannot help you then."
That was it. I put the phone down. Merseysiders were outraged by the Sun. A great many still are.
Guest- Guest
Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Money is the root of all evil, football is money. Hillsborough was/is famous for hosting cup matches, a good neutral ground with a reputation to protect. This report states the ground was inadequate on many fronts, turnstiles, crash barriers etc, inadequate. Hillsborough bosses had even stated a false capacity crowd that it could safely host, just to get more people into the ground. Health and safety was unheard of back then.
Some decision making on Hillsborough was probably made via consultation with the police, who advise on crowd control at football matches. So then, when it all goes wrong tragically, these sorts of decisions would come under the spotlight and heads would roll. So, what to do then? Blame someone else of course. And, after all, hooliganism at football back then was rife, so easy to blame the fans. And lets remember, at the time this was treated as a large crowd disturbance rather than anything life threatening. At the time it was thought the fans were trying to invade the pitch, as had happened so many times at football that is why barriers went up pitch- side, to stop fans running amok on pitches.
All in all this was a tragedy waiting to happen anyway I think. However, the police chiefs helped create this beforehand and the poor coppers working on the ground, tending to the dead and dying were made to hand in their statements, which were afterwards edited by those up above to remove anything unfavourable about South Yorkshire Police.
Even the ambulance service come under fire - apparently they could have saved lives but thought it was fruitless. And the pathologist said everyone who died would have been dead by 3.15 anyway, so nothing that could be done for them. This report states the opposite, saying 41 may have potentially been saved.
Is this all corruption or just really bad errors of judgement? So many different organisations involved, Hillsborough bosses, police, ambulance and pathologist. Is this all corruption from so many. I would hate to think so to that extent. Perhaps a bit of both but the lines are so blurred now its hard to tell. However, this really was a tragedy waiting to happen imo.
Some decision making on Hillsborough was probably made via consultation with the police, who advise on crowd control at football matches. So then, when it all goes wrong tragically, these sorts of decisions would come under the spotlight and heads would roll. So, what to do then? Blame someone else of course. And, after all, hooliganism at football back then was rife, so easy to blame the fans. And lets remember, at the time this was treated as a large crowd disturbance rather than anything life threatening. At the time it was thought the fans were trying to invade the pitch, as had happened so many times at football that is why barriers went up pitch- side, to stop fans running amok on pitches.
All in all this was a tragedy waiting to happen anyway I think. However, the police chiefs helped create this beforehand and the poor coppers working on the ground, tending to the dead and dying were made to hand in their statements, which were afterwards edited by those up above to remove anything unfavourable about South Yorkshire Police.
Even the ambulance service come under fire - apparently they could have saved lives but thought it was fruitless. And the pathologist said everyone who died would have been dead by 3.15 anyway, so nothing that could be done for them. This report states the opposite, saying 41 may have potentially been saved.
Is this all corruption or just really bad errors of judgement? So many different organisations involved, Hillsborough bosses, police, ambulance and pathologist. Is this all corruption from so many. I would hate to think so to that extent. Perhaps a bit of both but the lines are so blurred now its hard to tell. However, this really was a tragedy waiting to happen imo.
LJC- Platinum Poster
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The Sun and the McCanns
That's a good point Tabs about Kate as a Scouser not having a problem with The Sun. She was 21 at the time of the Hillsborough disaster, by the way. Perhaps she recognises people / organizations with the same moral attributes as herself!
Here's a link to The Sun's apology for their coverage.
Here's a link to The Sun's apology for their coverage.
Guest- Guest
Masters of Cover-up How the Establishment closes ranks to protect its own and deny people the truth
Masters of cover-up: How the Establishment closes ranks to protect its own and deny the people the truth
PUBLISHED: 23:14, 14 September 2012 | UPDATED: 11:14, 15 September 2012
Comments (123)
All his life, STEPHEN GLOVER has believed in Britain’s great institutions. No more. The sad lesson of Hillsborough is how the Establishment — judges, police chiefs, civil servants — closes ranks to protect its own and deny the people the truth
Cover-up, lies, obfuscation and incompetence: these are the defects in the police and ambulance service revealed by this week’s damning report into the 1989 Hillsborough disaster in which 96 people died.
It has taken 23 long years to establish the shaming truth, which is that senior police officers manipulated evidence to hide police failings while attempting, with great success, to blacken the good name of the innocent people who needlessly perished.
Evil is a strong word, but some of the things the top brass of South Yorkshire Police are alleged to have done — the doctoring of 116 statements to remove criticisms of the force; the imputation of excessive alcohol consumption where none had taken place — would appear to warrant such a description.
Justice? Demands for the prosecution of police chiefs who lied about the Hillsborough disaster have intensified
Prosecutions and civil actions will doubtless follow as some of the guilty are finally brought to justice, and there will surely have to be a new inquest. At last everyone seems to be united in condemning the authorities.
Senior police officers and politicians beat their breasts. David Crompton, current chief constable of South Yorkshire Police, tells us his force is in a ‘very different place in 2012’, the implication being that what has happened could never happen again because the police have changed.
But couldn’t it? Have they? I wish I could believe it. Alas, I don’t. Hillsborough has been a classic institutional cover-up which has only been brought to our notice because of the heroic persistence of the relatives of those who died. The Establishment mindset — to hide wrong-doing and ineptitude and never say sorry until it is too late — has not altered.
As a young journalist I believed in the integrity and good sense of most of our institutions. Of course, there were bad apples and stupid mistakes, but there were enough good and honest people in charge to come clean and own up when things went badly wrong.
Change? South Yorkshire Police chief David Crompton has said his force is in a 'very different place in 2012'
After a succession of scandals over recent years, it grieves me to say that I no longer believe this is true, and I don’t suppose it ever was. One episode after another has revealed a familiar and melancholy pattern of skulduggery and concealment.
Nearly all the institutions which I was taught to revere as a child have turned out to be self-serving, incompetent or dishonest — the police, Parliament, the Church, the civil service, government, the City and, I regret to say, some parts of the Press.
A dear and distinguished friend of mine blames the relentless media for hollowing out one institution after another, and lowering them in the public esteem. I’m afraid he’s wrong. The media have simply shone lights where they used not to be shone, and illuminated practices which all of us had hoped did not exist.
In a way, the most shocking thing about Hillsborough is that no one is really very surprised. The police have lost much of the respect they used to command. I was certainly brought up to trust them, and can remember throwing aside in disgust a book by George Orwell in which he doubted the decency of the police.
But maybe he was right. Of course, there are many brave and conscientious police officers. It’s their bosses I worry about — people like the then Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair, who tried to block an independent inquiry into the shooting in cold blood by one of his officers of the young Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in 2005.
Look at Parliament. When I was a boy, I believed there were few more honourable letters to have after your name than MP. Even when I was in the Commons press gallery 30 years ago I still looked up to parliamentarians, though I was beginning to learn they did not always tell the truth. That was long before the more recent MPs’ expenses scandal.
Of course many MPs were innocent of any fiddling, but just as many weren’t. In fact, 389 of them — more than half the Commons — were asked to pay back money to the taxpayer amounting to more than £1 million.
Cover-up: Former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair tried to block an independent inquiry into the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes
A hard core were straightforward crooks, and three MPs (and two peers) went to prison. But the majority were simply greedy, claiming for items they should have purchased themselves. It was depressing that some of the miscreants were privileged and supposedly gentlemanly Tory MPs who should have known better.
Have things improved? I’m not at all convinced they have. Recent figures show that in 2011/12 MPs’ expenses rose 26 per cent to £89.4 million, which is close to pre-scandal levels. First-class rail travel, supposed to be exceptional, is again becoming the norm. Fifty MPs have even been allowed to claim for expensive iPads. Why?
As with the police over Hillsborough, endemic wrong-doing among MPs remained secret for many years, and was ultimately exposed as a result of the efforts of outsiders, in this case the Press.
But it’s not just the institutions of the State that have let us down. As the son of a clergyman, I was brought up to believe that, come what may, the Church could be trusted. How wrong I was, and how saddened my father would have been to read about the cover-up of hundreds of paedophile cases in the Roman Catholic Church.
His own Church of England has also betrayed its congregations, albeit on a smaller scale. A recent internal report into the Diocese of Chichester disclosed a familiar picture of senior clergy being slow to act in sexual abuse cases, putting the Church’s reputation before the interests of children and their families. If you can’t trust a priest, whom can you trust?
Disgraced: Fred Goodwin showed recklessness and greed when he was Chief Executive of RBS
Then there are the bankers. Some of them, such as the Royal Bank of Scotland’s disgraced former chief executive Fred Goodwin, showed recklessness and greed while behaving as if the banks were their own private property. Here it is hard to believe that their predecessors of 50 years ago were as rapacious and blindly egotistical.
Most of all, we have been disheartened by the lies and evasions of government. I believe that Tony Blair manipulated the evidence in taking this country to war against Iraq. It is perfectly true that most observers thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. What Blair did was to exaggerate the potency of weapons that turned out in any case to be fictitious.
His response to the growing case against him was a classic Establishment ruse — to appoint a friendly judge, in this instance Lord Hutton, and give him a narrow brief. Nine times out of ten a judge-led inquiry will obligingly come up with findings which suit the government of the day.
That was the case with Lord Hutton, though his implausible exoneration of Mr Blair may possibly be reversed by Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry, which has yet to deliver its verdict. This is being impeded by the Coalition’s refusal to allow it to publish relevant Cabinet papers. As ever, the Whitehall mandarins who stand behind every government live in fear of openness and candour.
The repeated failures of judge-led inquiries implicate the judiciary in the secretiveness that disfigures so many of our institutions. Another example is the clean bill of health Lord Chief Justice Widgery handed out to the Army after the ‘Bloody Sunday’ massacre in Londonderry in 1972.
It took nearly 30 years for the full truth to emerge after a further — and absurdly prolonged — inquiry. Lord Savile judged that the Army overreacted and lost control, and in all probability had fired the first shot.
Despite this finding, I should say that the Armed Forces remain for me one of our few national institutions not to be tarnished by secretive double-dealing and cover-ups. In clinging to this view I hope I am not being simple-minded.
Hope: The Armed Forces remain of our few national institutions not to be tarnished by cover-ups
Hillsborough itself offers further proof of the inadequacy of judge-led inquiries. We should probably not be too critical of Lord Justice Taylor’s initial investigation since he was not given full access to the thousands of documents examined by the independent panel which has come up with the withering report about the South Yorkshire Police.
Nonetheless, the Taylor Inquiry was far from grasping of the extent either of police incompetence at Hillsborough or of the subsequent mendacity. So was a subsequent report produced by Lord Justice Stuart-Smith in 1998.
In fact, it has taken the independent panel, chaired not by a judge but by the Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Rev James Jones, to get at the truth of what really happened. Among the nine members on the panel there wasn’t a single judge and only one lawyer. Most unusually, there were two journalists, one of whom has experience of investigative journalism.
Isn’t there a lesson here? Judges are Establishment figures who seem generally loath to produce reports critical of government or state institutions, which is doubtless why governments are so eager to appoint them.
Let’s hope that Lord Justice Leveson, who is currently writing a report into media ethics, shows he is a free spirit rather than an official stooge. I say that as someone who condemns the News Of The World’s phone-hacking, as well as The Sun’s egregious misreporting in 1989 of what happened at Hillsborough.
Free spirit or official stooge? Lord Justice Leveson is currently writing his report into media ethics
But in a country beset with secretive and sometimes dysfunctional institutions, we surely need a free and independent Press that dares to expose their shortcomings, as happened in the case of MPs’ expenses.
The all-important question is why our institutions should behave in this way and resist being accountable. My tentative suggestion is that they have been reluctant to adapt to the democratic age. They retain a conviction that they know what is best for us.
There is a sense in which politicians, the police and the civil service still regard us almost as serfs with limited rights. The NHS offers a good example. Its intentions are entirely benevolent but it can also be high-handed and inefficient. Patients are often treated with indifference, and sometimes with contempt.
The police and ambulance service at Hillsborough were supposed to be serving the best interests of the fans, but as a result of incompetence only let them down. Then they strove to cover up their mistakes without consideration for those who had died or their relatives.
What they had not counted on was the endurance and hunger for justice of the families of the victims. I am speaking of brave hearts such as Trevor Hicks, chairman of the Hillsborough Families Support Group, who lost two daughters in the tragedy. Year after year he and others like him campaigned for a terrible wrong to be recognised, only to be rewarded with insults, indifference and stone-walling.
Apology: Police chief Sir Norman Bettison said he was sorry after previously saying that he believed fans were partly to blame for the Hillsborough disaster
One of the most moving responses to the report came from Becky Shah, whose mother died at Hillsborough. She said: ‘I have mixed feelings. I am relieved that Liverpool fans, survivors and the dead have been exonerated, and the city of Liverpool, too. But I was a young woman of 17, who lost her only parent at Hillsborough, and the fact that it has taken more than half of my life to get justice is absolutely outrageous in a democratic society.’
She’s right, of course. It is outrageous. But it is also inspiring that ordinary families should have taken on the authorities in the direst of circumstances and, with the help of some good and brave people, finally prevailed.
There’s good cause to be disenchanted by the way the police and so many of our other institutions cover up their mistakes and wrong-doing. I’m certainly not naive enough to believe that the wall-to-wall apologies mean that something like this can’t happen again.
But the strength and determination of the families on behalf of those they love does give me some hope. It is a kind of victory. And maybe, just maybe, the people who oversee our self-serving institutions will begin to hear the message that the people have had enough
Read more:
Very interesting articles coming out at the moment, especially from the Daily Mail.
Still a lot of bias stating 'our armed forces have yet to be tainted by coverup', however what do they think Mr Assange was uncovering via wikileaks?
I'm surprised that the journo did not include the Mccann's in this article.
Loopdaloop- Golden Poster
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Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Hillsborough Police Cover-Up Files Handed To CPS 14 Years Ago, QC Claims
PA/The Huffington Post UK | Posted: 15/09/2012 10:24 Updated: 15/09/2012 11:29
Documents outlining the police's role in covering up the Hillsborough disaster were handed to the Crown Prosecution Service 14 years ago, it was claimed on Saturday.
Writing in The Independent, Alun Jones QC, who led a private prosecution for manslaughter on behalf of the families, said the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) needed to explain "why his office did absolutely nothing", even after being given detailed evidence that outlined the depth of the conspiracy.
Jones told the newspaper the Hillsborough Family Support Group launched the private prosecution of Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield and his deputy Bernard Murray - who were in charge when 96 Liverpool fans died on 15 April, 1989 - because of the DPP's failure to act.
Alun Jones QC said the DPP has serious questions to answer
Jones wrote: "We furnished the DPP, and Attorney General, with an analysis demonstrating the gravity of the conspiracy, but also proving that critical evidence of non-police witnesses had been withheld from the DPP and coroner in 1990.
"We showed how the tampering exercise was organised. I was clear that crimes of perverting the course of justice had been committed, but not by whom, and it was beyond the power of the families to investigate." The prosecution failed in 2000.
Jones also told paper that the police were "heavily protected" by law in investigations into their conduct, and that it took "herculean, demoralising efforts by the victims" before wrongs were brought to light.
The report revealed damning evidence of police tampering with evidence
A Crown Prosecution Service spokesman told the paper: "The Crown Prosecution Service was approached in 1998 by both parties to the private prosecution and asked to take it over.
"At the time we concluded we would not intervene and the private prosecution went ahead.
"We provided documentation to the Hillsborough Independent Panel about the reasons behind this decision in 1998 and the panel has made no criticism of the CPS or the DPP over this."
PA/The Huffington Post UK | Posted: 15/09/2012 10:24 Updated: 15/09/2012 11:29
Documents outlining the police's role in covering up the Hillsborough disaster were handed to the Crown Prosecution Service 14 years ago, it was claimed on Saturday.
Writing in The Independent, Alun Jones QC, who led a private prosecution for manslaughter on behalf of the families, said the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) needed to explain "why his office did absolutely nothing", even after being given detailed evidence that outlined the depth of the conspiracy.
Jones told the newspaper the Hillsborough Family Support Group launched the private prosecution of Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield and his deputy Bernard Murray - who were in charge when 96 Liverpool fans died on 15 April, 1989 - because of the DPP's failure to act.
Alun Jones QC said the DPP has serious questions to answer
Jones wrote: "We furnished the DPP, and Attorney General, with an analysis demonstrating the gravity of the conspiracy, but also proving that critical evidence of non-police witnesses had been withheld from the DPP and coroner in 1990.
"We showed how the tampering exercise was organised. I was clear that crimes of perverting the course of justice had been committed, but not by whom, and it was beyond the power of the families to investigate." The prosecution failed in 2000.
Jones also told paper that the police were "heavily protected" by law in investigations into their conduct, and that it took "herculean, demoralising efforts by the victims" before wrongs were brought to light.
The report revealed damning evidence of police tampering with evidence
A Crown Prosecution Service spokesman told the paper: "The Crown Prosecution Service was approached in 1998 by both parties to the private prosecution and asked to take it over.
"At the time we concluded we would not intervene and the private prosecution went ahead.
"We provided documentation to the Hillsborough Independent Panel about the reasons behind this decision in 1998 and the panel has made no criticism of the CPS or the DPP over this."
malena stool- Platinum Poster
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Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Hillsborough Tragedy: Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettison Referred To Police Watchdog
PA/Huffington Post UK | Posted: 15/09/2012 13:56 Updated: 15/09/2012 13:56
A complaint against the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police which emerged following the Hillsborough disclosures has been referred to the police watchdog.
At Saturday's meeting of West Yorkshire Police Authority's Special Committee, its members agreed to record a complaint against the Chief Constable, Sir Norman Bettison, and immediately referred it to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for investigation.
Chairman of the Special Committee, Richard Baldwin, said "A number of factors led to the committee taking the decision to refer the complaint to the IPCC, including the gravity of the subject matter, the wholly exceptional circumstances and a pressing need to maintain public confidence in both policing governance and the police complaints system.
"It is important that the facts are fully established and evidence considered from other sources before any further decisions are taken.
"The IPCC, as an independent body with a statutory duty to uphold the police complaints system, is best placed to conduct such investigations."
Sir Norman Bettison has apologised for saying that Liverpool fans' behaviour made policing at Hillsborough "harder than it needed to be"
Yesterday Sir Norman was forced to apologise for any upset caused by his statement that Liverpool fans' behaviour made policing at the Hillsborough tragedy "harder than it needed to be".
He said his role was never to "besmirch" the fans and said the Reds' supporters were in no way to blame for the disaster.
The chief constable said he was "deeply sorry that impression and slight has lingered for 23 years".
Sir Norman was an off-duty South Yorkshire Police inspector when he attended the game and was involved in an internal inquiry held by the force in its aftermath.
On Thursday he denied any wrongdoing but sparked fury with his comments, which led to calls for him to resign.
Asked by ITV News yesterday if he was part of a "black operations unit" to smear the fans, Sir Norman said: "No not at all, there wasn't a black ops unit. I wasn't part of it. I was part of a team trying to put together the facts in a concentrated time period for my chief constable."
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told the BBC he could see why people were "livid" about Sir Norman's previous statement.
"I think his comments were ill-judged and insensitive," the Liberal Democrat leader said.
"If I was a family on Liverpool, Merseyside, of someone who died on that day, I would be livid."
The damning Hillsborough Independent Panel report revealed a cover-up took place to shift the blame on to the victims and that 41 of the 96 lives lost at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium on April 15, 1989, could have been saved.
The panel found 164 police statements were altered, 116 of them to remove or alter "unfavourable" comments about the policing of the match and the unfolding disaster.
Reviews have been ordered by police authorities in West Yorkshire, into the actions of Sir Norman, and West Midlands, which also conducted an investigation into the disaster.
South Yorkshire Police, which still employs 195 officers who were on duty at the ground on the day of the tragedy, said the force would refer itself to police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Chief constable David Crompton said South Yorkshire Police would consider asking the IPCC whether those involved in the Hillsborough tragedy should face manslaughter investigations.
Mr Crompton said the force was looking into a number of issues to refer to the watchdog, including corporate manslaughter, manslaughter and misconduct in public office.
Trevor Hicks, from Keighley, West Yorkshire, who lost daughters Vicky, 15, and Sarah, 19, in the tragedy, said the families would not speculate on what charges should be brought before they had reviewed the evidence.
He said many of the families were "only just beginning" to start looking at the 400,000 documents now the enormity of Wednesday's disclosures was sinking in.
It comes amid reports documents outlining the police's role in covering up the Hillsborough disaster were handed to the Crown Prosecution Service 14 years ago.
PA/Huffington Post UK | Posted: 15/09/2012 13:56 Updated: 15/09/2012 13:56
A complaint against the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police which emerged following the Hillsborough disclosures has been referred to the police watchdog.
At Saturday's meeting of West Yorkshire Police Authority's Special Committee, its members agreed to record a complaint against the Chief Constable, Sir Norman Bettison, and immediately referred it to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for investigation.
Chairman of the Special Committee, Richard Baldwin, said "A number of factors led to the committee taking the decision to refer the complaint to the IPCC, including the gravity of the subject matter, the wholly exceptional circumstances and a pressing need to maintain public confidence in both policing governance and the police complaints system.
"It is important that the facts are fully established and evidence considered from other sources before any further decisions are taken.
"The IPCC, as an independent body with a statutory duty to uphold the police complaints system, is best placed to conduct such investigations."
Sir Norman Bettison has apologised for saying that Liverpool fans' behaviour made policing at Hillsborough "harder than it needed to be"
Yesterday Sir Norman was forced to apologise for any upset caused by his statement that Liverpool fans' behaviour made policing at the Hillsborough tragedy "harder than it needed to be".
He said his role was never to "besmirch" the fans and said the Reds' supporters were in no way to blame for the disaster.
The chief constable said he was "deeply sorry that impression and slight has lingered for 23 years".
Sir Norman was an off-duty South Yorkshire Police inspector when he attended the game and was involved in an internal inquiry held by the force in its aftermath.
On Thursday he denied any wrongdoing but sparked fury with his comments, which led to calls for him to resign.
Asked by ITV News yesterday if he was part of a "black operations unit" to smear the fans, Sir Norman said: "No not at all, there wasn't a black ops unit. I wasn't part of it. I was part of a team trying to put together the facts in a concentrated time period for my chief constable."
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told the BBC he could see why people were "livid" about Sir Norman's previous statement.
"I think his comments were ill-judged and insensitive," the Liberal Democrat leader said.
"If I was a family on Liverpool, Merseyside, of someone who died on that day, I would be livid."
The damning Hillsborough Independent Panel report revealed a cover-up took place to shift the blame on to the victims and that 41 of the 96 lives lost at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium on April 15, 1989, could have been saved.
The panel found 164 police statements were altered, 116 of them to remove or alter "unfavourable" comments about the policing of the match and the unfolding disaster.
Reviews have been ordered by police authorities in West Yorkshire, into the actions of Sir Norman, and West Midlands, which also conducted an investigation into the disaster.
South Yorkshire Police, which still employs 195 officers who were on duty at the ground on the day of the tragedy, said the force would refer itself to police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Chief constable David Crompton said South Yorkshire Police would consider asking the IPCC whether those involved in the Hillsborough tragedy should face manslaughter investigations.
Mr Crompton said the force was looking into a number of issues to refer to the watchdog, including corporate manslaughter, manslaughter and misconduct in public office.
Trevor Hicks, from Keighley, West Yorkshire, who lost daughters Vicky, 15, and Sarah, 19, in the tragedy, said the families would not speculate on what charges should be brought before they had reviewed the evidence.
He said many of the families were "only just beginning" to start looking at the 400,000 documents now the enormity of Wednesday's disclosures was sinking in.
It comes amid reports documents outlining the police's role in covering up the Hillsborough disaster were handed to the Crown Prosecution Service 14 years ago.
malena stool- Platinum Poster
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Re: To those that disparage 'Conspiracy Theorists'
this whole thing is so dreadful and believable. Cover up on high yet again. Maybe those who have been party to cover ups will think again. I empathisewith the families and friends of those who were at Hillsborough and the awful tragedes. Lets hope justice is served in every case. jimo
tanszi- Platinum Poster
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