Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
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Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
I was just browing yje file of info I jave kept, looking for something in particular and came across this:-
Letter to the Social Services Sent LAST WEEK
Sent exactly ONE week ago: Concern. Call for urgent action.
Sent to: childrensduty@leics.gov.uk
Dear Madam, /or, Dear Sir,
Re. Children Sean McCann & Amelie McCann, twins, both aged 6 1/2, Rothley, Leicestershire
15th June 2011, England
Regarding the MADELEINE MCCANN CASE, after reading the McCanns childrens' mother's book titled "madeleine" (yes, without any capital M...), I have grown very concerned about the safety of their children Sean and Amelie.
Mrs Healy (Kate "McCann") is often describing scenes of her imagination in a very vivid way. These scenes are of a paedophile nature. We find for example how the
paedophile was defiling Maddy's little body.
Or how she could "see" "him" abusing Maddy and "her litlle genitals torn apart".
The register of LANGUAGE she uses: is it OK for children to read? Some examples: " sod "[chapter 1] " fucking tosser "[chapter 16] "shit" "complete bullshit" !!!!!
... What is CONCERNING is that on the Express Online she (Mrs Healy) has recently said that she had INITIALLY WRITTEN THE BOOK FOR HER CHILDREN! (and note she
said "the twins" only)
Did you know by the way that they (the McCanns) lied to their family on the 3rd and 4th May 2007, claiming that there was a forced entry ("tampered window" and
"smashed shutter"). They also lied stating that the shutter could be easily lift up from the outside even if locked inside. The police and the resort staff both
checked these 2 allegations and none of them was true: a PURE lie about "the abduction". Since they can lie to family and police, what else can they lie about? Anything. Why do you blindly trust them?
At Chapter 18 something has caught my attention in an ALARMING way.
Kate Healy depicts - once again, and in great graphic details- how paedophiles take pleasure with little girls and it's like a "dream awake" about her own daughter
and one of these "paedophiles monsters". Kate seems completely obsessed with the thought, in a fixed obsession, but on the very next paragraph she mentions
how difficult their sleeping arrangements are, often waking up "sandwiched between the twins"... If a psychologist analyses this book, no doubt that ¬the present
association of THOUGHTS,,, is for the least ALARMING for the Twins.
"When she was first stolen, paedophiles were all we could think about, and it made us sick, ate away at us.
The idea of a monster like this touching my daughter, stroking her, defiling her perfect little body, just killed me, over and over again. It didn’t make any difference that this might not be the explanation for Madeleine’s abduction (and, please God, it isn’t); the fact that it was a possibility was enough to prevent me from shutting it out of my mind. Tortured as I was by these nauseating images, it’s probably not surprising that even the thought of sex repulsed me.
I would lie in bed, hating the person who had done this to us; the person who had taken away our little girl and terrified her; the person who had caused these additional problems for me and the man I loved. I hated him. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to inflict the maximum pain possible on him for heaping all this misery on my family. I was angry and bitter and I wanted it all to go away. I wanted my old life back.
I worried about Gerry and me. I worried that if I couldn’t get our sex life back on track our whole relationship would break down. I know there is more to a relationship than sex, but it is still an important element. It was vital that we stayed together and stayed strong for our family. Gerry was incredibly understanding and supportive. He never made me feel guilty, he never pushed me and he never got sulky. In fact, sometimes he would apologize to me. Invariably, he would put a big, reassuring arm around me and tell me that he loved me and not to worry.
I was determined not to be beaten by this, not simply to capitulate and accept it as just one of the unfortunate side-effects of this tragedy. Gerry and I talked about it a little, but mostly I analysed the problem privately in my head. I also discussed it with Alan Pike, who assured me that, like my ability to relax or enjoy a meal, it would gradually return and that I shouldn’t fret about it too much. But I did. I even considered seeking specialist help. Deep down, though, I knew there were only two solutions: bringing Madeleine back or conquering my mental block. Since the first was not within my control, it was up to me to try to train my mind and my thought processes. So that is what I applied myself to doing.
In the small hours, any sleep we got was still often interrupted by the children. I welcomed their soothing presence. It didn’t always make for the most comfortable night, however. Sometimes, by the time dawn came, it took me a moment to figure out who was where.
Seany arrived in the early hours of the morning and positioned himself towards the middle of our bed, with me and Gerry then squeezed together on one side. Amelie appeared several hours later by which time Sean had gone back to his own bed, although he did return later. I knew we should have got a Superking!
Another morning I awoke to find myself sandwiched between Sean and Amelie with Gerry lying across the bottom of the bed. Cosy."
Soon after the event a witness, the neighbour above the 5a apartment, Mrs Fenn, now deceased, has stated to the police that on the Tuesday 1st May 2007 NIGHT, until 23:30!, a little girl was crying for ONE HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES NON-STOP, HOME ALONE, calling or screaming :"Daddy! Daddy!". She thought that it MUST be Madeleine. Shall I remind you that the McCanns have admitted CHILD NEGLECT ! There is no place for cowardice in your services though, look at your logo! A female WOLF! Why do you condone THAT ??!! But PLEASE read on:
So once again these Children, the three of them, were LEFT ON THEIR OWN. Shall I remind you that the place was SO "SAFE" to leave kids on their own that eventually...
one of them went MISSING. Beside, have you ever ASKED Kate, or Gerry, WHY Madeleine was crying then? Why did Kate and Gerald NEVER counterstated Mrs Fenn's report? Why would they say to YOU? What do they reply if you ask them if they often left the kids alone before? And why do that in Praia?
"When she was first stolen, paedophiles were all we could think about "... Here is a file I prepared to your attention:
A file for the SOCIAL SERVICES to lean on- KATE'S BOOK PAGE 129
In the light of recent extracts of the book "madeleine" by Kate McCann - please note the absence of a capital M to Madeleine's name on the title- , in addition to
previously read reports, I come to a few very alarming, compelling thoughts:
Kate's SANITY is clearly to be questioned, regarding:
- her detailed description of her paedophile visions - her own children are now learning to read and can probably read quite well by now, how will they like reading
such descriptions?
- She had always said that she was hiding her emotion in public, TO PREVENT THE "ABDUCTOR" FROM REACTING ON MADELEINE, yet is trying to give a vivid,
bursting impression of all emotional and PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect in her now published book, including the way she imagined "him" touching her child 's little
body!!! Will now the "abductor" react differently or will "he" apply to poor Maddy what is described in the book - word by word?
-Other instances follow:
the SWORD extract in press articles (the father describes how his son would kill the abductor...);
Cards and Gifts "from Madeleine", that the parents faked for the twins, see related previous blogpost;
The Monster game ('find the raptor' game... in the house... which isn't precisely a healthy mental exercise for 2 little children to have in such situation. Yet to the
parents' pride, this story was sold to the press to form 'appealing' articles...)
More detailed examples are the bottom of this blogpost.
.... Conditioning and brainwashing Children's Minds towards anger and violence is simply called : MENTAL ABUSE. For two doctors isn't such a behaviour baffling?
Don't they KNOW that by implanting these ideas into their children's heads, a certain feeling of anger and disgust, and VIOLENCE, is going to result from this
talking-out-loud in front of their children?!
Also, the father swearing in front of his children and his friends' Children. We can all slip-up and happen to do so but we'd immediately feel
ashamed and utter something like 'Oooops, sorry!" - but not Dr McCann, he is allowed -he visibly thinks, all mightily- to give bad example to children. See
THE GASPARS' Statement -brief sum-up:
These two doctors, friends of the McCanns at the time, had spotted Gerry in the middle of a conversation with their other friend Dr David Payne, while being on
another holiday. Illustrated with sexual gestures, the dialogue was of a paedophile nature as it involved pointing at Madeleine. Mrs Gaspar worried immediately at
the news that something had happened to Madeleine in early May 2007 and decided to report the incident to the police. Her husband confirmed hearing the same
conversation and seeing the gesture.
The Paynes and the McCanns NEVER took action to clear their names in regards to these heavy accusations, which coming from them is pretty strange - normally they sue anything and anyone that can be sued.
Another point of greatly alarming concern is THE MAKE-UP that Madeleine was wearing on many photos and video public material. Make-up that was self-evidently
applied by an adult - in any case, it's dangerous to let a child apply make-up on her own, this was not child- make up, brushes are needed, take a look , please, at the numerous photos... I can send you some saved ones from the press if you still can't see what I mean...
(And did THAT really help to "find Madeleine"?)
All this added to the lies that 'Kate McCann' (HEALY) dares publishing in her book as asserting that the 5a apartment shutter could be pushed from the outside once
locked on the inside, for example, makes me want to alert to the BRITISH and PORTUGUESE SOCIAL SERVICES.... and urge them to lean on this book, comparing it to
the existing files. Again since they lie to police they would undoubtedly lie to YOU as well, even in a much easier way.
In more details:
"Sean and Amelie:
GERRY: Sean, in particular, talks about having an aeroplane and flying all over the world looking for ‘that man who’s taken Madeleine’ and when he gets him he’s
going to rescue her and take his sword out.
KATE: At the moment they don’t show any signs of anger. A month or so ago, I went for a run and I suddenly started thinking about Sean and Amelie getting much
older, they will understand more. "
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270172/Gerry-McCann-breaks-tells-hunt-Madeleine-shaking-Catholic-faith.html#ixzz1M8yW85H5
From The Daily Star
"KATE and Gerry McCann have revealed how their twins have vowed to rescue missing sister Madeleine from her abduction hell.
Speaking ahead of the third anniversary of her disappearance, the couple said Sean and Amelie, five, talk about “getting swords to get the man who has got her”.
The McCanns also released a video on their hunt for Madeleine, which includes a new “grown-up” picture of the youngster.
The snap – taken weeks before Madeleine vanished – shows her wearing blue eyeshadow accompanied with a pink bow in her hair and a gold bead necklace.
And they revealed how Sean and Amelie are determined to help the hunt for Madeleine, who will turn seven next week.
Kate, 42, said: “Sean said to me once, just as I was putting him to bed – it was out of the blue. He said, ‘Never give up, mummy’. [A child of the FIVE, saying THAT?!]
“I just said, ‘Don’t worry, Seany, I won’t do that. None of us will’.”
And Gerry, 41, added: “They talk about rescuing her and getting swords to get the man who’s got her.
“Sean talks all the time about finding Maddie and what he will do to the person who stole her.”
Is little Sean's parent's "speculative" conditioning really working though?
A new boy in school recently said to Sean that Maddy was dead as she had been shot. Little Sean then asked his mum: "But how would they know?"
Gerry interfered in the interview: "He was very matter of fact. He said no one knows where Madeleine is. The logic is undeniable."
and Kate added: "Children do say things. But I think Sean and Amelie have handled it brilliantly."
The Sun Paper Edition 7 -5-11
page 4, interview by Antonella Lazzeri & Oliver Harvey.
More concerns:
"Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand."
"An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended."
"Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear."
-Gerry in his blog-
Kate in her book:
talking about how much she hated "HIM" and wanted to inflict maximal suffering onto HIM.
She wanted her old life back...
But how did she KNOW it was a "HE"? Did she really mean someone else??? Would she have done something very bad to have got back at that person?
Someone who knows the father well told me that she was jealous of the love between the dad and the daughter.
Apparently she wanted many 'hotel-breaks' even when the children were so young and it unsettles them. There would have been a room where the curtains are never, ever open ' to preserve the furniture'...
She admits the existence that such IMAGES DO CONFIRM in a way that there was a REAL possibility... of what? FACTS? WHAT FACTS? THOSE SHE WAS JUST
IMAGINING? YET, her two "remaining kids" WILL read these "IMAGES"! She obviously hasn't pictured that, though? Or does she fabricate scenarios that become real?!
When she was first "taken ", Kate and Gerry, she writes, could ONLY think about paedophiles!
I wonder why... I would have personally thought ANYTHING but that, first that she had
somehow managed to escape by herself... Why didn't the MOTHER search? Even if abducted ("taken"...) couldn't any kidnapper be surprised or feel endangered then drop the child, alive, anywhere like on the BEACH? Alright, so then Kate would have thought this too, wouldn't she? Then why did she stay INDOORS, NOT SEARCHING FOR HER CHILD???!!!
and.... last but NOT least: Kate Healy - "McCann" describes in mult details how she could vividly imagine, bit by bit, this monster being TOUCHING her daughter,
caressing her... and even with many, precise descriptions of how her little daughter's body would get manipulated and precisely sexually abused by "him"... That is
explicit isn't it? a little bit too much detailed for MY liking, anyway.
She adds that it killed her and killed her... what "kills" me is her mental balance level...
Is this person mentally fit to be a mother? Shouldn't the social services organise a few checks and put her though psychological tests, just to make sure? I don't feel
comfortable, at all, knowing that Sean and Amelie are with her. I have my alarm bells ringing very loud.
Can you please conduct a Review too? As you know Kate has ASKED to see a GP (despite both being doctors...) on their return to Rothley in September 2007, with the
ONLY PURPOSE to "PRE-EMPT" the SOCIAL SERVICES' REACTION! Chapter 18: "One of the first things we did was to ring our GP. We wanted to make contact with the
social services to pre-empt any interest they might be obliged to take in us. In the light of the headlines and our arguido status, we realized there would be
pressure on the authorities to assess the welfare of the twins. It all seemed so crazy and unfair, but we had to confront it head on. "
Please read the book and tell me if you share my concerns for the McCann Twins. Thank you for taking this request seriously and URGENTLY.
Posted by megafundline at 17:43
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Letter to the Social Services Sent LAST WEEK
Sent exactly ONE week ago: Concern. Call for urgent action.
Sent to: childrensduty@leics.gov.uk
Dear Madam, /or, Dear Sir,
Re. Children Sean McCann & Amelie McCann, twins, both aged 6 1/2, Rothley, Leicestershire
15th June 2011, England
Regarding the MADELEINE MCCANN CASE, after reading the McCanns childrens' mother's book titled "madeleine" (yes, without any capital M...), I have grown very concerned about the safety of their children Sean and Amelie.
Mrs Healy (Kate "McCann") is often describing scenes of her imagination in a very vivid way. These scenes are of a paedophile nature. We find for example how the
paedophile was defiling Maddy's little body.
Or how she could "see" "him" abusing Maddy and "her litlle genitals torn apart".
The register of LANGUAGE she uses: is it OK for children to read? Some examples: " sod "[chapter 1] " fucking tosser "[chapter 16] "shit" "complete bullshit" !!!!!
... What is CONCERNING is that on the Express Online she (Mrs Healy) has recently said that she had INITIALLY WRITTEN THE BOOK FOR HER CHILDREN! (and note she
said "the twins" only)
Did you know by the way that they (the McCanns) lied to their family on the 3rd and 4th May 2007, claiming that there was a forced entry ("tampered window" and
"smashed shutter"). They also lied stating that the shutter could be easily lift up from the outside even if locked inside. The police and the resort staff both
checked these 2 allegations and none of them was true: a PURE lie about "the abduction". Since they can lie to family and police, what else can they lie about? Anything. Why do you blindly trust them?
At Chapter 18 something has caught my attention in an ALARMING way.
Kate Healy depicts - once again, and in great graphic details- how paedophiles take pleasure with little girls and it's like a "dream awake" about her own daughter
and one of these "paedophiles monsters". Kate seems completely obsessed with the thought, in a fixed obsession, but on the very next paragraph she mentions
how difficult their sleeping arrangements are, often waking up "sandwiched between the twins"... If a psychologist analyses this book, no doubt that ¬the present
association of THOUGHTS,,, is for the least ALARMING for the Twins.
"When she was first stolen, paedophiles were all we could think about, and it made us sick, ate away at us.
The idea of a monster like this touching my daughter, stroking her, defiling her perfect little body, just killed me, over and over again. It didn’t make any difference that this might not be the explanation for Madeleine’s abduction (and, please God, it isn’t); the fact that it was a possibility was enough to prevent me from shutting it out of my mind. Tortured as I was by these nauseating images, it’s probably not surprising that even the thought of sex repulsed me.
I would lie in bed, hating the person who had done this to us; the person who had taken away our little girl and terrified her; the person who had caused these additional problems for me and the man I loved. I hated him. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to inflict the maximum pain possible on him for heaping all this misery on my family. I was angry and bitter and I wanted it all to go away. I wanted my old life back.
I worried about Gerry and me. I worried that if I couldn’t get our sex life back on track our whole relationship would break down. I know there is more to a relationship than sex, but it is still an important element. It was vital that we stayed together and stayed strong for our family. Gerry was incredibly understanding and supportive. He never made me feel guilty, he never pushed me and he never got sulky. In fact, sometimes he would apologize to me. Invariably, he would put a big, reassuring arm around me and tell me that he loved me and not to worry.
I was determined not to be beaten by this, not simply to capitulate and accept it as just one of the unfortunate side-effects of this tragedy. Gerry and I talked about it a little, but mostly I analysed the problem privately in my head. I also discussed it with Alan Pike, who assured me that, like my ability to relax or enjoy a meal, it would gradually return and that I shouldn’t fret about it too much. But I did. I even considered seeking specialist help. Deep down, though, I knew there were only two solutions: bringing Madeleine back or conquering my mental block. Since the first was not within my control, it was up to me to try to train my mind and my thought processes. So that is what I applied myself to doing.
In the small hours, any sleep we got was still often interrupted by the children. I welcomed their soothing presence. It didn’t always make for the most comfortable night, however. Sometimes, by the time dawn came, it took me a moment to figure out who was where.
Seany arrived in the early hours of the morning and positioned himself towards the middle of our bed, with me and Gerry then squeezed together on one side. Amelie appeared several hours later by which time Sean had gone back to his own bed, although he did return later. I knew we should have got a Superking!
Another morning I awoke to find myself sandwiched between Sean and Amelie with Gerry lying across the bottom of the bed. Cosy."
Soon after the event a witness, the neighbour above the 5a apartment, Mrs Fenn, now deceased, has stated to the police that on the Tuesday 1st May 2007 NIGHT, until 23:30!, a little girl was crying for ONE HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES NON-STOP, HOME ALONE, calling or screaming :"Daddy! Daddy!". She thought that it MUST be Madeleine. Shall I remind you that the McCanns have admitted CHILD NEGLECT ! There is no place for cowardice in your services though, look at your logo! A female WOLF! Why do you condone THAT ??!! But PLEASE read on:
So once again these Children, the three of them, were LEFT ON THEIR OWN. Shall I remind you that the place was SO "SAFE" to leave kids on their own that eventually...
one of them went MISSING. Beside, have you ever ASKED Kate, or Gerry, WHY Madeleine was crying then? Why did Kate and Gerald NEVER counterstated Mrs Fenn's report? Why would they say to YOU? What do they reply if you ask them if they often left the kids alone before? And why do that in Praia?
"When she was first stolen, paedophiles were all we could think about "... Here is a file I prepared to your attention:
A file for the SOCIAL SERVICES to lean on- KATE'S BOOK PAGE 129
In the light of recent extracts of the book "madeleine" by Kate McCann - please note the absence of a capital M to Madeleine's name on the title- , in addition to
previously read reports, I come to a few very alarming, compelling thoughts:
Kate's SANITY is clearly to be questioned, regarding:
- her detailed description of her paedophile visions - her own children are now learning to read and can probably read quite well by now, how will they like reading
such descriptions?
- She had always said that she was hiding her emotion in public, TO PREVENT THE "ABDUCTOR" FROM REACTING ON MADELEINE, yet is trying to give a vivid,
bursting impression of all emotional and PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect in her now published book, including the way she imagined "him" touching her child 's little
body!!! Will now the "abductor" react differently or will "he" apply to poor Maddy what is described in the book - word by word?
-Other instances follow:
the SWORD extract in press articles (the father describes how his son would kill the abductor...);
Cards and Gifts "from Madeleine", that the parents faked for the twins, see related previous blogpost;
The Monster game ('find the raptor' game... in the house... which isn't precisely a healthy mental exercise for 2 little children to have in such situation. Yet to the
parents' pride, this story was sold to the press to form 'appealing' articles...)
More detailed examples are the bottom of this blogpost.
.... Conditioning and brainwashing Children's Minds towards anger and violence is simply called : MENTAL ABUSE. For two doctors isn't such a behaviour baffling?
Don't they KNOW that by implanting these ideas into their children's heads, a certain feeling of anger and disgust, and VIOLENCE, is going to result from this
talking-out-loud in front of their children?!
Also, the father swearing in front of his children and his friends' Children. We can all slip-up and happen to do so but we'd immediately feel
ashamed and utter something like 'Oooops, sorry!" - but not Dr McCann, he is allowed -he visibly thinks, all mightily- to give bad example to children. See
THE GASPARS' Statement -brief sum-up:
These two doctors, friends of the McCanns at the time, had spotted Gerry in the middle of a conversation with their other friend Dr David Payne, while being on
another holiday. Illustrated with sexual gestures, the dialogue was of a paedophile nature as it involved pointing at Madeleine. Mrs Gaspar worried immediately at
the news that something had happened to Madeleine in early May 2007 and decided to report the incident to the police. Her husband confirmed hearing the same
conversation and seeing the gesture.
The Paynes and the McCanns NEVER took action to clear their names in regards to these heavy accusations, which coming from them is pretty strange - normally they sue anything and anyone that can be sued.
Another point of greatly alarming concern is THE MAKE-UP that Madeleine was wearing on many photos and video public material. Make-up that was self-evidently
applied by an adult - in any case, it's dangerous to let a child apply make-up on her own, this was not child- make up, brushes are needed, take a look , please, at the numerous photos... I can send you some saved ones from the press if you still can't see what I mean...
(And did THAT really help to "find Madeleine"?)
All this added to the lies that 'Kate McCann' (HEALY) dares publishing in her book as asserting that the 5a apartment shutter could be pushed from the outside once
locked on the inside, for example, makes me want to alert to the BRITISH and PORTUGUESE SOCIAL SERVICES.... and urge them to lean on this book, comparing it to
the existing files. Again since they lie to police they would undoubtedly lie to YOU as well, even in a much easier way.
In more details:
"Sean and Amelie:
GERRY: Sean, in particular, talks about having an aeroplane and flying all over the world looking for ‘that man who’s taken Madeleine’ and when he gets him he’s
going to rescue her and take his sword out.
KATE: At the moment they don’t show any signs of anger. A month or so ago, I went for a run and I suddenly started thinking about Sean and Amelie getting much
older, they will understand more. "
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270172/Gerry-McCann-breaks-tells-hunt-Madeleine-shaking-Catholic-faith.html#ixzz1M8yW85H5
From The Daily Star
"KATE and Gerry McCann have revealed how their twins have vowed to rescue missing sister Madeleine from her abduction hell.
Speaking ahead of the third anniversary of her disappearance, the couple said Sean and Amelie, five, talk about “getting swords to get the man who has got her”.
The McCanns also released a video on their hunt for Madeleine, which includes a new “grown-up” picture of the youngster.
The snap – taken weeks before Madeleine vanished – shows her wearing blue eyeshadow accompanied with a pink bow in her hair and a gold bead necklace.
And they revealed how Sean and Amelie are determined to help the hunt for Madeleine, who will turn seven next week.
Kate, 42, said: “Sean said to me once, just as I was putting him to bed – it was out of the blue. He said, ‘Never give up, mummy’. [A child of the FIVE, saying THAT?!]
“I just said, ‘Don’t worry, Seany, I won’t do that. None of us will’.”
And Gerry, 41, added: “They talk about rescuing her and getting swords to get the man who’s got her.
“Sean talks all the time about finding Maddie and what he will do to the person who stole her.”
Is little Sean's parent's "speculative" conditioning really working though?
A new boy in school recently said to Sean that Maddy was dead as she had been shot. Little Sean then asked his mum: "But how would they know?"
Gerry interfered in the interview: "He was very matter of fact. He said no one knows where Madeleine is. The logic is undeniable."
and Kate added: "Children do say things. But I think Sean and Amelie have handled it brilliantly."
The Sun Paper Edition 7 -5-11
page 4, interview by Antonella Lazzeri & Oliver Harvey.
More concerns:
"Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand."
"An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended."
"Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear."
-Gerry in his blog-
Kate in her book:
talking about how much she hated "HIM" and wanted to inflict maximal suffering onto HIM.
She wanted her old life back...
But how did she KNOW it was a "HE"? Did she really mean someone else??? Would she have done something very bad to have got back at that person?
Someone who knows the father well told me that she was jealous of the love between the dad and the daughter.
Apparently she wanted many 'hotel-breaks' even when the children were so young and it unsettles them. There would have been a room where the curtains are never, ever open ' to preserve the furniture'...
She admits the existence that such IMAGES DO CONFIRM in a way that there was a REAL possibility... of what? FACTS? WHAT FACTS? THOSE SHE WAS JUST
IMAGINING? YET, her two "remaining kids" WILL read these "IMAGES"! She obviously hasn't pictured that, though? Or does she fabricate scenarios that become real?!
When she was first "taken ", Kate and Gerry, she writes, could ONLY think about paedophiles!
I wonder why... I would have personally thought ANYTHING but that, first that she had
somehow managed to escape by herself... Why didn't the MOTHER search? Even if abducted ("taken"...) couldn't any kidnapper be surprised or feel endangered then drop the child, alive, anywhere like on the BEACH? Alright, so then Kate would have thought this too, wouldn't she? Then why did she stay INDOORS, NOT SEARCHING FOR HER CHILD???!!!
and.... last but NOT least: Kate Healy - "McCann" describes in mult details how she could vividly imagine, bit by bit, this monster being TOUCHING her daughter,
caressing her... and even with many, precise descriptions of how her little daughter's body would get manipulated and precisely sexually abused by "him"... That is
explicit isn't it? a little bit too much detailed for MY liking, anyway.
She adds that it killed her and killed her... what "kills" me is her mental balance level...
Is this person mentally fit to be a mother? Shouldn't the social services organise a few checks and put her though psychological tests, just to make sure? I don't feel
comfortable, at all, knowing that Sean and Amelie are with her. I have my alarm bells ringing very loud.
Can you please conduct a Review too? As you know Kate has ASKED to see a GP (despite both being doctors...) on their return to Rothley in September 2007, with the
ONLY PURPOSE to "PRE-EMPT" the SOCIAL SERVICES' REACTION! Chapter 18: "One of the first things we did was to ring our GP. We wanted to make contact with the
social services to pre-empt any interest they might be obliged to take in us. In the light of the headlines and our arguido status, we realized there would be
pressure on the authorities to assess the welfare of the twins. It all seemed so crazy and unfair, but we had to confront it head on. "
Please read the book and tell me if you share my concerns for the McCann Twins. Thank you for taking this request seriously and URGENTLY.
Posted by megafundline at 17:43
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Panda wrote:
I worried about Gerry and me. I worried that if I couldn’t get our sex life back on track our whole relationship would break down. I know there is more to a relationship than sex, but it is still an important element. It was vital that we stayed together and stayed strong for our family. Gerry was incredibly understanding and supportive. He never made me feel guilty, he never pushed me and he never got sulky. In fact, sometimes he would apologize to me. Invariably, he would put a big, reassuring arm around me and tell me that he loved me and not to worry.
There is absolutely NO REASON for any of that information to be in the book. Moreover if my child were missing the 'important element' of sex in our relationship wouldn't even enter into my head.
By the way who says sex is an important element of any relationship?
Good on that person for writing though, l bet there were loads of complaints!
margaret- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
I remember reading this on another forum - I suspect that the writer whoever it might be is still waiting for a reply.
It certainly agrees with my personal feeling about Kate; like Jimmy Savile, she has never made any effort to hide her preferences.
However, with friends in high places, it seems that you can get away with anything, at least until you're dead, by which time you won't care.
It certainly agrees with my personal feeling about Kate; like Jimmy Savile, she has never made any effort to hide her preferences.
However, with friends in high places, it seems that you can get away with anything, at least until you're dead, by which time you won't care.
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Not Born Yesterday wrote:I remember reading this on another forum - I suspect that the writer whoever it might be is still waiting for a reply.
It certainly agrees with my personal feeling about Kate; like Jimmy Savile, she has never made any effort to hide her preferences.
However, with friends in high places, it seems that you can get away with anything, at least until you're dead, by which time you won't care.
Well the McCanns have certainly gone down the 'I run for Charity' route like JS!
So they couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, could they?
Unlike JS!
Stewart Hall also used the 'charity' route to cover his crimes, didn't he?
" i couldn't have committed any crimes, against children, i raise money for charity"
What is it about these Z listers using genuine charities to cover their disgusting crimes?
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Kate said: "It really isn't easy," coping. "Some days are better than others. ... There's days when you think, 'I can't do this anymore,' and you just want to press a button, AND WE'RE ALL GONE, and it's all finished, and we're ALL together AND GONE. Wherever. But you can't, you know. Just occasionally you'll have a -- if you're having a really bad day, which we do. And you can't help but think that."
Kate McCann thought of being killed in a car crash
30 Apr 2010 17:45
Kate McCann has revealed that she had thoughts about being "wiped out" in a motorway crash WITH HER FAMILY to end the pain of losing Madeleine.
Mrs McCann, 42, from Rothley, Leicestershire, spoke in an interview with the BBC World Service of the dark thoughts she had after Madeleine vanished.
She said: "I used to have thoughts like WE'LL GET WIPED OUT in the car on the motorway. So it would just happen, WE'D ALL BE GONE, and the pain would be away...
She is using, these 'threats' IMO to keep the families and friends 'in line'
"If you dare grass me up this is what i could do"!
What exactly the twins have done to deserve being 'wiped out and gone' is anyones guess!
She states quite clearly that she would like ALL of them gone, not just her!
If that's not a RED 'flag' to Social services i don't know WHAT could be!
Kate said: "It really isn't easy," coping. "Some days are better than others. ... There's days when you think, 'I can't do this anymore,' and you just want to press a button, AND WE'RE ALL GONE, and it's all finished, and we're ALL together AND GONE. Wherever. But you can't, you know. Just occasionally you'll have a -- if you're having a really bad day, which we do. And you can't help but think that."
Kate McCann thought of being killed in a car crash
30 Apr 2010 17:45
Kate McCann has revealed that she had thoughts about being "wiped out" in a motorway crash WITH HER FAMILY to end the pain of losing Madeleine.
Mrs McCann, 42, from Rothley, Leicestershire, spoke in an interview with the BBC World Service of the dark thoughts she had after Madeleine vanished.
She said: "I used to have thoughts like WE'LL GET WIPED OUT in the car on the motorway. So it would just happen, WE'D ALL BE GONE, and the pain would be away...
She is using, these 'threats' IMO to keep the families and friends 'in line'
"If you dare grass me up this is what i could do"!
What exactly the twins have done to deserve being 'wiped out and gone' is anyones guess!
She states quite clearly that she would like ALL of them gone, not just her!
If that's not a RED 'flag' to Social services i don't know WHAT could be!
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
they would all only be gone if she knew Madeleine wasn't alive. jimo
tanszi- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
tanszi wrote:they would all only be gone if she knew Madeleine wasn't alive. jimo
Well Kate McCann definitely knows what has happened to Madeleine and if she is dead or alive and so does Gerry McCann. If they didn't, they would have searched every nook and cranny around PDL and so would their friends and family.
Let's say Madeleine is dead and Kate McCann knows she is dead, I doubt very much if she would kill herself, she is too full of her own importance. Only someone has hard faced as she is, would take on the job of Ambassador of Missing Children, knowing they were responsible for the disappearance of their own child.
kathybelle- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Setting up a dodgy limited company to "look for Madeleine" is also an act of absolute brazenness when, in my opinion, the McCanns know exactly what happened to their daughter and where she is.
No genuinely uninvolved parents would set up such an enterprise for a child who had most likely just wandered off and would be found at any moment.
No genuinely uninvolved parents would set up such an enterprise for a child who had most likely just wandered off and would be found at any moment.
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Watch what happens, if Scotland Yard, pin Madeleine's disappearance on anyone but the McCanns and their mates. It won't be long before the McCanns make even more money, out of Madeleine's disappearance, thanks to the people they know, in the media.
It isn't that long ago when a suggestion was made about a film deal, regarding Madeleine's disappearance. The time wasn't right for this film to be made, but if the McCanns are exonerated, they will begin discussions about a film, as soon as Scotland Yard, make the statement, that will ensure Madeleine will never receive justice.
There'll be two new books written, one by Gerry and one by Kate, each of them telling of the hell they've endured since Madeleine disappeared. If the McCanns are no longer together, one or both of them, will blame the split, on the unfair criticism they've received, from anti McCann forums on the internet.
They'll start making even more public appearances, together or separate, to boost their images and it won't be long, before they're nominated for a gong in the Queen's honours list. Lorraine Kelly and Fiona Phillips, will be among the ones who nominate them.
It isn't that long ago when a suggestion was made about a film deal, regarding Madeleine's disappearance. The time wasn't right for this film to be made, but if the McCanns are exonerated, they will begin discussions about a film, as soon as Scotland Yard, make the statement, that will ensure Madeleine will never receive justice.
There'll be two new books written, one by Gerry and one by Kate, each of them telling of the hell they've endured since Madeleine disappeared. If the McCanns are no longer together, one or both of them, will blame the split, on the unfair criticism they've received, from anti McCann forums on the internet.
They'll start making even more public appearances, together or separate, to boost their images and it won't be long, before they're nominated for a gong in the Queen's honours list. Lorraine Kelly and Fiona Phillips, will be among the ones who nominate them.
kathybelle- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Why are they so quiet at the moment?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Iris wrote:Why are they so quiet at the moment?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
Hello Iris
If the McCanns played no part in Madeleine's disappearance, they would be demanding action now. The fact they're keeping quiet, speaks volumes, thanks to Scotland Yard, keeping them informed of their every move and telling them that they're not amongst the people, they're interested in speaking to about Madeleine's disappearance.
When Scotland Yard, announced to the public, that the McCanns were not amongst the people of interest to them, they proved that they are a corrupt police force.
kathybelle- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
kathybelle wrote:Iris wrote:Why are they so quiet at the moment?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
Hello Iris
If the McCanns played no part in Madeleine's disappearance, they would be demanding action now. The fact they're keeping quiet, speaks volumes, thanks to Scotland Yard, keeping them informed of their every move and telling them that they're not amongst the people, they're interested in speaking to about Madeleine's disappearance.
When Scotland Yard, announced to the public, that the McCanns were not amongst the people of interest to them, they proved that they are a corrupt police force.
We KNOW they are corrupt by the recent revelations about the SDS and Lawrence,the use of dead kiddies names and the NOTW cash for info etc,
And even the MET police chief commissioner raising money for possible future suspects.
However how will they possibly stop one of their own whistle blowing the whole thing apart?
He/She could quite easily do it outside the UK, then what they going to do?
Big networks in USA would pay big bucks for that.
Even OPRAH'S Company would bid!
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Iris wrote:Why are they so quiet at the moment?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
WHY haven't they been squealing EVERY DAY for the last six YEARS for action?
Oh, i know, they didn't lift a manicured finger to stop the PJ shelving the investigation into their daughters 'disappearance'
They have NEVER demanded, personally, that the Portuguese authorities re-open their case.
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
Panda- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
I think they had 20 days from being told the case would be shelved.
But i thought i saw somewhere that they were actually given TWICE as long as that.
In either case they did NOT oppose the shelving and some say they even asked for it to be.
Every mother on this earth would oppose the closing of an investigation into their missing child.
Only one mother, on this earth, of a missing child, that i know of, has NOT opposed the shelving of an investigation into her childs 'disappearance'
And that is Kate Marie McCann, mother to a 'disappeared' child!
CP – The child’s parents allege that there are several leads that were not followed. Do you think the reopening of the process is possible?
GA – The child’s parents talk about pseudo leads, that are always related to the abduction theory. I remind you that they “demanded” the archiving of the process, in 2008, when they were arguidos, merely to defend their image. They are not interested in the reopening of the process or of the investigation, where all hypotheses remain open, from a voluntary disappearance up to homicide, like the Public Ministry mentions in the archiving dispatch. They are only interested in the defence of their image.
Last edited by jeanmonroe on Tue 23 Jul - 14:44; edited 2 times in total
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Maybe they are busy working on their US/holywood strategies.Iris wrote:Why are they so quiet at the moment?
Shouldn't they be squealing that they want action NOW, not in a month or two? or three?
As redwood is doing the PR for them.
weissnicht- Golden Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
jeanmonroe wrote:Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
I think they had 20 days from being told the case would be shelved.
But i thought i saw somewhere that they were actually given TWICE as long as that.
In either case they did NOT oppose the shelving and some say they even asked for it to be.
Every mother on this earth would oppose the closing of an investigation into their missing child.
Only one mother of a missing child, that i know of, has NOT opposed the shelving of an investigation into their childs 'disappearance'
And that is Kate McCann!
Hi jeanmonroe, another important factor, as soon as the McCanns were declared aquidos Madeleine was made a Ward of Court and although they returned to the U.K., six years down the line Madeleine is still a Ward of Court ...very strange.!!!
Panda- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
According to Goncalo Amaral, the McCanns demanded the case was closed in 2008, when they were still arguidos, so if what he said was true, they were hardly going to ask for the case to be re-opened.
Although I have no reason to doubt Goncalo Amaral, Scotland Yard, need to find out if this information is true. If it is true, then Scotland Yard, need to make the McCanns their main suspects, instead of telling the media, that the McCanns are not people of interest to them. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no parents of a missing child, would want the case regarding their child's disappearance to be closed. Unless those parents had a hand in the disappearance of their child and they wanted to make sure they were never suspected of that fact.
kathybelle- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
kathybelle wrote:Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
According to Goncalo Amaral, the McCanns demanded the case was closed in 2008, when they were still arguidos, so if what he said was true, they were hardly going to ask for the case to be re-opened.
Although I have no reason to doubt Goncalo Amaral, Scotland Yard, need to find out if this information is true. If it is true, then Scotland Yard, need to make the McCanns their main suspects, instead of telling the media, that the McCanns are not people of interest to them. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no parents of a missing child, would want the case regarding their child's disappearance to be closed. Unless those parents had a hand in the disappearance of their child and they wanted to make sure they were never suspected of that fact.
Hi kathybelle, the Mccanns thought they had a right to see the Files in Leicester Police Station , even asked Justice Hogg to intervene but the Chief
Constable intervened sayimg the case was ongoing so the McCanns had to settle for a mere 81 pages. Redwood on the other hand is more accomodating , keeping the McCanns informed, he couldn't sstay schtumm about progess could he, happy to give TV interviews , telling the media everything.!!!
Panda- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
Panda wrote:kathybelle wrote:Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
According to Goncalo Amaral, the McCanns demanded the case was closed in 2008, when they were still arguidos, so if what he said was true, they were hardly going to ask for the case to be re-opened.
Although I have no reason to doubt Goncalo Amaral, Scotland Yard, need to find out if this information is true. If it is true, then Scotland Yard, need to make the McCanns their main suspects, instead of telling the media, that the McCanns are not people of interest to them. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no parents of a missing child, would want the case regarding their child's disappearance to be closed. Unless those parents had a hand in the disappearance of their child and they wanted to make sure they were never suspected of that fact.
Hi kathybelle, the Mccanns thought they had a right to see the Files in Leicester Police Station , even asked Justice Hogg to intervene but the Chief
Constable intervened sayimg the case was ongoing so the McCanns had to settle for a mere 81 pages. Redwood on the other hand is more accomodating , keeping the McCanns informed, he couldn't sstay schtumm about progess could he, happy to give TV interviews , telling the media everything.!!!
Hi Panda
I'm amazed Redwood hasn't been hauled over the coals by his boss, for keeping the McCanns informed, when it's plainly obvious, that they played a role in Madeleine's disappearance. Redwood should also be hauled over the coals, for telling the media, things that should be kept within the review/investigative team.
It wouldn't surprise me, if the McCanns take Redwood out for meals, paid for out of Madeleine's fund money.
kathybelle- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
kathybelle wrote:Panda wrote:kathybelle wrote:Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
According to Goncalo Amaral, the McCanns demanded the case was closed in 2008, when they were still arguidos, so if what he said was true, they were hardly going to ask for the case to be re-opened.
Although I have no reason to doubt Goncalo Amaral, Scotland Yard, need to find out if this information is true. If it is true, then Scotland Yard, need to make the McCanns their main suspects, instead of telling the media, that the McCanns are not people of interest to them. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no parents of a missing child, would want the case regarding their child's disappearance to be closed. Unless those parents had a hand in the disappearance of their child and they wanted to make sure they were never suspected of that fact.
Hi kathybelle, the Mccanns thought they had a right to see the Files in Leicester Police Station , even asked Justice Hogg to intervene but the Chief
Constable intervened sayimg the case was ongoing so the McCanns had to settle for a mere 81 pages. Redwood on the other hand is more accomodating , keeping the McCanns informed, he couldn't sstay schtumm about progess could he, happy to give TV interviews , telling the media everything.!!!
Hi Panda
I'm amazed Redwood hasn't been hauled over the coals by his boss, for keeping the McCanns informed, when it's plainly obvious, that they played a role in Madeleine's disappearance. Redwood should also be hauled over the coals, for telling the media, things that should be kept within the review/investigative team.
It wouldn't surprise me, if the McCanns take Redwood out for meals, paid for out of Madeleine's fund money.
The leading Leicester Police Officer has just retired so Redwood has either been promoted or thinks he will be, nut either way he should not telling anyone what is going on .
Panda- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
imo the whole thing stinks, theres BHogan Howe (Fundraiser in chief) Deadwood telling the media who isn't involved, the number they want to interview etc., and porkies being told that the Portuguese are co-operating with them. then the Portuguese say they haven't agreed. bl**dy farce, from start to finish. blinded by the kudos of doctors, not in this house.
tanszi- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
tanszi wrote:imo the whole thing stinks, theres BHogan Howe (Fundraiser in chief) Deadwood telling the media who isn't involved, the number they want to interview etc., and porkies being told that the Portuguese are co-operating with them. then the Portuguese say they haven't agreed. bl**dy farce, from start to finish. blinded by the kudos of doctors, not in this house.
Hi tanzi, how much more money , taxpayers , not the McCanns must be spent on this nonsensical investigation ???? Why would the Home Office sanction and more time spent on these 38 "people of interest", did SY convince Cameron and Theresa May that they were confident of finding the culprits? According to Redwood the Tapas Group are not part of the 38, so why didn't they track them down during the 2 years ?
Panda- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
absolutely. jobs for the boys. they've taken how long to look at how many months work the PJ did. I believe that every crime should try to be resolved but when so many people and organisations took such time and effort to join in the search in Portugal for Madeleine over an extended period, her parents et al excluded (from Kate's mouth) I really do have concerns as to why it has taken the SY so long to review the work of the PJ and then pursue an investigation, which will take how long and cost how much, in which they will become little but bystanders as they have no power to investigate in Portugal. there is a dear child murdered in Scotland and the search for her body has ceased, no matter the extensive search and time taken by police and volunteers, makes you wonder.
tanszi- Platinum Poster
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Re: Letter to Social Services re Kate's Book
kathybelle wrote:Panda wrote:Didn't they have a couple of months to decide whether to ask for the case to be re-opened.?
According to Goncalo Amaral, the McCanns demanded the case was closed in 2008, when they were still arguidos, so if what he said was true, they were hardly going to ask for the case to be re-opened.
Although I have no reason to doubt Goncalo Amaral, Scotland Yard, need to find out if this information is true. If it is true, then Scotland Yard, need to make the McCanns their main suspects, instead of telling the media, that the McCanns are not people of interest to them. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no parents of a missing child, would want the case regarding their child's disappearance to be closed. Unless those parents had a hand in the disappearance of their child and they wanted to make sure they were never suspected of that fact.
Exactly, why would a parent of a missing child DEMAND that the case be closed. The investigation into the whereabouts of the body of Keith Bennett was never actually closed and Winnie didn't ask for it to be, even though everyone knew that Brady and Hindley were involved but couldn't prove it. You would want the case to remain open even if it was a cold case open. Their actions all the way through this fiasco have been nothing short of unbelievable, not searching as it was too dark! The case has more questions still requiring answers and I don't mean just the 48 a certain person refused to answer.
1. Have SY really read the PJ files and if so do they understand them?
2. Are these really experienced coppers who know what they are doing?
3. Why haven't they questioned the tapas lot again
4. Have they picked up the lies and discrepancies in the statements and so why haven't they queried them and if they haven't , why not.
Frankly I don't believe that SY could find their backsides with both hands and in broad daylight. If they come to the "conclusion" that the PJ didn't do what they were supposed to do, that there really was an abductor and the Mccanns are totally innocent of anything at all, then Cameron has just wasted over 2 million of hard earned taxpayers money and should be equally ashamed of himself as SY should be for aiding and abetting a coverup.
Keela- Platinum Poster
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