Ambulace chasing lawyers
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Ambulace chasing lawyers
These 'legal eagles' will it seems latch on to anything that will make them a profit. The latest seems to be suing British soldiers for shooting enemy soldiers. I thought they were supposed to do that. Our armed forces after years of cuts are pitifully small anyway, and are all volunteers. Why they would go on volunteering I cannot imagine. They risk roadside bombs, and the loss of limbs, These so called Islamic fighters are not in uniform, and often the first indication our soldiers have is when someone shoots at them. Usually our men have a split second to decide whether to return fire or not. A world away from dressing in robe and wig, and looking forward to an excellent lunch. After deciding that Johny al Muslim was quite within his rights, and his family must get a whacking great pay out. As for these ambulance chasing lawyers, I wonder how they would manage on a foot patrol, where they may lose a leg or an arm or both from a roadside bomb. or waiting for someone to fire an AK at them. I don't know all the circumstances of this SAS man shooting a badly wounded terrorist. I wasn't there. I know what they would have done to him given the chance. Unless there is clear evidence that what he did was against the Geneva convention, it should be accepted that at the time and in those circumstances, he did the right thing. Let the lawyers go out in to the war zones, and find those from Guantanamo bay who gleefully took our money then went to fight us again. Then sue them. That may be a tad dangerous for them, but they want the money
katertaif- Platinum Poster
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Age : 80
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Registration date : 2014-02-24
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