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Missing Madeleine
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The Devil’s Favorite Sin

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The Devil’s Favorite Sin Empty The Devil’s Favorite Sin

Post  Annabel Thu 28 Jan - 9:10


The Devil’s Favorite Sin

Al Pacino is a wonderful actor. His performance in “The Devil’s Advocate” is amazing. His final phrase, in the movie, as you can see in the video from YouTube, is fantastic: “Vanity… definitely, my favorite sin..” Let me be, for a while, the Devil’s Advocate, a job that still exists, today, in the Vatican, and ask just one question.

It seems that Clarence Mitchell, at last, said something that is not a complete lie. He said that the McCann never expected to be for a so long time without Madeleine. Why do I consider it only a half-truth? Because Gerry McCann, on June 3, 2007, said something that made me think that he was not expecting news of his daughter for, at least, one year.

Talking to Jason Groves, from the “Daily Express”, Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.

“We would look at high-profile people who have already pledged support. It will be some sort of focus around an anniversary, to tell people that Madeleine’s still missing. I think it would be later this year, once media attention has dropped, to bring it back up, hopefully, for a short period.

“It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary; it will be sooner than that. What we’re doing at the minute has its role but doing that down the line in a few months won’t have anything like the same impact. We might have a sporting event, something arts, something music." (end of quote)

I don’t know what Kate McCann was thinking about that, in June 3, 2007. But I know (because Gerry McCann said that and it was printed in a newspaper and reproduced in thousands of sites in the Net) that he was not expecting to see Madeleine within, at least, one year. It’s one third of 1,000 days – 365 days.

Clarence Mitchell said something about Madeleine’s disappearance that it’s half-truth. Keep working hard and you will see that, one day, you will be able to say something about this case that is a complete truth.

But the question I want to ask to Mr. Gerry McCann is the following: you were planning events for a long period of time – more than one year – so you were why sure that Madeleine McCann would not be found within one year. Why?
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The Devil’s Favorite Sin Empty Re: The Devil’s Favorite Sin

Post  MissGivings Thu 28 Jan - 11:23


But the question I want to ask to Mr. Gerry McCann is the following: you were planning events for a long period of time – more than one year – so you were why sure that Madeleine McCann would not be found within one year. Why?

That is a very important question. This should have been asked a long time ago, by the PJ or LP. How can you possibly be making plans that far into the future - Madeleine could have been found anytime. This to me says it all. And this quote, very telling imo


I think it would be later this year, once media attention has dropped, to bring it back up, hopefully, for a short period

Definitely in for the long haul then.
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