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G Amaral on TVI

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G Amaral on TVI Empty G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Sun 5 Apr - 22:47

G.Amaral was talking about our justice and that something has to be done about that. And that is when he talked about the Presidente, as you know a big thing is going on about Freeport etc. He is asking the PR (I think its the Attorney General) to open the case.

He said as well When the case is reopened


They are talking about this on The 3 Arguidos.

More on this topic below:-
If I remember correctly, Amaral mentioned Gerrys documentary as being an act of sabotage to his own doc. which is coming out next month. Amaral had a few British Tv channels interested in showing his own doc., but have since then dropped the idea. Anyway Amarals doc. will be shown by other 25 Tv channels. . , About Gerrys presence at Praia da LUz , he reckons they still trying to push into the scene, all fabricated lies around Maddies disappearance. This would maybe be a good time for the Attorney General to open up Maddies file and thus put an end to all the defamatory nonsense abound in the media. Amaral also mentions all this was due to political interference into the PJ.s job, which is to find the guilty parties , no matter what.

Another poster said this:-
Wish some pt poster could translate Gonçalo Amaral interview on TVI just minutes ago. I wasn't able to catch everything, but from what I heard he knows much more than we do. Talking about Payne some weird stuff

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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Sun 5 Apr - 22:55

This is one of the scenes of the doc with bundleman in it

G Amaral on TVI 23324 G Amaral on TVI 23324

Watch Clarry in this video


:lala: Dickhead

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G Amaral on TVI Empty Former PJ Inspector Gonçalo Amaral investigating Maddie Case

Post  pm Thu 30 Apr - 15:46


Marisa Rodrigues, Journalist: What has started with an exchange of phone calls and emails about the Madeleine McCann process might be now the beginning of a private investigation. Along with Gonçalo Amaral, a group of former police inspectors from various countries have one certainty: the girl died in the Ocean Club’s apartment.

Gonçalo Amaral: We are working on the death, the death of the child, which is an agreed point. And we are trying to understand what we can do in terms of diligences [coordinating investigative steps] to inspect the circumstances and the causes of that death; and afterwards we will inform the Attorney General of the result of that analysis.

MR: The group, which comprises four retired police inspectors, investigates at their own expenses and without the use of funds. The objective is the reopening of the process.

GA: The case should never have been archived; to be reopened it is a usual procedure. There are still many diligences to be made, they are in the process when it was archived; and that situation has to be emphasized and has to lead to the reopening of the process.

MR: Two years after the disappearance Gonçalo Amaral does not give up, and asks for political bravery to those who have the power to reopen the process.

Source: TVI News, 30 April

Amaral and former policemen are investigating the “Maddie” case Restlessness and curiosity were heavy and the bitter taste of a “precocious and political” archiving left them “brooding” on a solution. The words are from Gonçalo Amaral – the first head of the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann – who reveals that the group of investigators, that is made up by Portuguese, Spanish, English and Germans, wants to “know the truth”.

By Joana Morais
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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Thu 30 Apr - 19:01


Its about time someone had the balls to speak out and investigate further. :gjob:

Madeleine died in that apartment and shame on those who are protecting the ones who killed her and covered it up

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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Thu 30 Apr - 19:02



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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Sat 2 May - 11:01

He will find the TRUTH :Super:

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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  lynn Sat 2 May - 11:08

Reaks of corruption in high places and very glad Insp Amaral has the backbone to keep going and expose all that.
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G Amaral on TVI Empty Re: G Amaral on TVI

Post  Guest Sat 2 May - 11:10

lynn wrote:Reaks of corruption in high places and very glad Insp Amaral has the backbone to keep going and expose all that.

What worries me Lynn is that he may be going to depths no one wants uncovered. I hope he isnt in danger. Remember his dog was killed.

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