Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
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Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
1:38am UK, Wednesday February 10, 2010
Hannah Thomas-Peter, Sky News Online in Lisbon
The McCanns are set to face the final day of proceedings in their fight to uphold a ban on a book claiming they covered up the death of their daughter Madeleine.
Gerry and Kate McCann
The McCanns have always strenuously denied allegations made against them
The book, called Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, was written by the former lead investigator in the case Goncalo Amaral.
In it, he claims that Madeleine died in the McCann family's holiday apartment and the couple faked her abduction.
Today the court will hear from two witnesses who were not available during proceedings held in January.
Eduardo Dimiso from the publishers of Mr Amaral's book and Luis Froes, from the company that made a documentary based on the book's claims, will give evidence.
Lawyers for the McCanns and Mr Amaral will then make closing arguments.
A ruling on whether the existing temporary ban on the book is to be made permanent is expected by the end of this month.
Kate and Gerry McCann attended three days of hearings on this case in January.
Former Madeleine case detective Goncalo Amaral
Goncalo Amaral
They listened to witnesses called by Mr Amaral who backed up his version of events, including former police officers who questioned the McCanns' behaviour at the time of their daughter's disappearance.
Mr Amaral's lawyers have portrayed this legal action as an attack on the Portuguese constitution and freedom of speech.
The former policeman, who was removed from the Madeleine case after he criticised the British police, has vowed to take the case all the way to the European courts if he loses this fight to get his book published.
Speaking outside court at the end of last month's hearings, Kate McCann said listening to the allegations were difficult but nothing could be as bad as losing her daughter.
Madeleine was nearly four when she disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz in 2007.
Her parents were declared "arguidos" or formal suspects, in October that year, but that was lifted when the case was shelved the following summer.
The McCanns are seeking around £1m in damages for defamation from Mr Amaral in a separate case.
They strenuously deny the allegations made against them.
:: Follow live coverage of the day's proceedings in Lisbon on
1:38am UK, Wednesday February 10, 2010
Hannah Thomas-Peter, Sky News Online in Lisbon
The McCanns are set to face the final day of proceedings in their fight to uphold a ban on a book claiming they covered up the death of their daughter Madeleine.
Gerry and Kate McCann
The McCanns have always strenuously denied allegations made against them
The book, called Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, was written by the former lead investigator in the case Goncalo Amaral.
In it, he claims that Madeleine died in the McCann family's holiday apartment and the couple faked her abduction.
Today the court will hear from two witnesses who were not available during proceedings held in January.
Eduardo Dimiso from the publishers of Mr Amaral's book and Luis Froes, from the company that made a documentary based on the book's claims, will give evidence.
Lawyers for the McCanns and Mr Amaral will then make closing arguments.
A ruling on whether the existing temporary ban on the book is to be made permanent is expected by the end of this month.
Kate and Gerry McCann attended three days of hearings on this case in January.
Former Madeleine case detective Goncalo Amaral
Goncalo Amaral
They listened to witnesses called by Mr Amaral who backed up his version of events, including former police officers who questioned the McCanns' behaviour at the time of their daughter's disappearance.
Mr Amaral's lawyers have portrayed this legal action as an attack on the Portuguese constitution and freedom of speech.
The former policeman, who was removed from the Madeleine case after he criticised the British police, has vowed to take the case all the way to the European courts if he loses this fight to get his book published.
Speaking outside court at the end of last month's hearings, Kate McCann said listening to the allegations were difficult but nothing could be as bad as losing her daughter.
Madeleine was nearly four when she disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz in 2007.
Her parents were declared "arguidos" or formal suspects, in October that year, but that was lifted when the case was shelved the following summer.
The McCanns are seeking around £1m in damages for defamation from Mr Amaral in a separate case.
They strenuously deny the allegations made against them.
:: Follow live coverage of the day's proceedings in Lisbon on
Gobsmacked- Newbie
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Nice little summary there, - good to clearly hear GA's view being supported, and all the best to him today
Guest- Guest
Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Thank you, gobsmacked. Good to know we've got live coverage!
Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Wow! A very neutral report from Sky News and no sucking up to the McCanns!
Maybe I am reading too much into it but for me this is a huge swing in opinion by Sky News to a more sensible leaving all options open.
Maybe Sky have seen the way the wind is blowing?
I will be following the live feed from todays proceedings with great interest.
Good luck Mr Amaral!
Maybe I am reading too much into it but for me this is a huge swing in opinion by Sky News to a more sensible leaving all options open.
Maybe Sky have seen the way the wind is blowing?
I will be following the live feed from todays proceedings with great interest.
Good luck Mr Amaral!
Freja53- Reg Member
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
My thoughts and prayers are with Mr Amaral and his family agian today. Great to see Sky reporting in a favourable manner to Mr Amaral, none of the old poor Kate and Gerry and how they were cleared of all suspicion.
welshy- Elite Member
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
If following on a mobile or directly via Twitter, follow @hannahtp
Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
First news from today.
I do not translate the Portuguese news because sometimes I get sth wrong.
Good morning to all of you
Here are the first news from Portugal. ... GP_VhZUUww
El juicio de los padres de Madeleine contra Goncalo Amaral concluye hoy
Por Agencia EFE – hace 8 minutos
Lisboa, 10 feb (EFE).- El juicio de los padres de la niña británica Madeleine McCann, desaparecida en Portugal en 2007, contra el ex policía que investigó el caso, Goncalo Amaral, concluye hoy con las alegaciones finales de sus abogados.
Según fuentes judiciales, en la sesión final del juicio se espera otra vez la presencia de Kate y Jerry McCann quienes a su petición original de que se prohíba un libro de Amaral que les relaciona con la muerte y desaparición de su hija han sumado una demanda por 1,2 millones de euros contra el ex policía.
El juicio, que tras un aplazamiento en diciembre comenzó el pasado 12 de enero, se desarrolla en el Tribunal Civil de Lisboa, el cual debe decidir si mantiene la prohibición de la obra de Amaral "Maddie, la verdad de la mentira" que ya suspendió de forma cautelar el pasado 9 de septiembre.
Amaral abandonó la investigación sobre Madeleine y se jubiló anticipadamente tras acusar a los padres de estar relacionados con la muerte accidental de la niña y la ocultación de su cadáver pero no publicó el libro hasta que el caso fue cerrado el 29 de julio de 2008 por falta de pruebas sobre la suerte de la menor.
Además de la prohibición de la obra, que consideran calumniosa, los McCann decidieron durante el juicio acusar a Amaral de violación del "secreto de justicia" por revelar hechos de la investigación en su texto que estaba impreso y listo para su difusión antes del cierre del caso.
El ex policía, que puede sufrir un embargo de bienes para afrontar la millonaria indemnización pedida por los padres de Madeleine, llevó por su parte al juicio a los policías que trabajaron en el caso y personalidades lusas que respaldaron su labor y las tesis y datos que recoge en el libro.
En él sugiere una conspiración del matrimonio británico y los amigos que le acompañaban en el apartamento de playa donde desapareció la niña, el 3 de mayo de 2007, para ocultar su fallecimiento accidental.
Kate y Gerry McCann, que abandonaron Portugal precipitadamente cuando la policía lusa los consideró sospechosos formales del caso tres meses después de la desaparición de su hija, reiteraron en el juicio su inocencia y el convencimiento de que la niña fue raptada.
El padre recordó que no es a ellos a quienes se juzga en Lisboa sino al ex policía y aseguró que no van a dejar de buscar a Madeleine porque no hay ninguna prueba de que esté muerta.
La pareja de médicos británicos organizó un despliegue sin precedentes en los medios de comunicación para buscar a su hija y recaudó varios millones de euros a través de donaciones.
El pasado 27 de enero, con motivo de los mil días de la desaparición, los McCann organizaron nuevos actos en el Reino Unido para recaudar fondos y una misa en Portugal en memoria de Madeleine.
La niña, que estaba a punto de cumplir cuatro años, dormía con dos hermanos gemelos aún menores mientras sus padres cenaban con los amigos en un restaurante cercano cuando desapareció sin dejar rastro.
Amaral y sus investigadores declararon sospechosos a los padres tras encontrar meses después restos biológicos de ella y huellas de la presencia de un cadáver en objetos personales y en un vehículo de los McCann alquilado después de la desaparición.
No obstante el matrimonio británico negó las acusaciones y siempre argumentó que las pruebas de los laboratorios británicos sobre esos indicios no eran concluyentes, lo cual llevó también a la Justicia lusa a cerrar el caso.
Pero durante el juicio Amaral se lamentó de "falta de coraje político" en el caso Madeleine, que se ha vuelto una pesadilla para él.
Además de las demandas y las amenazas de embargo, en mayo pasado el ex policía fue condenado a un año y medio de cárcel -que de momento se ha salvado de cumplir- por falsedades en la causa de otra desaparición, en 2004, de la niña portuguesa Joana Cipriano, que contaba entonces 8 años de edad.
La madre de la menor estaba condenada por su muerte -aunque el cadáver nunca apareció- y un bufete que tuvo relación con investigadores privados de los McCann, dio un vuelco al caso y logró la condena de Amaral, fundada en los malos tratos sufridos por la acusada para confesar el crimen.
EFE 2010. Está expresamente prohibida la redistribución y la redifusión de todo o parte de los contenidos de los servicios de Efe, sin previo y expreso consentimiento de la Agencia EFE S.A. ... Rz0zKgTOLQ
McCanns back in court over book ban
(UKPA) – 3 hours ago
Gerry and Kate McCann are due to return to court in Portugal as a former senior detective continues his attempt to overturn the couple's ban on his book.
The pair, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are battling to stop Goncalo Amaral from repeating claims that their missing daughter Madeleine is dead.
Mr Amaral was the first head of the police investigation into the little girl's disappearance from Praia da Luz in Portugal in May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday.
In July 2008 he published a book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, which alleges that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction.
A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year halting further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case.
The ex-policeman launched an appeal against the ban at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital Lisbon last month, calling a series of witnesses to support his claims. The McCanns admitted sitting through the evidence was painful but insisted they were right to bring the case.
The court will hear from two further witnesses, who will give evidence for Mr Amaral before the lawyers make closing speeches. Judge Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues is expected to reserve judgment and send her ruling directly to the McCanns and Mr Amaral before the end of this month.
It is understood that Mr and Mrs McCann, both 41, will attend the hearing in Lisbon before flying back to Britain.
Mr Amaral's lawyers argue the material in the book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.
The McCanns say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead. The McCanns are also seeking 1.2 million euros (£1.08 million) in compensation for defamation in separate civil proceedings against Mr Amaral in Portugal. ... nn=f547456
Madeleine: Alegações finais no julgamento da proibição de livro de Gonçalo Amaral com presença do casal McCann
Lisboa, 10 fev (Lusa) - A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve. Lusa - Esta notícia foi escrita nos termos do Acordo Ortográfico
6:17 Quarta-feira, 10 de Fev de 2010
Lisboa, 10 fev (Lusa) - A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve.
Na audiência, com início previsto para as 09:45, no Palácio da Justiça, em Lisboa, serão ouvidas também duas testemunhas da editora do livro Guerra & Paz, também visada no processo interposto pela família McCann, juntamente com a TVI, que exibiu documentário, e a produtora Valentim de Carvalho, responsável pela comercialização de vídeo.
No processo, Kate e Gerry McCann alegam que o livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" e o vídeo com o mesmo título divulgam a tese do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento dos pais de Madeleine no seu desaparecimento. ... -25802130/
McCanns back in court over book ban
Feb 10 2010
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Gerry and Kate McCann are due to return to court in Portugal as a former senior detective continues his attempt to overturn the couple's ban on his book.
The pair, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are battling to stop Goncalo Amaral from repeating claims that their missing daughter Madeleine is dead.
Mr Amaral was the first head of the police investigation into the little girl's disappearance from Praia da Luz in Portugal in May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday.
In July 2008 he published a book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, which alleges that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction.
A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year halting further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case.
The ex-policeman launched an appeal against the ban at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital Lisbon last month, calling a series of witnesses to support his claims. The McCanns admitted sitting through the evidence was painful but insisted they were right to bring the case.
The court will hear from two further witnesses, who will give evidence for Mr Amaral before the lawyers make closing speeches. Judge Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues is expected to reserve judgment and send her ruling directly to the McCanns and Mr Amaral before the end of this month.
It is understood that Mr and Mrs McCann, both 41, will attend the hearing in Lisbon before flying back to Britain.
Mr Amaral's lawyers argue the material in the book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.
The McCanns say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead. The McCanns are also seeking 1.2 million euros (£1.08 million) in compensation for defamation in separate civil proceedings against Mr Amaral in Portugal. ... -22031707/
Poirot plot risks wrath
By Tim Oglethorpe 10/02/2010
First it was Coronation Street, now it's Poirot heading for trouble over a storyline.
The Belgian 'tec features in Murder On The Orient Express - which begins with the abduction of a young girl - chillingly similar to the real-life Madeleine McCann case.
Poirot star David Suchet defends ITV's decision to screen the film, saying: "This is taken from Agatha Christie's novel and we feel it important to demonstrate the wickedness of one of the central characters. "This is Poirot totally out of his comfort zone, in a story which is both challenging and gritty."
Corrie could also court controversy by featuring a plot in which six-year-old Simon Barlow disappears while on holiday with his grandparents in Blackpool.
Street bosses dropped a missing child story three years ago, in the wake of Madeleine's abduction in Portugal.
I do not translate the Portuguese news because sometimes I get sth wrong.
Good morning to all of you
Here are the first news from Portugal. ... GP_VhZUUww
El juicio de los padres de Madeleine contra Goncalo Amaral concluye hoy
Por Agencia EFE – hace 8 minutos
Lisboa, 10 feb (EFE).- El juicio de los padres de la niña británica Madeleine McCann, desaparecida en Portugal en 2007, contra el ex policía que investigó el caso, Goncalo Amaral, concluye hoy con las alegaciones finales de sus abogados.
Según fuentes judiciales, en la sesión final del juicio se espera otra vez la presencia de Kate y Jerry McCann quienes a su petición original de que se prohíba un libro de Amaral que les relaciona con la muerte y desaparición de su hija han sumado una demanda por 1,2 millones de euros contra el ex policía.
El juicio, que tras un aplazamiento en diciembre comenzó el pasado 12 de enero, se desarrolla en el Tribunal Civil de Lisboa, el cual debe decidir si mantiene la prohibición de la obra de Amaral "Maddie, la verdad de la mentira" que ya suspendió de forma cautelar el pasado 9 de septiembre.
Amaral abandonó la investigación sobre Madeleine y se jubiló anticipadamente tras acusar a los padres de estar relacionados con la muerte accidental de la niña y la ocultación de su cadáver pero no publicó el libro hasta que el caso fue cerrado el 29 de julio de 2008 por falta de pruebas sobre la suerte de la menor.
Además de la prohibición de la obra, que consideran calumniosa, los McCann decidieron durante el juicio acusar a Amaral de violación del "secreto de justicia" por revelar hechos de la investigación en su texto que estaba impreso y listo para su difusión antes del cierre del caso.
El ex policía, que puede sufrir un embargo de bienes para afrontar la millonaria indemnización pedida por los padres de Madeleine, llevó por su parte al juicio a los policías que trabajaron en el caso y personalidades lusas que respaldaron su labor y las tesis y datos que recoge en el libro.
En él sugiere una conspiración del matrimonio británico y los amigos que le acompañaban en el apartamento de playa donde desapareció la niña, el 3 de mayo de 2007, para ocultar su fallecimiento accidental.
Kate y Gerry McCann, que abandonaron Portugal precipitadamente cuando la policía lusa los consideró sospechosos formales del caso tres meses después de la desaparición de su hija, reiteraron en el juicio su inocencia y el convencimiento de que la niña fue raptada.
El padre recordó que no es a ellos a quienes se juzga en Lisboa sino al ex policía y aseguró que no van a dejar de buscar a Madeleine porque no hay ninguna prueba de que esté muerta.
La pareja de médicos británicos organizó un despliegue sin precedentes en los medios de comunicación para buscar a su hija y recaudó varios millones de euros a través de donaciones.
El pasado 27 de enero, con motivo de los mil días de la desaparición, los McCann organizaron nuevos actos en el Reino Unido para recaudar fondos y una misa en Portugal en memoria de Madeleine.
La niña, que estaba a punto de cumplir cuatro años, dormía con dos hermanos gemelos aún menores mientras sus padres cenaban con los amigos en un restaurante cercano cuando desapareció sin dejar rastro.
Amaral y sus investigadores declararon sospechosos a los padres tras encontrar meses después restos biológicos de ella y huellas de la presencia de un cadáver en objetos personales y en un vehículo de los McCann alquilado después de la desaparición.
No obstante el matrimonio británico negó las acusaciones y siempre argumentó que las pruebas de los laboratorios británicos sobre esos indicios no eran concluyentes, lo cual llevó también a la Justicia lusa a cerrar el caso.
Pero durante el juicio Amaral se lamentó de "falta de coraje político" en el caso Madeleine, que se ha vuelto una pesadilla para él.
Además de las demandas y las amenazas de embargo, en mayo pasado el ex policía fue condenado a un año y medio de cárcel -que de momento se ha salvado de cumplir- por falsedades en la causa de otra desaparición, en 2004, de la niña portuguesa Joana Cipriano, que contaba entonces 8 años de edad.
La madre de la menor estaba condenada por su muerte -aunque el cadáver nunca apareció- y un bufete que tuvo relación con investigadores privados de los McCann, dio un vuelco al caso y logró la condena de Amaral, fundada en los malos tratos sufridos por la acusada para confesar el crimen.
EFE 2010. Está expresamente prohibida la redistribución y la redifusión de todo o parte de los contenidos de los servicios de Efe, sin previo y expreso consentimiento de la Agencia EFE S.A. ... Rz0zKgTOLQ
McCanns back in court over book ban
(UKPA) – 3 hours ago
Gerry and Kate McCann are due to return to court in Portugal as a former senior detective continues his attempt to overturn the couple's ban on his book.
The pair, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are battling to stop Goncalo Amaral from repeating claims that their missing daughter Madeleine is dead.
Mr Amaral was the first head of the police investigation into the little girl's disappearance from Praia da Luz in Portugal in May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday.
In July 2008 he published a book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, which alleges that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction.
A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year halting further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case.
The ex-policeman launched an appeal against the ban at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital Lisbon last month, calling a series of witnesses to support his claims. The McCanns admitted sitting through the evidence was painful but insisted they were right to bring the case.
The court will hear from two further witnesses, who will give evidence for Mr Amaral before the lawyers make closing speeches. Judge Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues is expected to reserve judgment and send her ruling directly to the McCanns and Mr Amaral before the end of this month.
It is understood that Mr and Mrs McCann, both 41, will attend the hearing in Lisbon before flying back to Britain.
Mr Amaral's lawyers argue the material in the book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.
The McCanns say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead. The McCanns are also seeking 1.2 million euros (£1.08 million) in compensation for defamation in separate civil proceedings against Mr Amaral in Portugal. ... nn=f547456
Madeleine: Alegações finais no julgamento da proibição de livro de Gonçalo Amaral com presença do casal McCann
Lisboa, 10 fev (Lusa) - A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve. Lusa - Esta notícia foi escrita nos termos do Acordo Ortográfico
6:17 Quarta-feira, 10 de Fev de 2010
Lisboa, 10 fev (Lusa) - A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve.
Na audiência, com início previsto para as 09:45, no Palácio da Justiça, em Lisboa, serão ouvidas também duas testemunhas da editora do livro Guerra & Paz, também visada no processo interposto pela família McCann, juntamente com a TVI, que exibiu documentário, e a produtora Valentim de Carvalho, responsável pela comercialização de vídeo.
No processo, Kate e Gerry McCann alegam que o livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" e o vídeo com o mesmo título divulgam a tese do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento dos pais de Madeleine no seu desaparecimento. ... -25802130/
McCanns back in court over book ban
Feb 10 2010
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Gerry and Kate McCann are due to return to court in Portugal as a former senior detective continues his attempt to overturn the couple's ban on his book.
The pair, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are battling to stop Goncalo Amaral from repeating claims that their missing daughter Madeleine is dead.
Mr Amaral was the first head of the police investigation into the little girl's disappearance from Praia da Luz in Portugal in May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday.
In July 2008 he published a book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, which alleges that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction.
A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year halting further sale or publication of Mr Amaral's book and a TV documentary he made about the case.
The ex-policeman launched an appeal against the ban at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital Lisbon last month, calling a series of witnesses to support his claims. The McCanns admitted sitting through the evidence was painful but insisted they were right to bring the case.
The court will hear from two further witnesses, who will give evidence for Mr Amaral before the lawyers make closing speeches. Judge Maria Gabriela Cunha Rodrigues is expected to reserve judgment and send her ruling directly to the McCanns and Mr Amaral before the end of this month.
It is understood that Mr and Mrs McCann, both 41, will attend the hearing in Lisbon before flying back to Britain.
Mr Amaral's lawyers argue the material in the book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public in August 2008.
The McCanns say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead. The McCanns are also seeking 1.2 million euros (£1.08 million) in compensation for defamation in separate civil proceedings against Mr Amaral in Portugal. ... -22031707/
Poirot plot risks wrath
By Tim Oglethorpe 10/02/2010
First it was Coronation Street, now it's Poirot heading for trouble over a storyline.
The Belgian 'tec features in Murder On The Orient Express - which begins with the abduction of a young girl - chillingly similar to the real-life Madeleine McCann case.
Poirot star David Suchet defends ITV's decision to screen the film, saying: "This is taken from Agatha Christie's novel and we feel it important to demonstrate the wickedness of one of the central characters. "This is Poirot totally out of his comfort zone, in a story which is both challenging and gritty."
Corrie could also court controversy by featuring a plot in which six-year-old Simon Barlow disappears while on holiday with his grandparents in Blackpool.
Street bosses dropped a missing child story three years ago, in the wake of Madeleine's abduction in Portugal.
Lilemor- Platinum Poster
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Article plus photos ... ulgamento-
Proibição de livro de Gonçalo Amaral: casal McCann nas alegações finais do julgamento
por Agência Lusa, Publicado em 10 de Fevereiro de 2010 | Actualizado há 8 minutos
A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve.
Na audiência, com início previsto para as 09:45, no Palácio da Justiça, em Lisboa, serão ouvidas também duas testemunhas da editora do livro Guerra & Paz, também visada no processo interposto pela família McCann, juntamente com a TVI, que exibiu documentário, e a produtora Valentim de Carvalho, responsável pela comercialização de vídeo.
No processo, Kate e Gerry McCann alegam que o livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" e o vídeo com o mesmo título divulgam a tese do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento dos pais de Madeleine no seu desaparecimento.
A seu pedido, a advogada do casal inglês, Isabel Duarte, requereu ao tribunal a retirada do mercado, embora com caráter provisório, do livro e do vídeo, decisão decretada a 09 de setembro de 2009.
A este processo, que já teve sessões de julgamento de 12 a 14 de janeiro, está anexa a ação principal, em que a família McCann reclama proteção de direitos, liberdades e garantias.
Os pais da criança inglesa desaparecida em 03 de maio de 2007 do quarto de um apartamento num aldeamento turístico na Praia da Luz, no Algarve, apresentaram outra ação contra Gonçalo Amaral, com a acusação de declarações consideradas difamatórias, na qual pedem uma indemnização de, pelo menos, 1,2 milhões de euros.
No âmbito deste processo, foi pedida uma medida cautelar de arresto de bens, concretizada parcialmente e a aguardar cumprimento de diligências para a sua conclusão.
Kate e Gerry McCann interpuseram igualmente uma ação contra Gonçalo Amaral por violação do segredo de justiça, alegando que o ex-inspector reproduziu as conclusões da investigação da PJ no livro antes do despacho de arquivamento do procurador da República de Portimão.
O livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" foi publicado em 2008 e lança a suspeita de que os pais da criança inglesa, que se encontrava de férias com os pais e os irmãos na Praia da Luz, terão participado na ocultação do cadáver e simularam o rapto.
Na qualidade de coordenador do Departamento de Investigação Criminal da PJ de Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral integrou a equipa de investigadores que tentou apurar o que aconteceu a Madeleine.
Kate e Kerry McCann, que sempre mantiveram a posição de que Maddie foi raptada, foram constituídos arguidos em setembro de 2007, mas acabaram por ser ilibados em julho de 2008 por falta de provas para sustentar a hipótese avançada pelo inquérito de morte acidental da menina.
O Ministério Público arquivou o processo, que poderá ser sempre reaberto se surgirem novos dados considerados consistentes sobre o desaparecimento da criança.
Este texto foi escrito ao abrigo do novo Acordo Ortográfico ... ulgamento-
Proibição de livro de Gonçalo Amaral: casal McCann nas alegações finais do julgamento
por Agência Lusa, Publicado em 10 de Fevereiro de 2010 | Actualizado há 8 minutos
A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve.
Na audiência, com início previsto para as 09:45, no Palácio da Justiça, em Lisboa, serão ouvidas também duas testemunhas da editora do livro Guerra & Paz, também visada no processo interposto pela família McCann, juntamente com a TVI, que exibiu documentário, e a produtora Valentim de Carvalho, responsável pela comercialização de vídeo.
No processo, Kate e Gerry McCann alegam que o livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" e o vídeo com o mesmo título divulgam a tese do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento dos pais de Madeleine no seu desaparecimento.
A seu pedido, a advogada do casal inglês, Isabel Duarte, requereu ao tribunal a retirada do mercado, embora com caráter provisório, do livro e do vídeo, decisão decretada a 09 de setembro de 2009.
A este processo, que já teve sessões de julgamento de 12 a 14 de janeiro, está anexa a ação principal, em que a família McCann reclama proteção de direitos, liberdades e garantias.
Os pais da criança inglesa desaparecida em 03 de maio de 2007 do quarto de um apartamento num aldeamento turístico na Praia da Luz, no Algarve, apresentaram outra ação contra Gonçalo Amaral, com a acusação de declarações consideradas difamatórias, na qual pedem uma indemnização de, pelo menos, 1,2 milhões de euros.
No âmbito deste processo, foi pedida uma medida cautelar de arresto de bens, concretizada parcialmente e a aguardar cumprimento de diligências para a sua conclusão.
Kate e Gerry McCann interpuseram igualmente uma ação contra Gonçalo Amaral por violação do segredo de justiça, alegando que o ex-inspector reproduziu as conclusões da investigação da PJ no livro antes do despacho de arquivamento do procurador da República de Portimão.
O livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" foi publicado em 2008 e lança a suspeita de que os pais da criança inglesa, que se encontrava de férias com os pais e os irmãos na Praia da Luz, terão participado na ocultação do cadáver e simularam o rapto.
Na qualidade de coordenador do Departamento de Investigação Criminal da PJ de Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral integrou a equipa de investigadores que tentou apurar o que aconteceu a Madeleine.
Kate e Kerry McCann, que sempre mantiveram a posição de que Maddie foi raptada, foram constituídos arguidos em setembro de 2007, mas acabaram por ser ilibados em julho de 2008 por falta de provas para sustentar a hipótese avançada pelo inquérito de morte acidental da menina.
O Ministério Público arquivou o processo, que poderá ser sempre reaberto se surgirem novos dados considerados consistentes sobre o desaparecimento da criança.
Este texto foi escrito ao abrigo do novo Acordo Ortográfico
Lilemor- Platinum Poster
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
The book, called Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, was written by the former lead investigator in the case Goncalo Amaral.
Its about time Mr Amaral received the respect he deserves.
Its about time Mr Amaral received the respect he deserves.
Krisy22- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 3382
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Great no more disgraced sardine munching cop who got sacked!!!!
Good luck Mr Amaral Im sure you will be celebrating today. IMO the Mccanns are there because they have to be not out of choice.
Good luck Mr Amaral Im sure you will be celebrating today. IMO the Mccanns are there because they have to be not out of choice.
buildersbum- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 1628
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Re: Fight To Ban McCanns Book Enters Final Day
Lilemor wrote:Article plus photos ... ulgamento-
Proibição de livro de Gonçalo Amaral: casal McCann nas alegações finais do julgamento
por Agência Lusa, Publicado em 10 de Fevereiro de 2010 | Actualizado há 8 minutos
A última sessão do julgamento da providência cautelar de proibição de venda do livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" realiza-se hoje, com as alegações finais e a presença dos pais da criança desaparecida no Algarve.
Na audiência, com início previsto para as 09:45, no Palácio da Justiça, em Lisboa, serão ouvidas também duas testemunhas da editora do livro Guerra & Paz, também visada no processo interposto pela família McCann, juntamente com a TVI, que exibiu documentário, e a produtora Valentim de Carvalho, responsável pela comercialização de vídeo.
No processo, Kate e Gerry McCann alegam que o livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" e o vídeo com o mesmo título divulgam a tese do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral de envolvimento dos pais de Madeleine no seu desaparecimento.
A seu pedido, a advogada do casal inglês, Isabel Duarte, requereu ao tribunal a retirada do mercado, embora com caráter provisório, do livro e do vídeo, decisão decretada a 09 de setembro de 2009.
A este processo, que já teve sessões de julgamento de 12 a 14 de janeiro, está anexa a ação principal, em que a família McCann reclama proteção de direitos, liberdades e garantias.
Os pais da criança inglesa desaparecida em 03 de maio de 2007 do quarto de um apartamento num aldeamento turístico na Praia da Luz, no Algarve, apresentaram outra ação contra Gonçalo Amaral, com a acusação de declarações consideradas difamatórias, na qual pedem uma indemnização de, pelo menos, 1,2 milhões de euros.
No âmbito deste processo, foi pedida uma medida cautelar de arresto de bens, concretizada parcialmente e a aguardar cumprimento de diligências para a sua conclusão.
Kate e Gerry McCann interpuseram igualmente uma ação contra Gonçalo Amaral por violação do segredo de justiça, alegando que o ex-inspector reproduziu as conclusões da investigação da PJ no livro antes do despacho de arquivamento do procurador da República de Portimão.
O livro "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" foi publicado em 2008 e lança a suspeita de que os pais da criança inglesa, que se encontrava de férias com os pais e os irmãos na Praia da Luz, terão participado na ocultação do cadáver e simularam o rapto.
Na qualidade de coordenador do Departamento de Investigação Criminal da PJ de Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral integrou a equipa de investigadores que tentou apurar o que aconteceu a Madeleine.
Kate e Kerry McCann, que sempre mantiveram a posição de que Maddie foi raptada, foram constituídos arguidos em setembro de 2007, mas acabaram por ser ilibados em julho de 2008 por falta de provas para sustentar a hipótese avançada pelo inquérito de morte acidental da menina.
O Ministério Público arquivou o processo, que poderá ser sempre reaberto se surgirem novos dados considerados consistentes sobre o desaparecimento da criança.
Este texto foi escrito ao abrigo do novo Acordo Ortográfico
Quick English translation
The trial of the parents of British girl Madeleine McCann, who disappeared in Portugal in 2007, against former police officer who investigated the case, Goncalo Amaral, concludes today with closing arguments of his lawyers.
At the hearing, scheduled to start at 09:45 at the Palace of Justice in Lisbon, will be heard two witnesses (also the publisher of the book War & Peace) also referred to the proceedings brought by the McCann family, along with TVI, which showed documentary and the producer Valentim de Carvalho, responsible for marketing the video.
In the process, Kate and Gerry McCann claim that the book;Maddie - The Truth of the Lie; and the video with the same title discloses the thesis of the former Inspector of Judicial Police (PJ) Gonçalo Amaral of parental involvement in Madeleines disappearance. Upon request, the lawyer for the English couple, Isabel Duarte, asked the court to withdraw from the market, albeit with an interim basis, book and video, a decision handed down to 09 September 2009.
This process, which was not part of the trial of 12 to 14 January, is attached to the main action, where the McCann family claimed protection of rights, freedoms and guarantees. The parents of missing British child on May 03, 2007 from a room in an apartment in a tourist resort in Praia da Luz in the Algarve, had another lawsuit against Gonçalo Amaral, the prosecution considered defamatory statements in which they seek compensation of at least 1.2 million.
In this process, we asked for a restraining order for seizure of assets, partially implemented and awaiting completion of due diligence to its completion. Kate and Gerry McCann, also brought an action against Gonçalo Amaral for breach of secrecy, claiming that the former inspector reproduced the findings of the PJ in the book before the decision to file the prosecutor of Portimão. The book;Maddie - The Truth of the Lie; was published in 2008 and cast the suspicion that the childs English parents, whilst on holiday with her parents and siblings in Praia da Luz, have participated in the concealment of the corpse and simulated the abduction.
As coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department of the PJ of Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral joined the team of researchers who tried to determine what happened to Madeleine. Gerry and Kate McCann, who always maintained the position that Maddie was abducted, were made defendants in September 2007, but were eventually acquitted in July 2008 for lack of evidence to support the hypothesis advanced by the investigation of accidental death of the girl. The prosecution closed the file, which can always be reopened if new data is found that is consistent with the disappearance of the child.
Freja53- Reg Member
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