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BDP world support and information.

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BDP world support and information. Empty BDP world support and information.

Post  Guest Thu 1 Jul - 10:11


BDP world support and information.

There is a helpline and forum on this site for those affected by BDP.

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BDP world support and information. Empty Re: BDP world support and information.

Post  AnnaEsse Thu 1 Jul - 11:04

A very interesting and informative web site Antoinette. Apparently 75% of those diagnosed are women, which makes me wonder about the environmental influences.

Little girls are quite often taught that they need to find a man who will take care of them, on whom they will be dependent for emotional and physical security. They are given the message that they need to wear make-up, dress alluringly and generally look good for men. Thus, they develop the idea that they have value in terms of their attractiveness to men and their ability to keep their man. Little boys are less often taught that their value depends on what other people think of them.

In most families, women are still expected to be the principle carers and men who take a more active role are applauded. Why? Why should this be greeted with praise? I have never seen praise being heaped upon a woman who is the main salary-earner for the time she spends with her children, but this is often the case with men. A male lone-parent is some kind of hero; a female lone-parent is just expected to get on with it,because that is what she is expected to do.

I think this is all quite relevant to the fact that more women are diagnosed with BPD.

One in ten commit suicide. That is a very sad statistic, but I know that there are very few effective therapies available and that BPD people are often so good at covering up that the problem is never even noticed for how serious it is.

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