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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby.

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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Empty Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby.

Post  mumbles Wed 6 Oct - 21:24

Have realised this is an old case which is still ongoing.... so could one of the mods please move this to the appropriate forum. Thanks.

Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby while paedophile boyfriend took photos on his mobile phone'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:37 PM on 6th October 2010

Trial: Tracy Dawber, 44, of Southport, Merseyside, arrives at Winchester Crown Court, where she is accused of sexually assaulting a baby

A woman sexually assaulted a five-month-old baby while she allowed her paedophile boyfriend to take photographs on his mobile phone, a court heard today.

Tracy Dawber, 44, allegedly let Colin Blanchard take the indecent images as she sat the youngster on her lap at her home in Southport, Merseyside.

Dawber admits it was her holding the baby in the photographs but denies one count of sexually assaulting the child and five counts of permitting indecent photographs to be taken.

The jury at Winchester Crown Court was told that IT businessman Blanchard, 40, from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, had admitted the 'extremely serious offences, for which he will be punished', Simon Morgan, prosecuting said.

He said he would give evidence against Dawber but that was not all of the case against her.

In interview Dawber told police she could not remember the pictures being taken, but Mr Morgan told the jury the Nokia phone always flashed when it took the pictures.

He explained that some had been taken from only about nine inches away on August 20 2008.

'The Crown say the defendant was able to see the phone being used. That Mr Blanchard must have been on his knees or stood and leaning very far forward.'

Mr Morgan said the pair had met in 2007 and had a sexual relationship and that she had become 'deeply involved' with Blanchard's 'unacceptable activities'.

She described him as a sociable person but said she had been 'disgusted when she heard on the news what he had been involved with'.

Blanchard was caught in June 2009 when a work colleague discovered child pornography on his computer, the court heard.

He was arrested at Manchester airport and a connection via a Facebook account was made with Dawber.

Officers also uncovered the mobile phone from Blanchard's Volvo which contained the images of the baby, which were shown to the jury. It also showed Dawber in explicit poses.

When arrested in November 2009 Dawber would not confirm it was her holding the baby but she later admitted it.

Officers found child pornography on her computer the same as that discovered on Blanchard's and search words on her machine linked to child porn such as 'Lolita'.

A PDF file containing stories about incest was also found.

The trial is expected to last seven days.

The case was adjourned until tomorrow.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1318285/Woman-44-sexually-assaulted-month-old-baby-paedophile-boyfriend-took-photos-mobile-phone.html#ixzz11c1NkcGG[b]
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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Post  Angelique Wed 6 Oct - 23:02

Hi mumbles

Sorry - can't go there - heard about this on the box when it first started and for the life of me I can't understand this sort of behaviour. So wont be commenting on your thread if that's ok. No offence meant. I just can't hack this sort of thing.

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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2010-08-28

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Post  kitti Wed 6 Oct - 23:13

I dont understand where these people are getting these babies from...it makes me feel sick to the stomach.
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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-06-21

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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Empty Re: Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby.

Post  T4two Wed 6 Oct - 23:18

This case illustrates the phenomenon of collusion in paedophile activity between male and female. Nothing it seems should be considered to be impossible., irrespective of the social standing of those concerned.
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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-09-14

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Post  lea Wed 6 Oct - 23:47

Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. 477442 Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. 477442 Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. 477442 barstewards Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. 157799
Golden Poster
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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-08-23

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Post  Guest Wed 6 Oct - 23:49

The poor baby. I hope this rotton bitch spends the rest of her life in prison.

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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Empty Re: Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby.

Post  Keela Thu 7 Oct - 10:42

So much for Jim Gamble's claim that all men are paedophiles. Women can be just as guilty of this crime. You only have to look at Vanessa George and what she got up to at the Little Teds Nursery. The phrase that the female of the species is more deadly than the male is never truer. It is known that when females fight they do it dirtier than males and more viciously. I firmly believe that females can dream up more heinous crimes than men do. It has been said that Rosemary West and Myra Hindley were the driving forces in their partnerships.
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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-08-24

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Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Empty Re: Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby.

Post  mumbles Thu 7 Oct - 10:49

Keela wrote:So much for Jim Gamble's claim that all men are paedophiles. Women can be just as guilty of this crime. You only have to look at Vanessa George and what she got up to at the Little Teds Nursery. The phrase that the female of the species is more deadly than the male is never truer. It is known that when females fight they do it dirtier than males and more viciously. I firmly believe that females can dream up more heinous crimes than men do. It has been said that Rosemary West and Myra Hindley were the driving forces in their partnerships.

Hi Keela,

Correct. Women can be vile!

I believe this article is connected to the Vanessa George abuse case.
Platinum Poster
Platinum Poster

Number of posts : 2121
Warning :
Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Woman, 44, 'sexually assaulted five-month-old baby. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-02-03

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