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Fishface back in the news.

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Fishface back in the news. Empty Fishface back in the news.

Post  fred Wed 10 Nov - 13:49


She has been out the newspapers for 5 minutes, she is slagging off her old company. I have left a comment but doubt it will be printed.
Yes, why did I put this in "celebrity news"? Well it is because we don't have a section for vile shit news!
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Location : Dining in my back garden
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Fishface back in the news. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Fishface back in the news. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-08-25

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Fishface back in the news. Empty Re: Fishface back in the news.

Post  AnnaEsse Wed 10 Nov - 15:54

fred wrote:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1328370/Daybreak-slammed-GMTV-star-Fiona-Phillips-touch.html

She has been out the newspapers for 5 minutes, she is slagging off her old company. I have left a comment but doubt it will be printed.
Yes, why did I put this in "celebrity news"? Well it is because we don't have a section for vile shit news!

That dress looks like it's made of carrier bags. And why do people do that letterbox shape with the mouth that's supposed to represent a smile? Kate McCann has made use of exactly the same shape, but she used it for distress when her daughter disappeared.

Number of posts : 18693
Age : 112
Location : Casa Nostra
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Fishface back in the news. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Fishface back in the news. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-09-23


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