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British Intelligence Officer - Met Police Are Institutionally Corrupt

mara thon
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Post  Bebootje Sun 31 Jul - 11:04

Wonder what this will do to the Madeleine case review. Will there be any time or money left to pursue the review, now massive capacity is needed to investigate the phone hacking and police corruption?


The former Army intelligence officer at the centre of the latest hacking inquiry has told Sky News police tried to sweep his case under the carpet and accuses the Metropolitan force of endemic corruption.

Ian Hurst's computer was allegedly hacked by the News Of The World (NOTW) searching for details of an IRA informer.

Scotland Yard is launching an investigation into information allegedly gathered illegally from him by a private investigator who, it is alleged, was working for the tabloid.

Mr Hurst, who spent 12 years gathering information for the Government, said: "The private investigator has admitted that he placed a computer trojan on my hard drive and obtained, over a three-month period, all the email traffic coming in and out.

"He could access social media and ostensibly surveiled me for a given period."

Mr Hurst believes the hackers were looking for information on an informer for the IRA, called Steak-knife.

He has reams of documents relating to his case, which goes back to 2006, but he believes the police were reluctant to investigate properly at the time.

If you don't address the source you can put 10, 50 private detectives away but you won't remove the demand for the information.

Ian Hurst

He said if they had acted then on the information they had, it would have stopped others from becoming victims.

"It's incredibly important that we understand the rationale for the decisions to effectively sweep this under the carpet," he said.

Mr Hurst claims it is more than just bad policing that allowed the gathering of information to go on for so long.

He said: "Fundamentally, what lays behind this whole cesspit - not since 2006, it predates it by many years before that - we're dealing with institutionalised corruption.

"It's endemic within the Metropolitan Police and that has to be dealt with."

Mr Hurst says his investigations point not only to the NOTW but other newspapers and beyond the media.

James and Rupert Murdoch

Senior Government figures are under pressure over dealings with the Murdochs

"Some of the clients that the private detectives were working for are large financial institutions, celebrities, major PR organisations.

"It's diverse. The client is the source. They're the people willing to pay large sums of money to obtain this unlawful information and if you don't address the source you can put 10, 50 private detectives away but you won't remove the demand for the information."

Scotland Yard is now running three separate investigations: one into phone interceptions, one into computer crime and the third into police corruption.

Meanwhile, Labour has called on Prime Minister David Cameron and his most senior colleagues to "come clean" about their dealings with the Murdochs.

Senior party figures have sent out a series of letters to Cabinet ministers with more than 50 questions they say have not been addressed by the coalition in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.
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Post  mara thon Sun 31 Jul - 22:25

'Met Police Tried To Cover Up Hacking'


..The former Army intelligence officer at the centre of the latest hacking inquiry has told Sky News police tried to sweep his case under the carpet and accuses the Metropolitan force of endemic corruption.

Ian Hurst's computer was allegedly hacked by the News Of The World (NOTW) searching for details of an IRA informer.

Scotland Yard is launching an investigation into information allegedly gathered illegally from him by a private investigator who, it is alleged, was working for the tabloid.

Mr Hurst, who spent 12 years gathering information for the Government, said: "The private investigator has admitted that he placed a computer trojan on my hard drive and obtained, over a three-month period, all the email traffic coming in and out.

"He could access social media and ostensibly surveiled me for a given period."

Mr Hurst believes the hackers were looking for information on an informer for the IRA, called Steak-knife.

He has reams of documents relating to his case, which goes back to 2006, but he believes the police were reluctant to investigate properly at the time.

He said if they had acted then on the information they had, it would have stopped others from becoming victims.

"It's incredibly important that we understand the rationale for the decisions to effectively sweep this under the carpet," he said.

Mr Hurst claims it is more than just bad policing that allowed the gathering of information to go on for so long.

He said: "Fundamentally, what lays behind this whole cesspit - not since 2006, it predates it by many years before that - we're dealing with institutionalised corruption.

"It's endemic within the Metropolitan police and that has to be dealt with."

Mr Hurst says his investigations point not only to the NOTW but other newspapers and beyond the media.

"Some of the clients that the private detectives were working for are large financial institutions, celebrities, major PR organisations.

"It's diverse. The client is the source. They're the people willing to pay large sums of money to obtain this unlawful information and if you don't address the source you can put 10, 50 private detectives away but you won't remove the demand for the information."

Scotland Yard is now running three separate investigations: one into phone interceptions, one into computer crime and the third into police corruption.

Meanwhile, Labour has called on Prime Minister David Cameron and his most senior colleagues to "come clean" about their dealings with the Murdochs in the wake of the phone

Senior party figures have sent out a series of letters to Cabinet ministers with more than 50 questions they say have not been addressed by the coalition in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.
mara thon
mara thon
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Post  mara thon Sun 31 Jul - 22:26

The corrupt investigating the corrupt, what a wonderful scenario.
mara thon
mara thon
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Post  Badboy Sun 31 Jul - 23:16

mara thon wrote:The corrupt investigating the corrupt, what a wonderful scenario.
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Post  mara thon Mon 1 Aug - 0:52

Who indeed Badboy? Well me for one because in UK where we lived many of our neighbours were police and I wouldn't have trusted one of them as far as I could throw them. We actually have a neighbour here who is in the met, they must be well paid because he commutes from here to work. His father in law, who lives here, still has a house over there and this guy stays there when he has to work, he also drives a new Mercedes, so they must do quite well I think.
mara thon
mara thon
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British Intelligence Officer - Met Police Are Institutionally Corrupt Empty Don't tar them all with the same brush :-)

Post  comperedna Mon 1 Aug - 17:24

Hi Mara thon

I too lived next to several lots of policemen (police owned house rented out to those doing further study at University and their families). A retired policeman and his wife, a retired nurse then bought the house off the Old Bill. Didn't know the first chap enough before he left, but a sample of three at random were thoroughly decent blokes, though they were sometimes cynical about aspects of their job, and the higher echelons of those directing it.
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Post  Panda Mon 1 Aug - 18:32

The Police do a thankless job most of the time , especially with regard to Protesters who behave like Hooligans and Nightclubs on a Saturday night
spewing out the drunks and fighters the Police have to contend with. A long time ago someone tried to break into my cottage while I was away, but
luckily my neighbour saw them and they ran off but he did report the incident to the Police because they had opened a window and broke the Curtain
in their attempt.

When I returned, a young Policeman called to see if anything was missing and gave me a Victims brochure, he was very helpful. We got to talkng about the increase in Crime etc and he said the Youngsters get high on drugs and think they were invincible. One morning about 3am he saw two youngsters
huddled together and stiopped the Car to see what they were up to. They were shooting up and when he tried to stop them, one tried to stab him with
the syringe.

Of course there are bad apples, but by and large I think the Police do a good job, despite the cuts in their number.
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Post  blossom45 Mon 1 Aug - 18:36

British Intelligence Officer - Met Police Are Institutionally Corrupt 306321 panda,
how right you are,
the police have a thankless task which they do to the best of their ability,
having to contend with drunken yobs and enough red tape to tie up the whole of hertfordshire,
i take my hat off to them.
there's no way on earth that i could have done that job.
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Post  Panda Mon 1 Aug - 20:24

blossom45 wrote: British Intelligence Officer - Met Police Are Institutionally Corrupt 306321 panda,
how right you are,
the police have a thankless task which they do to the best of their ability,
having to contend with drunken yobs and enough red tape to tie up the whole of hertfordshire,
i take my hat off to them.
there's no way on earth that i could have done that job.

Hi blossom45,

Yes, as I say, there are a few bad apples but by and large we have a Police Force to respect . I was disgusted at the way those Black something protesters treated the Police at the demonstration, throwing paint over them, hurling bins at them etc, their masks should have been ripped off so
they could be identified.
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Post  dazedandconfused Wed 24 Aug - 18:43

I just found this on twitter. Can't copy and paste the link but it's on Steel Magnolia's site:

FOI: Met police employed Carter Ruck solicitors when Guardian reported on John Yates resignation : Follow on twitter @dontgetfooled:


It makes me very sad to think that there are people out there who truly believe this bunch of Mafia are reviewing anything to do with Madeleine.


#McCann : #Met Police admit paying Carter Ruck to threaten media over Yates criticism BUT refuse to disclose figures !

Not sure if these links will work:

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Post  tanszi Wed 24 Aug - 22:48

Surely there would have been a conflict of interest. The Met investigating a case of one of their clients missing children, and the information Carter Ruck have from the McCs, and Carter Ruck threatening the media over Yates resignation.
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Post  dazedandconfused Thu 25 Aug - 6:56

tanszi wrote:Surely there would have been a conflict of interest. The Met investigating a case of one of their clients missing children, and the information Carter Ruck have from the McCs, and Carter Ruck threatening the media over Yates resignation.

Certainly is. I think we can kiss goodbye to any hopes of a fair review, or whatever they're calling it.
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Post  dazedandconfused Thu 25 Aug - 17:57

and another link which dashes any hopes of a "proper" review.

hackgate #DanielMorgan had deep concern over #FREEMASONS in the #MET
Daniel Morgan it is alleged had a deep concern for Freemasons in the MET and how they fed on corruption , an allegation Daniel took to his grave...read more

I've already posted this on the main Madeleine board but re-posted here so that hopefully more will get to see it.
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