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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 14:09

A thought provoking article from Thentherewere4's Excellent Blog

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

On the left a cutaway image of Maddie McCann on the right the complete face of another small child at play (Scroll down to see the photos). The photo on the left was released by the McCanns as Maddie. The photo on the right was also released by the McCanns also as Maddie McCann but how certain can any observer be this is in fact the case.

You might think the McCanns must know their own daughter, nevertheless for some time now it has been proposed the McCanns identification of this child, the one on the right was somehow confused and this is not a picture of their daughter Maddie McCann.

Ears define identity.

The ears say it all. No matter how the face of a toddler might evolve and alter during childhood and then beyond it is the shape of the ears and their position on the skull that remains as one single feature that never ever changes. Bigger yes but change no.

An ears overall shape with its own particular indentations along with the formation or not of the lobe are as special and unique as facial characteristics as DNA and as fingerprints. They never alter over time and no two ears are ever identical.

A photograph of Maddie in her sixtieth year of life – although an impossibility – would render the same ear seen here. Likewise in its sixtieth year the ear on the right will also look exactly like the one seen here. Despite the passage of a lifetime both would still be instantly recognisable and still look nothing at all like each other. The photograph on the right is a picture of a small girl – who she is no one will say. The McCann machine would have you believe it is Maddie McCann their daughter when plainly it is not.

The full picture of the pretender offers no further clues for identification. The girl is at play and that’s all that can be said. This girl at play is consistent with a young girl of apparently similar age and head shape seen in a picture with Robert Murat.

This image was released by the Murat’s and they identify the girl in the picture with Robert as Sophie Murat, Roberts’s daughter. Robert Murat is a friend of the McCanns and has a daughter who shares an age and a birthday almost identical to their daughter Maddie.

Seen together the pretender’s natural facial expression is consistent but in no way can this be said to be a consistent characteristic of Maddie. Maddie invariably wore Maddies own trademark smiles for the camera. Here there is a complete absence of a smile which is so unlike Maddies smiley active little face. This childs tightly sealed lips give nothing away and are a complete contrast to Maddies open face.

The child in both these pictures was photographed once at play and in the setting of the passport photo booth. Each time she adopted the same expression. There are no similar instances of the same persistent and easy visual marker as occurring in the any of the assorted images of Maddie McCann.

The two girls who seem at first glance to bear more than a passing resemblance one to another differ in one more final way – their hair. The hairstyle style adopted for Sophie is another unique characteristic. Maddies hairstyle has never possessed the rigid and well defined straight line of Sophies fringe.

This is not to say Maddies didn’t have a fringe as she most certainly did and there are plenty of pictures of Maddie with her fringe but looked at more closely differences between the two girls hair strands are seen.

The consistency of Maddies hair in terms of its thickness and volume does not allow Maddies fringe to hold or maintain the same definite shape as Sophies. Maddie has softer hair than Sophie just as the two images side by side both of the pretender and of Sophia suggest.

The McCanns and the Murats had known each other for some time prior to Maddies ‘disappearance’. This series of images might now help to identify just how far back in time that friendship extended. The two girls share almost identical birthdays and often in adult friendship groups people of similar age one person becoming pregnant is more reason than enough for another member to decide to do likewise.

This is a simple but honest assessment of the behaviour of human beings and the McCanns as humans have always demonstrated a complete understanding of this particular human attribute. The date these images indicate the McCanns knew the Murats, well Robert at least, is 2002 as this was the year of both Maddie and Sophies conception.

This final picture of Sophie Murat was released some time after the ‘disappearance’ and a while after the McCann’s released image of the pretender Maddie. Still the exact same facial expression is seen one without even the merest hint of a smile. From these simple similarities alone it must now be easy to say the image at the beginning of this article, the one the McCann’s released as Maddie wasn’t really Maddie at all but a picture of their friends daughter Sophie Murat, isn’t it. Well not quite.

Confirmation of the pretenders’ identity by comparison to Sophie’s physical characteristics will have to wait as from this image it is impossible to confirm the shape of Sophie’s ears. Sophie’s hairstyle and seating position ensured her ears remained protected completely out of sight of the camera. As they could not be seen they were not available for comparison and confirmation.

Now long after Maddies ‘disappearance’ it seems as if there is another new mystery to solve. Who is this child the Maddie pretender, the one who the McCanns claim to be their daughter and who plainy isn’t? And why did the McCanns choose to release to the press a picture of a child who is not their daughter but a picture of their friend Robert Murats daughter?

Of course there is always an easy answer to solve the riddle. It was a genuine mistake. The McCanns or one their press Team made a mistake and issued the picture of Sophie Murat without checking or looking too carefully at the image. Small girl – right age – right height – really looks like Maddie to me. Easily done. An error - one picture selected from the stack of family snaps held by the agency.

Without a second thought the deed was done. Time for us all now to surely realise one important rule. That is when dealing with the McCanns and their sort it’s never ever a case of what you see is what you get, more it’s a case of what we say you see is what you’ve got.

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Maddienot-maddie1

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Sophie-murat3

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Murat-da

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All The-2-sophiepiccs2

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Sophie-murat-hoome

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  margaret Wed 1 Feb - 14:18

Thanks Autumn, it's an interesting post by thentherewere4.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  T4two Wed 1 Feb - 14:19

That's really interesting. How reliable is the author or is it a result of a vivid imagination?
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 14:22

I think in order to answer that T4two we need info re the photo of the dark haired girl playing. Was the photo released by TM and when? I don't recall seeing it before so any info about this photo would be helpful.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  dazedandconfused Wed 1 Feb - 14:24

I'm confuseddotcom. Is the girl playing with the broccoli/green stuff, whatever it was, supposed to be Madeleine, or Robert Murat's daughter. Have the McCanns released this as a picture of their daughter? I don't think I've ever seen it before. RM is pictured with a dark haired girl, presumably his daughter, but the last picture is of a blonde girl, so I don't know what to make of it all.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  jd16 Wed 1 Feb - 14:28

dazedandconfused wrote:I'm confuseddotcom. Is the girl playing with the broccoli/green stuff, whatever it was, supposed to be Madeleine, or Robert Murat's daughter. Have the McCanns released this as a picture of their daughter? I don't think I've ever seen it before. RM is pictured with a dark haired girl, presumably his daughter, but the last picture is of a blonde girl, so I don't know what to make of it all.

Yes they have released both the pictures as Maddie

Very good find Autumn. there are some other interesting articles to in this blog. This person certainly seems to think the mccanns and murats knew each other before May 2007

This is probably why when gerry was asked by Sandra Felgueiras if he knew robert murat he said 'no comment'!
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 14:32

dazedandconfused wrote:I'm confuseddotcom. Is the girl playing with the broccoli/green stuff, whatever it was, supposed to be Madeleine, or Robert Murat's daughter. Have the McCanns released this as a picture of their daughter? I don't think I've ever seen it before. RM is pictured with a dark haired girl, presumably his daughter, but the last picture is of a blonde girl, so I don't know what to make of it all.

To make more sense of this article it would be better to click on the link and read it as the photos can be seen in relation to the text - Im not very good with techie stuff so could only put them all at the end of the article which makes it a bit confusing.

ETA - The girl with Robert Murat is the same as the one sitting with the lady who is her mum. But is the girl playing with the broccoli RM's daughter or Madeleine. TTW4 sets out his reasons for thinking it is RM's daughter.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Guest Wed 1 Feb - 14:37

Here's a link to Pamalam's section on Robert Murat and his family; this photo is amongst them.


His daughter's name is Sofia not Sophie and her birthday (round about October 2002 if I remember rightly) is hardly the same as Madeleine's. It has never been confirmed that the McCanns knew Mr Murat before the holiday. I suspect they did but there's no proof as yet.

As far as I'm aware the photo of Sofia has never been issued and claimed to be of Madeleine.

I think the article is a wind-up.


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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 14:38

jd16 wrote:
dazedandconfused wrote:I'm confuseddotcom. Is the girl playing with the broccoli/green stuff, whatever it was, supposed to be Madeleine, or Robert Murat's daughter. Have the McCanns released this as a picture of their daughter? I don't think I've ever seen it before. RM is pictured with a dark haired girl, presumably his daughter, but the last picture is of a blonde girl, so I don't know what to make of it all.

Yes they have released both the pictures as Maddie

Very good find Autumn. there are some other interesting articles to in this blog. This person certainly seems to think the mccanns and murats knew each other before May 2007

This is probably why when gerry was asked by Sandra Felgueiras if he knew robert murat he said 'no comment'!

jd16 the photo of the girl playing with broccoli is new to me though I have seen the others. Do you know when it was released and was it definately released by TM?
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  jd16 Wed 1 Feb - 14:45

Autumn wrote:
jd16 wrote:
dazedandconfused wrote:I'm confuseddotcom. Is the girl playing with the broccoli/green stuff, whatever it was, supposed to be Madeleine, or Robert Murat's daughter. Have the McCanns released this as a picture of their daughter? I don't think I've ever seen it before. RM is pictured with a dark haired girl, presumably his daughter, but the last picture is of a blonde girl, so I don't know what to make of it all.

Yes they have released both the pictures as Maddie

Very good find Autumn. there are some other interesting articles to in this blog. This person certainly seems to think the mccanns and murats knew each other before May 2007

This is probably why when gerry was asked by Sandra Felgueiras if he knew robert murat he said 'no comment'!

jd16 the photo of the girl playing with broccoli is new to me though I have seen the others. Do you know when it was released and was it definately released by TM?

No I don't know when it was released but I have definitely seen it before as I remembered seeing it somewhere. I have a link on another computer which has all the photos ever released so will have to look later

from Not Born Yesterday has just said, I tend to agree
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 14:48

Not Born Yesterday wrote:Here's a link to Pamalam's section on Robert Murat and his family; this photo is amongst them.


His daughter's name is Sofia not Sophie and her birthday (round about October 2002 if I remember rightly) is hardly the same as Madeleine's. It has never been confirmed that the McCanns knew Mr Murat before the holiday. I suspect they did but there's no proof as yet.

As far as I'm aware the photo of Sofia has never been issued and claimed to be of Madeleine.

I think the article is a wind-up.

Many of the photos released by TM appear to have been photo-shopped and look to be of different children. TTW4 isn't the only one to have analysed the photos and certainly don't think his/her intention was to hoax anyone.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  jd16 Wed 1 Feb - 14:53

I will do some investigation on this photo. There is also a programme that tells you when a photo has been used before on the net which is good
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 15:01

jd16 wrote:I will do some investigation on this photo. There is also a programme that tells you when a photo has been used before on the net which is good

Thanks jd16 that might throw some more light on the Broccoli Photo. I've just enlarged the photo and no way is this girl Madeleine...if TM have released this pic under the pretext this is Madeleine then they their PR team have made a mistake or they are misleading us.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  jd16 Wed 1 Feb - 15:08

Autumn wrote:
jd16 wrote:I will do some investigation on this photo. There is also a programme that tells you when a photo has been used before on the net which is good

Thanks jd16 that might throw some more light on the Broccoli Photo. I've just enlarged the photo and no way is this girl Madeleine...if TM have released this pic under the pretext this is Madeleine then they their PR team have made a mistake or they are misleading us.

It rings a bell that I have seen it before, though I probably jumped the gun a bit in assuming it was TM who had released it. But if the article has murats daughters name and birth date wrong this does not bode well for the article. But I do believe murat and the mccanns knew each other before May 2007. Murat was only up the road from jane tanner in the UK a week before the holiday
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Nothing is as it seems

Post  mahlersghost Wed 1 Feb - 15:19

Nothing is as it seems in the case of Madeleine McCann's disappearance. It is overly complicated by the T7, other friends, relatives, political contacts, PR men and women, a supine and fawning media, conflicting forensic feedback to name a few. It has, potentially a cast of thousands all with their grubby little reasons to be in with the McCanns and with secrets to keep hidden.

I think this is the catalyst for me to become misanthropic - well at least a heightened distrust of society.

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 15:24

jd16 wrote:
Autumn wrote:
jd16 wrote:I will do some investigation on this photo. There is also a programme that tells you when a photo has been used before on the net which is good

Thanks jd16 that might throw some more light on the Broccoli Photo. I've just enlarged the photo and no way is this girl Madeleine...if TM have released this pic under the pretext this is Madeleine then they their PR team have made a mistake or they are misleading us.

It rings a bell that I have seen it before, though I probably jumped the gun a bit in assuming it was TM who had released it. But if the article has murats daughters name and birth date wrong this does not bode well for the article. But I do believe murat and the mccanns knew each other before May 2007. Murat was only up the road from jane tanner in the UK a week before the holiday

Then there was that business about hair samples being found in an apartment in Burgau possibly matching Murat and Tanner.

And has this ever been verified or is it just a forum myth?" - Kate McCann (then Healy) was a bridesmaid in 1975 at Paul and Maureen Beneduce's wedding in Blackburn. Robert Murat is related to the Beneduce's and his family were also at this wedding. Robert Murat has relatives in Blackburn and Darwen."

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  AnnaEsse Wed 1 Feb - 15:42

T4two wrote:That's really interesting. How reliable is the author or is it a result of a vivid imagination?

I know the author and he's usually quite reliable.

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  jd16 Wed 1 Feb - 16:30

Autumn wrote:

And has this ever been verified or is it just a forum myth?" - Kate McCann (then Healy) was a bridesmaid in 1975 at Paul and Maureen Beneduce's wedding in Blackburn. Robert Murat is related to the Beneduce's and his family were also at this wedding. Robert Murat has relatives in Blackburn and Darwen."

Been searching for info on this. it looks to me like a wind up from a poster called Hannah O'Sullivan who has posted this information on various forums and blogs over a 2 year spell, each time the post is exactly the same in its wording, and after 2 years I would expect it to be different at least! However, some of the info seems correct that Antonietta and John Campbell are married and from Blackburn...wonder if there is any link or relation to Lori Campbell? There was a Campbell booked in at OC on the 2nd May but no clues to the first name, I always wondered if it was Lori
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Guest Wed 1 Feb - 18:11

This has reminded me of a recent topic - https://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t18652p30-the-majorca-holiday-2005 - where a photo supposedly of Madeleine is used in a website by a friend of the McCanns but it is actually of a child actress called Madeline O'Brien.

Even people who knew Madeleine don't know what she looked like so there's not much hope for the rest of us.

Last edited by Not Born Yesterday on Wed 1 Feb - 18:12; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Link corrected)

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  pennylane Wed 1 Feb - 18:16

Not Born Yesterday wrote:This has reminded me of a recent topic - https://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t18652p30-the-majorca-holiday-2005 - where a photo supposedly of Madeleine is used in a website by a friend of the McCanns but it is actually of a child actress called Madeline O'Brien.

Even people who knew Madeleine don't know what she looked like so there's not much hope for the rest of us.

Aint that the truth NBY!
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  gillyspot Wed 1 Feb - 18:36

I don't think it is the same girl for the simple reason Sofia (or Sophie) has brown eyes.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Wed 1 Feb - 19:33

Not Born Yesterday wrote:This has reminded me of a recent topic - https://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t18652p30-the-majorca-holiday-2005 - where a photo supposedly of Madeleine is used in a website by a friend of the McCanns but it is actually of a child actress called Madeline O'Brien.

Even people who knew Madeleine don't know what she looked like so there's not much hope for the rest of us.

Yes Tara Gold has a photo on her Ethical Kidz Website of the child actress who was in Gone Baby Gone along with 3 photos thought to be of Madeleine. Above the photos is the caption:-

Below are pictures of Madeleine before she was abducted in 2007 - well that is blatantly untrue as we know one,for sure, is a photo of the little girl who was in the film.

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Madeleine11

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Guest Wed 1 Feb - 22:04

I'm not at all convinced that the photo on the left on the same website - in pigtails and seemingly on a train - is of Madeleine either.

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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Autumn Thu 2 Feb - 2:01

Not Born Yesterday wrote:I'm not at all convinced that the photo on the left on the same website - in pigtails and seemingly on a train - is of Madeleine either.

That looks more like Amelia, again interesting to know who released this photo and when.

The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Madeleine9

Perhaps Ethical Kidz should be asked why they are putting up photos of children who are not Madeleine, along with a caption stating they are her.
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The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All Empty Re: The Day Maddie Wasn’t Maddie at All

Post  Karen Thu 2 Feb - 10:36

I have (and I always will) believe that Maddie died on or before the night of the 1st May, the creche records have been falsified and another child used as Madeleine, possibly will the same name or similar, the father being a Mr Naylor - I believe. (possibly the tenth tapa member that hopped on the first plane outta there)

The curtains floors doors walls etc etc had all been washed, all traces of Madeleine's DNA as well. Photograpghs of little Maddie were also printed. The McCanns can hardly string a decent sentence together, they would have needed more time to hatch the plan of erm erm erm "abduction "

I am presently following a tweeter - KIKORATTON who has some very interesting tweets, also of the belief that little Maddie died before said date, he believes the first day!

take a look - https://twitter.com/#!/kikoratton

My daughter is coming from the Algarve to stay with me for a few months, if she wasnt coming to Holland I would be on the next plane to the Algarve to assist Pat - hopefully I can attend the trial in April (my ex mum in law has a holiday home in Portimao) so for now I will sit back and ENJOY whats coming to the McCanns I do not for one minute belive Mr David Cameron will allow this to be a "whitewash" as I am sure he is well aware of the consequences that will follow! - this may be Mr Camerons time to shine and with this being the"biggest missing child case in History" he may well take advantage of that and shut the McCanns up once and for all.

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