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I live in Canada (Toronto, to be specific) and we get hardly any news on the McCann case. Today the Vancouver Sun On Line has an article entitled, "Madeleine McCann possibly still alive" complete with video. I find it interesting that it appears on a Vancouver site considering that Kate McCann has relatives (an Aunt I believe) in the Vancouver area of British Columbia. I have to wonder if this is part of wider plan to keep the myth alive leading up to Madeleine's birthday. Sorry I can't "do" links; the article is published today, April 13, 2013.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
No interested I don't!
I think it is just pure greed with the papers, they kno whatever tripe they print or more to the point the made up stuff about Maddy sells papers sadly, I've come to this conclusion with our press......money is god, they go along with Mccanns/Carter Ruck or get sued, so thy go with silly stories and make money in to the bargain, obviously it's media world wide
I think it is just pure greed with the papers, they kno whatever tripe they print or more to the point the made up stuff about Maddy sells papers sadly, I've come to this conclusion with our press......money is god, they go along with Mccanns/Carter Ruck or get sued, so thy go with silly stories and make money in to the bargain, obviously it's media world wide
Lillyofthevalley- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
Lillyofthevalley wrote:No interested I don't!
I think it is just pure greed with the papers, they kno whatever tripe they print or more to the point the made up stuff about Maddy sells papers sadly, I've come to this conclusion with our press......money is god, they go along with Mccanns/Carter Ruck or get sued, so thy go with silly stories and make money in to the bargain, obviously it's media world wide
I appreciate your point but my comment was based on the idea that it is possible here for relatives to approach newspapers with what could be considered a human interest up-date.
Madeleine's case is an international story and international "news" usually breaks first in eastern Canada (Vancouver is three hours behind Toronto) and so far I have not seen anything in eastern papers. Now, having said that, I realize it probably sounds ridiculous because with the w.w.w. everything is "instant". LOL at myself!!!
I am still left wondering however if "auntie" made a suggestion to the Vancouver paper as part of her contribution to the up-coming campaign.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
I'm sure auntie would want to help, but would the Canadian press really be influenced by Auntie? I don't know!
Lillyofthevalley- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
Lillyofthevalley wrote:I'm sure auntie would want to help, but would the Canadian press really be influenced by Auntie? I don't know!
The Vancouver Sun is a "local" newspaper not one of our national papers and, as a "local", is more easily approachable when it comes to suggestions/favours.
I think it is possible in this instance that Auntie is the local "Mitchell" with the hope that other papers pick up the story. The video accompanying the article on line, contains old footage and comment from Clarence.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
Madeleine McCann possibly still alive
Vancouver Sun
... VancouverSunOnline's video to your playlist. Sign in. Transcript Statistics Report. Published on Apr 13, 2013. Wed, Apr 25:
She was three years old when she disappeared in 2007. Now British police say there is a chance Madeleine McCann is still alive.
Re: Unbelievable
Thanks to "pamalam" for posting for posting the video.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
interested wrote:Lillyofthevalley wrote:I'm sure auntie would want to help, but would the Canadian press really be influenced by Auntie? I don't know!
The Vancouver Sun is a "local" newspaper not one of our national papers and, as a "local", is more easily approachable when it comes to suggestions/favours.
I think it is possible in this instance that Auntie is the local "Mitchell" with the hope that other papers pick up the story. The video accompanying the article on line, contains old footage and comment from Clarence.
I think a local paper might be interested in taking up a story like Maddie's that might increase circulation because of its international interest.
Re: Unbelievable
And I have a 40 million to 1 chance of winning the Jackpot in the lottery...pamalam wrote:
Madeleine McCann possibly still alive
Vancouver Sun
... VancouverSunOnline's video to your playlist. Sign in. Transcript Statistics Report. Published on Apr 13, 2013. Wed, Apr 25:
She was three years old when she disappeared in 2007. Now British police say there is a chance Madeleine McCann is still alive.
malena stool- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
mccanns still have to wait with their anniversary propaganda in UK, because of Thatcher.
weissnicht- Golden Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
weissnicht wrote:mccanns still have to wait with their anniversary propaganda in UK, because of Thatcher.
spot on
wantthetruth- Golden Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
Yes, after the funeral, the publicity machine will be on full blast. We have the 'perv' making headline news, no doubt a siting is due, I wouldn't be suprised in either Spain or Potugal again.
fred- Platinum Poster
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Re: Unbelievable
Oh yes, there must be a sighting soon. And MET will do their part in McPropaganda by giving statement "around the anniversary" (Mc PR support couldn't be more obvious)
And then k8's book I think. Huge "Anniversary" program for this year. Lucky for them that Thatcher died now, not in two weeks time. (sure we all remember the Royal Wedding forcing k8 to postpone the book publication, as she wanted the whole press/media for herself.)
And then k8's book I think. Huge "Anniversary" program for this year. Lucky for them that Thatcher died now, not in two weeks time. (sure we all remember the Royal Wedding forcing k8 to postpone the book publication, as she wanted the whole press/media for herself.)
weissnicht- Golden Poster
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