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Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail

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Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail Empty Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail

Post  interested Fri 3 Jan - 23:37

"Police identify three prime suspects for abduction of Madeleine McCann following analysis of mobile phone data", according to Daily Mail article, updated 23:11 GMT January 3, 2014. They have been "identified" as a burglary gang. Can't view Sunday front pages as yet, am anticipating this will be the big story on Sunday.
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Post  interested Sat 4 Jan - 0:07

OOPS, I was thinking this is Saturday night instead of Friday. What with Christmas and New Years on a Wednesday, my days are all mixed up. My post above should have indicated this will be a "Saturday" story.

I don't think it is a co-incidence that the "burglary gang story" follows closely on the news that McCanns will not be allowed to speak at the Lisbon trial. The "family source" has been busy today.
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Post  maebee Sat 4 Jan - 0:39

There wouldn't be a trial coming up in the next week, would there? Team McScam up to its predictable tricks :(
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 1:23

I think it is quite disgraceful that SY keeps using taxpayers money to help the McCanns instead of trying to find justice for Madeleine , who was sidelined a long time ago as the focus of investigation in order to keep her parents in the spotlight. SY are supposed to be the pride of Britain as a Police Force, I have yet to see it , they are more like the keystone cops.
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 1:48


I.m sure some kind soul will paste the very long Article.....in the meantime , this comment is going to upset the Portugese:-

"During their bungled investigation Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in, which came a few days before Madeleine disappeared.
British detectives said this oversight was a ‘disgrace’."

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Post  Guest Sat 4 Jan - 2:09

If you read the reader comments, it is SY who are getting a right pasting.

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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 2:35

Iris wrote:If you read the reader comments, it is SY who are getting a right pasting.

Yes Iris , well deserved !!! I just tried to comment suggesting Cameron and May should halt this investigation NOW before any more taxpayers money is wasted , but my password was not recognised. Do you think someone is pulling SY strings? Surely they cannot believe this piffle themselves.
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Post  jeanmonroe Sat 4 Jan - 2:37

I'm well kind ain't i?

Police identify three prime suspects for abduction of Madeleine McCann following analysis of mobile phone data

Data suggests a burglary gang was operating near time of disappearance
Suspects made an 'unusually high' number of calls hours after Maddie was reported missing
Police believe thieves carried out one raid in resort, disturbing a child
Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in days before
British detectives described oversight as a 'disgrace'
'Main line of inquiry' suggests burglars panicked and kidnapped Maddie

ByStephen Wright
PUBLISHED: 22:31, 3 January 2014 | UPDATED: 23:45, 3 January 2014
Three prime suspects for the abduction of Madeleine McCann have been identified by Scotland Yard officers.
Analysis of mobile phone data suggests a burglary gang was operating very near to where she vanished in Portugal in May 2007.
The three men made an unusually high number of calls to each other in the hours after Madeleine was reported missing from her holiday flat in the Algarve.
Police believe the thieves, including at least one Portuguese man, had already carried out one raid in the resort of Praia da Luz, disturbing a child.
That child’s parents, who had been drinking outside the property, rushed inside to find the intruders had fled.
During their bungled investigation Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in, which came a few days before Madeleine disappeared.
British detectives said this oversight was a ‘disgrace’.
Following the Yard phone breakthrough, informal discussions have taken place about arresting the three burglars and searching their homes and other sites.
It is believed background checks have taken place into their criminal history, their circle of friends and relatives and the vehicles they have used.
British detectives believe the burglars may have panicked after they woke Madeleine up by mistake and decided to take her away with them.
An informed source said: ‘After all the far-fetched theories about what may have happened to Madeleine, there may be a far more simple explanation: that a burglary went horribly wrong.
'It is the main line of inquiry for British police.’
But Scotland Yard’s hopes of early arrests have been thwarted by the reluctance of the Portuguese authorities to agree to a formal joint investigation.
Because none of the burglars is British, the Met cannot arrest them in Portugal and will need the full cooperation of local police to pursue the inquiry.
Behind the scenes, highly sensitive diplomatic discussions are taking place to resolve the issue so that British detectives can be based in Portugal. Home Secretary Theresa May is being briefed regularly.
'After all the far-fetched theories about what may have happened to Madeleine, there may be a far more simple explanation: that a burglary went horribly wrong.'
Yard detectives have dismissed the idea that a local man who died in a tractor accident four years ago was responsible for Madeleine’s disappearance.
Portuguese police regard the 40-year-old, a former employee at the Ocean Club holiday complex the McCanns stayed at, as their prime suspect.
Met officers disagree with their reasoning and are concentrating on the burglars.
The compelling mobile phone ‘cell site analysis’ – which has helped solve a number of major crimes – has strengthened suspicions about the gang.
A major appeal based on ‘substantive’ new information – including descriptions of possible suspects – was broadcast on the BBC1’s Crimewatch in October. Days before the appeal, senior detectives revealed mobile phone records may hold the key to solving the case.
Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who is leading the inquiry, said officers were examining data from thousands of mobiles thought to belong to people who were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.
Police are trying to identify the owner of each phone to build up a picture of exactly who was in the area.
More than 3,000 people live in Praia da Luz, while holidaymakers and seasonal workers visit from around the world. ‘This is not just a general trawl,’ said Mr Redwood. ‘It’s a targeted attack on that data to see if it assists us to find out what happened to Madeleine at that time.’
Mr Redwood said officers had been unable to identify, six years on, a large number of mobile phones, especially those bought on a pay-as-you-go basis.
The records also contain information on which numbers were dialled and when. It is thought some numbers might appear on police intelligence systems, or be linked to criminals.
According to Scotland Yard, the phone records were looked at by the Portuguese police investigation but in no detail. Scotland Yard announced it was launching an investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance in July – after spending two years reviewing the case under the codename Operation Grange.
Madeleine, whose parents Gerry and Kate live in Rothley, Leicestershire, was days away from her fourth birthday when she was abducted.
Earlier this week it emerged that the bill for the Yard’s probe has topped £6million. The total is now likely to exceed £10million, with £88,000 having gone on travel costs so far.
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Post  jeanmonroe Sat 4 Jan - 2:50

Panda wrote:
Iris wrote:If you read the reader comments, it is SY who are getting a right pasting.

Yes Iris , well deserved !!!  I just tried to comment suggesting Cameron and May should halt this investigation NOW before any more taxpayers money is wasted , but my password was not recognised. Do you think someone is pulling SY strings? Surely they cannot believe this piffle themselves.

Even if only 80% of people don't 'believe' a word from the McScammers that means that 30.4 out of the 38 Andy's 'elites' don't believe in what they are being told to do by DCI Redwood!

Incidentally, i personally believe the figure, who don't believe them, is nearer 95/6%!

Which means 36.1 people out of Andy's 38 'elites' do not believe in what they are being told to do.

Told by whom though?

My money is on the balloonatic, fund raiser-in-chief for the McCanns.............Commissioner of the whole show at SY (Redwood's boss)..........BHH!
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 2:52

Your'e a Darling jeanmonroe x This will keep us going until the 7th Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail 294124 

"But Scotland Yard’s hopes of early arrests have been thwarted by the reluctance of the Portuguese authorities to agree to a formal joint investigation."

SY are being kept in the dark then, why should they be surprised when their allegiance to the McCanns is so evident.
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 2:59

jeanmonroe wrote:
Panda wrote:
Iris wrote:If you read the reader comments, it is SY who are getting a right pasting.

Yes Iris , well deserved !!!  I just tried to comment suggesting Cameron and May should halt this investigation NOW before any more taxpayers money is wasted , but my password was not recognised. Do you think someone is pulling SY strings? Surely they cannot believe this piffle themselves.

Even if only 80% of people don't 'believe' a word from the McScammers that means that 30.4 out of the 38  Andy's 'elites' don't believe in what they are being told to do by DCI Redwood!

Incidentally, i personally believe the figure, who don't believe them, is nearer 95/6%!

Which means 36.1 people out of Andy's 38 'elites' do not believe in what they are being told to do.

Told by whom though?

My money is on the balloonatic, fund raiser-in-chief for the McCanns.............Commissioner of the whole show at SY (Redwood's boss)..........BHH!

It's a bit early in the morning for Maths.....who is BHH??? Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail 25346  It was Cameron who over-rode May and gave the go-ahead for the review and subsequent investigation . I don't think either Cameron or the McCanns could persuade SY to demean themselves by submitting this rubbish.
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Post  jeanmonroe Sat 4 Jan - 3:33

BHH = Bernard Hogan-Howe.

Who was Chief Constable of Merseyside Police in 2007.

He led a balloon launch on Mossley Hill just months after Madeleine 'disappeared' to raise money for the McCanns 'private' fund.

The ballons cost £1 a go.


Then, by chance Theresa May appointed hin as commissioner for the Metropolitan Police Service, after Stephenson was forced to 'resign'

Thus the McCann 'fund raiser' found himself in overall charge at SY.

Ergo, he has the ultimate say on Operation Grange, investigating Madeleine's 'disappearance'

Now, what are the chances of the 'top dog' at the MET finding people he helped raise money for 'guilty' of anything?

That's why, imo, it's Andy's job, and orders, to find ANYTHING, absolutely anything, other than the McCanns having anything to do with their daughters 'disappearance'.

ANYTHING, at all costs!

Hence Andy Redwood's assertion that the McCanns and all their friends are NOT persons of interest.

Redwood would say 'it wuz aliens that dun it' as long as the McCanns were not driving the space ship!

And breathe......

And T May knew BHH was a balloonatic, staunch supporter, fund raising McCann 'friend' so, imo, she appointed him to keep the lid on anyone getting to close to the truth, after she had authorised the 'unlimited' funding, over £7,000,000 to date, for a SINGLE child, but no money available for other 'missing' children.

Do you really think BHH is going to 'allow' ANYTHING to be found 'wrong' with his 'personal friends'?

Me neither!

Last edited by jeanmonroe on Sat 4 Jan - 4:12; edited 2 times in total
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Post  Guest Sat 4 Jan - 3:53

OK then. Let's look at this more closely.

Police identify three prime suspects for abduction of Madeleine McCann following analysis of mobile phone data
Doesn't name the suspects though, does it?

Data suggests a burglary gang was operating near time of disappearance
It may well do so.

Suspects made an 'unusually high' number of calls hours after Maddie was reported missing
And did they promptly delete them all again afterwards?

Police believe thieves carried out one raid in resort, disturbing a child
Yes, they could have disturbed a child. What did they take, though?

Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in days before
Probably because there was zero indication of any sort of connection. How many people got speeding fines (they might have been practising driving the getaway car). How many people got done for shoplifting? (Kids have to eat and wear clothes). How many people got fined for peeing up closes?

British detectives described oversight as a 'disgrace'
WHICH British detectives? The ones at SY, or the McCanns own rent-a-dicks?

'Main line of inquiry' suggests burglars panicked and kidnapped Maddie
WHOSE main line of inquiry? Are these burglars still keeping her in a lawless lair?

ByStephen Wright
PUBLISHED: 22:31, 3 January 2014 | UPDATED: 23:45, 3 January 2014
Three prime suspects for the abduction of Madeleine McCann have been identified by Scotland Yard officers.
Here's a wild guess. Kate McCann, Gerry McCann and Russell O'Brien.

Analysis of mobile phone data suggests a burglary gang was operating very near to where she vanished in Portugal in May 2007.
So? There are burglary gangs in every town and city all over the world. And *newsflash* they usually steal things. But the McCanns said themselves, that "nothing of value was taken".

The three men made an unusually high number of calls to each other in the hours after Madeleine was reported missing from her holiday flat in the Algarve.
How do they know they were men?

Police believe the thieves, including at least one Portuguese man, had already carried out one raid in the resort of Praia da Luz, disturbing a child.
Again, so what? I'd be very surprised to learn of ANY holiday resort that didn't have resident scroats.

That child’s parents, who had been drinking outside the property, rushed inside to find the intruders had fled.
Don't even get me started.

During their bungled investigation Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in, which came a few days before Madeleine disappeared.
Who said it was "bungled"? Certainly not Bernard Hogan Howe. He has already said that the PJ did a good job.

British detectives said this oversight was a ‘disgrace’.
See above.

Following the Yard phone breakthrough, informal discussions have taken place about arresting the three burglars and searching their homes and other sites.
Not in any hurry then, if it's just an informal chat.

It is believed background checks have taken place into their criminal history, their circle of friends and relatives and the vehicles they have used.
Believed by whom? Evidence of this, please?

British detectives believe the burglars may have panicked after they woke Madeleine up by mistake and decided to take her away with them.
Wow. The "British detectives" again. Not Scotland Yard detectives, but just "British" ones. Wouldn't be Demob Suit Dave, by any chance?

An informed source said: ‘After all the far-fetched theories about what may have happened to Madeleine, there may be a far more simple explanation: that a burglary went horribly wrong.
'It is the main line of inquiry for British police.’
To quote Judge Judy - if your story doesn't make sense then it isn't true!

But Scotland Yard’s hopes of early arrests have been thwarted by the reluctance of the Portuguese authorities to agree to a formal joint investigation.
After the interference of the British Government already, who can blame them?

Because none of the burglars is British, the Met cannot arrest them in Portugal and will need the full cooperation of local police to pursue the inquiry.
So all this "informal chat" stuff is bullshit, then. The Met has zero powers whatsoever.

Behind the scenes, highly sensitive diplomatic discussions are taking place to resolve the issue so that British detectives can be based in Portugal. Home Secretary Theresa May is being briefed regularly.
I would have thought she would have had her hands full of Romanians and Bulgarians by now.

'After all the far-fetched theories about what may have happened to Madeleine, there may be a far more simple explanation: that a burglary went horribly wrong.' Riiiiight.

Yard detectives have dismissed the idea that a local man who died in a tractor accident four years ago was responsible for Madeleine’s disappearance.
Why bring him up, then?

Portuguese police regard the 40-year-old, a former employee at the Ocean Club holiday complex the McCanns stayed at, as their prime suspect.
Will they be holding a seance to interrogate him?

Met officers disagree with their reasoning and are concentrating on the burglars.
No, they're not. This is made up rubbish. Burglars burgle. They don't kidnap kids.

The compelling mobile phone ‘cell site analysis’ – which has helped solve a number of major crimes – has strengthened suspicions about the gang.
I have no doubts that it has. And unfortunately for "the gang", the data may have been erased from the phone, but probably not from the phone company's servers.

A major appeal based on ‘substantive’ new information – including descriptions of possible suspects – was broadcast on the BBC1’s Crimewatch in October.
How many people phoned in saying that they recognised the e-fit? I'll bet it was hundreds, if not thousands. And on the follow-up, Redwood thanked the people who HAD HELPED. Past tense. He is not looking for anybody else.

Days before the appeal, senior detectives revealed mobile phone records may hold the key to solving the case.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who is leading the inquiry, said officers were examining data from thousands of mobiles thought to belong to people who were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.
Good. About time the mobile phone records were allowed to be entered into evidence.

Police are trying to identify the owner of each phone to build up a picture of exactly who was in the area.
Go ask David Payne, he knows.

More than 3,000 people live in Praia da Luz, while holidaymakers and seasonal workers visit from around the world. ‘This is not just a general trawl,’ said Mr Redwood. ‘It’s a targeted attack on that data to see if it assists us to find out what happened to Madeleine at that time.’
Like I said, ask David Payne.

Mr Redwood said officers had been unable to identify, six years on, a large number of mobile phones, especially those bought on a pay-as-you-go basis.
See above.

The records also contain information on which numbers were dialled and when. It is thought some numbers might appear on police intelligence systems, or be linked to criminals.
Again, it's highly probable. And dodgy credit cards that later get "stolen", too.

According to Scotland Yard, the phone records were looked at by the Portuguese police investigation but in no detail.
Maybe that's because detailed records were not forthcoming.

Scotland Yard announced it was launching an investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance in July – after spending two years reviewing the case under the codename Operation Grange.
Madeleine, whose parents Gerry and Kate live in Rothley, Leicestershire, was days away from her fourth birthday when she was abducted.
No proof of abduction. Must try harder, Daily Wail!

Earlier this week it emerged that the bill for the Yard’s probe has topped £6million. The total is now likely to exceed £10million, with £88,000 having gone on travel costs so far.
So SY had better come up with something a bit more credible than "burglars". And they know it. But then again, I don't see anyone from SY mentioning "burglars" at all. Just the Daily Wail and their pink imagination.

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Post  jinvta Sat 4 Jan - 6:39

Iris wrote:Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who is leading the inquiry, said officers were examining data from thousands of mobiles thought to belong to people who were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.
Good.  About time the mobile phone records were allowed to be entered into evidence.
Hmmm, perhaps a good ploy to get the McCanns to demand mobile phone records (including their own) be released. I find it highly unlikely that the McCanns will be demanding any such thing however.
Burglers do not steal children, full stop! If they panicked, they would have left with nothing, or possibly a few small valuables that had been left lying around. To suggest that burglers stole a child in a panic is the most ridiculous and far-fectched story ever suggested in this tragic case. Further, the position of the door places the burglers in the apartment before Gerry's 9:05 pm check so he could find the door more open than he left it, again after Gerry's check and before Matt's check, so Matt could find the door open to 50 degrees when Gerry had closed it to 5 degrees, and then still in the apartment after Matt's 9:25 check so that Kate could find the door completely open when Matt left it at 50 degrees. Hardly a panic to have hung around the apartment for at least 20 minutes, and just when checks were starting to dwindle down!

It appears that the comments are being heavily moderated. We will see if my comment gets posted which I highly doubt.
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Post  ann_chovey Sat 4 Jan - 8:40


Completely Average wrote:

That is some serious grasping at straws there. So, a group of burglars broke into a hotel room, didn't steal a single thing, but decided to become kidnappers in a panic even though the only threat or witness was a little girl? -------------- Seriously?


So we are supposed to believe that a burglar, disturbed by a three year old, would panic and run off with the screaming child? Nonsense!

Well yes, certainly, you go into an apartment to steal something, you disturb a child, what does she do? Either freezes in fright or begins to yell her head off. Now just think - frozen with fright, why would you decide to get her out of bed and take her with you? Yelling her head off - yes, good scheme, carry a screaming child off with you as you try to make an unnoticed getaway. If this is the best Scotland Yard can come up with it's they who're a 'disgrace'. Why don't they just admit they haven't a clue what happened, they're just trying to justify the millions of pounds spent on an inquiry which is going nowhere.

Burglars do not steal children. They steal things and nothing was stolen from their apartment.

Limpand totheLeft

Even the thickest burglar understands that kidnapping a child ratchets their crime into a far more serious level of criminality.

Last edited by ann_chovey on Sat 4 Jan - 8:41; edited 1 time in total
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 8:41

"Analysis of mobile phone data suggests a burglary gang was operating very near to where she vanished in Portugal in May 2007."

UUM....I thought only the McCanns phone calls were tapped??? Is Redwood seriously expecting us to believe that everyone within say 2 miles of the Ocean Club has had their phones tapped, even days before the arrival of the Tapas ????? This latest "News" has gone too far and someone must be desperate to want it published....guess who!!! Cameron and May will soon be under fire from Parliament to allow this circus to go on and it is a clear sign of pique from SY that they don't know what OPORTO have found.

Thanks jeanmonroe for the info, if BHH is involved he has seriously crossed the line and I hope the Portugese Government contact Cameron to voice their
anger that once again false reporting has made PDL seem a den of iniquity.

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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 8:53

ann_chovey wrote:comments....

Completely Average wrote:

That is some serious grasping at straws there. So, a group of burglars broke into a hotel room, didn't steal a single thing, but decided to become kidnappers in a panic even though the only threat or witness was a little girl? -------------- Seriously?


So we are supposed to believe that a burglar, disturbed by a three year old, would panic and run off with the screaming child? Nonsense!

Well yes, certainly, you go into an apartment to steal something, you disturb a child, what does she do? Either freezes in fright or begins to yell her head off. Now just think - frozen with fright, why would you decide to get her out of bed and take her with you? Yelling her head off - yes, good scheme, carry a screaming child off with you as you try to make an unnoticed getaway. If this is the best Scotland Yard can come up with it's they who're a 'disgrace'. Why don't they just admit they haven't a clue what happened, they're just trying to justify the millions of pounds spent on an inquiry which is going nowhere.

Burglars do not steal children. They steal things and nothing was stolen from their apartment.

Limpand totheLeft

Even the thickest burglar understands that kidnapping a child ratchets their crime into a far more serious level of criminality.

Thanks ann_chovey .....I particularly like Iseults'  Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail 294124  Is this a BHH ploy as suggested by jeanmonroe? A Clarence offering? Redwood trying to prove he is on the case? I'm sure the Daily Mail printed this fantasy tongue firmly in cheek and allowed comments. Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail 307691 
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Post  ann_chovey Sat 4 Jan - 9:07

A couple more to be going on with the Mail mods. must be on tea break.

Was there any ever evidence that burglars entered the apartment in the first place? Was anything missing, or even moved? A busy holiday resort, and apparently nobody saw these burglars enter or leave the apartment - let alone with a distressed child. This theory doesn't make sense to me either.

Panicking burglars don't steal children. It's ridiculous.

"'Main line of inquiry' suggests burglars panicked and kidnapped Maddie" --------- Deary me. Is that the best they can come up with?

Makes perfect sense. You are robbing a place and panic when you awake a child who starts screaming. And in your panic, instead of just fleeing, you pick up the screaming child and flee with her in tow. Step aside bumbling Brits, time to call in the FBI.

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Post  jassi Sat 4 Jan - 9:20

Is this a ploy to divert attention away from Smithman?

If the prime suspect is now for a team of burglars, Smithman cannot have been carrying Madeleine and therefore the fact that he was thought to bear a passing resemblance to Gerry can be brushed aside.

As there is no official comment from SY anywhere in this article, I don't think they have been anywhere near this story.
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Post  kitti Sat 4 Jan - 9:25

The only three burglars that were around was....Gerry, Matt and Russell.

Did the pj ask Matt if he passed Madeleine through the window?
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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 9:40

Actually, it was the Daily Mail who were the first to query the Fund and that in the first year only 13% of the money raised by the public was spent on "searching" for Madeleine . They are not closing the comments file or being asked to withdraw this story so perhaps they are sticking two fingers up at the McCanns and all the mealy mouthed British Press who continue to support them.  Police identify three prime suspects - Daily Mail 307691 
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Post  AnnaEsse Sat 4 Jan - 10:12

What a load of cobblers! Have the police found a few unregistered mobile phones and decided they were being used by this mysterious gang of burglars? Where is their evidence of such a gang? A break-in a few days before? Who said that was done by a gang and not an opportunistic individual? I think it's about unregistered phones and the police may have to look elsewhere for who was in possession of them.

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Post  Panda Sat 4 Jan - 10:43

AnnaEsse wrote:What a load of cobblers! Have the police found a few unregistered mobile phones and decided they were being used by this mysterious gang of burglars? Where is their evidence of such a gang? A break-in a few days before? Who said that was done by a gang and not an opportunistic individual? I think it's about unregistered phones and the police may have to look elsewhere for who was in possession of them.

Exactly AnnaEsse, either this is a tongue in cheek article by a DM Reporter designed to extract the urine out of all the previous reports to make the McCanns blameless or SY clutching at straws.

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Post  kitti Sat 4 Jan - 11:48

Very good burglars...

No fingerprints even glove marks left.

No fibres.


Simple to find them then.

3 handless nude skeletons ....

Did anyone see these three in the vicinity off apt 5a prior to her going missing....

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Post  almostgothic Sat 4 Jan - 12:08

Excellent analysis and comment posted on this thread already, so I'll just add this:
Would you ever vote for anyone who fed BS like this to national newspapers?

And lastly, with apologies to Spiderman for nicking his feem toon:

Burglarman, Burglarman,
Stole a kid and away he ran.
Won't take phones, pearls or rings,
Won't take cash or blingy things.
Look out!
More bull from Team McCann!
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