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What happened to democracy

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What happened to democracy Empty What happened to democracy

Post  katertaif Tue 24 Jan - 12:57

Yet another hurdle to get over. The only other court the government can go to is the European one, and they are hardly likely to vote for us. What happened to democracy? a majority of people voted in the referendum to leave the EU. So what is all the fuss about now. The Liberals want a second referendum. If there was one, they would hope to get the right result (right in their minds that is) That is what they think of democracy. Blair and a few other has been politician's or wannabees looking for a good salary in Europe are against the result. Labour want to add a boatload of amendments. I can see it all going on for years. If we did just go ahead and secede from the Union, what then? Another US style civil war? The referendum is rapidly becoming a farce. Our votes meaning very little tour political masters.
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What happened to democracy Empty Re: What happened to democracy

Post  malena stool Tue 24 Jan - 14:14

The 650 or so less than "Honourable Members" who have the affrontry to pose as our political masters nowadays, are for the most part self gratifying mongrels who would be banned from holding any office in any country which prided itself as operating under a truly Democratic System.

As much as it goes against my political beliefs the only truly professional group worthy of representing this once great nation in the House of Commons is the Tories, (and many of them along with the rest of the expenses fraudsters who would be considered as 'gallows bait' for treasonable acts under a totalitarian regime).

The Labour Party are led by an unshaven lowbrow who has never struck a blow doing a real job, a protesting and unkempt beatnik student who was quite adept at joining the CND ladies waving placards at Greenham Common, now leading the one party that worked for the working man. Corbyn merely fumbles and bumbles while touting; revamped 1970 and 1980's policies firmly tied to the apron strings of and funded by the unions... Like the man himself, Labour is a joke.

The Liberals? Unable even to get enough MP's to compete in the Common's Crib Tournament..

Blair, given that he was the 'Peace Envoy' for the Middle East has done a truly remarkable job... The body count is across all national and religious beliefs is increasing daily, despite or because of his 'talented' input remains for history to decide. What a success story, well done that man, he's sure to find a niche in the EU with a track record such as that.

Should it ever come to an outright secession, would the EU send troops to our country with the orders to fire on any protesters and if so would our leaders stand idly by and allow this to happen?

Now there's food for thought!
malena stool
malena stool
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What happened to democracy Empty Re: What happened to democracy

Post  fuzeta Tue 24 Jan - 18:23

"Should it ever come to an outright secession, would the EU send troops to our country with the orders to fire on any protesters and if so would our leaders stand idly by and allow this to happen?

Now there's food for thought!"

It is indeed food for thought Malena, which sort of brings me to my original horror at the thought of an EU army. Seems it has sort of happened before! Oh yes history can certainly repeat Itself. I have always thought that if we don't get out now then it is our last chance, we will not have that choice much longer.
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What happened to democracy Empty Re: What happened to democracy

Post  Badboy Wed 25 Jan - 0:39

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What happened to democracy Empty Re: What happened to democracy

Post  malena stool Wed 25 Jan - 10:00

Mrs May is going to start discussions on Thursday I believe, Badboy.
malena stool
malena stool
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