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Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law

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Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Empty Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law

Post  malena stool Fri 9 Feb - 17:38

Will there be a change in their responsibility and protection from prosecution status when we leave the EU and will British Law take a more sensible view of their televised addmission to abandoning their children on a regular basis?
malena stool
malena stool
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Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-10-04

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Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Empty Re: Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law

Post  Badboy Fri 9 Feb - 18:22

probably not,separetly will it affect their right to take their fight to European courts.
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Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Will our leaving the EU afffect the McCann's responsibility status in law Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-08-31

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