Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
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Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
REQUESTING ENTITY: Departament of Criminal Investigation of Portimao of the Pollcia Judiciaria and National Directorate.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 003610, dated 31/10/2007, that solicited the performance of lawful examinations of various samples of hair recovered from the following locations:
- Apartament C, 2° Floor, of Aparthotel Sol e Mar, in Burgau
- Vehicle type Audi, model A4, licence-plate 10-91-PF
- Vehicle type Renault, model Kangoo, licence-plate 07-20-UI
- Vehicle type Volkswagen, model Passat, licence-plate 57-12-HP
- Sofas located in in the garage of the CID Portimao
- Garden of apartament 5A, block A, tourist resort "OCEAN CLUB", Praia da Luz, Lagos.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 004080, dated 12/12/2007, that solicited "examinations as approriate, with the view to determine the nature of the mark (found on the counterpane [quilt/bedspread] of one of the beds in apartament 5A of the tourist resort OCEAN CLUB in Praia da Luz) and if it permits the identification of the profile indicated by letter (L)".
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 004079, dated 12/12/2007, that says "to send an item marked as fibre and a plastic item both extracted from the car boot..., material already examined..., soliciting the indulgence of the reader in the sense that further examinations are necessary on the aforementioned material, using a method considered adequate for the detection of possible biological remains that may not have been detected in the first examination to which they were subjected."
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 000550, dated de 04/07/07, that says to send 12 oral swabs [swatches] and hair collections, accompanied by respective letters of authorisation for their collection duly prepared and signed in the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria in respect of the following people: Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Baptista (head-hair only), Mario Domingos Moreira, Luis Filipe Monteiro Ferro, Dina Maria dos Reis Rocha, Marina Paula Ramos Batista Castela, Maria Julia Serafim da Silva, Jose Maria Batista Roque, Jose Leal Pimentel, Antonio Conceicao Duarte, Nelson Filipe Pacheco da Costa, Maria Irene Trovao Ferro, Joao Francisco Pascoa Luis Trigo Barreiras e Vitor Manuel Martins.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 00551, dated 04/07/07, that says to send two oral swabs [swatches] and two capillary collections, obtaine from Michaela Walczuch e de Luis Filipe Duarte Antonio, accompanied by statements of swab collection and capillary collection duly prepared and signed in the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
In this 2nd fase, 187 hairs [generic], 2 pieces from the car boot and reference samples from 15 individuals were received.
In the 1st fase, were received 258 vestigios and 12 reference samples - oral swabs [swatches] from 11 individuals. The vestigios included 257 hairs [generic] and one speck detected in a cloth fragment collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the bedroom of the children in apartament 5A (envelope 5), as mentioned in the previous report.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
VESTIGIOS delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 08/11/2007:
With respect to Aparthotel Sol e Mar, 2°, apartment C - Burgau
- 8 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420A/2007-CR/L:
Vg1B- "Sundry head-hair collected from the kitchen floor of the apartment" - 20 hairs.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected at the erntrance of the apartment" - 23 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bedroom floor of the apartment" - 27 hairs.
Vg4 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bed in the bedroom of the apartment" - 17 hairs.
Vg5 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bathroom of apartment" - 16 hairs.
Vg6 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the floor of lounge of apartment" - 43 hairs.
Vg7 - "Sundry head-hair collected from a sofa presently in the lounge of the apartment"- 3 hairs.
Vg8 - "Sundry head-hair collected from a sofa presently in the lounge of the apartment"- 3 hairs.
With respect to Vehicle Audi A4 10-91-PF:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420C/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the front seat, right side"- 3 hairs.
With respect to Vehicle Renault Kangoo 07-50-UI:
- 3 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420E/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the row of seats at the rear of the Vehicle"- 1 hair.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the small area at the rear of Vehicle" - 2 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the front seat, right side" - 1 hair.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
With respect to Vehicle Volkswagen Passat 57-12-HP:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420F/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the rear seat" - 6 hairs.
with respect to the sofas that are in the garage of the DIC Portimao:
- 3 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420B/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having one seat"- 7 hairs.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having two seats"- 2 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having one seat" - 2 hairs.
With respect to the garden area of apartment 5A, tourist resort "OCEAN CLUB", Praia da Luz, Lagos:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420D/2007-CR/L:
Vg25 - "Sundry head-hair" - 11 hairs.
VESTIGIOS delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 14/12/2007:
With respect to the car boot:
- Pieces that included a fibre and plastic, having been previously analysed in various areas.
REFERENCE SAMPLES delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 04/07/2007:
- 14 oral swabs [swatches] and collections of head-hair, relating to:
Mario Domingos Moreira, Luis Filipe Monteiro Ferro, Dina Maria dos Reis Rocha, Marina Paula Ramos Batista Castela, Maria Julia Serafim da Silva, Jose Maria Batista Roque, Jose Leal Pimentel, Antonio Conceicao Duarte, Nelson Filipe Pacheco da Costa, Maria Irene Trovao Ferro, Joao Francisco Pascoa Luis Trigo Barreiras, Vltor Manuel Martins, Michaela Walczuch e Luis Filipe Duarte Antonio.
- Collection of head-hair relatiing to:
Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Baptista.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
1- Morphologic Analysis of the hairs
- Macro- and microscopic characterisation.
2- Nature of the sample
Phadebas Forensic test, for detection of saliva on the fragment of cloth corresponding to vestigio n°. 5 collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom.
3- DNA Extraction:
DNA was extracted from the material received for analysis using one of the foloowing methods:
- Tissue and Hair Extraction kit-"DNA IQ(TM) System" (Promega)
- "QIAamp micro DNA kit" (Qiagen)
- Metodo de Chelex [1]
[1] Walsh P.S., Metzer D.A., Higuchi (1991). Chelex-100 as a medium for simple extraction of DNA for PCR-based typing from forensic material. Biotechniques 10: 506-513.
4- Study of the nuclear DNA
After extraction the following genetic markers were studied using PCR:
- Autosomic STRs: D8S1179, D21Sl l, D7S820, CSFIPO, D3S1358, HUMTH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, HUMVWA31/A, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, HUMFIBRA/FGA and Amelogene, using primers and amplification conditions recommended in kit AmpFISTR(TM) Identifiler (Applied Bioystems).
- Autosomic STRs: D3S1358, HUMTH01, D21SII, D18S51, Penta E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSFIPO, Penta D, HUMVWA31/A, D8S1179, TPOX, HUMFIBRA/FGA, and Amelogene using primers and amplification conditions recommended in kit PowerPlex(TM) 16 System (Promega).
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BCI
5 - Estudo do DNA mitocondrial
The mitochondrial DNA study (HVRI e HVRII) was performed in accordance with the following metodology:
PCR Amplification:
PCR amplification of the HVI e HVII regions of the human mtDNA, using specified primers amplification conditions in accordance with Vigilant et al., 1989 [2], Wilson et al., 1995 [3] e Alvarez-lglesias et al., [4].
[2] Vigilant L, Pennington R. Harpending H. Kocher TD, Wilson AC. ]989. "Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Single Hairs from a Southern African Population". Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 1989, Vol. 86: 9350 - 9354.
[3] Wilson MR, DiZinno JA, Polanskey D, Replogle J. Budowle B. 1995. "Validation of Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing for Forensic Casework Analysis". Int J Legal Med. 1995, 108: 68 - 74.
[4] Alvarez-lglesias V, Jaime JC, Carracedo A, Salas A.2007. "Coding region mitochondrial DNA SNPs:Targeting East Asian and Native American haplogroups" Forensic Sci. Int. Genetics, 2007, 1 :44-55.
Sequenciation: Direct sequenciation of the HVI e HVII segments by capillary electrophoresis in the automatic sequenciator "ABI PRISM 3100 ou 3130 Genetic Analyser" (Applied Biosystems) with detection by fluorescence, using one of the kits:
- "BigDye(R) Terminator vl.1 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "BigDye(R) Terminator v1.3 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "dRhodamine Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction" (Applied Biosystems)
The program "SeqScape(R) Software Version 2.0" (Applied Biosystems) was used to compare the sequences obtained from the analysed samples with the CRS (Cambridge Reference Sequence).
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
[b]1- Morphologic analysis of the hairs
All the hairs received for analysis were subjected to macro- and microscopic characterisation. It was observed that some hairs were only stems while other had both root and stem. The majority of those with roots were found to be telogenic.
2- Nature of the sample
Phadebas Forensic test, for detection of saliva on the fragment of cloth corresponding to vestigio n°. 5 collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom: Positive.
3- Study of the nuclear DNA
Autosomic STRs results were obtained from the following vestigios: root of one of the hairs collected from the bedroom floor of the Burgau apartment (Vg3) and in the lower zone of te fibre from the car boot. Table 1 includes, also, the profile of the spot from the counterpane, already sent previously.
Table 1 - Autosomic STRs of vestigios.
From the bedroom Vestigios inferior Spot on the cloth
SYSTEMS floor- Apart. in zone of the fibre fragment from the
Burgau -Vg 3 from the car boot counterpane
Amelogenina XY XY XY
D8S1179 13-15 10-11 12-13
D21S11 28-30 29 29-32.2
D7S820 9-10 10-12 10-12
CSFIPO 10-11 10-13 10-11
D3S1358 15-18 14-16 15-18
HUMTH01 6-9.3 9-9.3 9.3
D13S317 11 11-12 12-14
D16S539 11-12 10-14 11
D2S1338 17 18-24 18-25
D19S433 15 13-14 13-15
HUMVWA31/A 18-19 17-18 18
TPOX 8-11 8 11
D18S51 16-18 13-14 17-18
D5S818 12 11-13 12-13
HUMFIBRA/FGA 20 21-25 20-24
Penta E 7-8
Penta I> 9
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
REQUESTING ENTITY: Departament of Criminal Investigation of Portimao of the Pollcia Judiciaria and National Directorate.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 003610, dated 31/10/2007, that solicited the performance of lawful examinations of various samples of hair recovered from the following locations:
- Apartament C, 2° Floor, of Aparthotel Sol e Mar, in Burgau
- Vehicle type Audi, model A4, licence-plate 10-91-PF
- Vehicle type Renault, model Kangoo, licence-plate 07-20-UI
- Vehicle type Volkswagen, model Passat, licence-plate 57-12-HP
- Sofas located in in the garage of the CID Portimao
- Garden of apartament 5A, block A, tourist resort "OCEAN CLUB", Praia da Luz, Lagos.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 004080, dated 12/12/2007, that solicited "examinations as approriate, with the view to determine the nature of the mark (found on the counterpane [quilt/bedspread] of one of the beds in apartament 5A of the tourist resort OCEAN CLUB in Praia da Luz) and if it permits the identification of the profile indicated by letter (L)".
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 004079, dated 12/12/2007, that says "to send an item marked as fibre and a plastic item both extracted from the car boot..., material already examined..., soliciting the indulgence of the reader in the sense that further examinations are necessary on the aforementioned material, using a method considered adequate for the detection of possible biological remains that may not have been detected in the first examination to which they were subjected."
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 000550, dated de 04/07/07, that says to send 12 oral swabs [swatches] and hair collections, accompanied by respective letters of authorisation for their collection duly prepared and signed in the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria in respect of the following people: Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Baptista (head-hair only), Mario Domingos Moreira, Luis Filipe Monteiro Ferro, Dina Maria dos Reis Rocha, Marina Paula Ramos Batista Castela, Maria Julia Serafim da Silva, Jose Maria Batista Roque, Jose Leal Pimentel, Antonio Conceicao Duarte, Nelson Filipe Pacheco da Costa, Maria Irene Trovao Ferro, Joao Francisco Pascoa Luis Trigo Barreiras e Vitor Manuel Martins.
OFFICIAL LETTER N.° 00551, dated 04/07/07, that says to send two oral swabs [swatches] and two capillary collections, obtaine from Michaela Walczuch e de Luis Filipe Duarte Antonio, accompanied by statements of swab collection and capillary collection duly prepared and signed in the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
In this 2nd fase, 187 hairs [generic], 2 pieces from the car boot and reference samples from 15 individuals were received.
In the 1st fase, were received 258 vestigios and 12 reference samples - oral swabs [swatches] from 11 individuals. The vestigios included 257 hairs [generic] and one speck detected in a cloth fragment collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the bedroom of the children in apartament 5A (envelope 5), as mentioned in the previous report.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
VESTIGIOS delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 08/11/2007:
With respect to Aparthotel Sol e Mar, 2°, apartment C - Burgau
- 8 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420A/2007-CR/L:
Vg1B- "Sundry head-hair collected from the kitchen floor of the apartment" - 20 hairs.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected at the erntrance of the apartment" - 23 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bedroom floor of the apartment" - 27 hairs.
Vg4 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bed in the bedroom of the apartment" - 17 hairs.
Vg5 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the bathroom of apartment" - 16 hairs.
Vg6 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the floor of lounge of apartment" - 43 hairs.
Vg7 - "Sundry head-hair collected from a sofa presently in the lounge of the apartment"- 3 hairs.
Vg8 - "Sundry head-hair collected from a sofa presently in the lounge of the apartment"- 3 hairs.
With respect to Vehicle Audi A4 10-91-PF:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420C/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the front seat, right side"- 3 hairs.
With respect to Vehicle Renault Kangoo 07-50-UI:
- 3 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420E/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the row of seats at the rear of the Vehicle"- 1 hair.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the small area at the rear of Vehicle" - 2 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the front seat, right side" - 1 hair.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
With respect to Vehicle Volkswagen Passat 57-12-HP:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420F/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the rear seat" - 6 hairs.
with respect to the sofas that are in the garage of the DIC Portimao:
- 3 labelled envelopes with delivery note n° 420B/2007-CR/L:
Vg1 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having one seat"- 7 hairs.
Vg2 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having two seats"- 2 hairs.
Vg3 - "Sundry head-hair collected from the sofa having one seat" - 2 hairs.
With respect to the garden area of apartment 5A, tourist resort "OCEAN CLUB", Praia da Luz, Lagos:
- 1 labelled envelope with delivery note n° 420D/2007-CR/L:
Vg25 - "Sundry head-hair" - 11 hairs.
VESTIGIOS delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 14/12/2007:
With respect to the car boot:
- Pieces that included a fibre and plastic, having been previously analysed in various areas.
REFERENCE SAMPLES delivered by Policia Judiciaria on 04/07/2007:
- 14 oral swabs [swatches] and collections of head-hair, relating to:
Mario Domingos Moreira, Luis Filipe Monteiro Ferro, Dina Maria dos Reis Rocha, Marina Paula Ramos Batista Castela, Maria Julia Serafim da Silva, Jose Maria Batista Roque, Jose Leal Pimentel, Antonio Conceicao Duarte, Nelson Filipe Pacheco da Costa, Maria Irene Trovao Ferro, Joao Francisco Pascoa Luis Trigo Barreiras, Vltor Manuel Martins, Michaela Walczuch e Luis Filipe Duarte Antonio.
- Collection of head-hair relatiing to:
Silvia Maria Correia Ramos Baptista.
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
1- Morphologic Analysis of the hairs
- Macro- and microscopic characterisation.
2- Nature of the sample
Phadebas Forensic test, for detection of saliva on the fragment of cloth corresponding to vestigio n°. 5 collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom.
3- DNA Extraction:
DNA was extracted from the material received for analysis using one of the foloowing methods:
- Tissue and Hair Extraction kit-"DNA IQ(TM) System" (Promega)
- "QIAamp micro DNA kit" (Qiagen)
- Metodo de Chelex [1]
[1] Walsh P.S., Metzer D.A., Higuchi (1991). Chelex-100 as a medium for simple extraction of DNA for PCR-based typing from forensic material. Biotechniques 10: 506-513.
4- Study of the nuclear DNA
After extraction the following genetic markers were studied using PCR:
- Autosomic STRs: D8S1179, D21Sl l, D7S820, CSFIPO, D3S1358, HUMTH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, HUMVWA31/A, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, HUMFIBRA/FGA and Amelogene, using primers and amplification conditions recommended in kit AmpFISTR(TM) Identifiler (Applied Bioystems).
- Autosomic STRs: D3S1358, HUMTH01, D21SII, D18S51, Penta E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSFIPO, Penta D, HUMVWA31/A, D8S1179, TPOX, HUMFIBRA/FGA, and Amelogene using primers and amplification conditions recommended in kit PowerPlex(TM) 16 System (Promega).
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BCI
5 - Estudo do DNA mitocondrial
The mitochondrial DNA study (HVRI e HVRII) was performed in accordance with the following metodology:
PCR Amplification:
PCR amplification of the HVI e HVII regions of the human mtDNA, using specified primers amplification conditions in accordance with Vigilant et al., 1989 [2], Wilson et al., 1995 [3] e Alvarez-lglesias et al., [4].
[2] Vigilant L, Pennington R. Harpending H. Kocher TD, Wilson AC. ]989. "Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Single Hairs from a Southern African Population". Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 1989, Vol. 86: 9350 - 9354.
[3] Wilson MR, DiZinno JA, Polanskey D, Replogle J. Budowle B. 1995. "Validation of Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing for Forensic Casework Analysis". Int J Legal Med. 1995, 108: 68 - 74.
[4] Alvarez-lglesias V, Jaime JC, Carracedo A, Salas A.2007. "Coding region mitochondrial DNA SNPs:Targeting East Asian and Native American haplogroups" Forensic Sci. Int. Genetics, 2007, 1 :44-55.
Sequenciation: Direct sequenciation of the HVI e HVII segments by capillary electrophoresis in the automatic sequenciator "ABI PRISM 3100 ou 3130 Genetic Analyser" (Applied Biosystems) with detection by fluorescence, using one of the kits:
- "BigDye(R) Terminator vl.1 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "BigDye(R) Terminator v1.3 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "dRhodamine Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction" (Applied Biosystems)
The program "SeqScape(R) Software Version 2.0" (Applied Biosystems) was used to compare the sequences obtained from the analysed samples with the CRS (Cambridge Reference Sequence).
Processo n° 2007/000565/PT-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B5,B6
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC1
[b]1- Morphologic analysis of the hairs
All the hairs received for analysis were subjected to macro- and microscopic characterisation. It was observed that some hairs were only stems while other had both root and stem. The majority of those with roots were found to be telogenic.
2- Nature of the sample
Phadebas Forensic test, for detection of saliva on the fragment of cloth corresponding to vestigio n°. 5 collected from the counterpane of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom: Positive.
3- Study of the nuclear DNA
Autosomic STRs results were obtained from the following vestigios: root of one of the hairs collected from the bedroom floor of the Burgau apartment (Vg3) and in the lower zone of te fibre from the car boot. Table 1 includes, also, the profile of the spot from the counterpane, already sent previously.
Table 1 - Autosomic STRs of vestigios.
From the bedroom Vestigios inferior Spot on the cloth
SYSTEMS floor- Apart. in zone of the fibre fragment from the
Burgau -Vg 3 from the car boot counterpane
Amelogenina XY XY XY
D8S1179 13-15 10-11 12-13
D21S11 28-30 29 29-32.2
D7S820 9-10 10-12 10-12
CSFIPO 10-11 10-13 10-11
D3S1358 15-18 14-16 15-18
HUMTH01 6-9.3 9-9.3 9.3
D13S317 11 11-12 12-14
D16S539 11-12 10-14 11
D2S1338 17 18-24 18-25
D19S433 15 13-14 13-15
HUMVWA31/A 18-19 17-18 18
TPOX 8-11 8 11
D18S51 16-18 13-14 17-18
D5S818 12 11-13 12-13
HUMFIBRA/FGA 20 21-25 20-24
Penta E 7-8
Penta I> 9
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processo n° 2007/000268/P-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC
REQUESTING AGENCY: Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria e Directoria Nacional.
OFICIO N.° 013.079 and fax n° 399, both dated 08/05/2007, that say "to proceed to deliver the traces recovered from apartment n° 5-A of the tourist resort "The Ocean Club" in Praia da Luz in Lagos", which were accompanied by 7 (seven) sealed envelopes under a delivery note n° 156/2007-CR/L, as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the child MADELEINE BETH MCCANN.
OFICIO N.° 13443 and fax n° 413 both dated 15/05/2007, that say to proceed to deliver the traces recovered from the residence at Rua do Ramalhete, Casa Liliana in Praia da Luz in Lagos (1 envelope), and from the Volkswagen with numberplate 44-77-KD (7 sealed envelopes), which were accompanied by delivery notes n° 170A/2007CR/L and 170B/2007-CR/L. respectively.
FAX N° 000415 dated 15/05/2007, that requests the INML to proceed with all necessary examinations on all the traces delivered to them as part of the abovementioned Inquiry.
OFICIO N.° 13453 /I /2007 dated 15/05/2007, that says to proceed to deliver the bucal swabs recovered from Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healy, with delivery note n° 170C/2007-CR/L and relevant official documents from the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
OFICIO N.° 001803 dated 17/05/07, that says "to remit bucal swabs recovered from individuals, asking for comparisons of DNA profiles with those from biological traces recovered from various locations, as part of the present legal documents", accompanied by relevant official documents from the Departamento de lnvestigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
OFICIO N.° 002026 dated 05/06/07, that says "to deliver two bucal swabs provided by Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat", with relevant official documents from the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
There were received 258 traces and 12 reference samples - bucal swabs from 11 individuals.
Relating to Apartment n° 5-A in the tourist resort "The Ocean Club" Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- 32 hairs in envelope n° 1 recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom.
- 28 hairs in envelope n° 2 recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared.
- 4 hair in envelope n° 3 recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared.
- 15 hairs in envelope n° 4 recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom.
- 1 piece of cloth in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window in the children's bedroom.
Fragment of cloth, mauve/violet in colour with square motifs, circular in form about 10cm in diameter. A small fluorescent spot is observed under a Crime-light.
- 31 hairs in envelope N° 6 recovered from the floor of the lounge.
- 58 hairs in envelope N° 7 recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment.
[The above were] Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 08/05/2007.
Relating to the Volkswagen 44-77-KD:
- 15 hairs in envelope N° 1 recovered from the front-right seat.
- 2 hairs in envelope N° 2 recovered from the front-left seat.
- 12 hairs in N° 3 recovered from the floor in front of the front seats.
- 7 hairs in envelope N° 4 recovered from the floor in front of the rear seat.
- 4 hairs in envelope N° 5 recovered from the rear seat.
- 5 hairs in envelope N° 6 recovered from the rear part of the vehicle.
- 4 hairs in envelope N° 7 recovered from the internal covering of the roof.
Relating to Residencia Casa Liliana - Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- 40 hairs in envelope N° 1 recovered from the bed in the bedroom of of the suspect.
[The above were] Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 15/05/2007.
- 4 sealed bucal swabs from:
Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healey.
Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 15/05/2007.
- 6 sealed bucal swabs from:
Dianne Webster, Rachael Mariamma Jean Mampilly, Russell James O'Brien, Fiona Payne, David Anthony Payne, Silvia Maria Correia Batista.
Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 18/05/2007.
- 2 sealed bucal swabs from:
Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
Remitted by the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria and delivered on 06/06/2007.
1-Morphology analysis of hairs
- Macro- and microscopic characterisation.
2-Nature of the sample
Acid Phosphatase Test to detect semen on the small spot on the cloth fragment in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom.
[Ref: http://www.semenonpanties.com/laux.htm ]
3- DNA extraction:
The following methods were used to extract DNA from the material received for analysis:
- Extraction with phenol-chloroform (organic extraction) [1,2]
[Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenol-chl ... extraction ]
- Tissue and Hair Extraction kit -"DNA IQ(tm) System" (Promega)
- "QIAamp micro DNA kit" method (Qiagen)
- Chelex method [3]
[1] Huhne, J., Pfiffer, H., Waterkamp, K., Brinkmann, B. 1999. "Mitochondrial DNA in human hair shafts existence of intra-individual differences?". International Journal of Legal Medicine (1999), 112: 172-175.
[2] Maniatis T. Fritsch EF, Sambrook J. 1982. "Molecular Cloning - A Laboratory Manual". Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
[3] Walsh P.S., Metzer D.A., Higuchi (1991). Chelex-100 as a medium for simple extraction of DNA for PCR-based typing from forensic material. Biotechniques 10: 506-513.
4-Nuclear DNA study
After extraction the following genetic markers were studied by PCR:
· Autosomic STRs: D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSFlPO, D3S1358, HUMTH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, HUMVWA31/A, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, HUMFIBRA/FGA and Amelogene, using the primers and conditions of amplification suggested in the kit AmpFISTR Identifiler (Applied Bioystems).
· Autosomic STRs: D3S1358, HUMTH01, D21S11, D18S51, Penta E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSFlPO, Penta D, HUMVWA31/A, D8S1179, TPOX, HUMFIBRA/FGA, and Amelogene using the primers and the conditions of amplification suggested in kit PowerPlex(tm)16 System (Promega).
5-Mitochondrial DNA study
The following methodology was used in the Mitochondrial DNA study:
PCR Amplification:
PCR Amplification of the human mtDNA regions HVI and HVII, using specified primers and amplification conditions in accordance with Vigilant et al., 1989 [4] e Wilson et al., 1995 [5], Alvarez-lglesias et al., [6].
[4] Vigilant L, Pennington R. Harpending 11, Kocher TD, Wilson AC. 1989. "Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Single Hairs from a Southern African Population". Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 1989, Vol. 86: 9350 - 9354.
[5] Wilson MR, DiZinno JA, Polanskey D, Replogle J. Budowle B. 1995. "Validation of Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing for Forensic Casework Analysis". Int J Legal Med. 1995,108: 68 - 74.
[6] Alvarez-Iglesias V, Jaime JC, Carracedo A, Salas A.2007. "Coding region mitochondrial DNA SNPs:Targeting East Asian and Native American haplogroups" Forensic Sci. Int. Genetics, 2007, 1 :44-55.
Direct sequenciation of the HVI e HVll segments by capilar electrophoresis in "ABI PRISM 3100 ou 3130 Genetic Analyser" (Applied Biosystems) automated sequenciator with fluorescent detection using the following kits:
- "BigDye(R) Terminator vl.1 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "BigDye(R) Terminator v1.3 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "dRhodamine Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction" (Applied Biosystems)
The programme "SeqScape(R) Software Version 2.0" (Applied Biosystems) was used for comparison of the sequences obtained from the analysed samples with the CRS (Cambridge Reference Sequence).
1- Morphology analysis of the hairs
All hairs received for analysis were subjected to macro- and microscopic characterisation, with the majority of those having the root being in a telogenic phase.
[Ref: https://www.promega.com/geneticidproc/e ... c/ab20.pdf ]
Relating to Apartment n° 5-A
- Envelope N° 1 - "recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom" 25 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; 3 hairs non-human.
- Envelope N° 2 - "recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared" 3 hairs with root; 25 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 3 - "recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared" 2 hairs with root; 2 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 4 - " recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom" ll hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope n° 6 - "recovered from the floor of the lounge" 26 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; l hair non-human.
- Envelope n° 7 - "recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment" 44 hairs with root; 8 hairs only stem; 6 hairs non-human.
Relating to the Volkswagen 44-77-KD
- Envelope n° 1 - "recovered from the front-right seat" 13 hairs with root; 1 hair root only; 1 hair non-human.
- Envelope n° 2 - "recovered from the front-left seat" 2 hairs with root.
- Envelope n° 3 - "recovered from the floor in front of the front seats" 9 hairs with root; 2 hairs only stem; 1 hair non-human.
- Envelope N° 4 - "recovered from the floor in front of the rear seat" 1 hair with root; 6 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 5 - "recovered from the rear seat" 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 6 - "recovered from the rear part of the vehicle" 1 hair with root; 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 7 - "recovered from the internal covering of the roof" 3 hairs with root; 1 hair only stem.
Relating to the Residencia Casa Liliana - Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- Envelope N° 1 - "recovered from the bed in the bedroom of of the suspect" 36 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem.
2-Nature of the sample
Acid Phosphatase Test to detect semen on the small spot on the cloth fragment in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom: Weakly positive.
3 - Nuclear DNA study
Autosomic STRs:
- were obtained from: hair root CEnv 7-51 recovered in the apartment (entrance hall-Env.7), hair root PVT07 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of rear seat Env.4), hair root C742-05 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of the front seat- Env. 3) and the small spot on the piece of cloth (recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window in the children's bedroom Env.5).
- were obtained from swabs:
Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healey, Dianne Webster, Rachael Mariamma Jean Mampilly, Russell James O'Brien, Fiona Payne, David Anthony Payne, Silvia Maria Correia Batista e Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
4 - Mitochondrial DNA study
- Mitochondrial DNA was obtained from 194 vestiges - 1 spot and 193 hairs (roots and/or stems) of the 246 analysed. It was not possible to obtain results from 52 hairs, 31 of which were recovered in the apartment.
Mitochondrial DNA profiles of the vestiges
mtDNA Number of Comparison with
profile Samples Recovered from reference samples
B 3 3 entrance hall
B1 1 1 entrance hall
13 lounge
15 entrance hall
C 53 13 entrance to bedroom Haplotype of Kate Healy (Mother)
4 floor; bed next to window
1 bed of the child
7 floor; next to child's bed
D 1 1 lounge
D1 1 1 entrance to bedroom
D1 1 1 floor; bed next to window
F 3 1 lounge
2 entrance hall
G 1 1 lounge Haplotipo de Matthew Oldfield
I 1 1 entrance hall Haplotipo de David Payne
1 floor; bed next to window
J 3 1 entrance hall
1 floor; next to child's bed
K 14 1 Residencia Liliana
13 vehicle(envlps 1,3,4,5 and 6)
1 spot on bedspread
L 8 1 entrance to bedroom
2 entrance hall
4 floor; bed next to window
M 48 13 vehicle (envlps 1,2,3 and 4)
35 Residencia Liliana Haplotipo de Robert Murat
2 lounge
11 entrance hall
N 24 6 entrance to bedroom Haplotipo de Gerald Mccann
2 floor; bed next to window
3 floor; next to child's bed
0 2 1 lounge
1 entrance hall Haplotipo de Russell O'Brien
Q 2 1 entrance hall
1 lounge
Profiles different from each other and from those above:
28 17 of which were found in the apartment.
* Bl and Dl have a different sequence from B and D.
1st- The macro- and microscopic analysis of 257 hairs revealed 245 human and 12 non-humano.
2nd- With respect to autosomic STRs the genetic profiles of the following analysed samples matched with the reference sample indicated::
- hair root CEnv 7-51 recovered in the apartment (entrance hall-Env.7) matched with Gerald Mccann, father of the victim.
- hair root PVT07 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of rear seat Env.4) match with Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
3rd- With respect to autosomic STRs the female genetic profile identified from hair root C742-05 recovered in the vehicle(floor in front of the front seat- Env 3) did not match any profile from the reference samples.
4th- With respect to autosomic STRs the male genetic profile identified from the spot on the cloth fragment (bedspread of the bed next to window in children's bedroom- Env 5) did not match any profile from the reference samples.
5th- In the samples from apartment 5-A, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:
- Profile identified by letter "C", present in 53 samples, was identical to that of Kate Healy, mother of the victim, meaning those samples were from her or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "N", present in 24 samples, was identical to that of Gerald Mccann, father of the victim, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "G", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of Matthew David Oldfield, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "I", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of David Anthony Payne, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "O", present in 2 samples, was identical to that of Russell James O'Brien, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "L", present in the spot on the bedspread of the bed next to the window and in seven hairs, meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples.
- Profiles identified by letters "B", "D", "F", "J" and "Q" are different from the above, and from each other, and are distinct from reference samples.
6th- In the samples analysed from Residencia Liliana and the vehicle, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:
- Profile identified by letter "M", present in 48 samples (35 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), was identical to that of Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "K", present in 14 samples (1 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples.
- One of the 13 samples from the vehicle in letter "K" - hair root C742-05 (floor in front of the front seat - Env 3) showed a female DNA genetic profile.
7th- The remaining 28 samples analysed, of which 17 were recovered from the apartment, showed mitochondrial DNA from different from each other, and distinct from those above.
8th- Of the 245 hairs analysed, no results were obtained from 52.
National Institute of Legal Medicine, 9 July 2007.
[Titles, names and signatures of signatories to the report]
Processo n° 2007/000268/P-B
Processo n° 2007/000244/CR-B
Processo n° 2007/000226/LX-BC
REQUESTING AGENCY: Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria e Directoria Nacional.
OFICIO N.° 013.079 and fax n° 399, both dated 08/05/2007, that say "to proceed to deliver the traces recovered from apartment n° 5-A of the tourist resort "The Ocean Club" in Praia da Luz in Lagos", which were accompanied by 7 (seven) sealed envelopes under a delivery note n° 156/2007-CR/L, as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the child MADELEINE BETH MCCANN.
OFICIO N.° 13443 and fax n° 413 both dated 15/05/2007, that say to proceed to deliver the traces recovered from the residence at Rua do Ramalhete, Casa Liliana in Praia da Luz in Lagos (1 envelope), and from the Volkswagen with numberplate 44-77-KD (7 sealed envelopes), which were accompanied by delivery notes n° 170A/2007CR/L and 170B/2007-CR/L. respectively.
FAX N° 000415 dated 15/05/2007, that requests the INML to proceed with all necessary examinations on all the traces delivered to them as part of the abovementioned Inquiry.
OFICIO N.° 13453 /I /2007 dated 15/05/2007, that says to proceed to deliver the bucal swabs recovered from Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healy, with delivery note n° 170C/2007-CR/L and relevant official documents from the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
OFICIO N.° 001803 dated 17/05/07, that says "to remit bucal swabs recovered from individuals, asking for comparisons of DNA profiles with those from biological traces recovered from various locations, as part of the present legal documents", accompanied by relevant official documents from the Departamento de lnvestigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
OFICIO N.° 002026 dated 05/06/07, that says "to deliver two bucal swabs provided by Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat", with relevant official documents from the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria.
There were received 258 traces and 12 reference samples - bucal swabs from 11 individuals.
Relating to Apartment n° 5-A in the tourist resort "The Ocean Club" Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- 32 hairs in envelope n° 1 recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom.
- 28 hairs in envelope n° 2 recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared.
- 4 hair in envelope n° 3 recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared.
- 15 hairs in envelope n° 4 recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom.
- 1 piece of cloth in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window in the children's bedroom.
Fragment of cloth, mauve/violet in colour with square motifs, circular in form about 10cm in diameter. A small fluorescent spot is observed under a Crime-light.
- 31 hairs in envelope N° 6 recovered from the floor of the lounge.
- 58 hairs in envelope N° 7 recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment.
[The above were] Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 08/05/2007.
Relating to the Volkswagen 44-77-KD:
- 15 hairs in envelope N° 1 recovered from the front-right seat.
- 2 hairs in envelope N° 2 recovered from the front-left seat.
- 12 hairs in N° 3 recovered from the floor in front of the front seats.
- 7 hairs in envelope N° 4 recovered from the floor in front of the rear seat.
- 4 hairs in envelope N° 5 recovered from the rear seat.
- 5 hairs in envelope N° 6 recovered from the rear part of the vehicle.
- 4 hairs in envelope N° 7 recovered from the internal covering of the roof.
Relating to Residencia Casa Liliana - Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- 40 hairs in envelope N° 1 recovered from the bed in the bedroom of of the suspect.
[The above were] Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 15/05/2007.
- 4 sealed bucal swabs from:
Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healey.
Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 15/05/2007.
- 6 sealed bucal swabs from:
Dianne Webster, Rachael Mariamma Jean Mampilly, Russell James O'Brien, Fiona Payne, David Anthony Payne, Silvia Maria Correia Batista.
Delivered by the Policia Judiciaria on 18/05/2007.
- 2 sealed bucal swabs from:
Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
Remitted by the Departamento de Investigacao Criminal de Portimao da Policia Judiciaria and delivered on 06/06/2007.
1-Morphology analysis of hairs
- Macro- and microscopic characterisation.
2-Nature of the sample
Acid Phosphatase Test to detect semen on the small spot on the cloth fragment in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom.
[Ref: http://www.semenonpanties.com/laux.htm ]
3- DNA extraction:
The following methods were used to extract DNA from the material received for analysis:
- Extraction with phenol-chloroform (organic extraction) [1,2]
[Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenol-chl ... extraction ]
- Tissue and Hair Extraction kit -"DNA IQ(tm) System" (Promega)
- "QIAamp micro DNA kit" method (Qiagen)
- Chelex method [3]
[1] Huhne, J., Pfiffer, H., Waterkamp, K., Brinkmann, B. 1999. "Mitochondrial DNA in human hair shafts existence of intra-individual differences?". International Journal of Legal Medicine (1999), 112: 172-175.
[2] Maniatis T. Fritsch EF, Sambrook J. 1982. "Molecular Cloning - A Laboratory Manual". Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
[3] Walsh P.S., Metzer D.A., Higuchi (1991). Chelex-100 as a medium for simple extraction of DNA for PCR-based typing from forensic material. Biotechniques 10: 506-513.
4-Nuclear DNA study
After extraction the following genetic markers were studied by PCR:
· Autosomic STRs: D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSFlPO, D3S1358, HUMTH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, HUMVWA31/A, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, HUMFIBRA/FGA and Amelogene, using the primers and conditions of amplification suggested in the kit AmpFISTR Identifiler (Applied Bioystems).
· Autosomic STRs: D3S1358, HUMTH01, D21S11, D18S51, Penta E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSFlPO, Penta D, HUMVWA31/A, D8S1179, TPOX, HUMFIBRA/FGA, and Amelogene using the primers and the conditions of amplification suggested in kit PowerPlex(tm)16 System (Promega).
5-Mitochondrial DNA study
The following methodology was used in the Mitochondrial DNA study:
PCR Amplification:
PCR Amplification of the human mtDNA regions HVI and HVII, using specified primers and amplification conditions in accordance with Vigilant et al., 1989 [4] e Wilson et al., 1995 [5], Alvarez-lglesias et al., [6].
[4] Vigilant L, Pennington R. Harpending 11, Kocher TD, Wilson AC. 1989. "Mitochondrial DNA Sequences in Single Hairs from a Southern African Population". Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 1989, Vol. 86: 9350 - 9354.
[5] Wilson MR, DiZinno JA, Polanskey D, Replogle J. Budowle B. 1995. "Validation of Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing for Forensic Casework Analysis". Int J Legal Med. 1995,108: 68 - 74.
[6] Alvarez-Iglesias V, Jaime JC, Carracedo A, Salas A.2007. "Coding region mitochondrial DNA SNPs:Targeting East Asian and Native American haplogroups" Forensic Sci. Int. Genetics, 2007, 1 :44-55.
Direct sequenciation of the HVI e HVll segments by capilar electrophoresis in "ABI PRISM 3100 ou 3130 Genetic Analyser" (Applied Biosystems) automated sequenciator with fluorescent detection using the following kits:
- "BigDye(R) Terminator vl.1 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "BigDye(R) Terminator v1.3 Cycle Sequencing" (Applied Biosystems)
- "dRhodamine Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction" (Applied Biosystems)
The programme "SeqScape(R) Software Version 2.0" (Applied Biosystems) was used for comparison of the sequences obtained from the analysed samples with the CRS (Cambridge Reference Sequence).
1- Morphology analysis of the hairs
All hairs received for analysis were subjected to macro- and microscopic characterisation, with the majority of those having the root being in a telogenic phase.
[Ref: https://www.promega.com/geneticidproc/e ... c/ab20.pdf ]
Relating to Apartment n° 5-A
- Envelope N° 1 - "recovered from the floor at the entrance to the children's bedroom" 25 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; 3 hairs non-human.
- Envelope N° 2 - "recovered from the floor next to the bed from which the child disappeared" 3 hairs with root; 25 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 3 - "recovered from the top of the bed from which the child disappeared" 2 hairs with root; 2 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 4 - " recovered from the floor next to the bed that was next to the window in the children's bedroom" ll hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope n° 6 - "recovered from the floor of the lounge" 26 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem; l hair non-human.
- Envelope n° 7 - "recovered from the entrance hall at the front door of the apartment" 44 hairs with root; 8 hairs only stem; 6 hairs non-human.
Relating to the Volkswagen 44-77-KD
- Envelope n° 1 - "recovered from the front-right seat" 13 hairs with root; 1 hair root only; 1 hair non-human.
- Envelope n° 2 - "recovered from the front-left seat" 2 hairs with root.
- Envelope n° 3 - "recovered from the floor in front of the front seats" 9 hairs with root; 2 hairs only stem; 1 hair non-human.
- Envelope N° 4 - "recovered from the floor in front of the rear seat" 1 hair with root; 6 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 5 - "recovered from the rear seat" 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 6 - "recovered from the rear part of the vehicle" 1 hair with root; 4 hairs only stem.
- Envelope N° 7 - "recovered from the internal covering of the roof" 3 hairs with root; 1 hair only stem.
Relating to the Residencia Casa Liliana - Praia da Luz-Lagos:
- Envelope N° 1 - "recovered from the bed in the bedroom of of the suspect" 36 hairs with root; 4 hairs only stem.
2-Nature of the sample
Acid Phosphatase Test to detect semen on the small spot on the cloth fragment in envelope n° 5 recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window of the children's bedroom: Weakly positive.
3 - Nuclear DNA study
Autosomic STRs:
- were obtained from: hair root CEnv 7-51 recovered in the apartment (entrance hall-Env.7), hair root PVT07 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of rear seat Env.4), hair root C742-05 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of the front seat- Env. 3) and the small spot on the piece of cloth (recovered from the bedspread of the bed next to the window in the children's bedroom Env.5).
- were obtained from swabs:
Matthew David Oldfield, Jane Michelle Tanner, Gerald Patrick Mccann, Kate Marie Healey, Dianne Webster, Rachael Mariamma Jean Mampilly, Russell James O'Brien, Fiona Payne, David Anthony Payne, Silvia Maria Correia Batista e Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
4 - Mitochondrial DNA study
- Mitochondrial DNA was obtained from 194 vestiges - 1 spot and 193 hairs (roots and/or stems) of the 246 analysed. It was not possible to obtain results from 52 hairs, 31 of which were recovered in the apartment.
Mitochondrial DNA profiles of the vestiges
mtDNA Number of Comparison with
profile Samples Recovered from reference samples
B 3 3 entrance hall
B1 1 1 entrance hall
13 lounge
15 entrance hall
C 53 13 entrance to bedroom Haplotype of Kate Healy (Mother)
4 floor; bed next to window
1 bed of the child
7 floor; next to child's bed
D 1 1 lounge
D1 1 1 entrance to bedroom
D1 1 1 floor; bed next to window
F 3 1 lounge
2 entrance hall
G 1 1 lounge Haplotipo de Matthew Oldfield
I 1 1 entrance hall Haplotipo de David Payne
1 floor; bed next to window
J 3 1 entrance hall
1 floor; next to child's bed
K 14 1 Residencia Liliana
13 vehicle(envlps 1,3,4,5 and 6)
1 spot on bedspread
L 8 1 entrance to bedroom
2 entrance hall
4 floor; bed next to window
M 48 13 vehicle (envlps 1,2,3 and 4)
35 Residencia Liliana Haplotipo de Robert Murat
2 lounge
11 entrance hall
N 24 6 entrance to bedroom Haplotipo de Gerald Mccann
2 floor; bed next to window
3 floor; next to child's bed
0 2 1 lounge
1 entrance hall Haplotipo de Russell O'Brien
Q 2 1 entrance hall
1 lounge
Profiles different from each other and from those above:
28 17 of which were found in the apartment.
* Bl and Dl have a different sequence from B and D.
1st- The macro- and microscopic analysis of 257 hairs revealed 245 human and 12 non-humano.
2nd- With respect to autosomic STRs the genetic profiles of the following analysed samples matched with the reference sample indicated::
- hair root CEnv 7-51 recovered in the apartment (entrance hall-Env.7) matched with Gerald Mccann, father of the victim.
- hair root PVT07 recovered in the vehicle (floor in front of rear seat Env.4) match with Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat.
3rd- With respect to autosomic STRs the female genetic profile identified from hair root C742-05 recovered in the vehicle(floor in front of the front seat- Env 3) did not match any profile from the reference samples.
4th- With respect to autosomic STRs the male genetic profile identified from the spot on the cloth fragment (bedspread of the bed next to window in children's bedroom- Env 5) did not match any profile from the reference samples.
5th- In the samples from apartment 5-A, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:
- Profile identified by letter "C", present in 53 samples, was identical to that of Kate Healy, mother of the victim, meaning those samples were from her or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "N", present in 24 samples, was identical to that of Gerald Mccann, father of the victim, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "G", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of Matthew David Oldfield, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "I", present in 1 samples, was identical to that of David Anthony Payne, meaning that sample was from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "O", present in 2 samples, was identical to that of Russell James O'Brien, meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "L", present in the spot on the bedspread of the bed next to the window and in seven hairs, meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples.
- Profiles identified by letters "B", "D", "F", "J" and "Q" are different from the above, and from each other, and are distinct from reference samples.
6th- In the samples analysed from Residencia Liliana and the vehicle, several mitochondrial DNA profiles were found:
- Profile identified by letter "M", present in 48 samples (35 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), was identical to that of Robert James Queriol Eveleigh Murat meaning those samples were from him or from someone having the same maternal bloodline.
- Profile identified by letter "K", present in 14 samples (1 from Residencia Liliana and 13 from the vehicle), meaning that all these samples came from the same person or from someone having the same maternal bloodline, did not match any of the reference samples.
- One of the 13 samples from the vehicle in letter "K" - hair root C742-05 (floor in front of the front seat - Env 3) showed a female DNA genetic profile.
7th- The remaining 28 samples analysed, of which 17 were recovered from the apartment, showed mitochondrial DNA from different from each other, and distinct from those above.
8th- Of the 245 hairs analysed, no results were obtained from 52.
National Institute of Legal Medicine, 9 July 2007.
[Titles, names and signatures of signatories to the report]
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Vol IX
Page 2419
Reply from the Forensics Institute (INML) to Goncalo Amaral
22 – 08 - 2007
Reply to Queries
- We inform you that none of the samples received by this institute were designated as supposedly belonging to the missing girl and we therefore, cannot reply to this query.
- Samples were studied – hair and a piece of cloth – nuclear DNA profiles only being obtained from 4 samples, which upon comparison with the DNA profiles of Kate and Gerry, could not belong to the girl.
- The samples were then studied using mitochondrial DNA analysis, the same was done for the other samples, giving the results in accordance with our report of 9th July Nº 2007/000226 LX-BC.
- As requested in point 5, it was determined that the profile obtained by the British lab could belong to a son/daughter of the McCanns.
- The comparison of the profiles obtained in autossomic STR from Kate and Gerry McCann with the profile obtained was carried out.
(Screen shot of profiles pending)
Page 2419
Reply from the Forensics Institute (INML) to Goncalo Amaral
22 – 08 - 2007
Reply to Queries
- We inform you that none of the samples received by this institute were designated as supposedly belonging to the missing girl and we therefore, cannot reply to this query.
- Samples were studied – hair and a piece of cloth – nuclear DNA profiles only being obtained from 4 samples, which upon comparison with the DNA profiles of Kate and Gerry, could not belong to the girl.
- The samples were then studied using mitochondrial DNA analysis, the same was done for the other samples, giving the results in accordance with our report of 9th July Nº 2007/000226 LX-BC.
- As requested in point 5, it was determined that the profile obtained by the British lab could belong to a son/daughter of the McCanns.
- The comparison of the profiles obtained in autossomic STR from Kate and Gerry McCann with the profile obtained was carried out.
(Screen shot of profiles pending)
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Pages 3578 to 3590 (in English, PJ translation I presume)
Same text also in Vol XIII pages 3940 to 3948.
(Note: There is no date for this correspondence, neither is there a reference as to whom it is addressed).
a. List of samples collected from 5A and examined and report of events and evidence collected
On May 3rd 2007, under unknown circumstances, a child – Madeleine Beth McCann – went missing from the apartment she was sharing with her parents, brother and sister, at the resort “Ocean Club”, located in Praia da Luz, Lagos.
At a first stage of the investigation, confronted with the disappearance, while considering that the child could have walked out of the apartment, on her own, and could have got lost in the area, the abduction theory was the one which achieved more consistency, partly due to the parents suspicions. After police intervention, the searches already started furthered and progressively enlarged to gradually farther distant area, with the involvement of search dog teams and numerous human resources.
During that stage of the investigation, the apartment was searched by members of the Crime Scene Team from the Laboratorio de Policia Cientifica [Police Forensic Science Laboratory] of the Portuguese Criminal Police, and samples were collected. Those samples, namely hair and a sperm stain, were sent to the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML)to be analysed taking into account the DNA profile of the missing child-that had been provided-, as well as one of her parents and the ones of friends who belonged to a common group, and who went to the above mentioned tourist resort following previous arrangements among them.
Following the forensic tests carried out at INML, some DNA were obtained which linked profiles of some people within the group of friends, to the profiles of the child’s parents and even to the profiles of other people at the site. Until this moment, unidentified mitochondrial DNA profiles were also obtained. On the other hand, it was possible to define the autosomic STR profile of the sperm stain detected on the bedspread of one of the beds in the bedroom from where the child went missing. It has been already checked that there is no matching between the obtained genetic profile and the profile of the various samples of reference, which include the ones of the parents, friends, and others. Therefore, that DNA profile is now being forwarded to you, so that it can be inserted in your database, with the request that you check if it matches any of the genetic profiles from 3 British citizens who had stayed in the apartment in question, before the McCanns started to use that apartment on May 3rd, 2007.
Thus, and considering the submitted samples, which preliminary report has already been forwarded to us, and in order to provide a better outline and classification, we hereby indicate the data and the circumstances of that sample collection. Furthermore, we also enclose some queries which answers we would like you to include in your final report. We are looking forward to receiving it and we appreciate it could be submitted to us as soon as possible.
b) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club, tourist resort – Praia da Luz, Lagos, on August 1st, 2007, following the examination carried out by a British specialist dog team. Delivery note no. 286/2007 –CR/L):
1. Pieces of tile number 1.
2. Pieces of tile number 2.
3. Pieces of tile number 3.
4. Pieces of tile number 4.
5. Pieces of tile identified next to tile number 1.
6. Pieces of skirting board number 1.
7. Pieces of skirting board number 2.
8. Pieces of skirting board identified between skirting boards 2 and 3.
9. Pieces of skirting board number 3.
10. Pieces of skirting board number 4.
11. Pieces of the skirting board identified next to skirting board 1.
12. Pieces of the skirting board identifies next to skirting board 4.
13. Residues/small fragments from the area of the collected skirting boards.
14. Residues/small fragments from the are of the collected tiles.
15. Existing grout between the tiles and the upper area of the collected tiles.
16. Existing grout around tile 1.
17. Existing grout around tile 2.
18. Existing ground around tile 3.
19. Existing grout around tile 4.
20. Residues of tiles, cement-glue and existing grout in the area from where the tiles were collected.
21. Fragments of bushes.
Mouth swabs collected from the below mentioned crime scene examiners are also added hereby. Those examiners carried out the sample collections aimed at identifying possible contamination.
22. Two mouth swabs from Fernando Jose Silva Viegas.
23. Two mouth swabs from Lino Manuel Lima Henriques.
24. Two mouth swabs from Bruno Jorge P Ossidonio Mendes Antunes.
b) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club, tourist resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, on August 3rd, 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286B/2007-CR/L):
1. A piece of fabric from white curtain next to a window in the living room.
C) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club tourist resort, Praia Da Luz, Lagos, on August 4th , 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286A/2007-CR/L):
1A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
1B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
2A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
2B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
3A. Stain on the floor collected suing a dry swab.
3B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
4A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
4B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
5A. Stain on the wall using a dry swab.
5B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
6A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
6B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
7A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
7B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
8A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
8B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
9A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
9B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
10A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
10B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
11A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
11B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
12A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
12B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
13A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
13B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
14A. Stain in the rear of a sofa collected using a dry swab.
14B. Stain on the wall behind a sofa collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
15A. Stain in the rear of a sofa collected using a dry swab.
16. Two curtains made of blue fabric.
16B. One curtain made of white fabric, and a blue coloured tieback.
d) Samples collected in the metallic grey Renault Scenic vehicle, number plate 59-Da-27, on August 6th, 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286C/2007-CR/L):
1A. Head hair collected from the driver’s seat.
2A. Head hair collected to the right of passenger’s seat.
2B. Head hair collected from the floor next to the right front passenger’s seat.
3. Head hair collected between the front seats.
4A. Head hair collected from the left area of the back seat.
5A. Head hair collected from the middle area of the back seat.
6A. Head hair collected from the right area of the back seat.
7A. Head hair collected from the left seat of the luggage area.
8A. Head hair collected from the right seat of the luggage area.
9. Head hair collected from the vehicle luggage area.
1D. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver’s seat.
2E. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver’s seat.
1B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the driver’s seat.
1C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the driver’s seat.
2C. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right front passenger’s seat.
2D. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right front passenger’s seat.
4B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the left area of the back seat.
4C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat.
5B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the middle area of the back seat.
5C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the middle area of the back seat.
6B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the right area of the back seat.
6C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the right area of the back seat.
7B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the left seat in the vehicle luggage area.
7C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat.
8B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area.
8C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area.
11. Fibres and possible head hair in the rear shelf/luggage cover.
13. Pattern sample of the fabric covering the vehicle seats.
Material identified during the inspection carried out by the specialist dog team:
10. Parts of the vehicle luggage area.
12. Vehicle ignition key.
We also enclose mouth swabs and pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by the Portuguese fingerprint expert, Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena, who drove the vehicle under examination, with a view to allowing for possible contamination screening.
14. Two mouth swabs from Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena.
15. Pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena.
As for trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286/207-CR/L is regarded, we request that:
• the biological traces concerning items 1 to 20 be researched, and their nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
• the blood traces concerning item 21 be researched, and their respective DNA profiles determined.
As far as the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286B/2007 – R/L is concerned, we hereby request that any biological evidence be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
As for the trace evidence in the Delivery note no. 286A/2007-CR/L, we request that
• The nature of biological trace evidence concerning items 1A to 15B be determined (if possible), as well as its respective DNA profiles.
• The biological trace evidence regarding items 16 and 16B be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
As regards the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286C/2007-CR/L, we hereby request you to:
• Determine whether head hair samples 1A, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, and 9, as well as occasional head hairs contained in items 1B, 1C, 2C, 2D, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 originate from ante mortem or post-mortem deposition;
• Determine its respective DNA profiles, as well; and in case some of these samples are identified as belonging to the missing child, provide a toxicological research for any medicinal substances present therein;
• Determine the respective DNA profiles regarding items 1D and 2E;
• Research biological trace evidence concerning items 10 and 12, and determine (if possible) its biological nature and respective DNA profiles;
• Compare fibres present in items 1B, 1C, @C, 2C, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 with the pyjamas items in the Delivery Note no. 397/2007-CR/L. taking into account the standard samples from the fabric covering the vehicle seats (items 13) and the vehicle driver’s clothing (items 15).
We further request the DNA profile comparison concerning the English citizens that stayed in the apartment throughout 2007, where the above-referred sperm stain was found.
With the DNA profile
D3S1358 15-18 CSFIPO 10-11
HUMTHOI 9.3 Penta D 9
D21511 29-32.2 VWA 18
D18551 17-18 D8S1179 12-13
Penta E 7-8 TPOX 11
D5S818 12-13 Fibra 20-24
D13S317 12-14 D2SI338 18-25
D75820 10-12 D19S433 13-15
D16S539 11 Amelogemine XY
Obtained by the INML, IP from a bedspread of a bed located next to the window of the children’s bedroom in Apartment 5A, block A, in the Ocean Club, tourist resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, with the results obtained by this laboratory.
At last, we request a reply as regards the previous queries concerning the collected mouth swabs from NEIL BERRY and RAJINDER RAJ SING BALU, as well as their DNA profiles comparisons with the results obtained in that laboratory, and also the comparison with the mitochondrial DNA profiles already submitted.
Best Regards,
Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator
Paulo Rebelo
*****Page 3590*****
Further to our previous message regarding dates and circumstances concerning the collection of the evidence to be examined in your laboratory, along with the enclosed queries, we further inform you that a pair of pyjamas will be later handed over (delivery note 397/2007-CR/L), similar to those Madeleine Beth McCann was wearing when she went missing.
Best regards,
Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator
Paulo Rebelo
Pages 3578 to 3590 (in English, PJ translation I presume)
Same text also in Vol XIII pages 3940 to 3948.
(Note: There is no date for this correspondence, neither is there a reference as to whom it is addressed).
a. List of samples collected from 5A and examined and report of events and evidence collected
On May 3rd 2007, under unknown circumstances, a child – Madeleine Beth McCann – went missing from the apartment she was sharing with her parents, brother and sister, at the resort “Ocean Club”, located in Praia da Luz, Lagos.
At a first stage of the investigation, confronted with the disappearance, while considering that the child could have walked out of the apartment, on her own, and could have got lost in the area, the abduction theory was the one which achieved more consistency, partly due to the parents suspicions. After police intervention, the searches already started furthered and progressively enlarged to gradually farther distant area, with the involvement of search dog teams and numerous human resources.
During that stage of the investigation, the apartment was searched by members of the Crime Scene Team from the Laboratorio de Policia Cientifica [Police Forensic Science Laboratory] of the Portuguese Criminal Police, and samples were collected. Those samples, namely hair and a sperm stain, were sent to the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML)to be analysed taking into account the DNA profile of the missing child-that had been provided-, as well as one of her parents and the ones of friends who belonged to a common group, and who went to the above mentioned tourist resort following previous arrangements among them.
Following the forensic tests carried out at INML, some DNA were obtained which linked profiles of some people within the group of friends, to the profiles of the child’s parents and even to the profiles of other people at the site. Until this moment, unidentified mitochondrial DNA profiles were also obtained. On the other hand, it was possible to define the autosomic STR profile of the sperm stain detected on the bedspread of one of the beds in the bedroom from where the child went missing. It has been already checked that there is no matching between the obtained genetic profile and the profile of the various samples of reference, which include the ones of the parents, friends, and others. Therefore, that DNA profile is now being forwarded to you, so that it can be inserted in your database, with the request that you check if it matches any of the genetic profiles from 3 British citizens who had stayed in the apartment in question, before the McCanns started to use that apartment on May 3rd, 2007.
Thus, and considering the submitted samples, which preliminary report has already been forwarded to us, and in order to provide a better outline and classification, we hereby indicate the data and the circumstances of that sample collection. Furthermore, we also enclose some queries which answers we would like you to include in your final report. We are looking forward to receiving it and we appreciate it could be submitted to us as soon as possible.
b) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club, tourist resort – Praia da Luz, Lagos, on August 1st, 2007, following the examination carried out by a British specialist dog team. Delivery note no. 286/2007 –CR/L):
1. Pieces of tile number 1.
2. Pieces of tile number 2.
3. Pieces of tile number 3.
4. Pieces of tile number 4.
5. Pieces of tile identified next to tile number 1.
6. Pieces of skirting board number 1.
7. Pieces of skirting board number 2.
8. Pieces of skirting board identified between skirting boards 2 and 3.
9. Pieces of skirting board number 3.
10. Pieces of skirting board number 4.
11. Pieces of the skirting board identified next to skirting board 1.
12. Pieces of the skirting board identifies next to skirting board 4.
13. Residues/small fragments from the area of the collected skirting boards.
14. Residues/small fragments from the are of the collected tiles.
15. Existing grout between the tiles and the upper area of the collected tiles.
16. Existing grout around tile 1.
17. Existing grout around tile 2.
18. Existing ground around tile 3.
19. Existing grout around tile 4.
20. Residues of tiles, cement-glue and existing grout in the area from where the tiles were collected.
21. Fragments of bushes.
Mouth swabs collected from the below mentioned crime scene examiners are also added hereby. Those examiners carried out the sample collections aimed at identifying possible contamination.
22. Two mouth swabs from Fernando Jose Silva Viegas.
23. Two mouth swabs from Lino Manuel Lima Henriques.
24. Two mouth swabs from Bruno Jorge P Ossidonio Mendes Antunes.
b) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club, tourist resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, on August 3rd, 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286B/2007-CR/L):
1. A piece of fabric from white curtain next to a window in the living room.
C) Samples collected in the living room of the apartment 5A, block A, Ocean Club tourist resort, Praia Da Luz, Lagos, on August 4th , 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286A/2007-CR/L):
1A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
1B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
2A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
2B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
3A. Stain on the floor collected suing a dry swab.
3B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
4A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
4B. Stain on the floor collected using a swab, wet with distilled water.
5A. Stain on the wall using a dry swab.
5B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
6A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
6B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
7A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
7B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
8A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
8B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
9A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
9B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
10A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
10B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
11A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
11B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
12A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
12B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
13A. Stain on the floor collected using a dry swab.
13B. Stain on the wall collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
14A. Stain in the rear of a sofa collected using a dry swab.
14B. Stain on the wall behind a sofa collected using a swab wet with distilled water.
15A. Stain in the rear of a sofa collected using a dry swab.
16. Two curtains made of blue fabric.
16B. One curtain made of white fabric, and a blue coloured tieback.
d) Samples collected in the metallic grey Renault Scenic vehicle, number plate 59-Da-27, on August 6th, 2007, following the second examination carried out by a British specialist dog team (Delivery note no. 286C/2007-CR/L):
1A. Head hair collected from the driver’s seat.
2A. Head hair collected to the right of passenger’s seat.
2B. Head hair collected from the floor next to the right front passenger’s seat.
3. Head hair collected between the front seats.
4A. Head hair collected from the left area of the back seat.
5A. Head hair collected from the middle area of the back seat.
6A. Head hair collected from the right area of the back seat.
7A. Head hair collected from the left seat of the luggage area.
8A. Head hair collected from the right seat of the luggage area.
9. Head hair collected from the vehicle luggage area.
1D. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver’s seat.
2E. Nail fragment collected in the floor in front of the driver’s seat.
1B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the driver’s seat.
1C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the driver’s seat.
2C. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right front passenger’s seat.
2D. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right front passenger’s seat.
4B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the left area of the back seat.
4C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat.
5B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the middle area of the back seat.
5C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the middle area of the back seat.
6B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back in the right area of the back seat.
6C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the right area of the back seat.
7B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the left seat in the vehicle luggage area.
7C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom in the left area of the back seat.
8B. Fibres and possible head hair from the back of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area.
8C. Fibres and possible head hair from the bottom of the right seat in the vehicle luggage area.
11. Fibres and possible head hair in the rear shelf/luggage cover.
13. Pattern sample of the fabric covering the vehicle seats.
Material identified during the inspection carried out by the specialist dog team:
10. Parts of the vehicle luggage area.
12. Vehicle ignition key.
We also enclose mouth swabs and pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by the Portuguese fingerprint expert, Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena, who drove the vehicle under examination, with a view to allowing for possible contamination screening.
14. Two mouth swabs from Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena.
15. Pattern samples taken from the clothes worn by Pedro Miguel Filipe Goncalo Vilhena.
As for trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286/207-CR/L is regarded, we request that:
• the biological traces concerning items 1 to 20 be researched, and their nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
• the blood traces concerning item 21 be researched, and their respective DNA profiles determined.
As far as the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286B/2007 – R/L is concerned, we hereby request that any biological evidence be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
As for the trace evidence in the Delivery note no. 286A/2007-CR/L, we request that
• The nature of biological trace evidence concerning items 1A to 15B be determined (if possible), as well as its respective DNA profiles.
• The biological trace evidence regarding items 16 and 16B be researched, and its nature and respective DNA profiles determined (if possible).
As regards the trace evidence in the Delivery Note no. 286C/2007-CR/L, we hereby request you to:
• Determine whether head hair samples 1A, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, and 9, as well as occasional head hairs contained in items 1B, 1C, 2C, 2D, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 originate from ante mortem or post-mortem deposition;
• Determine its respective DNA profiles, as well; and in case some of these samples are identified as belonging to the missing child, provide a toxicological research for any medicinal substances present therein;
• Determine the respective DNA profiles regarding items 1D and 2E;
• Research biological trace evidence concerning items 10 and 12, and determine (if possible) its biological nature and respective DNA profiles;
• Compare fibres present in items 1B, 1C, @C, 2C, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C, and 11 with the pyjamas items in the Delivery Note no. 397/2007-CR/L. taking into account the standard samples from the fabric covering the vehicle seats (items 13) and the vehicle driver’s clothing (items 15).
We further request the DNA profile comparison concerning the English citizens that stayed in the apartment throughout 2007, where the above-referred sperm stain was found.
With the DNA profile
D3S1358 15-18 CSFIPO 10-11
HUMTHOI 9.3 Penta D 9
D21511 29-32.2 VWA 18
D18551 17-18 D8S1179 12-13
Penta E 7-8 TPOX 11
D5S818 12-13 Fibra 20-24
D13S317 12-14 D2SI338 18-25
D75820 10-12 D19S433 13-15
D16S539 11 Amelogemine XY
Obtained by the INML, IP from a bedspread of a bed located next to the window of the children’s bedroom in Apartment 5A, block A, in the Ocean Club, tourist resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, with the results obtained by this laboratory.
At last, we request a reply as regards the previous queries concerning the collected mouth swabs from NEIL BERRY and RAJINDER RAJ SING BALU, as well as their DNA profiles comparisons with the results obtained in that laboratory, and also the comparison with the mitochondrial DNA profiles already submitted.
Best Regards,
Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator
Paulo Rebelo
*****Page 3590*****
Further to our previous message regarding dates and circumstances concerning the collection of the evidence to be examined in your laboratory, along with the enclosed queries, we further inform you that a pair of pyjamas will be later handed over (delivery note 397/2007-CR/L), similar to those Madeleine Beth McCann was wearing when she went missing.
Best regards,
Criminal Investigation Superior Coordinator
Paulo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol IV
Page 836
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/05/09
Subject: Laboratory Analysis of the samples gathered with regard to the disappearance of the child Madeleine McCann.
Dear Sir,
In accordance with the request made in your fax nº 388 of 8th May 2007, the samples collected by officers from the Local Crime Scene of the LPC concerning the examination of Apartment 5ª of the OC in P da L, were delivered to the Genetics and Biological Forensics Service of the INML – Lisbon delegation, in order for the respective laboratory analyses to be carried out,.
According to the information provided by Dra Ribeiro, from the previously mentioned Institute, the analysis of the samples will begin from today, however the urgent delivery of mouth swabs, containing the biological samples of each of the parents and the siblings is necessary as well as those of the tourist group who were on holiday with them.
I hereby request the urgent delivery of the mouth swabs referred to as well as a letter requesting the implementation of the laboratory analyses, in order to be able to carry them out, this letter should be sent to the Genetics and Forensic Biology Service of the INML, Fax****.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC.
Page 836
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/05/09
Subject: Laboratory Analysis of the samples gathered with regard to the disappearance of the child Madeleine McCann.
Dear Sir,
In accordance with the request made in your fax nº 388 of 8th May 2007, the samples collected by officers from the Local Crime Scene of the LPC concerning the examination of Apartment 5ª of the OC in P da L, were delivered to the Genetics and Biological Forensics Service of the INML – Lisbon delegation, in order for the respective laboratory analyses to be carried out,.
According to the information provided by Dra Ribeiro, from the previously mentioned Institute, the analysis of the samples will begin from today, however the urgent delivery of mouth swabs, containing the biological samples of each of the parents and the siblings is necessary as well as those of the tourist group who were on holiday with them.
I hereby request the urgent delivery of the mouth swabs referred to as well as a letter requesting the implementation of the laboratory analyses, in order to be able to carry them out, this letter should be sent to the Genetics and Forensic Biology Service of the INML, Fax****.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC.
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol IV
Page 904
I, Gerald Patrick McCann...................................hereby declare my authorisation, for the purposes of DNA examination, that a mouth swab be taken from me at the Portimao DIC.
Portimao, 10th May 2007
G. McCann
Page 904
I, Gerald Patrick McCann...................................hereby declare my authorisation, for the purposes of DNA examination, that a mouth swab be taken from me at the Portimao DIC.
Portimao, 10th May 2007
G. McCann
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol VII
Page 1804
I, Kate Marie Healy...................................hereby declare my authorisation, for the purposes of DNA examination, that a mouth swab be taken from me at the Portimao DIC.
Portimao, 10th May 2007
K. Healy
Page 1804
I, Kate Marie Healy...................................hereby declare my authorisation, for the purposes of DNA examination, that a mouth swab be taken from me at the Portimao DIC.
Portimao, 10th May 2007
K. Healy
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol VII
Page 1827
From: D Corte, INML
To: Luis Neves
Date: 19th June 2007
Dear Dr Luis,
I enclose the data from the analysis of all the samples. We will repeat some that did not give results.
With compliments
F. Corte Real
Please can someone provide a screen shot of the following page:
Processos Vol VII
Page 1828
Profiles of mitochondrial DNA from the samples sent
Page 1827
From: D Corte, INML
To: Luis Neves
Date: 19th June 2007
Dear Dr Luis,
I enclose the data from the analysis of all the samples. We will repeat some that did not give results.
With compliments
F. Corte Real
Please can someone provide a screen shot of the following page:
Processos Vol VII
Page 1828
Profiles of mitochondrial DNA from the samples sent
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Table of Contents : Processo Vol 8...Pages 2204 to 2210—"Delivery documents of all vestiges collected (English) sent to Birmingham 7th August. 2007
Processo Vol 8...Pages 2204-2210
(For transference to relevant Thread within the Table of Contents Thread)
Page 2204 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Polícia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, on the 1st August, 2007, between 20:00h and 01:30h of the 2nd August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Crime Scene Investigators Fernando José da Silva Viegas and Lino Manuel Lima Henriques:-
1- Tile pieces identified with number 1;
2- Tile pieces identified with number 2;
3- Tile pieces identified with number 3;
4- Tile pieces identified with number 4;
5- Tile pieces identified near number 1;
6- Pieces of skirting identified with number 1 ;
7- Pieces of skirting identified with number 2;
8- Pieces of skirting identified between number 2 and 3;
9- Pieces of skirting identified with number 3;
10- Pieces of skirting identified with number 4;
11 - Pieces of skirting identified nearby number 1 ;
12- Pieces of skirting identified nearby number 4;
13- Residue / small fragments of the skirting area;
14- Dust / small fragments of the tile area;
15- Cement glue between the tiles in the edge of the recovered area;
16- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 1;
17- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 2;
18- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 3;
19- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 4;
20- Leftovers of tiles and cement glue;
Page 2205 :
21- Fragments of bushes;
22- Two mouth swabs from CSI Fernando Jose Silva Viegas;
23-Two mouth swabs from CSI Lino Manuel Lima ~enriques;
24- Two mouth swabs from CSI Bruno Jorge Possidónio Mendes Antunes.
All these evidences were delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, August, 7th, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2206 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, between 15:00h of 4th August, 2007, and 06:30h of 5th August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Crime Scene Investigators Fernando José da Silva Viegas and Bruno Jorge Possidónio Mendes Antunes:-
I A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
1 B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water;
2A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
2B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water:
3A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
3B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water;
4A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
4B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
5A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
5B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
6A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
6B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
7A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
7B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
8A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
8B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
9A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
9B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
10A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
10B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
Page 2207 :
11IA - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
11 B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
12A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
12B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
13A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
13B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
14A - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with a Dry swab;
14B - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with swab with distilled water;
15A - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with a Dry swab;
15B - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with swab with distilled water;
16 - Blue curtain;
16B - White curtain behind blue curtain and armband.
All these evidences were delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, 7th August, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2208 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, on the 3rd August, 2007, were recovered the following evidence in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Fingerprint Expert Teresa Borges:-
1 - Piece of curtain.
This evidence was delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, 7th August, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2209 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, conceming the process number 201/07.OGALGS, between 21:30h of 6th August, 2007, and 06:00h of 7th August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in a vehide Renault Scenic, colour grey, licence plate 59-DA-27 by the Crime Scene Investigators Femando José da Silva Viegas and Lino Manuel Lima Henriques:-
IA - Hair in the driver's place;
1 B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the seat of left side front;
1C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the seat of left side front;
1 D - Nail on the driver's floor;
2A - Hair in the right side front seat;
2B - Hair in the right side front floor;
2C - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the seat of right side front;
2D - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the seat of right side fmnt;
2E - Nail in the right side front floor;
3 - Hair between the front seats;
4A - Hair in the back seat left;
4B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat left;
4C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat left;
5A - Hair in the back seat centre;
5B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat centre;
5C - Fibers and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat centre;
6A - Hair in the back seat right;
6B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat right;
6C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat right;
7A - Hair in the left seat on the luggage compartment;
Page 2210 :
7B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the left seat on the luggage compartment;
7C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the left seat on the luggage compartment;
8A - Hair in the right seat on the luggage compartment;
8B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the right seat on the luggage compartment;
8C - Fibers and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the right seat on the luggage compartment;
9 - Hair in luggage compartment;
10 - Top of the luggage compartment;
11 - Fibres and possibly hairs on the boot mat;
12 - Car key;
13 - Control samples of seat tissues;
14 - Two mouth swabs from Fingerprint Expert Pedro Miguel Filipe Gonçalo Vilhena;
15 - Fibres recovered from Fingerprint Expert Pedro Miguel Filipe Gonçalo Vilhena;
All these evidences were delivered in the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, August, 7.th, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Processo Vol 8...Pages 2204-2210
(For transference to relevant Thread within the Table of Contents Thread)
Page 2204 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Polícia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, on the 1st August, 2007, between 20:00h and 01:30h of the 2nd August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Crime Scene Investigators Fernando José da Silva Viegas and Lino Manuel Lima Henriques:-
1- Tile pieces identified with number 1;
2- Tile pieces identified with number 2;
3- Tile pieces identified with number 3;
4- Tile pieces identified with number 4;
5- Tile pieces identified near number 1;
6- Pieces of skirting identified with number 1 ;
7- Pieces of skirting identified with number 2;
8- Pieces of skirting identified between number 2 and 3;
9- Pieces of skirting identified with number 3;
10- Pieces of skirting identified with number 4;
11 - Pieces of skirting identified nearby number 1 ;
12- Pieces of skirting identified nearby number 4;
13- Residue / small fragments of the skirting area;
14- Dust / small fragments of the tile area;
15- Cement glue between the tiles in the edge of the recovered area;
16- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 1;
17- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 2;
18- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 3;
19- Cement glue between the tile identified with number 4;
20- Leftovers of tiles and cement glue;
Page 2205 :
21- Fragments of bushes;
22- Two mouth swabs from CSI Fernando Jose Silva Viegas;
23-Two mouth swabs from CSI Lino Manuel Lima ~enriques;
24- Two mouth swabs from CSI Bruno Jorge Possidónio Mendes Antunes.
All these evidences were delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, August, 7th, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2206 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, between 15:00h of 4th August, 2007, and 06:30h of 5th August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Crime Scene Investigators Fernando José da Silva Viegas and Bruno Jorge Possidónio Mendes Antunes:-
I A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
1 B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water;
2A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
2B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water:
3A - Stain on the floor recovered with a Dry swab;
3B - Stain on the floor recovered with swab with distilled water;
4A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
4B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
5A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
5B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
6A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
6B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
7A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
7B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
8A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
8B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
9A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
9B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
10A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
10B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
Page 2207 :
11IA - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
11 B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
12A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
12B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
13A - Stain on the wall recovered with a Dry swab;
13B - Stain on the wall recovered with swab with distilled water;
14A - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with a Dry swab;
14B - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with swab with distilled water;
15A - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with a Dry swab;
15B - Stain on the back of the sofa recovered with swab with distilled water;
16 - Blue curtain;
16B - White curtain behind blue curtain and armband.
All these evidences were delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, 7th August, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2208 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, concerning the process number 201/07.OGALGS, on the 3rd August, 2007, were recovered the following evidence in the living room of the apartment 5A, Ocean Club Villas, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, where it is possible may have occurred a crime of homicide, by the Fingerprint Expert Teresa Borges:-
1 - Piece of curtain.
This evidence was delivered to the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, 7th August, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Page 2209 :
(Delivery guide of recovered evidences at the crime scene)
In order to carry out the determined by the 4.a Brigada of Departamento of Investigação Criminal of Policia Judiciária, conceming the process number 201/07.OGALGS, between 21:30h of 6th August, 2007, and 06:00h of 7th August, 2007, were recovered the following evidences in a vehide Renault Scenic, colour grey, licence plate 59-DA-27 by the Crime Scene Investigators Femando José da Silva Viegas and Lino Manuel Lima Henriques:-
IA - Hair in the driver's place;
1 B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the seat of left side front;
1C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the seat of left side front;
1 D - Nail on the driver's floor;
2A - Hair in the right side front seat;
2B - Hair in the right side front floor;
2C - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the seat of right side front;
2D - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the seat of right side fmnt;
2E - Nail in the right side front floor;
3 - Hair between the front seats;
4A - Hair in the back seat left;
4B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat left;
4C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat left;
5A - Hair in the back seat centre;
5B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat centre;
5C - Fibers and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat centre;
6A - Hair in the back seat right;
6B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the back seat right;
6C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the back seat right;
7A - Hair in the left seat on the luggage compartment;
Page 2210 :
7B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the left seat on the luggage compartment;
7C - Fibres and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the left seat on the luggage compartment;
8A - Hair in the right seat on the luggage compartment;
8B - Fibres and possibly hairs on vertical part of the right seat on the luggage compartment;
8C - Fibers and possibly hairs on horizontal part of the right seat on the luggage compartment;
9 - Hair in luggage compartment;
10 - Top of the luggage compartment;
11 - Fibres and possibly hairs on the boot mat;
12 - Car key;
13 - Control samples of seat tissues;
14 - Two mouth swabs from Fingerprint Expert Pedro Miguel Filipe Gonçalo Vilhena;
15 - Fibres recovered from Fingerprint Expert Pedro Miguel Filipe Gonçalo Vilhena;
All these evidences were delivered in the Forensic Science Laboratory - Birmingham Laboratory, Priory House, Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B56QQ, on the 7th August, 2007.-
Birmingham, August, 7.th, 2007
Who delivers - Illegible, (to me), handwritten Signature.
Who received - S NIBLETTS, FSS Birmingham ( plus handwritten Signature)
Dated 07 August 2007
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol VII
Page 1828
Profiles of mitochondrial DNA from the samples sent
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... 1827-1.gif
Page 1828
Profiles of mitochondrial DNA from the samples sent
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... 1827-1.gif
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Outros Apensos I, Volume I
Page 154
Delivery Notice of Samples Collected at the Crime Scene
Date of delivery : 15th May 2007
Delivered to: INML
Date and time of collection: 10th May 2007
Place of collection: Portimao DIC
Samples delivered:
Mouth swabs from Jane Tanner
Mouth swab from Matthew Oldfield
Mouth swab from Gerald McCann
Mouth swab from Kate Healy
Observations: nothing to register
Lisbon 15th May 2007
Page 154
Delivery Notice of Samples Collected at the Crime Scene
Date of delivery : 15th May 2007
Delivered to: INML
Date and time of collection: 10th May 2007
Place of collection: Portimao DIC
Samples delivered:
Mouth swabs from Jane Tanner
Mouth swab from Matthew Oldfield
Mouth swab from Gerald McCann
Mouth swab from Kate Healy
Observations: nothing to register
Lisbon 15th May 2007
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/V/08 ... e_2204.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/V/08 ... e_2205.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2206.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2207.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2208.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2209.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2210.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/V/08 ... e_2204.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/V/08 ... e_2205.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2206.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2207.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2208.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2209.jpg
http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/P8/0 ... e_2210.jpg
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
Warning :
Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Screenshots of the documents listed below.
3950 to 3953—Letters re: analysis of fibres/hair samples
3954 to 3959—Letters of delivery to the National Institute for Legal Medicine with samples
3960 to 3961—Fax re: request for exams
3962—Confirmation above fax sent
3963—Fax re: request for expert analysis
3964—Confirmation above fax sent
3965—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3966—Confirmation above fax sent
3967—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3968—Confirmation above fax sent
3969—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3970—Confirmation above fax sent
3971—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3972—Confirmation above fax sent
3973—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3974—Confirmation above fax sent
3975—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3976—Confirmation above fax sent
3976—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3978—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3979—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3980—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3950.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3951.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3952.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3953.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3954.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3955.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3956.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3957.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3958.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3959.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3960.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3961.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3962.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3963.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3964.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3965.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3966.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3967.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3968.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3969.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3970.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3971.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3972.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3973.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3974.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3975.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3976.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3977.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3978.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3979.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3980.gif
3950 to 3953—Letters re: analysis of fibres/hair samples
3954 to 3959—Letters of delivery to the National Institute for Legal Medicine with samples
3960 to 3961—Fax re: request for exams
3962—Confirmation above fax sent
3963—Fax re: request for expert analysis
3964—Confirmation above fax sent
3965—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3966—Confirmation above fax sent
3967—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3968—Confirmation above fax sent
3969—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3970—Confirmation above fax sent
3971—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3972—Confirmation above fax sent
3973—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3974—Confirmation above fax sent
3975—Fax re: request for delivery of vestiges
3976—Confirmation above fax sent
3976—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3978—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3979—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
3980—Documentation re: cancellation of exam
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3950.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3951.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3952.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3953.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3954.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3955.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3956.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3957.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3958.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3959.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3960.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3961.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3962.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3963.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3964.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3965.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3966.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3967.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3968.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3969.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3970.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3971.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3972.gif
https://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z10/ ... Ip3973.gif
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Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3976
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708357-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Page 3976
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708357-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3978
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708359-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
(Note: these would appear to be a test on samples from the Renault Kangoo)
Page 3978
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708359-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
(Note: these would appear to be a test on samples from the Renault Kangoo)
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3979
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708360-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Page 3979
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200708360-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3980
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200711865-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Page 3980
To The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Date: 2007/11/15
Subject: Examination nº 200711865-BG
In relation to the examination requested within the context of the investigation referred to above, I hereby inform you that this was CANCELLED, the material received by the Police Scientific Laboratory being returned as requested, to the Genetics and Biological Forensic Services of the INML in Lisbon.
With compliments.
Director of the LPC
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Pages 3960-3961
Date: 31 October 2007
To: The Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: Portimao PJ
Subject: Request for Examinations
Having noted the existence of two errors in the content of Fax nº 000731 of 26-09-2007, I ask you to take into consideration the following modifications:
In point one where it says examination nº 200707356-CR/L it should say examination nº 200707116-CR/L and in delivery note nº 189/2007/CR/L it should read “Praia” instead of “Paria”.
In point two, where it says “Examine the samples, namely blood, semen or hair. The results of these examinations will be compared with other forensics”. It should say “Examine the biological samples and their respective DNA profiles”.
We also request that the DNA profiles identified during the forensic tests requested by fax nº 000731 of 26-09-2007 are compared with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann and the DNA profiles sent to the LPC by the Delegation of the INML within the process 2007/000226/LX-DC in letter 034308 of 4th October 2007.
With compliments
Paolo Rebelo
Pages 3960-3961
Date: 31 October 2007
To: The Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: Portimao PJ
Subject: Request for Examinations
Having noted the existence of two errors in the content of Fax nº 000731 of 26-09-2007, I ask you to take into consideration the following modifications:
In point one where it says examination nº 200707356-CR/L it should say examination nº 200707116-CR/L and in delivery note nº 189/2007/CR/L it should read “Praia” instead of “Paria”.
In point two, where it says “Examine the samples, namely blood, semen or hair. The results of these examinations will be compared with other forensics”. It should say “Examine the biological samples and their respective DNA profiles”.
We also request that the DNA profiles identified during the forensic tests requested by fax nº 000731 of 26-09-2007 are compared with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann and the DNA profiles sent to the LPC by the Delegation of the INML within the process 2007/000226/LX-DC in letter 034308 of 4th October 2007.
With compliments
Paolo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Page 3950
To The Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
Date: 31 – 10- 2007
Subject: Request for forensic analysis
Within the context of the current investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine MCCann on 3rd May 2007.
As it is necessary for the abovementioned investigation and is of a VERY URGENT nature, I request that you proceed to analyse, as quickly as possible, the appropriate analyses of the six Crystal Tabs containing eventualfibres collected by Local Crime Scene Officers (examination 200711732-CR/L and delivery guide 304B/2007 – CR/L) on 1st August 2007 from a wall of apartment 5 A of the OC, these are preserved in the physical area of this laboratory (2007 11800-F1).
It is a case of searching and identifying the eventual fibres and comparing them to the fibres from a pair of pyjamas similar to those the girl was wearing when she disappeared.
For this purpose I am sending the pyjamas and request that the examination be carried out as quickly as possible and that subsequently the pyjamas be returned to this department in order to send them to theforensic laboratory in the UK.
Paolo Rebelo
Page 3950
To The Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
Date: 31 – 10- 2007
Subject: Request for forensic analysis
Within the context of the current investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine MCCann on 3rd May 2007.
As it is necessary for the abovementioned investigation and is of a VERY URGENT nature, I request that you proceed to analyse, as quickly as possible, the appropriate analyses of the six Crystal Tabs containing eventualfibres collected by Local Crime Scene Officers (examination 200711732-CR/L and delivery guide 304B/2007 – CR/L) on 1st August 2007 from a wall of apartment 5 A of the OC, these are preserved in the physical area of this laboratory (2007 11800-F1).
It is a case of searching and identifying the eventual fibres and comparing them to the fibres from a pair of pyjamas similar to those the girl was wearing when she disappeared.
For this purpose I am sending the pyjamas and request that the examination be carried out as quickly as possible and that subsequently the pyjamas be returned to this department in order to send them to theforensic laboratory in the UK.
Paolo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Page 3969
Fax to the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: The PJ
Date: 31-10-2007
Subject: Request for the delivery of samples to the INML
As it is necessary for the abovementioned investigation, and being of a VERY URGENT nature we request that you deliver, as quickly as possible, the different hairs collected from the wall of apartment 5 A by LocalCrime Scene Officers to the INML in order that the appropriate analyses be carried out (examination 200711732-CRIL delivery guide 304 A/2007) dated 1st August 2007. The samples are in the biology area of this laboratory (2007711865- BG).
Paolo Rebelo
Page 3969
Fax to the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: The PJ
Date: 31-10-2007
Subject: Request for the delivery of samples to the INML
As it is necessary for the abovementioned investigation, and being of a VERY URGENT nature we request that you deliver, as quickly as possible, the different hairs collected from the wall of apartment 5 A by LocalCrime Scene Officers to the INML in order that the appropriate analyses be carried out (examination 200711732-CRIL delivery guide 304 A/2007) dated 1st August 2007. The samples are in the biology area of this laboratory (2007711865- BG).
Paolo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Page 3971
Fax to the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: The PJ
Date: 31-10-2007
Subject: Request for the delivery of samples to the INML
As it is necessary for the investigation of the abovementioned crime and being of a VERY URGENT nature I request delivery to the INML for analysis, as soon as possible, of the various hair samples collected by the Local Crime Scene officers from apartment C, 2 Aparthotel Sol e Mar in Burgau (examination 200707356-CR/L, delivery guide nº 196/2007 CR-L). These samples were collected on 5th May 2007 and are preserved in the Biology Laboratory of the Police Scientific Lab (examination 200707143-BG).
Paolo Rebelo
Page 3971
Fax to the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: The PJ
Date: 31-10-2007
Subject: Request for the delivery of samples to the INML
As it is necessary for the investigation of the abovementioned crime and being of a VERY URGENT nature I request delivery to the INML for analysis, as soon as possible, of the various hair samples collected by the Local Crime Scene officers from apartment C, 2 Aparthotel Sol e Mar in Burgau (examination 200707356-CR/L, delivery guide nº 196/2007 CR-L). These samples were collected on 5th May 2007 and are preserved in the Biology Laboratory of the Police Scientific Lab (examination 200707143-BG).
Paolo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XIII
Page 3963
To the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: Paolo Rebelo
Date: 31st October 2007
Subject: Request for Forensic Analysis
As it is necessary for the investigation of the abovementioned crime and being of a VERY URGENT nature, I request that the appropriate analyses be carried out as quickly as possible on the human blood samples collected by officers from the Local Crime Scene Unit (examination 200707356-CR IL of delivery guide 196/2007 – CRL on 5th May 2007 in apartment c, 2º of aparthotel Sol e Mar in Burgau. These samples are in the Biology Area (200707143-B6).
We require the determination of the DNA profile and a comparison with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann and the DNA profiles sent to the Police Scientific Lab from the INML within this process nº 2007/000226/LX – BC by means of communication nº 034308 of 4th October 2007.
Paolo Rebelo
Page 3963
To the Director of the Police Scientific Laboratory
From: Paolo Rebelo
Date: 31st October 2007
Subject: Request for Forensic Analysis
As it is necessary for the investigation of the abovementioned crime and being of a VERY URGENT nature, I request that the appropriate analyses be carried out as quickly as possible on the human blood samples collected by officers from the Local Crime Scene Unit (examination 200707356-CR IL of delivery guide 196/2007 – CRL on 5th May 2007 in apartment c, 2º of aparthotel Sol e Mar in Burgau. These samples are in the Biology Area (200707143-B6).
We require the determination of the DNA profile and a comparison with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann and the DNA profiles sent to the Police Scientific Lab from the INML within this process nº 2007/000226/LX – BC by means of communication nº 034308 of 4th October 2007.
Paolo Rebelo
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Processos Vol XII
Pages 3252 – 3253
From Goncalo Amaral
Date: 4th September 2007
The present request deals with the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann on 3rd May 2007.
Within the scope of this request we have asked the INML to carry out various analyses as your letter 2007000226 LX – BC reports.
The results were delivered to us in a letter dated 9th July 2007 ref 13.079, with a cover letter dated 11th July 2007.
Upon reading the report we observed that several DNA profiles are defined but which have not been identified.
The apartment from which the samples were collected for analysis is occupied by families from the UK.
The UK police and legal authorities have informed us about the existence of a database for the register of DNA profiles.
As the objective is to proceed to identify the profiles defined in your analyses we request that you send us the list of unidentified profiles.
This request has the objective of seeking their eventual identification through the UK legal authorities.
Goncalo Amaral
Pages 3252 – 3253
From Goncalo Amaral
Date: 4th September 2007
The present request deals with the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann on 3rd May 2007.
Within the scope of this request we have asked the INML to carry out various analyses as your letter 2007000226 LX – BC reports.
The results were delivered to us in a letter dated 9th July 2007 ref 13.079, with a cover letter dated 11th July 2007.
Upon reading the report we observed that several DNA profiles are defined but which have not been identified.
The apartment from which the samples were collected for analysis is occupied by families from the UK.
The UK police and legal authorities have informed us about the existence of a database for the register of DNA profiles.
As the objective is to proceed to identify the profiles defined in your analyses we request that you send us the list of unidentified profiles.
This request has the objective of seeking their eventual identification through the UK legal authorities.
Goncalo Amaral
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Outros Apensos Vol I
Page 269 - 270
With the aim of providing the Police Scientific Laboratory with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann, in order to be able to carry out comparisons with DNA that have been identified in the examinations requested, within the sphere of collaboration that exists between the PJ and the UK authorities, I telephoned Mr José de Freitas, a New Scotland Yard Officer, whom I asked to email me the child’s DNA profile which was determined in analyses carried out in a UKlaboratory, previously referred to in a letter that is part of this process.
In reply to my request, Mr José de Freitas sent me the email, I am immediately sending a copy to the Director of the Scientific Police Laboratory, Sra Saudade Nunes.
Portimao 1st October 2007
Inspector Paolo Ferreira
Followed by email (with an attachment)
From José de Freitas
New Scotland Yard to Inspector Ferreira
Inspector Ferreira,
DNA profile of Madeleine McCann that was collected in her parents house in England.
José de Freitas
New Scotland Yard
Page 269 - 270
With the aim of providing the Police Scientific Laboratory with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann, in order to be able to carry out comparisons with DNA that have been identified in the examinations requested, within the sphere of collaboration that exists between the PJ and the UK authorities, I telephoned Mr José de Freitas, a New Scotland Yard Officer, whom I asked to email me the child’s DNA profile which was determined in analyses carried out in a UKlaboratory, previously referred to in a letter that is part of this process.
In reply to my request, Mr José de Freitas sent me the email, I am immediately sending a copy to the Director of the Scientific Police Laboratory, Sra Saudade Nunes.
Portimao 1st October 2007
Inspector Paolo Ferreira
Followed by email (with an attachment)
From José de Freitas
New Scotland Yard to Inspector Ferreira
Inspector Ferreira,
DNA profile of Madeleine McCann that was collected in her parents house in England.
José de Freitas
New Scotland Yard
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
Re: Portuguese Forensic Institute Tests
Outros Apensos I, Volume I
Pages 202 to 204
Date: 28.08.2007
Letter to Dr. Gonçalo Amaral from the PT Genetic & Biological Forensic Service
I attach a response to your questions.
Warmest compliments,
Director of the Genetic & Biological Forensic Service,
Dr. Rosa Maria Espinheira
• None of the samples received by this institute were designated as relating to the missing child, so an answer to your question cannot be provided.
• Samples were investigated – hairs and cloth, and DNA profiles were obtained in only four cases and when compared with the DNA of Gerald and Kate McCann it was found that they cannot be related to the child.
• The traces were then studied for mitochondrial DNA as were all the references with results in accordance with our conclusions in the report dated July 9, 2007 – Proc 2007/000226/LX-BC.
•Regarding your request no. 5, determine if the “profile” obtained by the British laboratory may pertain to a child of the McCann couple.
• We carried out a profile comparison obtained from the autosomal STRs of Kate McCann and Gerald McCann and of the profile sent us.
• The probability of the McCann couple being the biological parents of the female individual in that test is 99,9828 %.
Lisbon, 20th August, 2007
The Director of the Genetic & Biological Forensic Service
Dr. Rosa Maria Espinheira
Pages 202 to 204
Date: 28.08.2007
Letter to Dr. Gonçalo Amaral from the PT Genetic & Biological Forensic Service
I attach a response to your questions.
Warmest compliments,
Director of the Genetic & Biological Forensic Service,
Dr. Rosa Maria Espinheira
• None of the samples received by this institute were designated as relating to the missing child, so an answer to your question cannot be provided.
• Samples were investigated – hairs and cloth, and DNA profiles were obtained in only four cases and when compared with the DNA of Gerald and Kate McCann it was found that they cannot be related to the child.
• The traces were then studied for mitochondrial DNA as were all the references with results in accordance with our conclusions in the report dated July 9, 2007 – Proc 2007/000226/LX-BC.
•Regarding your request no. 5, determine if the “profile” obtained by the British laboratory may pertain to a child of the McCann couple.
• We carried out a profile comparison obtained from the autosomal STRs of Kate McCann and Gerald McCann and of the profile sent us.
• The probability of the McCann couple being the biological parents of the female individual in that test is 99,9828 %.
Lisbon, 20th August, 2007
The Director of the Genetic & Biological Forensic Service
Dr. Rosa Maria Espinheira
Info- Golden Poster
- Number of posts : 767
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Registration date : 2009-02-05
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