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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  Bebootje Mon 31 May - 13:33

I'm intrigued with these statements of which (together with the statement of Smith) I believe are genuine. These can give an indication of the area of the IMO 2nd hiding place of Madeleines body. Somewhere in the vincinity of Alvor maybe?

As far as I know the following up of these statements isn't in the files. Strange because the registrationnumber of the white van was noted by the McCluskeys.
On the other hand there still are certain unpublished files.
I always thought the police has a lot more than we know of.
Apensos V, Vol 1 Pages 129-130

Page 129 (Page 1 of 2)

Number : S18
Forename(s) : SUSAN
Age : OVER 18 Date of Birth : 14th May 1957
Postcode : SRx xxx
Telephone No : 019153xxxxx
Statement Date : 9th May 2007 Number of pages : 3

I am the above named person living at an address known to the Police.

At approximately 10 to 2 in the morning of Saturday 5th May 2007, I was on holiday in the town of ALVOR, PORTUGAL, with my husbandRichard . We were walking up the bank from the town returning to our hotel complex known as, CLUBE ALVORFERIAS, after a night out. We were the only people on the street. We were on the main road which was dark but lit by street lighting.

As we approached the hotel Raymond(sic) - (Richard surely ??) - drew my attention to a vehicle which had stopped on the junction across the road. It was parked in the middle of the junction and initially I had thought it had broken down because of the way it was stopped. I did not have any glasses on but I was able to distinguish a male with a child get up and stagger up the hill. I can say the vehicle was about 20-30f when it stopped (PAGE ONE) but we had a clear and unobstructed view ofthe junction. There was no traffic and the junction was well lit with street lighting. Raymond(sic) then decided to go across and check out the vehicle. We both went over and wrote the vehicle registration of the white 'pick-up' vehicle down on my hand. We had been at the vehicle only a very short time, possibly a couple of minutes when a woman and a couple in a dark vehicle appeared from the road in front of the van almost simultaneously. I could describe the woman as 5 ft 5 inches - 5ft 6 inches blonde ponytail with a very worried / white face. I only noticed she was casually dressed. I could see that the male who got out of the car was on his mobile phone. We got into conversation as he could speak English and I asked him whether he was looking for a man with a child to which he said yes. He said he had seen the man hit the girl who was her(sic) (possibly should be 'him') and had turned around to see if he could catch him which was how he had ended up here. I also asked him if he knew about the missing child to which he said yes. I said can we leave it with you and he said 'yes'. He was still on the (page 2) phone at this time.

Page 130 (Page 2 of 2)

We left and returned to the hotel. We went to security to report the matter but the doors were locked. We therefore went to our room and had a coffee watching Sky News. We saw the news that the girl still had not been found and a report of a couple acting suspiciously. We could not settle and returned to security and woke him up and explained the situation, after which we returned to the pick-up and saw it and the woman still there. At this point the security guard said leave it with me and initially we did. However after a while we had not had anybody call so we went back down and spoke to the security man who stated he had spoke to the woman who said she had a family argument over not being able to find a child minder, and he had to leave the van there for the boss to pick it up. We were incensed by this in light of what was on the news andRichard asked for the Police and contacted them himself.

(signed) S MCCLUSKEY


APENSOS V, Volume I, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 01)....(PDF Page 119)....Page 137—"Handwritten Richard McCluskey statement"

(Note : This is a handwritten original and is the 2nd Statement, (made on the 12th September 2007), which Mr McCluskey made to the Police. It is the same as the Typewritten-up copy of his 2nd Statement referred to on Page 131 (in theTable of Contents Thread)—"Additional statement of Richard McCluskey 2007.05.09". I have copied and pasted the Page 131 copy here to save retyping the same statement again".

Apensos V, Vol 1, Page 137

Page 137 (Page 1 of 1) (Copied and pasted from the Page 131 reference)

Statement made 12th September 2007

I am the above named person and I live at an address know to Police. In early May 2007 myself and my wife were on holiday in Portugal. I have already provided a witness statement in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. I would like to add the following;

The events of the past week or so, with the McCanns being very much in the news, have triggered my memory in relation to the incident.

In my original statement I described a distressed female who ran down a road towards a white van I had described.

Having viewed recent news footage of Mrs McCann I am now almost certain that she is the female I described as being in a distressed state. I say this because of her slight build, high cheekbones and her eyes and hairstyle.

I've agonised for days over whether or not to contact the police about this because it is a terrible thing to accuse somebody of. It had just not crossed my mind that the child’s parents could in some way be involved in her disappearance.

I have watched a good deal of news coverage about the McCanns over the past week or so. Another thing which has played on my mind is the coverage of Mr McCann walking off the aeroplane holding one of his young children. The way he was holding the child over his left shoulder reminded me of the man carrying the child from the white van in Portugal.

Although I could not describe the male I'd seen in Portugal because he had his back to me, it was the particular way Mr. McCann held the child that made me think. He held the child over his left shoulder with his left arm supporting the child’s weight.

(signed).......R McCluskey
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  Badboy Mon 31 May - 14:42

Bebootje, the people in the above statement proved to be ukrainians
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  Bebootje Mon 31 May - 15:43

Badboy wrote:Bebootje, the people in the above statement proved to be ukrainians
lol I missed that one 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? 294124

Leaves us only with Smith sighting as an important one
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  Badboy Mon 31 May - 22:14

At least ,I think its the one,so confusing with all of these statements,bebootje

The smith sighting,what happened afterwards,let who who has wisdom has understanding.
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  kitti Tue 1 Jun - 13:06

No they werent the Ukranians.
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  kitti Tue 1 Jun - 13:12

Are you saying the people in the van were ukranians?

Where are their statements?
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2nd hidingplace Madeleines body? Empty Re: 2nd hidingplace Madeleines body?

Post  Bebootje Tue 1 Jun - 13:27

I think this is the one Kitty
PJ appearently followed the registrationnr. of the vehicle and payed them a visit:


Pages 1123 – 1125

Service Information

Date 2007/05/25

To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation

From: Inspector F. Antonio

Subject: Communication of facts about the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

We inform you that today this police station received a phone call followed by the sending of this handwritten document by fax at about 11.15 by a person who identified herself


- Same situation
- Two different number plates
- One (JG) already discounted => NEG
- The other (CG) Toyota Maize => NEG
28th May

Typed text continues:

as MK with residence at Rua R. A. D, Leça do Balio.

At this address at about 13.00 KZ, a Ukrainian citizen with temporary residence permit nº +++, mobile n+++ the wife of the aforementioned accompanied by her baby son DK was contacted by myself and my colleague Milton Trigo. She identified her husband as being the owner of vehicle with NIF nº 234700025, her husband, together with a colleague from work, on Monday 21-05-2007 at about 15.00 left for the Ukraine for some time, also taking with them her daughter aged 4, IK, who like her son was born in Portugal where they have lived for the past 6 years. Her husband and daughter are staying at the following address *******, Ukriane, telephone number *****.

Personal identification documents for the husband and daughter wee not presented as they had them with them but other proof of their names was presented. Recent photos were shown, of April this year and from before with their daughter in Leça where they live. Physical similarities were noted with the missing girl Madeleine McCann, although (the Ukrainian girl) was bigger and with a rounder face.

Having previously spoken to the neighbours it was established that the girl had left with the father and a colleague on Monday for the Ukraine. It was observed that having taking this girl on such a long journey was justified that she did not stay with the small boy (which would have been) a burden for the mother.

The description of the facts denounced was explained in this way. There was no doubt that the girl was the daughter of both, known by the neighbours and having lived at the address for a long time.

By the woman’s admission, without mentioning the case of Madeleine McCann further, as she was now being heard by the police and regarding any doubts concerning the motive, she says that she had already observed – as had her husband – that her daughter could be confused with Madeleine because of the physical similarities and age.

For your information.


The Inspector

Following page has car registration details
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