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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance....

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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Empty Re: Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance....

Post  MaryB Fri 8 Jul - 1:04

I wonder who's behind all this. Or what group of people. Because whoever it is has known about it for ages. And now to bring it out. It obviously has something to do with this proposed takeover of SkyB. Somebody somewhere has brought this to a head. And forced the hand of Murdoch to close the paper. But I wonder why Rebekah Brooks is being saved. What's so special about her.
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Post  Angelique Fri 8 Jul - 1:11


I have just heard on Sky News (holds nose) that they say The Guardian started it 2 years ago asserting that someone was hacking phones.

Apparently on the BBC news earlier they said Murdoch treats Rebecca Brooks like a daughter - it's either that or the 'other' - wonder if she also treated him like a father?
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Post  widowan Fri 8 Jul - 1:24

buildersbum wrote:
margaret wrote:I thought there would have been more people positive since the news that police have been receiving money in exchange for information. If SY aren't prepared to cover up for other policemen why should the Mcs have anything covered up, if it has been.

Margaret Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 307691
Ive decided to c&p this thread simply because when the review is done and the mcs have something to answer for, I'm going to repost all this negativity......its when I read negative posts like this, makes me think why I bother posting, this wouldn't have gone on in the DM and 3As days, noway!!!
If Maddy is to recieve justice, we have to remain POSITIVE!!!
Even befor this scandal broke I had quite alot of faith in the SY review, now all this suspected corruption regarding Police Officers, why would Cameron ask NSY to cover the Mcs backsides, for it to surface in a couple of years, no it just isn't going to happen.
Imo this couldn't have come at a worse time for the Mcs, the Police are going to be put under a such scruntiny from this day forward.

Whether we remain positive or moaning and borrowing trouble won't influence anything but our own happiness, but I feel that it is better to be positive for that reason and also so that you do not "learn" to be helpless and depressed and a victim which makes it less likely you will DO something about it. The anti posters all over and people willing to question, and demand answers, are a big part of the reason this review is taking place - it's not just McCanns wanting it!

I think it can be the case that McCanns never face legal justice and that SY case will be properly done and not a whitewash.

First, not every case that is investigated results in charges being brought. I believe I read somewhere that in 100 criminal acts ten go to trial or one does time or something, The odds are good for criminals. That doesn't mean that the whole world is engagedin a vast conspiracy it's just that criminals are tricky... they do their deeds in the dark and aren't honest about them and lie and manuever and just because the person doesn't end up in prison doesn't mean there is no justice or a conspiracy.

SY also does not have jurisdiction here, Portugal does. So what SY finds may be the same as the PJ (in which case they will have to shelve it) or may be more in which case they STILL might not have enough to win a prosecution - look at Caylee Anthony, prosecution did not conince the jury her mother murdered her, she will walk FREE regardless far more evidence than they have on McCanns.

On the other hand they might find something enough to take the to trial on something.

Or it could be a white wash Cameron has paid for hoping that no one of the detectives will ever sell THAT story - hm.

All they can do is try and for people to support them and believe in them adds to the general vibe and hopefully will make them WANT to do a good job, borrowing trouble and supposing in advance that it'll be a white wash get us nowhere.

I think it is because people are afraid McCanns WONT go to jail and they have to have something to blame that on rather than to say there simply is not enough evidence to put them there. It is hard to accept but sometimes the criminals are so good at hiding and covering up or whatever - the body isn't found, or found too late to find a cause of death or whatever - the bad guys walk free.

Then we got to hope for karma, or God, or things like that.
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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 3:02


I don"t think SY will find any more that the PJ .....the only action which might have unravelled the mystery is a recon , which of course should have been
organised while the McCanns and OC Staff were still in Portugal.
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Post  dazedandconfused Fri 8 Jul - 6:54

fred wrote:I'm beyond fed up with it all! Casa Pia, Rui Pedro, the Mccanns???????? What has happened....err... well fuck all!!!
I'm just of to park my car on a roundabout or break the speed limit, no doubt I'll be in the nick for 3 months. Catch up with you all then!

Oh fred, sorry but that cheered me up at this time of doubt and negativity. Throw a crisp out of your car window as well, then you will probably get 6 months.
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Post  kitti Fri 8 Jul - 7:31

MaryB wrote:I wonder who's behind all this. Or what group of people. Because whoever it is has known about it for ages. And now to bring it out. It obviously has something to do with this proposed takeover of SkyB. Somebody somewhere has brought this to a head. And forced the hand of Murdoch to close the paper. But I wonder why Rebekah Brooks is being saved. What's so special about her.

Apparently it has been said she knows ALOT about the murdochs and sacking her will open up a can off worms!
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Post  whatsupdoc Fri 8 Jul - 7:54

kitti wrote:
MaryB wrote:I wonder who's behind all this. Or what group of people. Because whoever it is has known about it for ages. And now to bring it out. It obviously has something to do with this proposed takeover of SkyB. Somebody somewhere has brought this to a head. And forced the hand of Murdoch to close the paper. But I wonder why Rebekah Brooks is being saved. What's so special about her.

Apparently it has been said she knows ALOT about the murdochs and sacking her will open up a can off worms!

If she were to be removed , I think she would have a soft landing in another position somewhere else.

However, as she has admitted paying police for information , the police will be pursuing her as this is illegal.

So, we might ask, why sack the 200 workers and not Rebekah? The present staff have not been involved with the phone tapping.

Are these workers to be re-employed with the Sunday Sun? They are pretty disgruntled atm. Sun staff were out in support.

I think dealing with the people involved in the phone hacking would have been seen to be better than axeing the NOTW...all this to pave the way for the BSkyB talks.
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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 8:06

Yes, she has been there so long there is very little Rebekah doesn"t know and Murdoch, in his dotage is/was probably more than a Friend. Some News

just announced. Shares in BskyB down 4.5 % over last 3 days. Revenue from the NOTW £4 million, revenue from NewsCorp $60 BILLION, so it wasn"t
a hard choice to make to close down NOTW. Consultation on Newscorp"s bid for the remaining shares of BskyB starts today, there is already a
petition of 100 thousand signatures against this sale ,if Murdoch gets his way there truly is no Justice.
A Newsagent interviewed said The Sun was hardly selling and it appeared the Public was making it"s protest and buying other Dailies instead.

Last edited by Panda on Fri 8 Jul - 8:07; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding info)
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Post  whatsupdoc Fri 8 Jul - 8:34

Panda wrote:Yes, she has been there so long there is very little Rebekah doesn"t know and Murdoch, in his dotage is/was probably more than a Friend. Some News

just announced. Shares in BskyB down 4.5 % over last 3 days. Revenue from the NOTW £4 million, revenue from NewsCorp $60 BILLION, so it wasn"t
a hard choice to make to close down NOTW. Consultation on Newscorp"s bid for the remaining shares of BskyB starts today, there is already a
petition of 100 thousand signatures against this sale ,if Murdoch gets his way there truly is no Justice.
A Newsagent interviewed said The Sun was hardly selling and it appeared the Public was making it"s protest and buying other Dailies instead.

Interesting stuff, Panda. A simple monetary decision...never mind the staff.

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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 8:55

whatsupdoc wrote:
Panda wrote:Yes, she has been there so long there is very little Rebekah doesn"t know and Murdoch, in his dotage is/was probably more than a Friend. Some News

just announced. Shares in BskyB down 4.5 % over last 3 days. Revenue from the NOTW £4 million, revenue from NewsCorp $60 BILLION, so it wasn"t
a hard choice to make to close down NOTW. Consultation on Newscorp"s bid for the remaining shares of BskyB starts today, there is already a
petition of 100 thousand signatures against this sale ,if Murdoch gets his way there truly is no Justice.
A Newsagent interviewed said The Sun was hardly selling and it appeared the Public was making it"s protest and buying other Dailies instead.

Interesting stuff, Panda. A simple monetary decision...never mind the staff.

Murdoch didn"t get where he is today without being ruthless , this was purely a damage limitation exercise because bskyb is the prize he covets.

The consensus seems to be, sack Rebekah and a few others but to be honest I don"t think anyone knows exactly how many were involved and this
method, although harsh on the innocent hard working Staff , empties the barrel of bad apples.

Cameron is to make a speech today outside Downing Street , considering he took on Andy Coulson who is going to Jail for his part in this , our Prime
Minister showed a dreadful lack of judgement and cronyism still flourishing in Parliament.
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Post  Angelina Fri 8 Jul - 9:20

Panda wrote:
whatsupdoc wrote:
Panda wrote:Yes, she has been there so long there is very little Rebekah doesn"t know and Murdoch, in his dotage is/was probably more than a Friend. Some News

just announced. Shares in BskyB down 4.5 % over last 3 days. Revenue from the NOTW £4 million, revenue from NewsCorp $60 BILLION, so it wasn"t
a hard choice to make to close down NOTW. Consultation on Newscorp"s bid for the remaining shares of BskyB starts today, there is already a
petition of 100 thousand signatures against this sale ,if Murdoch gets his way there truly is no Justice.
A Newsagent interviewed said The Sun was hardly selling and it appeared the Public was making it"s protest and buying other Dailies instead.

Interesting stuff, Panda. A simple monetary decision...never mind the staff.

Cameron is to make a speech today outside Downing Street , considering he took on Andy Coulson who is going to Jail for his part in this , our Prime
Minister showed a dreadful lack of judgement and cronyism still flourishing in Parliament

I didn't expect much of him but so far he's been a load of rubbish. Let's see how he squirms out of this mess.

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Post  whatsupdoc Fri 8 Jul - 9:38

Agreed. DC , so far, has been a disappointment. Waffling is getting us nowhere. We need action. The PM shouldn't be surrounded by friends who compromise his decisions and judgement.

As the Captain, and you see rocks ahead, turn the wheel or get off the ship. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 25346
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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 9:39

morning Angelina,

He is a complete waste of space as Prime Minister, no leadership qualities, so upper class he has no idea how the rest of us live, a Cabinet devoid of
any ideas to get us out of this mess.......problem is, there is no one of quality to vote for and God help us if we let Labour back in. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 25346
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Post  Guest Fri 8 Jul - 9:46

Panda wrote:Yes, she has been there so long there is very little Rebekah doesn"t know and Murdoch, in his dotage is/was probably more than a Friend. Some News

just announced. Shares in BskyB down 4.5 % over last 3 days. Revenue from the NOTW £4 million, revenue from NewsCorp $60 BILLION, so it wasn"t
a hard choice to make to close down NOTW. Consultation on Newscorp"s bid for the remaining shares of BskyB starts today, there is already a
petition of 100 thousand signatures against this sale ,if Murdoch gets his way there truly is no Justice.
A Newsagent interviewed said The Sun was hardly selling and it appeared the Public was making it"s protest and buying other Dailies instead.

Maybe he is just scared that she would give him a hiding,

She's well rough! Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 234512

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Post  Angelina Fri 8 Jul - 9:48

Panda wrote:morning Angelina,

He is a complete waste of space as Prime Minister, no leadership qualities, so upper class he has no idea how the rest of us live, a Cabinet devoid of
any ideas to get us out of this mess.......problem is, there is no one of quality to vote for and God help us if we let Labour back in. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 25346

Morning Panda. Please don't even mention the thought of Labour getting back in...I don't think my nerves can stand it Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 371436 What a sorry mess we are in....not one politician worth voting for (at least one that would be able to make any difference that is)
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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 9:48

Can you believe this? A Legal Expert says because there has been no crime confirmed, there is no reason why the bskyb bid of £7.8 million by Murdoch
cannot be considered.?????????

Cameron speaking now. PCC did not do it"s job, new procedure to be discussed......in other words, close the gate after the horse has bolted. Isn"t
hindsight a wonderful thing. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 294124
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Post  whatsupdoc Fri 8 Jul - 9:51

Panda wrote:morning Angelina,

He is a complete waste of space as Prime Minister, no leadership qualities, so upper class he has no idea how the rest of us live, a Cabinet devoid of
any ideas to get us out of this mess.......problem is, there is no one of quality to vote for and God help us if we let Labour back in. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 25346

There are not many politicians worth their salt hence low turn-outs at elections.

If it wasn't for the blue or red ties you wouldn't know what party they were...lol. I must add, I'm happy to see more ladies in politics as they talk a lot of sense.

I think the present political system hasn't worked well for many years and it has made Great Britain not great at all. All our manufacturing seems to be closing down and people laid off. Just look at the Bombadier case now. We have been robbed of employment coz of EU regulations.

I believe in trading with Europe but nothing else. The EU has tied the UK in knots and is expensive to boot.
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Post  Chris Fri 8 Jul - 9:54

Panda wrote:
Can you believe this? A Legal Expert says because there has been no crime confirmed, there is no reason why the bskyb bid of £7.8 million by Murdoch
cannot be considered.?????????

Cameron speaking now. PCC did not do it"s job, new procedure to be discussed......in other words, close the gate after the horse has bolted. Isn"t
hindsight a wonderful thing. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 294124

Perhaps the Legal Expert forgets some have already been jailed for a crime - what is happening now is simply expanding the "little local difficulty" to show there appears to have been a widespread culture of criminality within one sector of NI at least.
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Post  whatsupdoc Fri 8 Jul - 9:55

Panda wrote:
Can you believe this? A Legal Expert says because there has been no crime confirmed, there is no reason why the bskyb bid of £7.8 million by Murdoch
cannot be considered.?????????

Cameron speaking now. PCC did not do it"s job, new procedure to be discussed......in other words, close the gate after the horse has bolted. Isn"t
hindsight a wonderful thing. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 294124

We all knew the PCC was a toothless bulldog and basically a waste of space...totally ineffective...rubbish...so symbolic of establishments in the UK.
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Post  dazedandconfused Fri 8 Jul - 10:02

I'm just watching Cameron on News 24, trying to wriggle his way out of the current negativity about his choice of Advisor. I did hope for better things when he became PM, but sadly he's just as bad as his predecessors. He's coming across very badly.
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Post  Panda Fri 8 Jul - 10:31

Chris wrote:
Panda wrote:
Can you believe this? A Legal Expert says because there has been no crime confirmed, there is no reason why the bskyb bid of £7.8 million by Murdoch
cannot be considered.?????????

Cameron speaking now. PCC did not do it"s job, new procedure to be discussed......in other words, close the gate after the horse has bolted. Isn"t
hindsight a wonderful thing. Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 294124

Perhaps the Legal Expert forgets some have already been jailed for a crime - what is happening now is simply expanding the "little local difficulty" to show there appears to have been a widespread culture of criminality within one sector of NI at least.

Yes, that"s what I assumed. I wonder, could the existing majority shareholders ie, Murdoch vote in favour of Murdoch"s bid ?
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Post  tigger Sat 9 Jul - 9:05

malena stool wrote:My own feelings are that SY could turn up photographic and forensic proof that the McCanns were 100% complicit in Madeleine's disappearance and we would never be told. I believe they are just going through the motions so the whole sorry case can be put to bed and the likes of Cameron can say the matter has been thoroughly investigated by the police forces of two countries.

Brown said that the facts of Madeleine's case, if brought into the public domain could affect national security. That was Brown's excuse and if Cameron has indeed said the findings would not be released, he will probably be citing security reasons also. I cannot see how a 3 year old child's disappearance during a family holiday can possibly interfere with the security of this country or Portugal's for that matter.....My own personal belief in a conspiracy theory for the smokescreen surrounding Madeleine's disappearance seems ever more plausible.

Wow! hadn't read that quote before, Brown is no longer PM and perhaps national security issue has changed with it? Think of thomas Hamilton, who had a cabinet member override the police recommendation when he was turned down for fire arms licence. The Dunblane cover up is still in place.
Elsewhere in this forum I read that investigation is rap over the knuckles for B if he tried to go for IMF job. So, they will find out, in fact I think they've known for a long time, but not tell us. I think the McC's may be forced to close down the fund. They will never go to jail but losing celebrity status is going to hit hard as will the permanent suspicion. It will be a greater punishment for them than being in jail. Ignored by the media, suspected by everyone. Good. Please take the twins away from them, why should they suffer more.
Don't forget that since 1999, when FBI got hold of a porn hard drive, some 3000 British names and info were passed to SY. Around 2004, when Teflon Tony was given info by SY he slapped a D notice on. Rumour was also cabinet level involvement.
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Post  kitti Sat 9 Jul - 9:19

Sorry but I don't believe their will be any review.....

The letter, I think, means nothing.

The letter written by Cameron was not for the mccanns but for the general public, it's a two way thing, the mccanns write an open letter to Cameron pleading for help and Cameron writes back saying....he will....it's all game playing between both off them and Mitchell instigated it.....to keep the masses quite and in the mean time, people will get bored with the case and move on, fed up with waiting.

What got me thinking this......Cameron sneaking Murdoch out the back door the day after he was elected ...their all in each others pockets and their all scared off Murdoch....Cameron..police ....all politicians scared off one old man, can you believe it and I now do realise that Cameron, Murdoch and Mitchell pull the strings and a child's death is secondary to money.

Sorry but it ain't gonna happen and THEY are just trying to pull the wool over our eyes...
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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Empty Re: Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance....

Post  dazedandconfused Sat 9 Jul - 9:53

kitti wrote:Sorry but I don't believe their will be any review.....

The letter, I think, means nothing.

The letter written by Cameron was not for the mccanns but for the general public, it's a two way thing, the mccanns write an open letter to Cameron pleading for help and Cameron writes back saying....he will....it's all game playing between both off them and Mitchell instigated it.....to keep the masses quite and in the mean time, people will get bored with the case and move on, fed up with waiting.

What got me thinking this......Cameron sneaking Murdoch out the back door the day after he was elected ...their all in each others pockets and their all scared off Murdoch....Cameron..police ....all politicians scared off one old man, can you believe it and I now do realise that Cameron, Murdoch and Mitchell pull the strings and a child's death is secondary to money.

Sorry but it ain't gonna happen and THEY are just trying to pull the wool over our eyes...

Sadly kitti, I think you may be right.

I had high hopes when we got a change of Government but I'm now thinking that each one is as corrupt as the previous one. After watching Cameron trying to squirm his way out of any controversy yesterday, he's now joined the ranks of Blair and Brown in my eyes.

Last edited by dazedandconfused on Sat 9 Jul - 11:26; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-08-20

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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Empty Re: Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance....

Post  Krisy22 Sat 9 Jul - 10:19

Kitti, sad to say I think you are right .. another whitewash from the government.

dazedandconfused, agree entirely with you. I had great hopes things were going to change with this lot in power ... clean slate and new broom.. but it looks as if its not to be . The same old tune ..different singers.
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Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Now does anyone doubt the Scotland Yard investigation into Maddies disappearance.... - Page 4 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-07-27

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