possible new maddie sighting????
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possible new maddie sighting????
La Comisaría General de Policía Judicial recibió una petición de las autoridades lusas para verificar dicha información
En Tuenti
La comunicación llegó a la policía española hace unos diez días mediante un correo electrónico
La búsqueda de la pequeña Madeleine McCann en España ha vuelto a reactivarse. Una pista recibida por la policía portuguesa sitúa a la niña en Nerja. Los investigadores lusos han trasladado esta información a sus homólogos españoles, que ya han empezado a trabajar en ella para comprobarla, según ha podido confirmar SUR.
La comunicación de las autoridades del país vecino llegó al Cuerpo Nacional de Policía hace unos diez días mediante un correo electrónico en el que se detallaban los datos que había aportado un informante, el cual decía haber visto en Nerja a una niña con un gran parecido físico a Madeleine, que lleva en paradero desconocido desde mayo de 2007.
Las pesquisas han recaído en la Unidad de Delincuencia Especializada y Violenta (UDEV) de la Comisaría General de Policía Judicial, la misma brigada que investiga, entre otros, el caso de Ruth y José, los dos hermanos desaparecidos el pasado 8 de octubre en Córdoba.
Los agentes ya han empezado a hacer gestiones para verificar esta nueva pista, «como se hace con todas las informaciones más o menos fiables que llegan sobre Madeleine», señala una fuente de toda solvencia. La UDEV tiene en la carpeta de asuntos pendientes un 'dossier' con todos los datos de que dispone sobre el caso de la menor.
La investigación en España
No en vano, desde su desaparición, se han comprobado «muchísimas» comunicaciones de personas que decían haber visto a la niña en distintos lugares de España. Tampoco es la primera vez que Málaga aparece en ese mapa. Otra fuente consultada señaló que hace meses se descartó una información que también la situaba en la Axarquía.
La pista de Madeleine se perdió el 3 de mayo de 2007 en un complejo hotelero de Praia da Luz donde se alojaba con sus padres, Kate y Gerry, y sus dos hermanos gemelos. La familia británica se encontraba pasando unas vacaciones en el Algarve junto a otros tres matrimonios, cinco niños más y la madre de una amiga.
Cuando las parejas acudían por la noche a tomar algo en los establecimientos del complejo, se turnaban para ir a ver a sus hijos, que se quedaban durmiendo. Esa noche, fue Kate quien, al visitar las habitaciones, encontró la cama de Maddie vacía, únicamente con el oso de peluche de la menor. La ventana del cuarto estaba abierta.
Archivo del caso
La desaparición tuvo una repercusión mediática probablemente sin precedentes hasta ese momento. La fotografía de la pequeña, que entonces tenía tres años, dio la vuelta al mundo, lo que originó un aluvión de pistas sobre su paradero.
Durante los días siguientes, se rastreó el Algarve por tierra y mar en busca de la niña. Luego se pasó a los interrogatorios. Tras investigar a varios sospechosos, entre ellos a los padres, la policía portuguesa los descartó y archivó el caso en julio de 2008 ante la ausencia de avances. Kate y Gerry siguen convencidos de que se la llevó un hombre. La noche del 3 de mayo, una amiga del matrimonio vio a un individuo con un menor en brazos; su retrato robot fue ampliamente difundido a través de los medios de comunicación, sin éxito.
Cuando se archivó el caso, los McCann pusieron en marcha la Fundación Madeleine para contratar una web, un call center de atención telefónica 24 horas para posibles pistas y un equipo de investigadores. En 2011, la familia publicó un libro en el que se recoge la tragedia que vive con el fin de recaudar fondos para proseguir con la búsqueda.
The Judicial Police Commissioner-General received a request from the authorities to verify this information lusas
17.04.12 - 01:37 -
Communication to the Spanish police arrived about ten days ago by email
The search for Madeleine McCann in Spain has become reactivated. A clue provided by the Portuguese police located the girl in Nerja. Researchers have moved lusos this information to their Spanish counterparts, who have already started working on it to check it, as has been confirmed SUR.
The communication of the authorities of the neighboring country came to the National Police about ten days by an email which detailed data that had brought an informant, who claimed to have seen in Nerja to a girl with a strong physical resemblance Madeleine, who has been missing since May 2007.
The investigations have gone to the Specialist Crime Unit and Violent (UDEV) of the Judicial Police Commissioner-General, the same squad that investigates, among others, the case of Ruth and Joseph, the two brothers who disappeared on October 8 in Cordoba .
The agents have already begun to take steps to check this new track, "as with all more or less reliable information that arrives on Madeleine," says one source of all solvency. The UDEV has unfinished folder a 'dossier' with all the information available about the case of the child.
Research in Spain
Not surprisingly, since his disappearance, have found "many" communications from individuals claiming to have seen the child in different parts of Spain. Nor is the first time that Malaga appears on that map. Another source consulted said that for months was discarded information that also stood in the Axarquia.
The track was lost Madeleine May 3, 2007 in a hotel complex in Praia da Luz where she was staying with her parents, Kate and Gerry and their twins. The British family was spending a holiday in the Algarve along with three marriages, five children and the mother of a friend.
When couples came in the evening for a drink on the premises of the complex, took turns to go to see their children, who were sleeping. That night was Kate who, while visiting the rooms, found Maddie's bed empty, only with the teddy bear the child. The bedroom window was open.
Case file
The disappearance had a probably unprecedented media coverage so far. The photograph of the small, then aged three years, went around the world, resulting in a flurry of clues to his whereabouts.
During the following days, the Algarve was screened by land and sea in search of the girl. Then he went to interrogations. After investigating several suspects, including parents, Portuguese police closed the case and ruled in July 2008 in the absence of progress. Kate and Gerry remain convinced that a man took her. On the night of May 3, a friend of the couple saw an individual with a child in his arms, his sketch was widely disseminated through the media, without success.
When closed the case, the McCanns launched the Madeleine Foundation to hire a website, a call center call 24 hours for possible clues and a team of researchers. In 2011, the family published a book which contains the tragedy in order to raise funds to continue the search.
En Tuenti
La comunicación llegó a la policía española hace unos diez días mediante un correo electrónico
La búsqueda de la pequeña Madeleine McCann en España ha vuelto a reactivarse. Una pista recibida por la policía portuguesa sitúa a la niña en Nerja. Los investigadores lusos han trasladado esta información a sus homólogos españoles, que ya han empezado a trabajar en ella para comprobarla, según ha podido confirmar SUR.
La comunicación de las autoridades del país vecino llegó al Cuerpo Nacional de Policía hace unos diez días mediante un correo electrónico en el que se detallaban los datos que había aportado un informante, el cual decía haber visto en Nerja a una niña con un gran parecido físico a Madeleine, que lleva en paradero desconocido desde mayo de 2007.
Las pesquisas han recaído en la Unidad de Delincuencia Especializada y Violenta (UDEV) de la Comisaría General de Policía Judicial, la misma brigada que investiga, entre otros, el caso de Ruth y José, los dos hermanos desaparecidos el pasado 8 de octubre en Córdoba.
Los agentes ya han empezado a hacer gestiones para verificar esta nueva pista, «como se hace con todas las informaciones más o menos fiables que llegan sobre Madeleine», señala una fuente de toda solvencia. La UDEV tiene en la carpeta de asuntos pendientes un 'dossier' con todos los datos de que dispone sobre el caso de la menor.
La investigación en España
No en vano, desde su desaparición, se han comprobado «muchísimas» comunicaciones de personas que decían haber visto a la niña en distintos lugares de España. Tampoco es la primera vez que Málaga aparece en ese mapa. Otra fuente consultada señaló que hace meses se descartó una información que también la situaba en la Axarquía.
La pista de Madeleine se perdió el 3 de mayo de 2007 en un complejo hotelero de Praia da Luz donde se alojaba con sus padres, Kate y Gerry, y sus dos hermanos gemelos. La familia británica se encontraba pasando unas vacaciones en el Algarve junto a otros tres matrimonios, cinco niños más y la madre de una amiga.
Cuando las parejas acudían por la noche a tomar algo en los establecimientos del complejo, se turnaban para ir a ver a sus hijos, que se quedaban durmiendo. Esa noche, fue Kate quien, al visitar las habitaciones, encontró la cama de Maddie vacía, únicamente con el oso de peluche de la menor. La ventana del cuarto estaba abierta.
Archivo del caso
La desaparición tuvo una repercusión mediática probablemente sin precedentes hasta ese momento. La fotografía de la pequeña, que entonces tenía tres años, dio la vuelta al mundo, lo que originó un aluvión de pistas sobre su paradero.
Durante los días siguientes, se rastreó el Algarve por tierra y mar en busca de la niña. Luego se pasó a los interrogatorios. Tras investigar a varios sospechosos, entre ellos a los padres, la policía portuguesa los descartó y archivó el caso en julio de 2008 ante la ausencia de avances. Kate y Gerry siguen convencidos de que se la llevó un hombre. La noche del 3 de mayo, una amiga del matrimonio vio a un individuo con un menor en brazos; su retrato robot fue ampliamente difundido a través de los medios de comunicación, sin éxito.
Cuando se archivó el caso, los McCann pusieron en marcha la Fundación Madeleine para contratar una web, un call center de atención telefónica 24 horas para posibles pistas y un equipo de investigadores. En 2011, la familia publicó un libro en el que se recoge la tragedia que vive con el fin de recaudar fondos para proseguir con la búsqueda.
The Judicial Police Commissioner-General received a request from the authorities to verify this information lusas
17.04.12 - 01:37 -
Communication to the Spanish police arrived about ten days ago by email
The search for Madeleine McCann in Spain has become reactivated. A clue provided by the Portuguese police located the girl in Nerja. Researchers have moved lusos this information to their Spanish counterparts, who have already started working on it to check it, as has been confirmed SUR.
The communication of the authorities of the neighboring country came to the National Police about ten days by an email which detailed data that had brought an informant, who claimed to have seen in Nerja to a girl with a strong physical resemblance Madeleine, who has been missing since May 2007.
The investigations have gone to the Specialist Crime Unit and Violent (UDEV) of the Judicial Police Commissioner-General, the same squad that investigates, among others, the case of Ruth and Joseph, the two brothers who disappeared on October 8 in Cordoba .
The agents have already begun to take steps to check this new track, "as with all more or less reliable information that arrives on Madeleine," says one source of all solvency. The UDEV has unfinished folder a 'dossier' with all the information available about the case of the child.
Research in Spain
Not surprisingly, since his disappearance, have found "many" communications from individuals claiming to have seen the child in different parts of Spain. Nor is the first time that Malaga appears on that map. Another source consulted said that for months was discarded information that also stood in the Axarquia.
The track was lost Madeleine May 3, 2007 in a hotel complex in Praia da Luz where she was staying with her parents, Kate and Gerry and their twins. The British family was spending a holiday in the Algarve along with three marriages, five children and the mother of a friend.
When couples came in the evening for a drink on the premises of the complex, took turns to go to see their children, who were sleeping. That night was Kate who, while visiting the rooms, found Maddie's bed empty, only with the teddy bear the child. The bedroom window was open.
Case file
The disappearance had a probably unprecedented media coverage so far. The photograph of the small, then aged three years, went around the world, resulting in a flurry of clues to his whereabouts.
During the following days, the Algarve was screened by land and sea in search of the girl. Then he went to interrogations. After investigating several suspects, including parents, Portuguese police closed the case and ruled in July 2008 in the absence of progress. Kate and Gerry remain convinced that a man took her. On the night of May 3, a friend of the couple saw an individual with a child in his arms, his sketch was widely disseminated through the media, without success.
When closed the case, the McCanns launched the Madeleine Foundation to hire a website, a call center call 24 hours for possible clues and a team of researchers. In 2011, the family published a book which contains the tragedy in order to raise funds to continue the search.
Justiceforallkids- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
lol i lovw how google translator says 3 marriges ie couples lol
Justiceforallkids- Platinum Poster
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Police are investigating reported sighting of Madeleine McCann in Nerja
The request to investigate has come from Portuguese police
The police are investigating a clue which puts Madeleine McCann in Nerja. The Judicial Police Commissioner-General received the request to verify the information from the Portuguese authorities.
Diario Sur reports it’s understood the request came by e-mail and arrived some ten days ago.
Portuguese investigators received the Nerja clue and they want to confirm it with the Spanish colleagues. A witness said they saw a girl who looked by Madeline in Nerja.
Madeleine McCann has been missing since May 2007 and since then there have been many sightings of her across Spain, although this is the first time the Costa del Sol has been mentioned.
The request to investigate has come from Portuguese police
The police are investigating a clue which puts Madeleine McCann in Nerja. The Judicial Police Commissioner-General received the request to verify the information from the Portuguese authorities.
Diario Sur reports it’s understood the request came by e-mail and arrived some ten days ago.
Portuguese investigators received the Nerja clue and they want to confirm it with the Spanish colleagues. A witness said they saw a girl who looked by Madeline in Nerja.
Madeleine McCann has been missing since May 2007 and since then there have been many sightings of her across Spain, although this is the first time the Costa del Sol has been mentioned.
Annabel- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Can these topics be merged, please?
ETA: That was quick! Thankyou
Can these topics be merged, please?
ETA: That was quick! Thankyou
Guest- Guest
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Brunty locates the inverted commas on his keyboard:
Another 'Sighting' Ahead Of Madeleine Anniversary
Another 'Sighting' Ahead Of Madeleine Anniversary
almostgothic- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
I love the first line "I guess we can expect more of this as the fifth anniversary of Madeleine McCann's disappearance approaches"
Nice one Martin..exactly the truth
Nice one Martin..exactly the truth
jd16- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 1049
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Registration date : 2012-01-27
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Maddie: new book, but still no solution to the mystery
15/04/2012 15:26
Duarte Levy
"We should not expect a miracle. This remains as communication, "warns an inspector of police in Portugal.
A week after its publication, the book by Kate McCann was already discounted.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of their daughter, Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of little Maddie, are preparing to launch a new version of their book "Madeleine".
Through promotions and a rapid decrease of its initial price of sale, the original version of "Madeleine" has sold 280,000 copies in just the UK.
The "new" writing format paperback, will be on sale in the UK on May 10 and includes a new epilogue that is supposed to reflect the work of the British team that deals with the analysis of the initial investigation.
This is also the alleged confidence McCann in this team that was put in advance to justify the return of the case in the pages of British tabloids.
After five years and several million euros went up in smoke - 2.2 million in 2011 alone - a team of 36 detectives and civilians would be confident to find the solution of the mystery Maddie.
According to one source - always the same - quoted by the tabloid Sunday Mirror, "the London Metropolitan Police [Scotland Yard] have invested considerable resources in consideration of [the investigation] and they want results."
According to the Sunday Mirror, the British police work result in a "full report with a series of recommendations" to the Judicial Police (PJ) of Portugal.
Surprisingly, the source quoted by the tabloid also provides statements of the McCanns and details of the work of Kate in writing the new epilogue.
The information disclosed by several British tabloids also specifies that the team's Chief Inspector Andy Redwood is expected that their report may lead to reopening of the investigation in Portugal.
As a reminder, a team of PJ in Porto, northern Portugal, is also conducting a review of data from the original investigation - a kind of "Cold Case", Portuguese version.
Pressure, but no miracles
Distance communication experts and promotion of the new version of "Madeleine", the Portuguese team looks the business with much less enthusiasm.
"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
A month before the release of this "new" book - a sort of warmed first written - it was commercially important call again to British media.
It is interesting to note that these are the same as the English tabloids McCann clan condemns whenever the topic of the disappearance of Maddie is approached from an angle that is not orchestrated by their machine communication - and I am referring to Clarence Mitchell.
Amazing coordination between the British media, yet stingy in their collaboration, which for some reason (sorry for the sarcasm), have all published similar information.
"Information" worthy of a communications expert ... is that I talked about Clarence Mitchell?!
I do not even speak Portuguese media ... because here we talk about the effect "parrot".
Maddie: new book, but still no solution to the mystery
15/04/2012 15:26
Duarte Levy
"We should not expect a miracle. This remains as communication, "warns an inspector of police in Portugal.
A week after its publication, the book by Kate McCann was already discounted.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of their daughter, Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of little Maddie, are preparing to launch a new version of their book "Madeleine".
Through promotions and a rapid decrease of its initial price of sale, the original version of "Madeleine" has sold 280,000 copies in just the UK.
The "new" writing format paperback, will be on sale in the UK on May 10 and includes a new epilogue that is supposed to reflect the work of the British team that deals with the analysis of the initial investigation.
This is also the alleged confidence McCann in this team that was put in advance to justify the return of the case in the pages of British tabloids.
After five years and several million euros went up in smoke - 2.2 million in 2011 alone - a team of 36 detectives and civilians would be confident to find the solution of the mystery Maddie.
According to one source - always the same - quoted by the tabloid Sunday Mirror, "the London Metropolitan Police [Scotland Yard] have invested considerable resources in consideration of [the investigation] and they want results."
According to the Sunday Mirror, the British police work result in a "full report with a series of recommendations" to the Judicial Police (PJ) of Portugal.
Surprisingly, the source quoted by the tabloid also provides statements of the McCanns and details of the work of Kate in writing the new epilogue.
The information disclosed by several British tabloids also specifies that the team's Chief Inspector Andy Redwood is expected that their report may lead to reopening of the investigation in Portugal.
As a reminder, a team of PJ in Porto, northern Portugal, is also conducting a review of data from the original investigation - a kind of "Cold Case", Portuguese version.
Pressure, but no miracles
Distance communication experts and promotion of the new version of "Madeleine", the Portuguese team looks the business with much less enthusiasm.
"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
A month before the release of this "new" book - a sort of warmed first written - it was commercially important call again to British media.
It is interesting to note that these are the same as the English tabloids McCann clan condemns whenever the topic of the disappearance of Maddie is approached from an angle that is not orchestrated by their machine communication - and I am referring to Clarence Mitchell.
Amazing coordination between the British media, yet stingy in their collaboration, which for some reason (sorry for the sarcasm), have all published similar information.
"Information" worthy of a communications expert ... is that I talked about Clarence Mitchell?!
I do not even speak Portuguese media ... because here we talk about the effect "parrot".
Annabel- Platinum Poster
Number of posts : 3528
Location : Europe
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Registration date : 2009-08-25
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Annabel wrote:http://duartelevy.eu/2012/04/15/maddie-nouveau-livre-mais-toujours-pas-de-solution-au-mystere/
Maddie: new book, but still no solution to the mystery
15/04/2012 15:26
Duarte Levy
"We should not expect a miracle. This remains as communication, "warns an inspector of police in Portugal.
A week after its publication, the book by Kate McCann was already discounted.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of their daughter, Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of little Maddie, are preparing to launch a new version of their book "Madeleine".
Through promotions and a rapid decrease of its initial price of sale, the original version of "Madeleine" has sold 280,000 copies in just the UK.
The "new" writing format paperback, will be on sale in the UK on May 10 and includes a new epilogue that is supposed to reflect the work of the British team that deals with the analysis of the initial investigation.
This is also the alleged confidence McCann in this team that was put in advance to justify the return of the case in the pages of British tabloids.
After five years and several million euros went up in smoke - 2.2 million in 2011 alone - a team of 36 detectives and civilians would be confident to find the solution of the mystery Maddie.
According to one source - always the same - quoted by the tabloid Sunday Mirror, "the London Metropolitan Police [Scotland Yard] have invested considerable resources in consideration of [the investigation] and they want results."
According to the Sunday Mirror, the British police work result in a "full report with a series of recommendations" to the Judicial Police (PJ) of Portugal.
Surprisingly, the source quoted by the tabloid also provides statements of the McCanns and details of the work of Kate in writing the new epilogue.
The information disclosed by several British tabloids also specifies that the team's Chief Inspector Andy Redwood is expected that their report may lead to reopening of the investigation in Portugal.
As a reminder, a team of PJ in Porto, northern Portugal, is also conducting a review of data from the original investigation - a kind of "Cold Case", Portuguese version.
Pressure, but no miracles
Distance communication experts and promotion of the new version of "Madeleine", the Portuguese team looks the business with much less enthusiasm.
"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
A month before the release of this "new" book - a sort of warmed first written - it was commercially important call again to British media.
It is interesting to note that these are the same as the English tabloids McCann clan condemns whenever the topic of the disappearance of Maddie is approached from an angle that is not orchestrated by their machine communication - and I am referring to Clarence Mitchell.
Amazing coordination between the British media, yet stingy in their collaboration, which for some reason (sorry for the sarcasm), have all published similar information.
"Information" worthy of a communications expert ... is that I talked about Clarence Mitchell?!
I do not even speak Portuguese media ... because here we talk about the effect "parrot".
Thanks Annabel. I'll translate that article this afternoon.
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Another 'Sighting' Ahead Of Madeleine Anniversary
I guess we can expect more of this as the fifth anniversary of Madeleine McCann's disappearance approaches.
Spanish police are investigating a report from their Portuguese colleagues that a girl fitting Madeleine's description is living in Nerja near Malaga.
The information was provided by someone living nearby the girl.
Apparently, Spanish police involved in tracing missing people have three such potential sightings a month.
But who knows where this might possibly lead?
The news comes after Portuguese police began a review of the case, which was initially abandoned 15 months after Madeleine vanished in May 2007.
Seems like Maddie only gets sighted at anniversary times/ boooook launches etc!
Still, i don't suppose the McS give a toss which innocent familys child is harrassed as long as they get themselves in the news!
Re: Indian non 'sighting'
Perhaps the paedos and granny 'snatch' squads are, as we speak, on their way to this house to grab her on the pretext that they thought she was Madeleine!
After all there is a £2,5 MILLION reward on offer isn't there?
Shouldn't upset the parents of this girl too much, should it?
Another 'Sighting' Ahead Of Madeleine Anniversary
I guess we can expect more of this as the fifth anniversary of Madeleine McCann's disappearance approaches.
Spanish police are investigating a report from their Portuguese colleagues that a girl fitting Madeleine's description is living in Nerja near Malaga.
The information was provided by someone living nearby the girl.
Apparently, Spanish police involved in tracing missing people have three such potential sightings a month.
But who knows where this might possibly lead?
The news comes after Portuguese police began a review of the case, which was initially abandoned 15 months after Madeleine vanished in May 2007.
Seems like Maddie only gets sighted at anniversary times/ boooook launches etc!
Still, i don't suppose the McS give a toss which innocent familys child is harrassed as long as they get themselves in the news!
Re: Indian non 'sighting'
Perhaps the paedos and granny 'snatch' squads are, as we speak, on their way to this house to grab her on the pretext that they thought she was Madeleine!
After all there is a £2,5 MILLION reward on offer isn't there?
Shouldn't upset the parents of this girl too much, should it?
Last edited by jeanmonroe on Tue 17 Apr - 13:01; edited 1 time in total
jeanmonroe- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 1041
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Registration date : 2011-07-27
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Seems like Maddie only gets sighted at anniversary times/ boooook launches etc!
Its called PR
jd16- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 1049
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Registration date : 2012-01-27
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
pennylane- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 5353
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Registration date : 2010-03-10
Re: possible new maddie sighting????
@ jeanmunroe
You are so right, and this is something we must never forget - for every fake 'sighting' there is a child and its family whose lives will be disrupted and maybe even damaged.
In typical Ramsey style, they are prepared to throw countless innocent people under the bus - to save their own contemptuous hides, publicise the latest god-awful bewk and fill up the begging bowl yet again.
You are so right, and this is something we must never forget - for every fake 'sighting' there is a child and its family whose lives will be disrupted and maybe even damaged.
In typical Ramsey style, they are prepared to throw countless innocent people under the bus - to save their own contemptuous hides, publicise the latest god-awful bewk and fill up the begging bowl yet again.
almostgothic- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Nice place, Nerja.
Been twice for holidays - low rise and nicely situated.
Been twice for holidays - low rise and nicely situated.
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
pennylane wrote:"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
I`m hanging on to the word `initially` - could that mean they eventually cottoned on?
Last edited by Oldartform on Tue 17 Apr - 13:23; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : revamp bold)
Oldartform- Forum Addict
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Oldartform wrote:pennylane wrote:"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
I`m hanging on to the word `initially` - could that mean they eventually cottoned on?
I wanted to hang on to that word too, but my grip gave way when I read "the pressure is on collaboration" at the expense of quality.
It seems Helen Monteiro has stopped short of saying it's a whitewash, but is sending a clear message that this review isn't going anywhere thanks to SY's blinkered approach. Well that's what I'm getting anyway.
pennylane- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
pennylane wrote:Oldartform wrote:pennylane wrote:"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
I`m hanging on to the word `initially` - could that mean they eventually cottoned on?
I wanted to hang on to that word too, but my grip gave way when I read "the pressure is on collaboration" at the expense of quality.
It seems Helen Monteiro has stopped short of saying it's a whitewash, but is sending a clear message that this review isn't going anywhere thanks to SY's blinkered approach. Well that's what I'm getting anyway.
Is it actually Helen Monteiro being quoted? Seems to be just an inspector close to the team led by HM. Don`t know why I`m grasping at straws.
Oldartform- Forum Addict
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Taking Comments
Police search for Maddie McCann moves to Spain after 'lookalike' is spotted in town near Malaga
PUBLISHED: 12:00 GMT, 17 April 2012 | UPDATED: 12:04 GMT, 17 April 2012
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Search continues: Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town of Nerja near Malaga in Spain
Search continues: Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town of Nerja near Malaga in Spain
The Madeleine McCann mystery took a new twist today as it emerged that Spanish police are looking for the missing girl in a Costa del Sol holiday resort
Detectives are making inquiries in Nerja after a tip-off from colleagues in Portugal.
Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town near Malaga.
Officers from a specialist unit are said to have been mobilised after being sent details of the sighting.
The development is thought to be connected to a new review of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
A new squad of officers has been brought in to re-examine the case.
The team, from the northern city of Porto, has been instructed to go over the thousands of pages of case files and search for new clues.
The officers are working with a Scotland Yard team set up in May last year to review the investigation into Madeleine's May 2007 disappearance from the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz.
Respected Malaga-based daily Diario Sur said the fresh inquiries in Spain were being carried out by officers from the Judicial Police's Central Specialised and Violent Crime Unit.
Officers from the specialist police unit are currently searching for two siblings who disappeared in a park in Cordoba, southern Spain on October 8.
The youngsters' dad Jose Breton was arrested over their disappearance and is being held in prison.
Police have failed to find any trace of Ruth, six, and Jose, two, despite several searches of a family home with radar equipment.
The McCanns' Portuguese lawyer Rogerio Alves has described the Portuguese police case review as a 'very postive sign'.
He said when news emerged of the creation of the new team: 'Obviously the most plausible explanation for what's happening is that information passed to or acquired by the Judicial Police in Porto has put them on the trail of something specific.'
Taking Comments
Police search for Maddie McCann moves to Spain after 'lookalike' is spotted in town near Malaga
PUBLISHED: 12:00 GMT, 17 April 2012 | UPDATED: 12:04 GMT, 17 April 2012
Comments (0)
Search continues: Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town of Nerja near Malaga in Spain
Search continues: Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town of Nerja near Malaga in Spain
The Madeleine McCann mystery took a new twist today as it emerged that Spanish police are looking for the missing girl in a Costa del Sol holiday resort
Detectives are making inquiries in Nerja after a tip-off from colleagues in Portugal.
Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town near Malaga.
Officers from a specialist unit are said to have been mobilised after being sent details of the sighting.
The development is thought to be connected to a new review of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
A new squad of officers has been brought in to re-examine the case.
The team, from the northern city of Porto, has been instructed to go over the thousands of pages of case files and search for new clues.
The officers are working with a Scotland Yard team set up in May last year to review the investigation into Madeleine's May 2007 disappearance from the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz.
Respected Malaga-based daily Diario Sur said the fresh inquiries in Spain were being carried out by officers from the Judicial Police's Central Specialised and Violent Crime Unit.
Officers from the specialist police unit are currently searching for two siblings who disappeared in a park in Cordoba, southern Spain on October 8.
The youngsters' dad Jose Breton was arrested over their disappearance and is being held in prison.
Police have failed to find any trace of Ruth, six, and Jose, two, despite several searches of a family home with radar equipment.
The McCanns' Portuguese lawyer Rogerio Alves has described the Portuguese police case review as a 'very postive sign'.
He said when news emerged of the creation of the new team: 'Obviously the most plausible explanation for what's happening is that information passed to or acquired by the Judicial Police in Porto has put them on the trail of something specific.'
Annabel- Platinum Poster
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Annabel- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
maddie is nine next month imo if she was alive she would not look like she did when she was 3 she would have been disguised imo and also why would a supposed abductor take the worlds most famous child out in public??
Justiceforallkids- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a Madeleine McCann lookalike spotted in the town of Nerja near Malaga in Spain
Erm..... nobody really knows what Maddie looks like 5 years older and can only guess. As this trash article says a 'lookalike; this is all that it is. Talk about taking a grain of info and totally twisting it into a insignificant story!
Last edited by jd16 on Tue 17 Apr - 14:00; edited 1 time in total
jd16- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
Oldartform wrote:pennylane wrote:Oldartform wrote:pennylane wrote:"Unfortunately, we should not expect a miracle. Still, as this communication, "warns an inspector of police, close to the team led by the coordinator Helena Monteiro.
According to the inspector, "the method adopted by the English is vitiated by an error: they initially dismissed any possibility except the stranger abduction to the group."
"I do not blame parents, but there were others, and for some, there are still doubts. And the only way to resume the inquiry would be to start rebuilding, "said the same inspector noting that" the pressure is on collaboration, "at the expense of quality.
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
I`m hanging on to the word `initially` - could that mean they eventually cottoned on?
I wanted to hang on to that word too, but my grip gave way when I read "the pressure is on collaboration" at the expense of quality.
It seems Helen Monteiro has stopped short of saying it's a whitewash, but is sending a clear message that this review isn't going anywhere thanks to SY's blinkered approach. Well that's what I'm getting anyway.
Is it actually Helen Monteiro being quoted? Seems to be just an inspector close to the team led by HM. Don`t know why I`m grasping at straws.
I agree the quotes are misleading, but I think this is a good article.
I'm sceptical re the parameters of this review, but I'll try and muster up some optimism. I would dearly love to see TM exposed fully, and for justice to prevail for poor Maddie, who has been treated so abominably by those that should cherish and protect her.
pennylane- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
pennylane wrote:
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
We had a big clue to what the 'review' was really about last year when SY said "As if the abduction happened in the UK".....of course it will be a whitewash this is the point, and to demonstrate to the greater unsuspecting public that kate and gerry are innocent as SY have found no evidence or suggestion of their involvement which most will suck up to like lambs
Its only the ones like us who have read the actual facts and the statements that know the truth. Unfortunately anyone or body with any sort of power or media influence run to the hills like spineless chickens..Maybe just one will be strong and brave enough
jd16- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
jd16 wrote:pennylane wrote:
So Scotland Yard are pushing the abduction theory only, and are unwilling to go back to square one and consider the glaringly obvious lies told, because this review is a whitewash that is being driven forward by the Home Office?
We had a big clue to what the 'review' was really about last year when SY said "As if the abduction happened in the UK".....of course it will be a whitewash this is the point, and to demonstrate to the greater unsuspecting public that kate and gerry are innocent as SY have found no evidence or suggestion of their involvement which most will suck up to like lambs
Its only the ones like us who have read the actual facts and the statements that know the truth. Unfortunately anyone or body with any sort of power or media influence run to the hills like spineless chickens..Maybe just one will be strong and brave enough
Sadly I agree. I actually believe the writing was on the wall way back when the Birmingham FSS did their jaw dropping U-turn.
Even with the never ending alterations to their story, and Jane Tanners absurd bundleman sighting, and the CSI blood and cadaver dogs marking death in the McCanns apartment... the Home Office STILL refused to cooperate with the requests to turn over any background information on the two main culprits, and the Leicester Police website remained linked to the McCanns website and money grubbing fund.
I don't foresee any change of direction coming from the UK now.... waaaay too much corruption involved at this juncture for that to happen (imo).
pennylane- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
pennylane wrote:
Sadly I agree. I actually believe the writing was on the wall way back when the Birmingham FSS did their jaw dropping U-turn.
Even with the never ending alterations to their story, and Jane Tanners absurd bundleman sighting, and the CSI blood and cadaver dogs marking death in the McCanns apartment... the Home Office STILL refused to cooperate with the requests to turn over any background information on the two main culprits, and the Leicester Police website remained linked to the McCanns website and money grubbing fund.
I don't foresee any change of direction coming from the UK now.... waaaay too much corruption involved at this juncture for that to happen (imo).
Sadly I agree too. Why does a Prime Minister of the UK make a 'personal' visit to LPP on a investigation that 'in theory' has nothing to do with government business....and why did LPP withhold the Gaspar statement for 6 months and only sent it when the case was shelved! If you look at the dates when the statement was made, gerry goes back to the UK a couple of days later and then Payne goes back...funny that....then nobody knows of the statement until the case is shelved
if it were a joe public couple who had absurd bundleman sightings, CSI blood and cadaver dogs marking death in the apartment....the Home Office would have cooperated years ago and with everything they got. However, the scale of this can't stay a secret forever its impossible...one day something or someone will slip up or be man enough to be strong and responsible. The truth will come out and we just need to keep pushing and pushing until something snaps
jd16- Platinum Poster
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Re: possible new maddie sighting????
jd16 wrote:pennylane wrote:
Sadly I agree. I actually believe the writing was on the wall way back when the Birmingham FSS did their jaw dropping U-turn.
Even with the never ending alterations to their story, and Jane Tanners absurd bundleman sighting, and the CSI blood and cadaver dogs marking death in the McCanns apartment... the Home Office STILL refused to cooperate with the requests to turn over any background information on the two main culprits, and the Leicester Police website remained linked to the McCanns website and money grubbing fund.
I don't foresee any change of direction coming from the UK now.... waaaay too much corruption involved at this juncture for that to happen (imo).
Sadly I agree too. Why does a Prime Minister of the UK make a 'personal' visit to LPP on a investigation that 'in theory' has nothing to do with government business....and why did LPP withhold the Gaspar statement for 6 months and only sent it when the case was shelved! If you look at the dates when the statement was made, gerry goes back to the UK a couple of days later and then Payne goes back...funny that....then nobody knows of the statement until the case is shelved
if it were a joe public couple who had absurd bundleman sightings, CSI blood and cadaver dogs marking death in the apartment....the Home Office would have cooperated years ago and with everything they got. However, the scale of this can't stay a secret forever its impossible...one day something or someone will slip up or be man enough to be strong and responsible. The truth will come out and we just need to keep pushing and pushing until something snaps
Ah yes.... the Gaspar statements! OMG there are days I fear I may succumb to the obnoxious fumes that surround these vile doctors and their teflon coated criminal existence!
You are quite right jd, we must keep pushing until something snaps!
pennylane- Platinum Poster
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