Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
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Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
Remind me again - who were the first to label Madeline's "disappearance" an abduction? 'Tainted' indeed from the get-go. The McCanns will not be happy to see this article!! I've been bewildered but not bamboozled by all the recent guile being printed and actually surprised to read this article in the Mirror. Good to see Mr. Amaral recognized.
interested- Platinum Poster
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frencheuropean- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
Now that the UK press have taken us back to 2007, I'd like to see the Mirror publish the comments which were posted on the Mirror Forum in 2007 which indicate just how early the public were onto the McCanns' fake abduction scam. Gerry's blog would be an eye-opener too for the public who were not aware of it in 2007; the supposedly distraught father taking time off from searching to keep the public up-to-date on the family's activities in lieu of actually co-operating with investigators.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
interested wrote:Now that the UK press have taken us back to 2007, I'd like to see the Mirror publish the comments which were posted on the Mirror Forum in 2007 which indicate just how early the public were onto the McCanns' fake abduction scam. Gerry's blog would be an eye-opener too for the public who were not aware of it in 2007; the supposedly distraught father taking time off from searching to keep the public up-to-date on the family's activities in lieu of actually co-operating with investigators.
Funny you should mention the blogs. I was looking at Facebook this morning and there was an article posted there, When you click onto it you can access some of St Gerry's blogs. So, I thought I would have a little read to refresh my memory. Amazing how many times they went for a run and that was in the days following the "abduction". The blogs were all about them, what they were doing, how many times they went to the airport, who was coming and going. No mention anywhere of the person they were supposed to be searching for. Remind me again, who was this? Ah yes, Madeleine. The meanderings of a snivelling little self obsessed no mark were a revelation all over again.
Keela- Platinum Poster
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the fund......
day 14.....from Pamalam
Funds will be paid to Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited: Company Registration Number - 6248215
3. The objects of the Foundation are:
3.1.1 To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
3.1.2 To procure that Madeleine’s abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and
3.1.3 To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family.
3.2 If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.
Funds will be paid to Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited: Company Registration Number - 6248215
3. The objects of the Foundation are:
3.1.1 To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
3.1.2 To procure that Madeleine’s abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and
3.1.3 To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family.
3.2 If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.
ann_chovey- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
Does anyone else find it odd that apparently Madeleine, the daughter of two doctors, had her own hair brush but allegedly shared a single toothbrush with the twins.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
interested wrote:Does anyone else find it odd that apparently Madeleine, the daughter of two doctors, had her own hair brush but allegedly shared a single toothbrush with the twins.
I find it very strange. I have used my sisters hairbrush but would never consider using her toothbrush. Their lack of common hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. Wonder what else is shared in the family??
Keela- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
How can the SY investigation be defended when, as Colin Sutton claims, he was told by a senior Met friend, he would be ordered to prove Madeleine was abducted and the parents innocent. The official Portuguese files find no evidence of an abduction. In my opinion, the McCanns should have been the first to be questioned regarding hiding Madeleine's corpse, staging the abduction, perverting justice and committing financial fraud.
interested- Platinum Poster
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Re: Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction' - Mirror
Colin Sutton has tweeted: "1- I hoped Grange was doing other work in the background; 2- When I decided to speak it took a while to find an MSM outlet who would listen"
Sounds like he wanted to speak out earlier but couldn't find an 'outlet' that was willing to hear/publish the truth. That speaks volumes about the MSM which is only to happy to give Mitchell a 'voice' any time he opens his mouth.
Sounds like he wanted to speak out earlier but couldn't find an 'outlet' that was willing to hear/publish the truth. That speaks volumes about the MSM which is only to happy to give Mitchell a 'voice' any time he opens his mouth.
interested- Platinum Poster
- Number of posts : 2839
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