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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Thu 14 Jan - 20:15

4timesanan wrote:on the joana morais site there is a piece about isobel duarte suing goncalo amaral for violating the judicial secrecy..i still can't get the hang of posting links Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 371436 ..but would be grateful if someonelse might do it

It's this thread:


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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  roseland69 Thu 14 Jan - 20:36

deborah wrote:Thanks - so it was not Amarals fault that this was broadcast on that day ?

There is no fault. It was the broadcaster's decision to transmit it that day, in particular whoever is responsible for scheduling in collaboration with the programme producers and broadcaster's channel controller (as the BBC would call that person). There is no crime in transmitting a programme on a particular day. The only times something isn't tx'd on a day is if some big news story has just happened that means the programme would be seen to be insensitive - which is why the towering inferno was off schedulers lists after 9/11 (as an example of that). Enough time had passed IMHO that despite the date itself being of consequence, it wasn't entirely unreasonable to suggest the programme be shown given it was around the time of the anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance. It was clearly the best time to show it. For the same reasons the Mccann's did their 2 hour special on ITV. That was shown the same time of year for the same reasons.

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Post  Lilemor Thu 14 Jan - 22:54

Interesting article
but I can not translate.

TVI nega parcialidade em documentário baseado em livro de Gonçalo Amaral
14 | 01 | 2010 21.27H

TVI denies partiality in documentary based on book of Gonçalo Amaral
14 | 01 | 2010 21.27H

A TVI negou hoje parcialidade na exibição de documentário baseado no livro de Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira", retirado provisoriamente do mercado após providência cautelar interposta pelos pais da criança inglesa desaparecida no Algarve.
Destak/Lusa | destak@destak.pt

A directora de programação internacional da estação televisiva, Margarida Teotónio Pereira, ouvida como testemunha de defesa na terceira sessão do julgamento do procedimento cautelar, garantiu que "a TVI tentou comprar um documentário em que o casal McCann apresentava a sua versão" do desaparecimento da filha, em 2007, no Algarve.

A responsável do canal lembrou que em Abril de 2009 o director-geral da estação na altura, José Eduardo Moniz, "não queria que a TVI ficasse ligada a um documentário que defendia a tese de Gonçalo Amaral", pelo que se avançou para a aquisição do programa "com imagens exclusivas e inéditas", em que Kate e Gerry McCann reconstituíam os factos.

Esse documentário em que os McCann eram intervenientes, produzido pela estação de televisão britânica Channel 4, permitia, como referiu a testemunha, a contraposição ao realizado pela Valentim de Carvalho, com base no livro do ex-inspector da Polícia Judiciária (PJ), exibido pela TVI a 13 de Abril de 2009 pela primeira vez.

Tanto Margarida Teotónio Pereira como o técnico de estudos de mercado da estação Paulo Gonçalves Soares disseram que o documentário foi antecedido de uma explicação escrita da existência "de outros pontos de vista" sobre a matéria, não veiculando a TVI, numa altura em que se "sabia que um outro documentário estaria disponível no mercado internacional".

O canal chegou a acordo com a distribuidora britânica para a compra do documentário da Channel 4, mas a 28 de Abril Margarida Teotónio Pereira recebeu e-mail a confirmar telefonema de dias antes, em que o casal McCann impedia a exibição no canal português.
= The channel reached agreement with the British distributor for the purchase of the documentary of the Channel 4, but to the 28th of April Daisy Teotónio Pereira received e-mail to confirm phone call of days before, in which the couple McCann was obstructing the show in the Portuguese channel.

"Quisemos ter a oportunidade de dar outra história de um assunto que interessava muito e que era muito importante para a TVI, não só por razões de audiência", disse, salientando que o casal britânico vetou o canal português por insatisfação sobre notícias veiculadas anteriormente.

A pedido da juíza, a comunicação escrita da distribuidora em recusar a exibição do documentário foi anexada aos autos, por considerar relevante para a oposição do canal, também visado neste processo, à argumentação dos McCann, de que a difusão da tese de envolvimento de Kate e Gerry no desaparecimento da filha prejudica as investigações.

O programa do Channel 4 acabou por ser adquirido e exibido pela SIC dias depois, em horário nobre, com a TVI a repetir à mesma hora a exibição do documentário de Gonçalo Amaral, apenas por "razões de audiência".

Quer na primeira quer na segunda exibição, Margarida Teotónio Pereira disse que na TVI "não se discutiu o facto de o documentário passar" em data anterior ao despacho de arquivamento da investigação da PJ, pelo procurador da República de Portimão, redigido a 1 de Julho do mesmo ano, com notificação a 29.

Essa questão foi suscitada pela representante dos McCann, Isabel Duarte, que vai interpor uma acção criminal contra Gonçalo Amaral por violação do segredo de justiça.

A próxima sessão está marcada para 10 de Fevereiro, com alegações finais.

Neste processo, Gonçalo Amaral é acusado de difundir conclusões que os McCann consideram insustentáveis de morte da menina no apartamento, simulação de rapto por parte dos pais e ocultação de cadáver.
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Thu 14 Jan - 22:56


TVI denies bias in documentary based on the book by Gonçalo Amaral
14 | 01 | 2010 21.27H

TVI denies partiality in documentary based on book of Gonçalo Amaral
14 | 01 | 2010 21.27H

TVI today denied bias in the showing of a documentary based on the book of Gonçalo Amaral "Maddie - The Truth Lies", temporarily withdrawn from the market after injunction filed by the parents of missing British child in Portugal.
Destak / Lusa | destak@destak.pt

The program director of international television station, Margarida Pereira Teotónio heard as a defense witness in the trial of the third session of the trial process, said that "TVI tried to buy a documentary in which the McCann couple had their version" of the disappearance of their daughter in 2007, in the Algarve.

The head of the channel pointed out that in April 2009 the Director-General of the season at the time, José Eduardo Moniz, "did not want to stay connected to TVI a documentary's thesis was Gonçalo Amaral", and it is advanced to the acquisition program "with exclusive footage and unprecedented" in which Kate and Gerry McCann reconstructed the facts.

This documentary in which the McCanns were involved, produced by British television station Channel 4, allowed, as the witness, the opposition made by the Valentim de Carvalho, based on the book by former Inspector of Judicial Police (PJ), displayed by TVI on April 13, 2009 for the first time.

Both Teotónio Margarida Pereira as the technical market research station Paulo Gonçalves Soares said the documentary was preceded by a written explanation of the existence "of other points of view on the matter, not conveying the TVI, a time where" knew that another documentary would be available in the international market. "

The channel has reached agreement with the British distributor for the purchase of Channel 4 documentary, but the April 28 Teotónio Margarida Pereira received e-mail confirming phone call days before the couple McCann prevented the display on the Portuguese channel.
= The channel reached agreement with the British distributor for the purchase of the documentary of the Channel 4, but to the 28th of April Daisy Teotonio Pereira received e-mail to confirm phone call of days before, in which the McCann couple was obstructing the show in the Portuguese channel.

"We wanted to have the opportunity to take another story about a subject that interested in it and it was very important for TVI, not only for the audience," he said, noting that the British couple vetoed by the Portuguese channel dissatisfaction with reports in earlier.

At the request of the judge, a written communication from the distributor to refuse to view the documentary was attached to the file, arguing with the opposition of the channel, also referred to this process, the arguments for the McCanns, that dissemination of the thesis of the involvement of Kate Gerry and the disappearance of her daughter prejudice the investigation.

The Channel 4 program was eventually acquired and displayed by SIC days later, in prime time, with TVI to repeat the same time showing of the documentary by Gonçalo Amaral, only for "reasons of hearing."

Either the first or the second view, Teotónio Margarida Pereira said that the TVI "not discussing the fact that the documentary go" in time before the decision to file the investigation of the PJ, the prosecutor of Portimão, drawn from 1 July the same year, with notification to 29.

Was raised by the representative of the McCann, Isabel Duarte, who will bring a criminal action against Gonçalo Amaral for breach of secrecy.

The next meeting is scheduled for 10 February, with closing arguments.

In this case, Gonçalo Amaral is accused of disseminating findings to the McCanns consider unsustainable girl's death in the apartment, simulation of abduction by parents and concealment of a body.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Lilemor Thu 14 Jan - 22:57

Thanks Photon!
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  laci Thu 14 Jan - 23:02

I am still confused?

Madeleines birthday was on the 12th
McCanns documentary was shown on the 12th (is that right)

Goncalo Amarals documentary was shown on 13th (Am i wrong)

So it seems to me the McCanns documentary was on Madeleines birthday. Where is the problem?

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  tanszi Thu 14 Jan - 23:12

Because if the McCanns know that their mockumentary is going out on Madeleines Birthday, thats fine and opportunistic, if Goncalo Amaral s documentary is going out on Madeleines Birthday and he doesnt change it, hes sick, and other adjectives im sure the McCs and ID can come up with. Problem is it seems IDs questioning will come back to bite her. IMO
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  laci Thu 14 Jan - 23:15

But in actual fact Goncalo Amarals documentary did not go out on Madeleines birthday.? Is that right.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Thu 14 Jan - 23:18

Posted by FSoares earlier on this thread:

TVI broadcasted Amaral's documentary on 13 April 2009. The McCann one was on SIC, the 12th May.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  laci Thu 14 Jan - 23:22

Cheers Photon its been a long day.
Its not sinking in at all.

So TVI broadcast Amarals documentary on the 13th. That was not Madeleines birthday. (what point are they trying to make)

What I am thinking is did they themselves get mistaken and think there own documentary went out on the13th and Amarals went out on the 12th Madeleines birthday?

Do you understand where my confusion is? If not i think i will pass on this thread. Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 294124

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Thu 14 Jan - 23:24

I think Duarte was even more confused - she's supposed to know the facts! And they were aired in different months Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 29204

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  laci Thu 14 Jan - 23:28

Thanks Photon.

Well I know what I mean but I am still none the wiser. Thanks anyway.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  4timesanan Thu 14 Jan - 23:47

to laci
we have a tiny family member whom we called laci....she's a little madam..hope you are a good girl Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 25346
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  laci Fri 15 Jan - 0:21

Hi 4timesanan Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 306321

I do try to be not sure hubby would agree though.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Papillon Fri 15 Jan - 5:24

I just want to Thanks to those that have given us the report from the Court today. Thank you, this thread was very much appreciated by me.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  fedrules Fri 15 Jan - 7:39

I'd also like to thank those who posted the live thread. As the processes in the court are of public interest some details of Amaral's book and the fact that it is based on the findings of the police report have at last made the UK media and Carter F ( as in the recent Trafigura case) were unable to do anything about it. Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 25346 This alone is a victory for freedom of speech, regardless of the eventual verdict.

In fact, as many of Amaral's opinions have been reported in the media, what is the point in upholding the injunction ?
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Lilemor Fri 15 Jan - 12:32


YouTube Video:

K. McCann: court battle right thing
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Fri 15 Jan - 12:39

laci wrote:Well I know what I mean but I am still none the wiser. Thanks anyway.

Dr Amarals documentary was shown first. As a consequence, the McCann's actually flew a film crew back to portugal to shoot extra footage for their documentary. They also edited their documentary to remove all of the Kate's testimony. All the scenes involving the actress playing Kate where completely removed !

The McCann's documentary was shown about 3 weeks after, around the time of the annivesray of the alledged abduction.

Dr Amarals documentary would have been shown about 1 month before Madeleine's birthday

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Fri 15 Jan - 12:41

Photon wrote:Posted by FSoares earlier on this thread:

TVI broadcasted Amaral's documentary on 13 April 2009. The McCann one was on SIC, the 12th May.

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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Bebootje Fri 15 Jan - 12:44

tanszi wrote:Because if the McCanns know that their mockumentary is going out on Madeleines Birthday, thats fine and opportunistic, if Goncalo Amaral s documentary is going out on Madeleines Birthday and he doesnt change it, hes sick, and other adjectives im sure the McCs and ID can come up with. Problem is it seems IDs questioning will come back to bite her. IMO

Maybe it's worth it to draw Brunty's attention on this misunderstanding. He corrected the F*** the McCanns one.
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Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 Empty Re: Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10

Post  Guest Fri 15 Jan - 12:45

fedrules wrote:In fact, as many of Amaral's opinions have been reported in the media, what is the point in upholding the injunction ?

no point, really, no point at all. elvis has left the building. Sky Live Day 3 - 14/01/10 - Page 20 25346

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