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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  interested Sat 15 Jun - 3:52

Please see Mail On Line re this article updated 00:10 GMT 15 June 2013.  I hope someone more tech savy than I will copy it.  Thanks in advance.
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  weissnicht Sat 15 Jun - 5:26


Scotland Yard takes over the inquiry into Maddie's disappearance from Portuguese police after they fail to make a breakthrough in six years

  • Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to fund full-scale Met inquiry

  • Review identified 20 potential suspects and dozens of new leads

  • Portuguese authorities have refused to reopen the investigation

PUBLISHED: 23:59 GMT, 14 June 2013 | UPDATED: 00:10 GMT, 15 June 2013

Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Article-2342030-022BA39E00000578-14_306x493
Madeleine: She was abducted six years ago in Portugal

Scotland Yard is to take control of the Madeleine McCann case from the Portuguese authorities, the Daily Mail can reveal.
In a significant development, Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to fund a full-scale Metropolitan Police investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance in Portugal six years ago.
It follows a two-year, £5million Met review of her disappearance.
This has identified more than 20 potential suspects and dozens of new leads – but despite the progress made by the review team, the Portuguese authorities have refused to reopen their inquiry. Officials in Portugal say that under the country’s laws they can only reopen the case if there is new evidence, and the new leads do not provide sufficient grounds.
But Met detectives insist their leads could, if properly investigated, result in new evidence and perhaps the case being solved.
With no sign of the deadlock being broken, the Met asked Mrs May to provide Home Office funding for a Scotland Yard investigation into Maddie’s disappearance.
It is understood she has approved the request. It is not known how much additional funding was sought but it is believed it could run into millions of pounds. A statement announcing the Met-led investigation is expected in the next few weeks.
It will endeavour not to upset the Portuguese authorities, who – privately at least – are likely to be unhappy about playing second fiddle to British police.
Under the plan, Yard detectives will seek the assistance of the Portuguese to carry out some inquiries on their behalf. British police do not have jurisdiction in Portugal but they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance.

Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Article-2342030-119480DF000005DC-784_634x389
Taking over: Scotland Yard is to take control of the Madeleine McCann case from the Portuguese authorities

Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Article-2342030-1A540FC5000005DC-208_634x421
Partnership: It is understood that Scotland Yard would ask Portuguese authorities to put any suspect on trial

Sources said that should Scotland Yard gather  sufficient evidence to prosecute a foreign national who lives overseas, they will ask the Portuguese authorities to put the suspect on trial. Madeleine was nearly four when she went missing from her family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on the Algarve in 2007 as her parents dined with friends nearby.
The shambolic Portuguese inquiry was shelved in 2008 but Scotland Yard began a Home Office-funded review in 2011 following the intervention of David Cameron.
He had been lobbied by Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann – who were falsely accused by Portuguese police of being behind her disappearance.
Officials said the progress made by the Yard review vindicated Mr Cameron’s decision to intervene.
Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Article-2342030-19D6846F000005DC-704_306x423
A review by the Met police identified 20 potential suspects and dozens of new leads into the disappearance of Maddy McCann

Last year the officer in day-to-day charge of the review, Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, said his team had identified 195 potential leads.

It emerged last month that the review had identified more than 20 people ‘of interest’, including Britons, who have not been eliminated from  the case.
Detective Chief Superintendent Hamish Campbell, who supervised the Met’s review said there were a ‘good number’ of individuals who should be questioned.
Well-placed sources said at least 20 potential suspects – including a number of Britons who were in the Algarve at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance – had not been properly eliminated. One authoritative source said last night: ‘These people include a couple of known child sex offenders who are thought may have been in the Algarve when Madeleine disappeared. More work needs to be done on establishing their movements around the time she vanished. It cannot be disputed that the Portuguese police investigation was very poor.
‘They put all their eggs in one basket in terms of the McCanns being responsible for Madeleine’s disappearance. When they were rightly eliminated, they simply closed the inquiry rather than starting again.’
It is understood that, contrary to some media reports, the Portuguese inquiry did identify everyone who was staying at the Ocean Club when she vanished. Most were British tourists.
The Yard is ‘tidying’ up this aspect of the initial inquiry, trying to nail down people’s movements there.
The fact that so many investigative opportunities were missed has galvanised British detectives who believe there is a real possibility they could unravel the mystery.
Last month, the Mail revealed how as part of the review, Yard detectives had flown to Switzerland to probe the movements of one of the country’s most notorious child snatchers, Urs Hans von Aesch.
The 67-year-old was one of many potential suspects dismissed prematurely by Portuguese police.
Von Aesch kidnapped and murdered a five-year-old girl in his native Switzerland less than three months after Madeleine was abducted. He took his own life after killing his victim, who looked remarkably like Maddie.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342030/Scotland-Yard-takes-inquiry-Maddies-disappearance-Portuguese-police-fail-make-breakthrough-years.html#ixzz2WFv1gmc7 
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  weissnicht Sat 15 Jun - 5:38

New leads bla bla bla and 

"The shambolic Portuguese inquiry was shelved in 2008 but Scotland Yard began a Home Office-funded review in 2011 following the intervention of David Cameron.
He had been lobbied by Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann – who were falsely accused by Portuguese police of being behind her disappearance."

Sounds like prober white wash this time.
mccanns will be made Saints in two years time.
and of course they will be lady and sir too, no doubt.

Why mail is spouting this shite, it's simply not true:
‘They put all their eggs in one basket in terms of the McCanns being responsible for Madeleine’s disappearance. When they were rightly eliminated, they simply closed the inquiry rather than starting again.’
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Wintabells Sat 15 Jun - 7:08

'rightly eliminated'?

*shakes head in disbelief*
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  keepingmum Sat 15 Jun - 8:46

...and they STILL use the "abduction" word.  Grrrrh.....
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Lillyofthevalley Sat 15 Jun - 9:51

I just can not get my head around this story, after all that crap with The Leveson Enquiry, Gerry and Kate blaming and lying about the media "intrusion" bla bla  I would have thought the papers would be gunning for the two neglecting doctors at the first possible chance......
But no, same old stuff!

What the hell is going on? I just for the live of me can't get my head around why two lower class neglecting doctors, are been so well protected!
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Lillyofthevalley Sat 15 Jun - 9:52

I suppose it could be all to do with the fact that the Trial starts next month, and Clarry needs all the help he can get so he is maybe calling in a few favours?

But the sad thing is they will be such a lot of gullible readers believing this tosh!

Last edited by Lillyofthevalley on Sat 15 Jun - 9:58; edited 1 time in total
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 9:55

wasnt it the uk police that brought in the dogs - who are they gonna rubbish -while they are at it eddie keela mr grimes - what they gonna do now ? what should be done is start from the beginning - last person to see madeleine alive - ??? who - gerry kate or a tapas who ? they all need reinterviewing - on the same day in differant police stations no - i said this you saiad that bla de bl;a -- or is this the beginning of the end - whitewash - or maybe murrat set up yet again with dead pedo
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Lillyofthevalley Sat 15 Jun - 10:00

Yes it was cass, and wasn't it the UK Police who told the PJ at the start to look at the Parents? 

So lets hope SY are looking at the parents and friends now they've supposed to taken over the case?
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 10:16

i mean if the met are taking over and they want portugal to take anyone to trial - hows that gonna work ? works both ways - i mean - mr swathy abductor got into the appartment all in the space of a few mins - didnt awake the children and stole madeleine -- nah they were left hrs for it to even be possible -- will sy get the mcanns and friends for neglect ? i mean they left their children for hrs - wasnt madeleine crying for a hr and a half - think these qusestions need asking -before they point their finger at anyone else swathy or not
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Chris Sat 15 Jun - 10:38

All this story shows (if it is correct) is that after two years and millions spent SY have failed to turn up any new evidence "overlooked" by the PJ and sufficient to meet the requirements of the Portugese legal establishment. And yet still our worthy press refers to it as a bungled investigation. There is nothing so far to suggest that the 20 "persons of interest" had any involvement. If the SY eliminate them from their enquiries where do they go from there?
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  matthew Sat 15 Jun - 11:20

So if SY do take over then the suspects must be British & who would want the British media interfering in a future British trial...sounds like SY are on the right track to me
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  matthew Sat 15 Jun - 11:22

Sorry meant to add this...."British police do not have jurisdiction in Portugal but they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance."
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  matthew Sat 15 Jun - 11:29

Met police to take on McCann probe
Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry _51606573_fa1d16c0-9c6c-4f82-b0b8-ab66ddd94f78
Investigation into disappearance of Madeleine McCann to be taken on by UK police, after funding deal agreed...
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 11:30

that could mean anyone - mcanns tapas - or murrat -
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Loopdaloop Sat 15 Jun - 11:31

Why are people here getting distracted by what the 'journalists' have written? 
Ignore all the crap that they always write around the outside because they are scared of being sued and look at the content. 

This is actually a positive development! A "full scale Scotland yard investigation" is missing the key word that is used whenever those five words are normally used together. 'CRIMINAL'. Logically, this must mean they have 'people of interest' who are British and accessible. Furthermore, as it is reported that Scotland Yard has taken over from the 'Portugese', that means they now have been authorised to use their powers to press charges! 

they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342030/Scotland-Yard-takes-inquiry-Maddies-disappearance-Portuguese-police-fail-make-breakthrough-years.html#ixzz2WHOeluE3 

How many British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine's disappearance can you name?

They must also be concrete suspects and tangible to the police as they can't get authorisation for further funding on the basis of the psychics and conman that the Mccann's were utilising.
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 11:32

matthew wrote:Met police to take on McCann probe
Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry _51606573_fa1d16c0-9c6c-4f82-b0b8-ab66ddd94f78
Investigation into disappearance of Madeleine McCann to be taken on by UK police, after funding deal agreed...and gerry and kate are kept updated - you couldnt make it up 
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 11:33

sorry messed that quote up mathew
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Chris Sat 15 Jun - 11:38

Loopdaloop wrote:Why are people here getting distracted by what the 'journalists' have written? 
Ignore all the crap that they always write around the outside because they are scared of being sued and look at the content. 

This is actually a positive development! A "full scale Scotland yard investigation" is missing the key word that is used whenever those five words are normally used together. 'CRIMINAL'. Logically, this must mean they have 'people of interest' who are British and accessible. Furthermore, as it is reported that Scotland Yard has taken over from the 'Portugese', that means they now have been authorised to use their powers to press charges! 

they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342030/Scotland-Yard-takes-inquiry-Maddies-disappearance-Portuguese-police-fail-make-breakthrough-years.html#ixzz2WHOeluE3 

How many British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine's disappearance can you name?

They must also be concrete suspects and tangible to the police as they can't get authorisation for further funding on the basis of the psychics and conman that the Mccann's were utilising.

The bit in bold is not true. Only very limited offences committed abroad by UK nationals are triable in England and Wales. Excluding the unlikely offences of fraud, terrorism etc it would only leave sex offences against a child or murder/manslaughter. The Mail's sweeping statement is BS.
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  cass Sat 15 Jun - 11:41

wonder what portugal are thinking about this hitting our uk news --bbc online ? wonder if a statement will be made - until then i think its a load of bullshit
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  matthew Sat 15 Jun - 11:55

The Blacksmith Bureau

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Now we're talking…

"Under the plan, Yard detectives will seek the assistance of the Portuguese to carry out some inquiries on their behalf. British police do not have jurisdiction in Portugal but they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance."
As Goncalo Amaral has  said repeatedly, the original investigation was "incomplete". The Attorney-General's department in the archiving summary detailed the ways in which it was incomplete. The common factor was that  the British persons of interest  were beyond reach. If the review, which we remind readers is a joint review, had led to the re-opening of the case in  Portugal then the authorities there would be faced with exactly the same problem that they had then: no way of forcing those people back and  insufficient evidence to seek European arrest warrants. That will not be the case if the Yard take over the inquiry. The only "persons of interest" to the investigation are the holiday group: the others are now dead.
Forget the forthcoming rumours  that the Portuguese will be upset by the decision – that is a Scotland Yard steer and untrue. The fact is that the two countries have finally found a way to cut the Gordian knot. Everyone who wants the truth to come out, such as the parents of the child and their supporters, will welcome the news. Hooray!

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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  almostgothic Sat 15 Jun - 12:09

British funding -> British investigation ...
This tells me that (a) Mrs May and (b) the Brit cops already know full well that they are pursuing British criminals.

Expensive extradition lawyers?
Utterly useless and irrelevant with this game changer.

The Tapas Nine's notorious modus operandi of obfuscation/non-cooperation?
Good luck with that one, suckers ...
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  comperedna Sat 15 Jun - 12:27

So many twists and turns in this case... but they must be getting somewhere if yet more money is going in. The Portuguese blaming still goes on in the press, but why should we believe anything written along those lines... Hmm... It does look as if co-operation has led to a way of working that allows the Met to carry on in Portugal legally. By putting cash up front they seem to have sorted out the politics. Agree the case was shelved because the Portuguese could not get at the information they needed.  GA said as much. Possibly now the Met can, on both their behalfs.
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  weissnicht Sat 15 Jun - 12:34

SY questioning tapas 9... I believe it when I see it.
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Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry Empty Re: Scotland Yard takes over the enquiry

Post  Loopdaloop Sat 15 Jun - 12:40

Chris wrote:
Loopdaloop wrote:Why are people here getting distracted by what the 'journalists' have written? 
Ignore all the crap that they always write around the outside because they are scared of being sued and look at the content. 

This is actually a positive development! A "full scale Scotland yard investigation" is missing the key word that is used whenever those five words are normally used together. 'CRIMINAL'. Logically, this must mean they have 'people of interest' who are British and accessible. Furthermore, as it is reported that Scotland Yard has taken over from the 'Portugese', that means they now have been authorised to use their powers to press charges! 

they have the right to investigate and prosecute any British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine’s disappearance.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342030/Scotland-Yard-takes-inquiry-Maddies-disappearance-Portuguese-police-fail-make-breakthrough-years.html#ixzz2WHOeluE3 

How many British suspects who might be linked to Madeleine's disappearance can you name?

They must also be concrete suspects and tangible to the police as they can't get authorisation for further funding on the basis of the psychics and conman that the Mccann's were utilising.

The bit in bold is not true. Only very limited offences committed abroad by UK nationals are triable in England and Wales. Excluding the unlikely offences of fraud, terrorism etc it would only leave sex offences against a child or murder/manslaughter. The Mail's sweeping statement is BS.

One might argue, that they are correct in this particular incidence and that SY feel that this could possibly be sex offences against a child (Gaspar statement RE: David Payne + Yvonne Martin's 'recognition' of DP) or even manslaughter, based upon the drugging of a child and it injuring itself and falling on the floor. [though it could also be sex offences against a child if the mythical pedo took her :wheres the roll eyes smiley]

I would also say to you that 'fraud' in this instance is not 'unlikely' considering the deception that has been played out to damage another individual (Amaral, Bennett, Pat Brown) as well as a deception that has created vast personal gain (the fund). If the Mccann's ever faced charges, I'm sure fraud would be very much near the top of the list.


Last edited by Loopdaloop on Sat 15 Jun - 12:44; edited 1 time in total
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