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Murder of Joana Cipriano

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Susan Tue 28 Oct - 14:55

pm wrote:Caso Joana
Gonçalo Amaral diz que menina era violada pelo padrasto
O ex-inspector da Policia Judiciária afirma terem encontrado vestígios de sangue e de sémen nas cuecas de Joana. Gonçalo Amaral garante que os fluidos pertenciam à menina e a Leandro

Inconformado com o facto de o padrasto de Joana não ter ser pronunciado por envolvimento na morte da menina, Gonçalo Amaral continua a acusá-lo de a ter violado.

O ex-inspector, não conseguindo disfarçar a irritação, declarou ao jornal 24 horas que era «uma pena que o processo daquele senhor não tenha chegado a julgamento».

Apesar de haver «fortes suspeitas» de violação o Ministério Público acabou por arquivar o processo, depois de sugestão nesse sentido avançada pela Directoria de Faro da PJ.

De acordo com os elementos recolhidos pelos inspectores da Polícia Judiciária, foram encontrados vestígios biológicos que podiam ser de sémen e sangue na zona vaginal de umas cuecas.

Gonçalo Amaral garantiu ao jornal 24 horas que «o sangue era dela, o esperma era, com 90% de hipóteses de Leandro».

Leandro ainda chegou a ser constituído arguido, mas reclamou o direito de se recusar a doar sémen.

O ex-inspector lamenta que a verdade não tenha sido apurada e que não se tenha feito justiça.



Goncalo Amaral says that girl was raped by stepfather
The former inspector of the Judicial Police says they had found traces of blood and semen on the underwear of Joan. Goncalo Amaral ensures that the fluids belonged to the girl and Leandro

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Being dissatisfied with the fact that the stepfather of Joan has not be decided by involvement in the death of the girl, Gonçalo Amaral continues to accuse him of having violated.

The former inspector, unable to disguise the anger, told the newspaper that 24 hours was "a shame that the process that you have not come to trial.

Although there are "strong suspicion" of the violation prosecutors finally close the file, after suggestion to that effect made by the Directory of Faro PJ.

According to evidence gathered by inspectors of the Judicial Police, were found that could be biological traces of semen and blood in the vaginal area of some underpants.

Gonçalo Amaral said the newspaper 24 hours that the blood was hers, the sperm was, with 90% of potential Leandro.

Leandro also came to be made defendant, but claimed the right to refuse to donate sperm.

The former inspector regrets that the truth has not been established and it has not done justice.

How anyone can defend this bunch of sickos beggars belief!

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Tue 28 Oct - 14:59

Ambersuz wrote:
pm wrote:Caso Joana
Gonçalo Amaral diz que menina era violada pelo padrasto
O ex-inspector da Policia Judiciária afirma terem encontrado vestígios de sangue e de sémen nas cuecas de Joana. Gonçalo Amaral garante que os fluidos pertenciam à menina e a Leandro

Inconformado com o facto de o padrasto de Joana não ter ser pronunciado por envolvimento na morte da menina, Gonçalo Amaral continua a acusá-lo de a ter violado.

O ex-inspector, não conseguindo disfarçar a irritação, declarou ao jornal 24 horas que era «uma pena que o processo daquele senhor não tenha chegado a julgamento».

Apesar de haver «fortes suspeitas» de violação o Ministério Público acabou por arquivar o processo, depois de sugestão nesse sentido avançada pela Directoria de Faro da PJ.

De acordo com os elementos recolhidos pelos inspectores da Polícia Judiciária, foram encontrados vestígios biológicos que podiam ser de sémen e sangue na zona vaginal de umas cuecas.

Gonçalo Amaral garantiu ao jornal 24 horas que «o sangue era dela, o esperma era, com 90% de hipóteses de Leandro».

Leandro ainda chegou a ser constituído arguido, mas reclamou o direito de se recusar a doar sémen.

O ex-inspector lamenta que a verdade não tenha sido apurada e que não se tenha feito justiça.



Goncalo Amaral says that girl was raped by stepfather
The former inspector of the Judicial Police says they had found traces of blood and semen on the underwear of Joan. Goncalo Amaral ensures that the fluids belonged to the girl and Leandro

8 comments / 4328 visits
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Being dissatisfied with the fact that the stepfather of Joan has not be decided by involvement in the death of the girl, Gonçalo Amaral continues to accuse him of having violated.

The former inspector, unable to disguise the anger, told the newspaper that 24 hours was "a shame that the process that you have not come to trial.

Although there are "strong suspicion" of the violation prosecutors finally close the file, after suggestion to that effect made by the Directory of Faro PJ.

According to evidence gathered by inspectors of the Judicial Police, were found that could be biological traces of semen and blood in the vaginal area of some underpants.

Gonçalo Amaral said the newspaper 24 hours that the blood was hers, the sperm was, with 90% of potential Leandro.

Leandro also came to be made defendant, but claimed the right to refuse to donate sperm.

The former inspector regrets that the truth has not been established and it has not done justice.

How anyone can defend this bunch of sickos beggars belief!

How a system law can protect and not force someone suspect of rape to do the sperm test forgeting that the victim is the child!

this sentence that many PT citizens read this morning, create a petition here with now more then 1000 signatures, where we are demanding that this law must change soon.
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Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Cipriano versus PJ: Leonor Suffers from Memory Loss aka L.I.A.R.S. Syndrome

Post  pm Tue 28 Oct - 17:10


Voice Over Journalist: The first court session was defined by the silence of the arguidos and by the words of Leonor Cipriano, who has never talked during the process where she was arguida and ended up being convicted for the death of her daughter. The statements, of the now, plaintiff where however marked by contradictions. Leonor only talked about one day of aggressions that she wasn't able to locate in time, she presented several versions for the same alleged maltreatments, and attributed the crime to several Judiciary Police Inspectors but she never identified any of them. For the lawyer who represents her it is, in any case, only natural.

Marcos Aragão Correia, Leonor Cipriano's lawyer: See, this happened four years ago, it's only natural that people forget, of details, so, I don't see any contradiction in that. If this was atrial done in the moment, a little after of the facts having occurred, it was natural that she remembered. But, after more than four years , err.., ehh, it was expected that there were some memory failures.

VOJ: During the afternoon, the defense lawyers of the PJ inspectors were astonished with the fact that inside the process there are two versions of the same photograph, of the alleged aggression, one version was the one that served as basis for the forensic doctor report and the other one was taken to the process by the Public Ministry.

António Cabrita, Gonçalo Amaral Defense Lawyer: If she was just subject to one photographic session and then appeared similar photographs with, err, different types of aggressions, we have to make the possible conclusion of that fact.

VOJ: The pictures, were taken, according to Leonor, by an employee of the Odemira penitentiary, after the alleged aggressions. At the end of this first court session, the representant of the Layers Order said that he has seen better and worst trials, but insists that the closure of this process can have consequences in the case Joana, that convicted Leonor for the death of her daughter.

By Joana Morais
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Age : 52
Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Susan Tue 28 Oct - 18:13

If the silly lying cow doesnt remember then whats she doing back in court? Surely her new McCann paid lawyer must have had access to her files and in those would be the last attempts of the same acusations!

Couldnt he have told her what she said back then before she got into court and made an utter fool of herself?

What sort of cowboy is that lawyer anyway?

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 7:07

What will happen to her if this is thrown out of court?

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 7:43

Ambersuz wrote:Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324 She's going to stay in prison for a long long time!!!

And I hope the prisoners beat her!

wouldnt she be in solitary. Child killers and paedophiles usually are.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 7:52

MsTaken wrote:What will happen to her if this is thrown out of court?

Hopefully she'll go back to prison with a hefty fine Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 849426

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty PJ forgets about rape to save 10 thousand euros - Correio da Manhã

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 9:32

Joana Case: Analyses in the USA could explain semen in little girl’s underpants

The Polícia Judiciária abdicated from proving that Leandro raped little Joana, before the 8-year-old stepdaughter disappeared from the village of Figueira in 2004. In order to “save 10 thousand euros” in tests in the United States, CM was told by Gonçalo Amaral, former coordinator of the PJ in Portimão.

Leandro refused to give sperm for analysis. The DNA tests that were made from saliva that was collected from the suspect pointed towards the residues that had been found in the girl’s underpants being semen from her stepfather – but in order to obtain evidence that would sustain an accusation, it would have been necessary for the PJ to request new DNA markers from a laboratory in the USA.

That was an indication from the Institute for Forensics Medicine that “wasn’t followed by the PJ”, according to Amaral, a situation that he finds “strange and hilarious”. The PJ refused to spend approximately “10 thousand euros” on the tests.

This process appeared following the investigation into the disappearance of the little girl from Figueira and was archived by the Public Ministry in June last year – when Amaral had already been removed from the case.

The PJ’s final report suggested the archiving “because even if it is proved that the sperm comes from the suspect he can allege that he wiped his penis with the child’s underpants”. As a matter of fact, that was how Leandro justified himself to CM yesterday: “When Joana wasn’t home, we used to go into her room to do those things. And I have no idea where Leonor cleaned herself up.”

A senior official from the PJ states that “it wasn’t possible to establish whether or not the residues belonged to the suspect because there were contamination problems” and because it was a complex type of DNA.

Amaral connects Aragão with the McCanns’ detectives

“A community of psychopaths.” That is how the former PJ coordinator, Gonçalo Amaral, classifies Leonor Cipriano and her lawyer Aragão Correia, while reacting to the direct accusations that had been made by the defense lawyer at the Court in Faro on Monday.

“That gentleman is not defending Leonor’s interests, but rather those of other persons that are unrelated to this process. He’s on someone’s orders”, Amaral accuses. At the same time he alerts towards the fact that the lawyer has “a strong connection to Método 3”, the detective agency that was paid by the McCann couple to investigate the disappearance of Maddie. Aragão Correia revealed that he knew that the British police had carried out a private investigation on Amaral and even spoke to Leandro. At the time, he was informed that the policeman would be removed from the Maddie case – one week before the fact was made public. Amaral says that “it wasn’t the police, it was Método 3”.

Defense already has key witness for today

This morning, right after 9.30 a.m., the defense team for the five PJ inspectors that stand accused of torture over Leonor Cipriano is preparing to present a “key witness” to the Court of Faro which may be “decisive to clear” the policemen, CM was able to establish. This testimony has been kept secret by the defense due to a matter of strategy, and only this morning will it be appended to the process and known by the Public Ministry and the assistant lawyers – Aragão Correia, the defense lawyer for Joana’s mother, and Rodrigo Santiago, who represents the Lawyers’ Order. The numerous contradictions by Leonor concerning the circumstances under which she was assaulted by the PJ “are evident”, according to a source close to the defense, and will now be explored.


Genetic disease – The residues coincided with Leandro’s DNA in approximately 90 percent. A genetic disease that is characteristic to persons of African origin was detected. Leandro is an African.

Children with relatives – The Commission for the Protection of Endangered Children of Portimão told CM that Leonor’s two children are “with relatives”.

Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral.

source: Correio da Manhã, 29.10.2008
By Astro
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Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 9:59

"Where is the body Mr leandro? you Know very well where is the body!! No body doesn't mean no crime. In the story of crimes there is several situations that the body was never recovered or was found several years later just by accident. In uk the police knows very well this type of crimes. Normally the children are harmed by closed ones, family or close friends. whatever happen to joana is your fault and leonor fault. What wonder us now is, why are you and mr. aragao helping the Mccann's now? what they promise you and how much monney are both getting from madeleine's fund. ThAt connection deserves a deap and serious investigation by the poruguese, the british and peraphs,the spanish authorities. Maybe mccann's case will be reopen now and the truth about madeleine will show up.Nobody believes on the abduction."
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Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 11:07

"Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral."

Wow... Gerry said something very similar didn't he?

I feel sorry for the PJ. I can't see how they're going to get justice if Meturdo 3 are linked to this.

If they don't get justice then it will help strengthen the McCann's case as they can villify the PJ even more.

It makes you wonder if the McCanns researched Joana's case to use it as a background for their own.

So many similiarities. What's going on is very shocking.
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Number of posts : 4300
Age : 52
Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty A Canard's Recipe: A Deliberately Misleading Fabrication

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 12:29

After the intriguing explanation offered by Expresso: 'Was it the PJ who left Leonor like this?'
On the 18th of October, Leonor Cipriano was observed by Irene Posalaky, a doctor at Odemira Prison, for whom “the lesions that were observed could not result from a fall of the stairs, because they are never symmetrical (like the ones that the prisoner had) or nice and round”. - we have decided to tell you how to make your very own fabricated Canard Recipe*: Mix some PJ inspectors of your choice, add a false statement deliberately, pervert the truth - just a twist, and add a gusto of devious influence for that final zestiest touch.

A possible conversation between two PJ inspectors:

1st PJ inspector - Look at her face, see the left. Much less bruised than the right…

2nd PJ inspector - Let me see… yeah, you’re right.


2nd PJ inspector - Better?

1st PJ inspector - Nope.

(Whack, whack, whack)

2nd PJ inspector - And now?

1st PJ inspector - Now see what you did. Now is the left that is more bruised.

2nd PJ inspector - Sorry.


1st PJ inspector - Be careful man, its becoming oval! We want round! Round do you understand?!? You think you’re in art school?!?

2nd PJ inspector - She moved, man… it’s not fair! If she moves I cannot make perfect circles!!!

1st PJ inspector - Mrs. Cipriano, please do stand still. I know it’s uncomfortable for you, but my colleague here is also hurting his fists. Please do understand that. The more you move the longer we take to this, and the later we all go home. Ok? Thank you.


2nd PJ inspector - And now? Jeez, I don’t know whose bright idea it was to do this with a plastic bag over her head…

1st PJ inspector - Yes. It REALLY does difficult our job. Ok, we got the “symmetrical” and the “round” part done, but what the hell does “nice” mean?!?

A Saturos Art Team work : PJ's parody Text by Textusa, Introduction by Xklamation and Illustrative Satirical Design by Himself.

* Canard, French for Duck. Noun: Canard - a deliberately misleading fabrication; an unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.

By Joana Morais
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Number of posts : 4300
Age : 52
Location : Cave of the MOUNTAIN OF THE 3RD WORLD - PORTUGAL - St Gerald i am sending your goats to you again
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Registration date : 2008-07-21

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Susan Wed 29 Oct - 13:37

pm wrote:"Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral."

Wow... Gerry said something very similar didn't he?

I feel sorry for the PJ. I can't see how they're going to get justice if Meturdo 3 are linked to this.

If they don't get justice then it will help strengthen the McCann's case as they can villify the PJ even more.

It makes you wonder if the McCanns researched Joana's case to use it as a background for their own.

So many similiarities. What's going on is very shocking.

I wonder if CM will have the balls to turn up in court? Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324

Number of posts : 11477
Age : 64
Location : Spain. The place where children are welcome in tapas bars
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Registration date : 2008-07-21


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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 13:53

Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324 Thats brilliant.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 13:57

pm wrote:"Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral."

Wow... Gerry said something very similar didn't he?

I feel sorry for the PJ. I can't see how they're going to get justice if Meturdo 3 are linked to this.

If they don't get justice then it will help strengthen the McCann's case as they can villify the PJ even more.

It makes you wonder if the McCanns researched Joana's case to use it as a background for their own.

So many similiarities. What's going on is very shocking.

I am 99% sure they did research joanas case just to put down Amaral.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 14:43

:Super: :risas:

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 14:55

pm wrote:Joana Case: Analyses in the USA could explain semen in little girl’s underpants

The Polícia Judiciária abdicated from proving that Leandro raped little Joana, before the 8-year-old stepdaughter disappeared from the village of Figueira in 2004. In order to “save 10 thousand euros” in tests in the United States, CM was told by Gonçalo Amaral, former coordinator of the PJ in Portimão.

Leandro refused to give sperm for analysis. The DNA tests that were made from saliva that was collected from the suspect pointed towards the residues that had been found in the girl’s underpants being semen from her stepfather – but in order to obtain evidence that would sustain an accusation, it would have been necessary for the PJ to request new DNA markers from a laboratory in the USA.

That was an indication from the Institute for Forensics Medicine that “wasn’t followed by the PJ”, according to Amaral, a situation that he finds “strange and hilarious”. The PJ refused to spend approximately “10 thousand euros” on the tests.

This process appeared following the investigation into the disappearance of the little girl from Figueira and was archived by the Public Ministry in June last year – when Amaral had already been removed from the case.

The PJ’s final report suggested the archiving “because even if it is proved that the sperm comes from the suspect he can allege that he wiped his penis with the child’s underpants”. As a matter of fact, that was how Leandro justified himself to CM yesterday: “When Joana wasn’t home, we used to go into her room to do those things. And I have no idea where Leonor cleaned herself up.”

A senior official from the PJ states that “it wasn’t possible to establish whether or not the residues belonged to the suspect because there were contamination problems” and because it was a complex type of DNA.

Amaral connects Aragão with the McCanns’ detectives

“A community of psychopaths.” That is how the former PJ coordinator, Gonçalo Amaral, classifies Leonor Cipriano and her lawyer Aragão Correia, while reacting to the direct accusations that had been made by the defense lawyer at the Court in Faro on Monday.

“That gentleman is not defending Leonor’s interests, but rather those of other persons that are unrelated to this process. He’s on someone’s orders”, Amaral accuses. At the same time he alerts towards the fact that the lawyer has “a strong connection to Método 3”, the detective agency that was paid by the McCann couple to investigate the disappearance of Maddie. Aragão Correia revealed that he knew that the British police had carried out a private investigation on Amaral and even spoke to Leandro. At the time, he was informed that the policeman would be removed from the Maddie case – one week before the fact was made public. Amaral says that “it wasn’t the police, it was Método 3”.

Defense already has key witness for today

This morning, right after 9.30 a.m., the defense team for the five PJ inspectors that stand accused of torture over Leonor Cipriano is preparing to present a “key witness” to the Court of Faro which may be “decisive to clear” the policemen, CM was able to establish. This testimony has been kept secret by the defense due to a matter of strategy, and only this morning will it be appended to the process and known by the Public Ministry and the assistant lawyers – Aragão Correia, the defense lawyer for Joana’s mother, and Rodrigo Santiago, who represents the Lawyers’ Order. The numerous contradictions by Leonor concerning the circumstances under which she was assaulted by the PJ “are evident”, according to a source close to the defense, and will now be explored.


Genetic disease – The residues coincided with Leandro’s DNA in approximately 90 percent. A genetic disease that is characteristic to persons of African origin was detected. Leandro is an African.

Children with relatives – The Commission for the Protection of Endangered Children of Portimão told CM that Leonor’s two children are “with relatives”.

Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral.

source: Correio da Manhã, 29.10.2008
By Astro

The man is a paedophile and these tests should have been done no matter how much it cost and he should have already been in prison now.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 14:57

pm wrote:
Ambersuz wrote:
pm wrote:Caso Joana
Gonçalo Amaral diz que menina era violada pelo padrasto
O ex-inspector da Policia Judiciária afirma terem encontrado vestígios de sangue e de sémen nas cuecas de Joana. Gonçalo Amaral garante que os fluidos pertenciam à menina e a Leandro

Inconformado com o facto de o padrasto de Joana não ter ser pronunciado por envolvimento na morte da menina, Gonçalo Amaral continua a acusá-lo de a ter violado.

O ex-inspector, não conseguindo disfarçar a irritação, declarou ao jornal 24 horas que era «uma pena que o processo daquele senhor não tenha chegado a julgamento».

Apesar de haver «fortes suspeitas» de violação o Ministério Público acabou por arquivar o processo, depois de sugestão nesse sentido avançada pela Directoria de Faro da PJ.

De acordo com os elementos recolhidos pelos inspectores da Polícia Judiciária, foram encontrados vestígios biológicos que podiam ser de sémen e sangue na zona vaginal de umas cuecas.

Gonçalo Amaral garantiu ao jornal 24 horas que «o sangue era dela, o esperma era, com 90% de hipóteses de Leandro».

Leandro ainda chegou a ser constituído arguido, mas reclamou o direito de se recusar a doar sémen.

O ex-inspector lamenta que a verdade não tenha sido apurada e que não se tenha feito justiça.



Goncalo Amaral says that girl was raped by stepfather
The former inspector of the Judicial Police says they had found traces of blood and semen on the underwear of Joan. Goncalo Amaral ensures that the fluids belonged to the girl and Leandro

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Being dissatisfied with the fact that the stepfather of Joan has not be decided by involvement in the death of the girl, Gonçalo Amaral continues to accuse him of having violated.

The former inspector, unable to disguise the anger, told the newspaper that 24 hours was "a shame that the process that you have not come to trial.

Although there are "strong suspicion" of the violation prosecutors finally close the file, after suggestion to that effect made by the Directory of Faro PJ.

According to evidence gathered by inspectors of the Judicial Police, were found that could be biological traces of semen and blood in the vaginal area of some underpants.

Gonçalo Amaral said the newspaper 24 hours that the blood was hers, the sperm was, with 90% of potential Leandro.

Leandro also came to be made defendant, but claimed the right to refuse to donate sperm.

The former inspector regrets that the truth has not been established and it has not done justice.

How anyone can defend this bunch of sickos beggars belief!

How a system law can protect and not force someone suspect of rape to do the sperm test forgeting that the victim is the child!

this sentence that many PT citizens read this morning, create a petition here with now more then 1000 signatures, where we are demanding that this law must change soon.

Can the general public sign the petition too?

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 15:08

Coconut wrote:
pm wrote:
Ambersuz wrote:
pm wrote:Caso Joana
Gonçalo Amaral diz que menina era violada pelo padrasto
O ex-inspector da Policia Judiciária afirma terem encontrado vestígios de sangue e de sémen nas cuecas de Joana. Gonçalo Amaral garante que os fluidos pertenciam à menina e a Leandro

Inconformado com o facto de o padrasto de Joana não ter ser pronunciado por envolvimento na morte da menina, Gonçalo Amaral continua a acusá-lo de a ter violado.

O ex-inspector, não conseguindo disfarçar a irritação, declarou ao jornal 24 horas que era «uma pena que o processo daquele senhor não tenha chegado a julgamento».

Apesar de haver «fortes suspeitas» de violação o Ministério Público acabou por arquivar o processo, depois de sugestão nesse sentido avançada pela Directoria de Faro da PJ.

De acordo com os elementos recolhidos pelos inspectores da Polícia Judiciária, foram encontrados vestígios biológicos que podiam ser de sémen e sangue na zona vaginal de umas cuecas.

Gonçalo Amaral garantiu ao jornal 24 horas que «o sangue era dela, o esperma era, com 90% de hipóteses de Leandro».

Leandro ainda chegou a ser constituído arguido, mas reclamou o direito de se recusar a doar sémen.

O ex-inspector lamenta que a verdade não tenha sido apurada e que não se tenha feito justiça.



Goncalo Amaral says that girl was raped by stepfather
The former inspector of the Judicial Police says they had found traces of blood and semen on the underwear of Joan. Goncalo Amaral ensures that the fluids belonged to the girl and Leandro

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Being dissatisfied with the fact that the stepfather of Joan has not be decided by involvement in the death of the girl, Gonçalo Amaral continues to accuse him of having violated.

The former inspector, unable to disguise the anger, told the newspaper that 24 hours was "a shame that the process that you have not come to trial.

Although there are "strong suspicion" of the violation prosecutors finally close the file, after suggestion to that effect made by the Directory of Faro PJ.

According to evidence gathered by inspectors of the Judicial Police, were found that could be biological traces of semen and blood in the vaginal area of some underpants.

Gonçalo Amaral said the newspaper 24 hours that the blood was hers, the sperm was, with 90% of potential Leandro.

Leandro also came to be made defendant, but claimed the right to refuse to donate sperm.

The former inspector regrets that the truth has not been established and it has not done justice.

How anyone can defend this bunch of sickos beggars belief!

How a system law can protect and not force someone suspect of rape to do the sperm test forgeting that the victim is the child!

this sentence that many PT citizens read this morning, create a petition here with now more then 1000 signatures, where we are demanding that this law must change soon.

Can the general public sign the petition too?

the only rule is to be Portuguese as you have to sign and give your identify card number
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 15:14

Coconut wrote:
pm wrote:Joana Case: Analyses in the USA could explain semen in little girl’s underpants

The Polícia Judiciária abdicated from proving that Leandro raped little Joana, before the 8-year-old stepdaughter disappeared from the village of Figueira in 2004. In order to “save 10 thousand euros” in tests in the United States, CM was told by Gonçalo Amaral, former coordinator of the PJ in Portimão.

Leandro refused to give sperm for analysis. The DNA tests that were made from saliva that was collected from the suspect pointed towards the residues that had been found in the girl’s underpants being semen from her stepfather – but in order to obtain evidence that would sustain an accusation, it would have been necessary for the PJ to request new DNA markers from a laboratory in the USA.

That was an indication from the Institute for Forensics Medicine that “wasn’t followed by the PJ”, according to Amaral, a situation that he finds “strange and hilarious”. The PJ refused to spend approximately “10 thousand euros” on the tests.

This process appeared following the investigation into the disappearance of the little girl from Figueira and was archived by the Public Ministry in June last year – when Amaral had already been removed from the case.

The PJ’s final report suggested the archiving “because even if it is proved that the sperm comes from the suspect he can allege that he wiped his penis with the child’s underpants”. As a matter of fact, that was how Leandro justified himself to CM yesterday: “When Joana wasn’t home, we used to go into her room to do those things. And I have no idea where Leonor cleaned herself up.”

A senior official from the PJ states that “it wasn’t possible to establish whether or not the residues belonged to the suspect because there were contamination problems” and because it was a complex type of DNA.

Amaral connects Aragão with the McCanns’ detectives

“A community of psychopaths.” That is how the former PJ coordinator, Gonçalo Amaral, classifies Leonor Cipriano and her lawyer Aragão Correia, while reacting to the direct accusations that had been made by the defense lawyer at the Court in Faro on Monday.

“That gentleman is not defending Leonor’s interests, but rather those of other persons that are unrelated to this process. He’s on someone’s orders”, Amaral accuses. At the same time he alerts towards the fact that the lawyer has “a strong connection to Método 3”, the detective agency that was paid by the McCann couple to investigate the disappearance of Maddie. Aragão Correia revealed that he knew that the British police had carried out a private investigation on Amaral and even spoke to Leandro. At the time, he was informed that the policeman would be removed from the Maddie case – one week before the fact was made public. Amaral says that “it wasn’t the police, it was Método 3”.

Defense already has key witness for today

This morning, right after 9.30 a.m., the defense team for the five PJ inspectors that stand accused of torture over Leonor Cipriano is preparing to present a “key witness” to the Court of Faro which may be “decisive to clear” the policemen, CM was able to establish. This testimony has been kept secret by the defense due to a matter of strategy, and only this morning will it be appended to the process and known by the Public Ministry and the assistant lawyers – Aragão Correia, the defense lawyer for Joana’s mother, and Rodrigo Santiago, who represents the Lawyers’ Order. The numerous contradictions by Leonor concerning the circumstances under which she was assaulted by the PJ “are evident”, according to a source close to the defense, and will now be explored.


Genetic disease – The residues coincided with Leandro’s DNA in approximately 90 percent. A genetic disease that is characteristic to persons of African origin was detected. Leandro is an African.

Children with relatives – The Commission for the Protection of Endangered Children of Portimão told CM that Leonor’s two children are “with relatives”.

Challenge to Amaral – “He has no evidence. Where’s the body?”, Leandro asks, challenging Gonçalo Amaral.

source: Correio da Manhã, 29.10.2008
By Astro

The man is a paedophile and these tests should have been done no matter how much it cost and he should have already been in prison now.

Cocunut I would have give myselfe the money to see some justicy made to Joana! i had pay from my pocket the tests!

And i am sure others PT agree with me
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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  pm Wed 29 Oct - 15:19

Dogwood wrote:Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324 Thats brilliant.

you must see the photo that the original article has. Is great!

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Wed 29 Oct - 15:40

Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324 Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324 hysterical Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Beowulf is in court

Post  Guest Thu 30 Oct - 6:19

Hello... from Portugal this time :)
Got here last Sunday morning, the weather was not too bad, but it’s getting cold and it has been raining. Can't complain because last night there was some snow fall and few centimetres accumulation in Toronto, and temperatures have dropped a bit.
Since I got here saw a little of the TV news about the Cipriano case in court and the major feeling is that there is a big machine trying to drag Amaral into the mud.
First day Leonor Cipriano said that after all Amaral was not in the room where she was being tortured, she just recognized him for seeing him a few times in the hall ways at the PJ building, and he was not in the room where she has been tortured. Then there was Aragao Correia trying to spin that for the TV cameras, saying that is normal to forget certain details after 4 years. I believe he has been learning with Clarence Mitchel, and the way he talked and his face expression, he looked totally like a joke. Is he really a lawyer? I`ve seen people with just the 4rd school grade making a better appearance on TV, but people lying and hiding truth often get nervous like he looked.
Today looks like Leonor Cipriano revived some memories. She said that after seeing Amaral on TV she remembers now that he was on the torture room. No comments here... I believe the judge will make a fair decision.
Looks like the further this goes, its starts bringing Madeleine story together with it. And the sensation is that there’s a lot of forces joined together to bring Amaral down in benefit for the criminals in both cases, but many lies are being hard to prove, and Amaral will be standing for truth.
One thing I’m certain, I definitely wouldn’t like to be on Aragao Correia’s skin. This guy is going to get what he deserves for sure, if he`s really doing everything without honesty.
I’ve been very busy here to follow the news, but I hope our Portuguese friends will keep us here updated with the fresh news.

In the next few days I’ll be performing some remote work on the datacenter where this forum server is located and there’s a big probability that during the DNS changes the forum will go down for a couple hours. So, please keep it cool, I’ll try to make it the shortest as possible.

Anybody up for a glass of green white wine? :D

C Yah!


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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Thu 30 Oct - 6:27

This connection with the McCann case is new to me. First I heard was about the Metodo 3 connection yesterday, but if this is true it is indeed pretty sinister and could account for the political interference.

Things are looking very dirty indeed.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Thu 30 Oct - 6:31

justagrannynow wrote:This connection with the McCann case is new to me. First I heard was about the Metodo 3 connection yesterday, but if this is true it is indeed pretty sinister and could account for the political interference.

Things are looking very dirty indeed.

That lawyer representing Cipriano was the one who said he had recieved a message from someone in the underworld that Madeleine was raped and then dumped in the dam.

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Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 Empty Re: Murder of Joana Cipriano

Post  Guest Thu 30 Oct - 6:42

MsTaken wrote:
justagrannynow wrote:This connection with the McCann case is new to me. First I heard was about the Metodo 3 connection yesterday, but if this is true it is indeed pretty sinister and could account for the political interference.

Things are looking very dirty indeed.

That lawyer representing Cipriano was the one who said he had recieved a message from someone in the underworld that Madeleine was raped and then dumped in the dam.

There's no way thats a coincidence either Murder of Joana Cipriano - Page 3 23324

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